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Module 1 Wonders of the world一、 核心短语1. 超过,多于 more than2. 加入 join in3. 自然奇观 natural wonder4. 同意,一致 agree with5. 在东海岸 on the eastern coast of6. 米宽 meters wide7. 米高 meters high8. 按某人的意见,据某人看来 in ones opinion9. 数以百万的 millions of10. 对感兴趣 be interested in11. 从内出来/离开 get out of12. 穿过 go through13. 沿着走 walk along14. 检查 look over15. 突然向下倾斜 fall away16. 在的顶端 on top of17. 在的底部 at the bottom of18. 远离 be far away19. 多深 how deep20. 多宽 how wide21. 多长 how long22. 看起来像 look like23. 因而著名 be famous for24. 在北部 in the north of25. 已经去了 have/has gone to26. 曾经到过 have/has been to27. 做过一次采访 do an interview28. 在的末端,在的结尾 at the end of29. 到达 arrive at/in30. 害怕 be afraid of31. 有点儿紧张 a little nervous32. 等待,等候 wait for33. 各种各样的,各式各样的 all kinds of34. 期望;盼望 look forward to35. 数以千计的 thousands of36. 太而不能 tooto.37. 写下,记下 write down 关键句子1. Lets call Wonders of the World and join in the discussion. (让我们给世界奇观节目打电话,加入讨论吧!)2. Ive never seen it, so Im not sure I agree with you.(我从未见过,因此我不能确定是否同意你的观点)3. When I arrived,it was early morning and it was raining.(当我倒的时候已经是清晨了,而且天正在下雨。)4. I looked over them, but it was silent and there was no sign of it. ( 我朝那片岩石望过去,但是一片寂静,还是看不见它。)Module 2 Public holidays二、 核心短语1. 一就 as soon as2. 国旗 national flags3. 三天的假期 a three-day holiday4. 请一天假 have one day off5. 去度假 take a vacation6. 某段时间,一段时间 some time7. 去野餐 have a picnic8. 玩的开心,过得快活 have fun9. 聚会,团聚 get together10. 喝茶 drink tea11. 摆放餐具 lay the table12. 过分,过多 too much13. 也,还有 as well14. 很多,大量的 plenty of15. 玩得开心,感到愉快 enjoy oneself16. 玩游戏 play games17. 听音乐 listen to music18. 取得进步 make progress19. 太多,过多 too many20. 回来,找回 get back21. 考虑 think about22. 制定计划 make a plan23. 醒来 wake up24. 入睡 fall asleep25. 依靠,依赖 depend on26. 的结尾; the end of27. 的开始 the beginning of28. 除去,除此之外 apart from29. 同时 at the same time30. 呆在家里 stay at home31. 例如,譬如 for example32. 发表演说 make speeches33. 花在上 spend on34. 感恩 give thanks for三、 关键句型1. My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins.(假期一开始,我们一家总会去某个好玩的地方。)2. The Peoples Republic of China was founded on 1st October 1949.(中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日。)3. but we only have one day off.(但我们只放一天假)4. People make short speeched and give thanks for their food.(人们作简短的致辞,为食物而感恩。)5. The local people, the Native Americas, taught the pioneers how to grow crop(当地人,也就是美洲印第安人,教这些拓荒者如何种植玉米。)Module 3 Heroes四、 核心短语35. 打乒乓球 play table tennis36. 金牌 gold medals37. 停止做某事 stop doing sth.38. 上大学 attend university39. 放弃 give up40. 坚强的意志 a strong will41. 既又;除之外(也)as well as42. 开始做某事 start doing/to do43. 不得不 have to44. 独立;肚子 on ones own45. 照顾,照看 take care of46. 以便,以致 so that47. 获得,了解 learn about48. 设法做成某事 manage to do49. 最后,终于 in the end50. 死于(疾病、过度悲伤等) die of51. 两者都 both and52. 脱掉,起飞 take off53. 世界各地,全世界 around the world54. 考虑 think about55. 自豪高兴 be proud of56. 出发 set off57. 因为;由于 because of58. 离开,脱身,逃掉 get away59. 在回家的路上 on ones way home60. 很多 face difficulties61. 向学习,从获得return to五、 关键句子1. Shes my hero because shes one of the best players in the world.(她是我的英雄因为她是世界上最好的选手之一。)2. Whatever she does, she never gives up.(她无论做什么,都不放弃)3. I think shes a good student as well as a good player.(我觉得她不仅是一位出色的运动员,而且还是一个好学生。)4. He wrote books so that they could learn about how he treated the sick(他书写,以便人们能够得知他治病的方法。)M4 Home alone一 核心词组1.照顾;照看 look after2.当心;小心 be care with3.确信;确保 make sure4.很多;大量的 plenty of 5.醒来 wake up6.如此以至于 so that7.建议某人做某事 advise sb to do sth. 8.将要,正打算;临到;即将;就要 be about to9.给某人某物 send sb. sth./send sth. to sb.10.两个;少数几个 a coupie of11.在会议上 at a meeting12.听其自然;让某人呆着 leave sb. alone13.有一点不开心 a bit unhappy14.(把)关掉 turn off15.实现,成真 come ture16.担心 be worried about17.出差 on business18.放学回家 get home from school19上交 hand in20. 帮助某人做某事 helpwith21. 整理,收拾 tidy up 22. 能,会;能够 be able to23. 计划 plan to24. 最后;终于 in the end25. 告辞,告别 say ggodbye to26. 很高兴 be pleased to27. 打扫 clean up28. 在周围 be around29. 为送行 seeof30. 飞往某地 fly to31. ,忙于做 be busy doing32. 准备好 get ready33. 用(某种武器)与(某人)交战;fight with 用(某种方式、手段)反对(某人) 34. 立刻;急切 be in a hurry35. 偶然地 be accident36. 以后;后来 later on37. 拿开;拿走 take away38. 擅长;精通 be good at39. 在危险中 in danger 40.指出;指明 point out二 关键句型1. I can look after myself , although it wont be easy for me.虽然对我来说并不容易,但我能照顾我自己。2.My clock rings so loudly that it can certainly wake me up.我的闹钟响得声音太大了,它肯定能叫醒我。3. As soon as I got home from school the first day ,I happily threw my schoolbag on the sofa and ate lots of snacks.第一天我从学校一回到家,就开心地把书包扔在沙发上并且吃了许多零食。4. Ive forgotten something,but I dont know what it is!我忘记了某样东西,但是不知道是忘记了什么!5. Your train is about to start.您的火车要开了。M5 Museums一 核心短语1. 违反规定 against the rules2. 遇上麻烦;处于困境 in trouble3. 难怪 no wonder4. 下楼 go downstairs5. (使)陷入困境 go into trouble 6. 保持安静 keep quiet7. 与不同;不同于 be different from8. 问题的答案 the answers to the questions9. 许多 lots of10. 物理实验 physics experiments11. 用装满 fillwith12. 搬进 move into 13. 把和比较 comparewith14. 挖煤 dig coal15. 创造能源 create energy16. 玩得开心 have a wonderful time 17. 几分钟 a rew minutes18. 允许某人做某事 allow sb. to do sth.19. 数千的 thousands of20. 制造噪音 make a noise 21. 旅游;去旅行 take a trip22. 穿上 put on23. 发高烧 have a high fever 24. 准时 on time 25. 需要 need to26. 在博物馆 at the museum27. 紧邻;在近旁 next to28. 在后部 at the back of29. 在一楼 on the ground floor30. 听 listen to31. 注意;留心 pay attention to32. 回来 come back 33. 顺便拜访 drop in二 关键句型1. No shouting!No smoking!请勿喧哗!请勿吸烟!2. Dont cross that rope!不要越过那条绳子!3. If you ever go to London ,make sure you visit the Science Museum.如果你去伦敦,一定要参观科学博物馆。4. There you can compare the speeds of different animals with your own.在哪里你可以将不同的动物的速度与你自己的速度进行比较。M6 Problems一 核心短语1. 去睡觉 go to bed 2. 花费做 spend doing3. 阻止做 stop(from)doing 4. 与做生意;和妥协 make a deal with 5. 演奏乐器 play musical instruments6. 弹吉他 play the guitar7. 考试不及格 fail an exam8. 做作业 do ones homework9. 养成的习惯 get into the habit of10. (用)代替;(是 instead of 而不是;(用)而不用11. 最终决定;最后一句话 last word12. 利于;对有好处 be good for13. 与一样 asas14. 做得好 do well in15. 说实话;说真话 tell the truth16. 造访 come round 17. 走错路,误入歧途;(机器等)发生故障go wrong18. 决定做某事 decide to do sth.19. 试用;试验 try out20. 起飞;(使)离开 take off 21. 不再 no longer22. 对(某人)生气 be angry with23. 把取回 get back24. 至少;无论如何 at least25. 付账;买单 pay the bill 26. 零用钱 pocket money27. 毕竟;究竟;归根结底 after all28. 主动提出做某事 offer to do sth29. 下次 next time30. 踢足球 play football31. 警告某人不要做某事 warn sb. not to do32. 错误地 by mistake33. (使)赶紧;赶快 hurry up34. 犯错误 make mistakes35. 储存起来;储蓄 save up36. 以为豪 be proud of 37. 帮助某人做某事 help sb.do sth38. 同情 be sorry for39. 在过去 in the past40. 能;会;能够 be able to 二 关键句型: 1. If I start after dinner, I will finish it before I go to bed.如果晚饭后我开始,我会在睡觉前把它做完。2. Tonys mum suggests that Tony should have guitar lessons.Tony的妈妈建议tony上吉他课。3. You should consider what the most important things is.你应该考虑一下最重要的是什么。4. The reason is that he thinks it will go wrong if I play games on it.原因是他认为我要是在电脑上玩游戏的话,电脑就会出毛病。5. Im not sure whether a computer engineer can get the documents back.我不确定电脑工程师是否可以将文件找回来。M7核心短语1.make a list 列清单 2.make sense 合情理;明智,有意义3.by the way 顺便地;附带说说 4.how about .怎么样5.in the nineteenth century 在19世纪 5.be well known as 作为而著名7.join in 加入 8.millions of 成千上万的;无数的9.be influenced by 被.影响;感化 10.write a review 写评论11.be set in 以为背景 12.for a time 一度13. be suppose to 应该;被期待 14.all over the world全世界15.be thought to 被认为 16.escape from 逃避;逃出17.look for 寻找 18. be full of 充满19.miss school 缺课 20.laugh at 嘲笑21.in return 作为报答;反过来 22.enjoy doing 喜欢做某事23.turn around 翻转过来 24.allow to do 允许做某事25.be included in 被包括在 26.for free 免费27.tell a story 讲故事 28.used to 过去时常29.so much information这么多的信息 30.a lot of rubbish 很多垃圾31.on the Internet 在网络上 32.be bad for 有害于33.need to 需要 34.be afraid of 害怕35.get lost 迷路 36.grow up 成长;长大37.in the middle of 在的中间 38.run away 逃跑;逃脱39.in the form of 用的形式 40.write down 写下,记下41.disagree with 不同意 42.pay for 支付关键句型1.We are still influenced by Confucious ideas.我们仍然受孔子思想的影响。2.But I think Id describe Confucious more as a teacher and think than a write.但是我更愿意把孔子描述为教师兼思想家,而非作家。3. He was important but I suppose he isnt as well known as Confucious and Shaespeare.他很重要,不过我认为他没有孔子和莎士比亚那么闻名。4.and it is thought to be ones of the greatest American stories. 人们认为这本书是最棒的美国小说之一。M8核心短语1.是的缩写,代表 stand for2.下个星期 next week3.违反,反对 be against4.一个重大的决定 a big decision5.在中午 at noon6.决不,不可能 no way7.比赛 play against8.面对事实 face the truth9.记得去做某事 remember to do sth.10.对愤怒 be mad at11.为喝彩;为鼓劲加油 cheer for12.没有机会 have got no chance13.起初,最初 at first14.鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb. to do sth.15.设立,创办 set up16.110米跨栏比赛 100m hurdles race17.同时 at the same time18.实际上 in fact19患某种病,受折磨 suffer from20.从那时起 from then on21.回到 return to22阻止做 stop from doing23.继续做某事 continue to do/doing24.以为傲 take pride in25许多,一些 a number of26.帮助某人做某事 help sb. do sth.27.终点线 the finishing line28.跌到,失败 fall down29.为做准备 prepare for30.建议某人做某事 advise sb to do sth.31.看起来像 look like32.停止做某事 stop doing33.参加参与活动 take part in34.首先 first of all35跳高 high jump关键句型1. Do you think theyll win, Lingling? - No way. (玲玲,你认为他们会赢吗? -不可能)2. He was invited to competitions around the world. (他被邀请参加世界各地的比赛)3. Its a pity that foot problem stopped him from completing the 2012 London Olympic Games(非常遗憾,脚伤问题使他不能完成2012年在伦敦举行的奥运会)4.If my memory is correct, HAS 98 points to BIG 52.(如果我没记错的话,比分海淀全星98分比北京国际巨人52分)M9核心短语1.think of 考虑;想起,有想法 2.put on 公布,张贴3.hear from 收到某人的来信 4.in the future 在将来5.getfrom 从获取 6.thousands of 数以千计的;大量的7.take good care of 好好照顾 8.have to 不得不;必须9.lend to 将借给 10.washing machine 洗衣机11.mobile phone 手机 12. by mail 通过邮件 13. on ones way to work 在去上班的路上 14.look through 浏览,快速阅读15.be made of 由制成(看得出原材料) 16.at a time 每次;一次17.by hand 用手 pare to 把比作19.seem to 似乎 20.turn on 打开(水龙头、电视)21.talk about 讨论,谈论 22.give a report 作报告23.on the hills 在山上 24.in the park 在公园25.keep away from (使)不接近;避开;远离 26.in the 1960s 20世纪60年代 27.send and receive messages 发送和接受信息 28.much more useful 有用得多29.start to dodoing 开始作某事 30.hundreds of 数百;许多31.allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 municatewith与.交流33.do research 做研究 34.so that 以便,结果35.instead of (用.)代替,(是)而不是 36.a lot 非常;很37.search for 搜索,搜寻 38.borrowfrom向借关键句型1.Theyll be put on the school website.它们将被公布在学校得网页上。 2.Every morning, my father buys a newspaper on his way to work.每天早上,在去上班得路上我爸爸买一份报纸。 3.As a result, there were not many books, and they were expensive. 因此,书籍数量又少,价格昂贵。 4.We can compare the invention of paper and printing to the introduction of the Internet in the Internet in the twentieth century. 我们可以将造纸术和印刷术得发明比作是20世纪因特网得运用。Module 10 Australia 六、 核心短语1. 因.而自豪 be famous for2. 说英语的国家 English-speaking country3. 要求某人做某事 ask sb. to do sth.4. 根据,按照 according to5. 当地人 the local people6. 像 be like7. 在离.的海上 lie off8. 写日记 keep a diary9. 把.从.刷掉brush.off10. 将.给.看 show.to11. 使.远离;使.不靠近 keep.away12. 此刻,现在 at the moment13. 在第一天 on the first day14. 对.感到惊讶 be surprised at15. 与.有密切关系 have a close relationship with16. 在许多方面 in many ways17. 在阳光下 in the sun18. 许多 lots of19. 在田地里 in the field20. 去骑马 go on a horse ride21. 与.相差很远;大大落后 far behind22. 由.所作成的 be made from23. 其他任何国家 any other country24. 水上运动 water sports25. 在海滩上 on the beach26. 度过一个美好的假期 have a wonderful holiday27. 迷路,迷失方向 get lost28. 在.中间 in the middle of29. 习惯于;适用于 be used to30. 野餐 have picnics31. 制作沙拉 make salads32. 尽力去做某事 try to do sth33. 担心 be worried about34. 使某人做某事 make sb.do sth.35. (使)向后移;搬回原来住的地方move back36. 赢得一枚金牌 win a gold medal37. 400米赛跑 the 400-metre race38. 相处,进展 get along39. 愿意;意欲 would like to 关键句子1、 我有一些去年在澳大利亚拍的照片I have some photos that I took in Australia last year.2、 我骑得马很懒。 The horse that/ which I rode was lazy.3、 这块岩石叫Ayers Rock,位于澳大利亚中部。 This is a rock called Ayers Rock, in central Australia.4、 这家餐馆叫梅尔之家。 This is a restaurant called Mels Home.5、 当地人认为这是一个特殊而神奇的地方。 According to the local people, its a special and magic places.6、 天气预报说,明天下雨。According to the weather forecast, it will be rainy tomorrow.7、 那就是他们为什么说英语的原因。Thats why they speak English.Module 11 Photos 一、核心词汇1、在右边on the right2、在左边on the left3、在后面at the back4、摄影比赛the photo competition5、在学校的舞会上at the school dance6、拍照take photos7、与.不同,不同于be different from8、放风筝fly kites9、第一次;首次for the first time10、有机会be in with a chance11、得分score a point12、甘于;乐于be happy to13、很高兴be happy with14、与.比较;与.相比compared with15、即使even though16、给予奖励give prizes to17、在一个有风的晚上on a windy evening18、保护.免受.protectfrom19、在音乐会at a concert19、设法manage to 20、一群(人、虫、兽等)a group of21、祝贺congratulations to 22、将.颁给.presentto23、顺便说一下by the way24、远离be far from25、试验try out26、一对,少数几个a couple of 27、擅长;精通be good at28、开始做某事begin to do29、全世界 all around the world30、想去做want to do31、一种a kind of 32、到.为止by the end of 33、改变方式change the way34、思考;考虑think about35、在那时at that time36、需要need to2、 关键句型1、 他是去年赢得摄影比赛的那个男孩He is the boy who won the photo competition.2、 当然啦! You bet!3、 你为什么不拍你家乡的照片呢? Why dont you play football with us this afternoon? =Why not play football with us this afternoon?4、 我肯定你有获胜的机会。 Im sure youre in with a chance.5、 尽管所有的照片都很出色,但是我只能遗憾的告诉大家我们不能给每个人都颁奖。 Even though all of the photos are excellent, we are sorry to say what we cant give prizes to everyone.M12 Save our world1、 核心词汇1. 例如;譬如such as2. 为.忧虑;担心be worried about3. 也,还有as well4. 这么多的石油so much oil5. 收集垃圾collect waste6. 节能save energy7. 骑自行车ride a bike8. (把.)关掉turn off9. 请求.;要求.ask for10. 处理do with11. 把.分成.divide into12. 扔掉;丢弃throwaway13. 对.有害处be harmful to14. 许多;很多tons of 15. 采取措施take steps16. 制定政策draw up a policy17. 在这么短的时间in such a short time18. 注意;留心pay attention to 19. 对.有好处be good for20. 离开某地区某地be off to 21. 尽力try ones best22. 保护环境protect the environment23. 不再notany more24. 例如for exa


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