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.Lesson 1. Ping-pong and Basketball教学目标:1 知识目标:能四会单词sport,ping-pong,badminton,basketball,soccer,T-shirt,shorts,runners;能灵活使用句子Whats your favourite sport? My favoutite sport is _./ I like _ best. What do you wear? I wear _ ,_ and_ to play _.2 能力目标:能运用所学的英语词汇和句式解决体育运动中所遇到的问题。3 情感目标:培养学生热爱运动的思想品质,提高对运动项目的认识。教学重、难点:要求四会的单词和要求掌握的句式。教具、学具准备:1 单词卡片,要求四会单词的实物,课后习题卡(每人一份)。2 录音机或课件。教学过程:Class Opening and Review1. Lets guess. If you want to make supper/take a bath/watch TV/read books/buy things/play ping-pong. Where do you go? I go to the kitchen/the bathroom/the livingroom/the library/the store/the gym. 有必要的话,拿出这些词的卡片,进行复习一下。(设计意图:这个环节的设置既复习了一些动词性词组,又引出了今天课文中提到的地点体育馆和商店。)2. 利用单词卡片Whats your favourite clothes? My favourite clothes is _.也可以直接提问学生:Today is warm/cool,what are you wearing?Whats your favourite clothes?(设计意图:这个环节的设置用来复习服装的词汇,同时复习Whats your favourite _?这个句式,用这些词汇和句式引出新的服装词汇和新句式。) New Concepts1 利用复习二中的句式引出Whats your favourite sport?学习单词sport,出示单词卡片,联系朗读,拼读。并让学生模仿回答My favourite sport is ping-pong/badminton.2 学生熟悉句式后,再利用实物和单词卡片学习单词 basketball,soccer.3 带入句式进行练习。可以是连接式练习,也可以小组练习。4 告诉学生回答这个问题还可以使用一个更简单的句式I like _ best.5 两人一组做问答练习。 6 让学生根据已有知识说出踢足球,打篮球都用play.(设计意图:利用已有知识引出新知识,减小教学的难度,同时可以放手让学生自己说出新句式,教师加以指导就可以了,通过练习巩固新知。)7 If you want to play basketball, what do you wear?学习服装词汇I wear shorts,T-shirt.并引出runners,出示单词卡片,拼读单词,并让学生练习用这些词说一个句子。8 两人一组练习这组句式。9 听录音两遍,注意any和some,either 和too的读音和用法。10.完成课后习题并两人一组自编对话。11.利用实物汇报演出。(设计意图:学习第二部分内容时,要把either 和too的用法提一下, any和some的用法留到第二课去解决。编对话的内容可根据完成习题的内容进行,并利用实物表演出来,运用于实际生活中。)Class ClossingActivity bookHomeworkDraw your favourite sport and write your favourite sport.板书设计:Lesson 1. Ping-pong and Basketball Whats your favourite sport?My favoutite sport is _.I like _ best.What do you wear?I wear _ ,_ and_ to play _.课后习题:一 填单词并连线:b_dm_nt_n 篮球 T-sh_ _t 运动鞋p_ng-p_ng 羽毛球 sh_ _ts T恤衫s_cc_ _ 乒乓球 r_nn_ _s 短裤b_sk_tb_ll 足球二 填空:1Whats your favourite sport?My favoutite sport is _.I like _ best.2What do you wear?I wear _ ,_ and_ to play _.课后反思: Lesson2. At the Sports shop教学目标:1.知识目标:能四会单词need,any,or;理解any,some的用法;能灵活使用句子We need some ping-pong balls. Do you have any balls? Do you like this T-shirt or that T-shirt? I like this one. Do you like these runners or those runners? I want these runners.2.能力目标:能利用所学的词汇和句子到商店买东西,提高综合语言运用能力,解决实际生活中的问题。3.情感目标:让学生学会独立买东西,学会看价钱和计算价格。教学重、难点:要求四会的单词和要求掌握的句式。教具、学具准备:1. 单词卡片,运动服装,乒乓球,纸币,课后习题卡(每人一张)。2. 录音机或课件。教学过程:Class Opening and Review1 分给学生不同的球,让学生自己说出I like to play _. My favourite sport is _./ I like _ best.2 T: Whats this/that?S: Its a T-shirt?T: Do you like this T-shirt or that T-shirt?S: I like this one.T: What are these/those?S: They are runners.T: Do you like these runners or those runners?S: I like/want these runners.(设计意图:利用已有知识引出新知识,减小教学的难度,or在以前的教学中已多次用到,学生都已掌握,不必再多费时间,加深学生对this,that, these,those用法的印象为下面的学习做铺垫。)New Concepts1. If I want to play ping-pong,we need some ping-pong balls.Say “need”,please.让学生利用 need 造句。2. Do you have any balls? Say “any”,please.讲清some和any的用法,都跟可数名词的复数或不可数名词,如:some/any shorts;some/any soup;some用在肯定句中,any用在否定和问句中,举例说明。3. 完成课后习题。4. 听录音两至三遍。同时讲解美元和元的区别。如:one dollar,two dollars;one yuan,two yuan.练习一下如何问多少钱How much is it? How much are they?5. 布置商店的环境,让学生根据课文编短剧,三、四人一组。6. 汇报演出。(设计意图:本课是对话形式的课文教学,主要是环境的设置,要让学生在实际的生活环境中学习本文,首先要解决课文中的重难点,也就是新单词和一些主要句式,理清脉络。突破了重难点,理清了脉络,学生在表演对话时就没有很大的困难了。)Class ClossingActivity bookHomework亲自到体育用品商店买一次东西并运用所学语言。板书设计:Lesson2. At the Sports shop We need some ping-pong balls.Do you have any balls?课后习题:一 改错:these book this runners some ballthose pencil that T-shirts any soups二 选词填空:1 Do you like _T-shirt or _T-shirt?2 Do you like _shorts or _shorts?3 We need _ ping-pong balls. Do you have _ balls?(any, some, these, those, this, that)课后反思: Lesson 3 Lets Play!一、教学内容:1.能听说读写词汇basketball, try, heavy, difficult, easy, hand;2.能听说并理解词汇throw、catch 和hit。3.熟练运用句型The.is light/heavy. This is too easy/difficult能准确运用短语throw/catch the basketball, hit the ball以及句型Let me try等描述运动的过程。二、教学过程教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Step IWarming-up1. Greetings.T: Good morning. Children.S: Good morning, Susan.2. 出示各种趣味运动的图片T: This is a playground. There is an interesting sports meeting here. Lets enjoy it.T: They are playing sports. Do you enjoy the sport meeting?What sport do you want to play?T: Lets play together.Are you ready ?点出本课的标题,并板书1. 与教师进行问候Ss: Good morning, teachers.2.学生欣赏图片,营造趣味运动会的氛围,激活学生已知的运动项目,并说一说:Ss:I want to play basketball/badminton/football/volleyball/ping-pong.Ss: Yes. Im ready.师生问候,营造轻松愉快的学习氛围。运用图片直观的营造趣味运动会的大情景,同时复习常见的几种运动形式。并自由交流中激发学生主动参与的热情,为本课的学习奠定情感基础。Step IINew concept1教授 light和heavyT: Guess what I want to play. I want to play ping-pong.I can play ping-pong like this.(托球).Can I play basketball like this?Let me try.Ouch. I cant play it. Why not?Show me your hands. Hold them.PPT 出示天平,引出light 和heavy。纠音。T: What about the shuttlecock and the football?How about the paper and the desk?T: What else is light?What else is heavy?2. 教授throw和catchT: The basketball is heavy. I cant play it. Who can teach me to play basketball? Please show us.T: He bounces the ball and throws it to me. I can throw the ball to. Can you throw it to me?TPR引出throw,纠音。T: Heres an interesting event. Throw the balls into the basket.Who wants to try?(两组各选一名学生扔球)T: This is your basket. This is yours. Others, Clap your hands and sayThrow the ball.Ready? Go.T: Let me see. Who is the winner? Teamis better. Clap your hands for them.T: Look. Im throwing the ball._, catch the ball.You throw, I catch.领读catch。TPR, 区分throw和catchPlay a game: Hot ball.T: Would you like to play? This is the second event. Throw and catch the ball in 10 seconds.First call his or her name. then say catch the ball. Ready? Go._, catch the ball.3. 教授easy和difficultT: Can you throw and catch the ball?Its 引出easy. 纠音What can you do?What is easy?Listen and imitate:出示问题:T: Can Danny catch the ball? Can Danny throw the ball? Is it easy for Danny? Please listen and imitate.Check the answers:Can Danny catch the ball?Can Danny throw the ball?Why not?Is it easy for Danny?教授difficult。 纠音,领读.What cant you do?Whats difficult?4. Playing ping-pongT: (出示图片)Danny can not throw the basketball. Can he throw the ping-pong ball? Do you play ping-pong like this?教授hit. 领读。Can Danny hit the ping-pong ball?Listen and imitate .T: Where does Danny hit?Does Danny hurt?T: Look. Im hitting the ball. Do you want to play? This is the third event. Hit the ball to the wall. Who wants to try?Lets count. How many times does he hit?学习新词(预设)S: ping-pong.Ss: No.Ss: The basketball is heavy. The ping-pong ball is light.学生掂一掂,感受一下light和heavy。并说一说。Theis light. The.is heavy.S: The shuttlecock is light.The football is heavy.S: The paper is light.The desk is heavy.学生说一说身边的事物什么轻,什么重。Theis light. The .is heavy.2. 学习throw和catch请一名学生展示如何打篮球。学生听令反应,初步理解词的含义。学生跟读throw。两名学生到前面扔球,其他学生拍手说Throw the ball.看哪个学生扔进的球多,就为胜。学生识读catch学生根据老师的动作指令进行反应。计时接传球的游戏。在规定的时间内看一看哪组在10秒之内接传球的人多。3. 学习easy和difficultSs: Yes. I can throw the ball. I can catch the ball.跟读,操练easy.想一想,说一说:I can Its easy for me.学生带着问题听录音模仿跟读,回答问题。S: No, he cant .S: No, he cant .S: Because the basketball is heavy.S: No. Its difficult.学生跟读,然后one by one操练.Ss学生根据自己的生活体验进行表达。I cant Its difficult.4. 学习Playing ping-pongSs:No. We hit the ping-pong ball.学生听录音,并跟读。S: No, He cant hit the ping-pong ball.Ss: He hits his hand.S: Yes, he says He is sad/poor每组一名学生往墙上击球,看谁击中的次数多。其他学生数一数,并说一说He hits times.从认识运动器材入手,为话题的开展做铺垫。开拓学生的思维,在找一找、说一说的任务中运用新词light和heavy。在趣味运动会的大情景中设计小的活动或游戏,边玩边运用语言,进而达到巩固throw和catch的目的。此活动旨在通过阅读,理解语境,并在语言的使用过程中加深对easy和difficult的理解。通过TPR和图片呈现,帮助学生理解和运用hit。Step IIIPractice and ProductionEnjoy the sports.T: Sports are fun. Here is another interesting event. Lets enjoy it. What do they play? How do they play it?T: Catch the basketball2. Group workT: What an interesting event! Look. There are many balls in the classroom. You can use them to play. Can you design an interesting event. Talk about how to play and say it in English. No Chinese. You can use the key sentences. Then play it with your partners. Enjoy your sports.3. Lets play.T: Would you like to show?1. 学生欣赏视频,为后面的小组合作做铺垫。S: They play ping-pong.S: They throw the ping-pong ball into the basket.2.小组合作学生三人一组,讨论并设计自己的趣味运动项目,和同伴说一说,玩一玩。3.学生展示自己的趣味运动项目。在活动运用本课学到的语言,在实践中达到语言的综合运用。通过说一说、演一演的活动任务,帮助学生运用本课的语言进行交流。实现语言的综合运用。StepIV. HomeworkListen and imitate the text.2. Do exercise on Page 7. 将课堂上谈论的内容落实到玩、写,巩固对知识的掌握。板书设计: Lesson 3 Lets Play!Lesson4Didyouhavefun【单词目标】1.认识新单词: 1.have fun _ 2. player _ 3. thing _ 4. each other_【能力目标】1.学会应用:记住下列单词的过去式:1. dodid 2. havehad 3. gowent 4. buybought5. playplayed 6. teachtaught 7. wantwanted 8. hithit 9. thinkthought 10. eatate 11. seesaw 12. walkwalked13. putput 14. winwon 15. iswas 16. arewere 17.bringbrought18. swimswam ecame 20. can-could【学习过程】1.自读课文内容。边读边画,画出你不懂或不会读的词汇和句子。2.寻求帮助。可问本组同学或学科长得到帮助解答。最后由本组的学科长将本组的疑惑出示长黑板上,共同解决。3.听录音跟读课文。老师检查读课文情况,并纠正发音。出示课件 学生读课文1.一般现在时:句子中往往有 always, often, sometimes, every day.动词要用原型。主语是第三人称单数在动词后加”s”.They often buy things at the shop.He sometimes buys things at the shop.2.一般过去时:句子中往往有 yesterday, last night, last week, this morning, this afternoon,动词要用过去式They bought things at the shop yesterday.【答疑解惑】有些动词的原型与过去式是相同的同学们在使用过程中要注意。如: put, hit.【反馈练习】一单项选择:( ) 1. I _ fun yesterday. A. have B.had C. has( ) 2. We _ a shop last night. A. goes B. go C. went.( ) 3. L I Ming _ a T-shirt last Sunday. A. bought B. buys C. buy( ) 4. I _ Danny to hit the ball last week. A teach B.teaches C. taught( ) 5. Li Ming taught Jenny _ the ball. A. hit B. to hit C. hitting( ) 6. Danny wanted _ the ball. A. to hit B. hitting C. hit( ) 7. He is a good basketball _. A. playing B. plays C player.( ) 8. Jenny often _ things at the shop. A buy B. buys C bought( ) 9. Jenny _ things at the shop last night. A buy B. buys C bought( ) 10. They sometimes _ each other a sport. A. teaches B. taught C.teach.( ) 11. They _ each other a sport last week. A. teaches B. taught C.teach.( ) 12. Tom always _ he can catch the ball, but he cant A. think B. thinks C. thought ( )13. Yesterday Tom _ he could hit the ball, but he hit his hand. A. think B. thinks C. thought 二根据汉语意思写单词:1.Danny often _(吃)fruit, but last Sunday he _ (吃)some meat.2.My brother sometimes _(教) me English. Last night he _(教) Li Ming to learn English.3.Tim always _ (步行)to school. Yesterday he _ (步行to school.4.Last week we_(买) some apples. We often _ (买)fruit at that shop.5.I often _(打) basketball together. But last Saturday we _(打) football.三句型转换:1. I had fun yesterday. (变为一般疑问句)_ you _ fun yesterday?2. Did you play basketball last Sunday?(做否定回答)_ I _.3. Li Ming bought a T-shirt today. (变为否定句)Li Ming _ _ a T-shirt today.4. I played basketball yesterday. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you _ yesterday?5. He has a T-shirt. (变为一般疑问句)_ he _ a T-shirt?6. These people are talking. (对划线部分提问)_ are these people _ ?7. My father often walks to work. (变为否定句)My father _ often _ to work.四读句子,找出错误的一项,将其序号写在题前的括号内并改正。( )1. Li Ming taught Jenny hit the ball. 应为: _ A B C( ) 2. Do you play basketball last Sunday? 应为: _ A B C( ) 3. Danny wanted hit the ball. 应为: _ A B C ( ) 4. Tim always walked to school. 应为: _ A B C( ) 5. Did you went to school yesterday? 应为: _ A B C六连词成句: 1. taught to hit I Jenny the ball_.2. each They teach other a sport._.3. did What do you week last _?4 bought We heavy a new ball_.七写出下列单词的过去式:1. buy _ 2. eat _ 3.play _ 4. teach _ 5. go _6. walk _7. get _ 8. put_ 9. hit _ 10. see _ 11. come _ 12. make _13. bring _ 14.think _ 15. can _ 16. have _ 17. do _ 文Lesson5 A basketball game教学目标:知识目标:1. player and team, game 2win and lost能力目标:1. Demonstrate “win” and “lose” after the game is done 2.play a game of “spelling Bee”情感目标:When you get lose, you dont lose your heart. Try it again and again. You will win at last.教学重点、难点:1. words about the game2.win and lose教具、学具:A big picture of this lesson and a tape教学过程:Class opening and review Play “Charades” to review occupations the students mastered in Levels 1, 2 and 7: teacher, clerk, cashier, waitress and bus driver. After the students have guessed these occupations, add “doctor” and “police officer”. The students mastered these words orally in Level 1, but they havent seen them for a long time. Whisper the translation for these occupations to the students acting them out, and help the class guess the occupations with lots of prompts and encouragement. You can, for example, draw blanks on the blackboard and slowly write in the letters as you soundout more and more of each occupation.Introduce Demonstrate “player” “team” “game” with six volunteers and a game of “spelling bee” divide the volunteers into two teams of three. Give player a sheet of coloured paper to hold, the same colour for each team.Demonstrate “win” and “lose” after the game is done. Point to the teams and as you say “You win/lose”Use the student bookPause after Number 1 in the student book.Review the story so far. Li Ming and Jenny have been learning about sports. Look at the pictures in the student book. What are they doing now? Note some of the idiom in this lesson: Bob plays basketball “for fun” Jenny and Li Ming “jump up and down” Li Ming asks Jenny “Whats the score?” What do the students think these phrases mean?PracticeDivide the class into small groups. In each group. Some students pretend that they want to learn a game that the other students know how to learn a game that you play in class.Do the activity book Class closing板书:Lesson5 A basketball gameplayer team gamewin lost习题:l 用win和lost练习说话。l 连线:player 队 team 游戏 game 运动员课后反思:lesson 6:A Famous Football Player教学目标1、学生要听并理解一个简单的故事。2、学生要问答关于这个故事的问题。3、学生要用自己的话复述这个故事。教学重、难点:用自己的话复述这个故事。教学准备:录相机,投影仪,光盘教学时数:一课时教学过程及内容Step1.Class opening and review.Greeting and Review 提示今天要学的内容。告诉他们要读一篇关于一个坚持梦想的小男孩最终取得成功的故事。Step2.New Concepts.Story time: A Famous Football Player1.Perpare to read让学生打开书翻到第12页。让学生看故事的标题,看看有没有人能说出它的意思。看本页的其它图片,问学生这个故事是关于谁的?本故事中有一些新单词。教师可以用图片或词汇卡片向学生们展示:bottle,coach,dig/dug,hole。学生们不必掌握这些单词,但应当理解它们。2.Read the storya.Talk about the picturesb.Listen and repeat播放录音,让学生们齐声跟读。c.Ask and answer把全班分成小组。每个小组进行练习,让几名学生为全班朗读故事中的段落。3.After readinga.Read and talk让学生和身旁的伙伴,讨论Read and talk中的问题。b.Ask and answer问下面的问题,看学生们能回忆起多少故事内容:What did the coach think about Pele?How old was Pele when he won his first World Cup?Why did Pele want to dig the hole for the coachs Christmas tree?Step 3 Homework Do the exercise book .板书设计Lesson 6: A Famous Football PlayerWhat did the coach think about Pele?How old was Pele when he won his first World Cup?Why did Pele want to dig the hole for the coachs Christmas tree?Again, please.一、教学目标:1.知识目标重点词汇:any, heavy, lightorbought, taught, thoughtsport, basketball, ping-pong, runners, shorts, T-shirt, game, player, team catch, throw, hit, need, win, lose 重点句型:What did you do? I/We _.过去时的应用。2.能力目标要求学生能够灵活运用所学知识谈论与运动相关的话题。3.情感态度,价值观:使学生明白体育运动的好处和重要性,鼓励学生积极参加体育运动。运用游戏激发学生学习英语的兴趣,小组、同桌合作学习,形成师生互动、生生互动培养学生合作精神,并对其他学生所说的话给予适当的回应,让每个孩子感知英语的特有的魅力,通过努力,体验成功!二、教学重、难点:any, heavy, lightorbought, taught, thoughtsport, basketball, ping-pong, runners, shorts, T-shirt, game, player, team catch, throw, hit, need, win, lose What did you do? I/We _.过去时的应用。三、教具准备课件、六年级配套光盘、单词卡四、教学过程:Step1 Warming-up and revision1学生互相问候,建立氛围。2利用节奏轻快的Chant复习几类sports ,为下面的授课营造良好的气氛。3. 展示课件大标题,让同学们谈论“Your favourite sport. ”找几名自告奋勇的学生谈论。4.看幻灯片中的表格,小组合作完成。在这一环节中,学生间介绍自己通过调查得出的结果,把单词揉合于句型中,进行语言交流,使整个教学源于生活,又用于生活,让学生学得有趣,学得有用,体验成功。Step2 Practise1.Play a game “Whats missing?”(规则:把词汇卡片竖放在教室前面,告诉学生看1分钟的卡片后闭上眼睛,然后教师移开一张卡片。让学生睁开眼睛,设法指出教师移走了哪张卡片。提问每个学生让其说出移走的卡片的名称,直到猜对正确答案为止。让学生重新看到那张移走的卡片,并把它放回原处。那名猜对正确答案的学生可以在移走另一张卡片,让大家接着猜。)2.Practice 规则:教师出示几个一般现在时的句子,学生把它们变成一般过去时。3.TextStep3 Class closingLets chant.五、板书:Again , Please!sport六、练习题快乐过去式你来填 buy _teach _ think _ win _lose _ play _ watch _ 写反义词。win _ lost _ light _ catch _选择填空。( )1. Ping-pong is my favourite sport. I like ping-pong_. A. better B. best C. good( )2. This ball is_, I can throw it easily. A. light B. heavy C. hard( )3. Jenny and Li Ming_ something at the store yesterday morning. A. bought B. thought C. buy( )4. Do you like this T-shirt_ that T-shirt? A. and B. as C. or( )5. I buy a_ of runners and a hat_ Kim. A. pairsfor B. pairto C. pairfor( )6. You must hit the ball_ the paddle. A. with B. in C. at( )7. Do you have any_ ? A. shoes B. coat C. jacket( )8. Jenny and Li Ming arrive _ the gym at 7:00. A. in B. on C. at( )9. Danny thought he _ hit the ball, but he hurt his hand. A. can B. could C. cant( )10. What snacks did you buy? I bought a_ and pop. A.snack B. hot dog C. rice按要求完成句子。(8分)1.has, team, a, many, players(连词成句)2.What


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