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高二(上)期中测试英 语 试 题一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共15分)( )1、Only in this way solve the problem.AyoullByou canCyou mayDcan you( )2、What did the doctor say about your mothers illness?He suggested that she an operation at once.Amust haveBhadChaveDhas( )3、People all want to know for the accident.Awho blamedBwho should be blamedCwho is to blameDto blame who( )4、All of the students were by the speech given by the headmaster.Ainspired; inspiredBimpairing; inspiringCinspired; inspiringDinspiring; inspired( )5、My daughter has won the first prize in the moths competition.Congratulations!AShe is pretty.BShe is really clever.CShe is very fashionable.DShe is a humorous girl.( )6、There is no need him, for he wont come at all.Ato wait forBwaiting forCwait forDto waiting for( )7、The two boys were fighting each other, and it was difficult to them.AseparateBdivideCkeepDcut( )8、Entering the yard, I found it with lots of leaves.Acovering; fallingBcovered; fallenCcovered; fallingDcovering; fallen( )9、He told me that they were happy at first but at last their marriage .Abroke upBbroke downCbroke inDbroke off( )10、I want to clean the room because the room really requires .AcleaningBto cleanCbeing cleanedDcleaned( )11、The problem at the meeting now is very important.Ato be discussedBto discussCbeing discussedDdiscussed( )12、No sooner to bed than he fell asleep.Ahad he goneBhe had goneChe wentDdid he go( )13、 with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time.AFacedBFaceCFacingDTo face( )14、The number of people out of work over 3,000 but a number of them to apply for different jobs.Aare, are tryingBis, are tryingCis, is tryingDare, is trying( )15、It was in the lab they did the experiment.AthatBwhichCwhereD/二、完形填空(每小题1分,共15分)I went there in 1924; there were no local planes in those days, so I made the trip by bus. It was a thousand kilometers, and it 1 twenty hours. I sat by a man about my own age, 24. He said his name was Karl Packer, but he told me 2 anything else.Hedisappointedme because he had so little to say, no opinions, no memories, no stories to 3 . Had his home, his life, the war and so on left no mark at allon him? It was very 4 . I wasglad when the pillows were given out, and I could politely try to sleep. I hoped I would never meet him again.The next time I went to Fairburn was in 1974. By 5 , of course. The president was going to “open” the new town, 6 had taken twentysix years to bebuilt. I sat next to a man of about fifty, whose face was a book. I guessed he had something 7 to tell me. The face was rough, brown and 8 with age and worry. There were two old scars (伤痕) in his face. Butoverthem, I saw 9 and power. I guessed he was the boss of something. Perhaps he hadnt expected the big job and hadnt wanted it.He had done it well, no doubt. The thing had clearly 10 him the power of decision. We started to talk. The next two hours were for me the most interesting, adventurous, even exciting that I remember. He kept me silent, 11 with wonder. Our plane landed at Fairburn. I 12 his hand and thanked him for making the journey so 13 . I told him my name. “The pleasure was 14 ,” he said, “I was Chief Engineer here at Fairburn until last year. I built the new town. Karl Packer is the name. Havent we met before 15 ?”( )1、AtookBspentClostDhad( )2、AhardlyBalmostCnearlyDmostly( )3、AsayBspeakCtellDtalk( )4、ApuzzlingBinterestingCexcitingDwondering( )5、AbusBlandCairDsea( )6、AitBthatCwhichDthis( )7、AgoodBbadCwrongDold( )8、AcleanedBwashedClinedDbroken( )9、AsuccessBsadnessCfearDfailure( )10、AtaughtBofferedCgaveDshowed( )11、Aopen-mouthBopened-mouthCopen-mouthedDopening-mouth( )12、AhitBshookCseizedDcaught( )13、ApleasantBpleasureCpleasedDpleasing( )14、AmyBmineCmeDI( )15、AsomewhereBanywhereCnowhereDeverywhere 三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共34分)AIm a student with different interests. I play football for Whitburn AFC at under 19 level, where I play as a right midfielder(中锋)which I enjoy very much. I like talking with many different kinds of friends. The cinema is a place where I go as often as I can, as I am a huge movie lover. I like both action and other types of films.The thing I would say I do the most is listening to music. I mainly like rock music. However, my CD collection includes a wide selection(精选品)of music. With my interest in music I go to see my favourite bands when they come on tour.The Internet and computers are something I usually do with when Im free, but I would not say its my main interest in life. Traveling to many different countries is a great experience. I have been to Spain, Belgium, Holland, France and even England. I went to a little town in Spain last year just outside Barcelona. Anybody there hardly speaks English; however, I found that I can communicate with these people who speak a different language and I am still able to understand. Meeting people from abroad is very interesting.Do you like making friends with me?1、According to the passage, the writer loves the following things except .AsportsBmusicCthe InternetDnovels2、What does the writer often do after class?AWatch news on TV.BPlay with some friends.CTalk with foreigners.DSee different films.3、Which of the following is probably the writers mother tongue?AEnglish.BFrench.CSpanish.DJapanese.4、What does the writer think of traveling abroad?AExpensive.BPleasant.CAdventurous.DDifficult.BA year ago, I paid no attention to English idioms, though my teacher emphasized the importance again and again. But soon, the importance of English idioms was shown in an amusing experience. One day, I happened to meet an Englishman on the road, and soon we began to talk. As I was talking about how I was studying English, the foreigner seemed to be astonished. Gently shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders, he said, “You dont say!” “You dont say!” I was puzzled. I thought, perhaps this is not a proper topic. “Well, Id better change the topic. ” So I said to him, “Well, shall we talk about the Great Wall? By the way, have you ever been there?” “Certainly, everyone back home will laugh at me if I leave China without seeing it. It was wonderful. ” He was deep in thought when I began to talk like a tourist guide. “The Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world. We are very proud of it”. Soon I was interrupted again by his words:“You dont say!” I couldnt help asking, “Why do you ask me not to talk about it?” “Well, I didnt request you to do so,” he answered, greatly surprised. I said, “Didnt you say you dont say?” Hearing this, the Englishman laughed to tears. He began to explain, “You dont say actually means really? It is an expression of surprise. Perhaps you dont pay attention to English idioms.” Only then did I know I had made a fool of myself. Since then I have been more careful with idiomatic expressions. 5、A year ago, I paid no attention to English idioms because _. A. English idioms were too difficult to masterB. I cared little about the teachers instructionC. my teacher didnt emphasize the importanceD. I had no interest in English learning6、When I first heard“You dont say!”, I thought .Athe English man was not interested in my English studiesBthe Englishman was only interested in the Great WallCI had talked too muchDI had to stop talking at once7、The underlined word“amusing”means .AinterestingBimportantCterribleDlucky8、Which of the following is TRUE?AThe Englishman was leaving China without seeing the Great Wall.BThe Englishman wanted to see the Great Wall after I talked about it.CThe Englishman wanted me to act as his guide.DThe Englishman visited the Great Wall and thought it worth visiting.9、After the Englishman explained the idiom, .Athe Englishman made me a foolBthe Englishman made a fool of himselfCI felt very sillyDI felt proud of my understandingCIt was 1504, and Columbus was making another trip to the New World. Columbus and his men needed fresh water and food after three months at sea. They saw an island and went to the shore. On the island there were unfriendly Indians who refused to give food and water to them. Columbus men were afraid of the Indians, but he had a clever plan. He used gesture(手势) language to tell the Indians about his mysterious(神秘的)power to turn off the light in the sky. He knew about a lunar eclipse(月蚀)the next night because the information was in his almanac(天文历书). Columbus told the Indians,“Tomorrow night Ill turn off the light in the sky.”But they didnt believe him. When the eclipse began the next night, the Indians became very frightened. They begged Columbus to turn on the light again, and they quickly gave him all the food and water he wanted. Immediately Columbus and his men hurried back to the ship and sailed away in the moonless night.10、Columbus and his men stopped at the island because .Athey wanted to meet the Indians there Bthey hoped to get supplies of food and waterCthey had never been on the island beforeDthey had planned to visit it11、The Indians Columbus and his men.Awere glad to seeBwere kind toCwelcomedDwere not kind to12、Columbus to tell the Indians that he had mysterious power.Aused sign languageBspoke in the language of the IndiansCdrew a lot of signsDwrote in the language of the Indians13、“The light in the sky”here means .Athe sunBthe moonCthe starsDthe daylight14、The Indians gave Columbus food and water because they .Abelieved Columbus was a man with mysterious powerBwere interested in Columbus tripCwanted to help ColumbusDwere cleverDMany British people like to travel to Spain, Italy and other warm countries for their holidays. They want to live in the sun for a few weeks and many of them like to take their cars on holiday with them. Then they can travel round the warm countries and see many places in a short time.But there is a problem. It is only twenty-two miles from Dover in England to Calais in France, but between the two towns there is English Channel. It is necessary to take the cars across the sea, and this is not easy.Some passengers put their cars on a plane and fly across with them, but that is expensive. Others drive their cars onto large ferries(渡船). This is cheap, but the boats are slow and sometimes the sea is rough. There are days when more and more people choose to travel by hovercraft(气垫船).15、Many British holidaymakers choose to travel .Aby shipBby carCby planeDby ferry16、They like to spend their holiday in .Athe mountainous areasBDover in EnglandCthe sunny countriesDCalais in France17、What is the disadvantage of going from Dover, England to Calais, France?AThe impossibility of traveling by air.BThe impossibility of traveling by ship.CThe danger of traveling in France.Dthe difficulty of taking cars across English Channel. 四、用所给短语的适当形式填空(每小题1分,共11分)depend on;as a result;consist of;remindof;protectfrom;in place;exposeto;be absorbed in;to ones delight;accuse of;take up1、The committee ten members.2、The old photo me my childhood.3、Dont the washing machine the sunlight for too long.4、I was ill, , I couldnt take the exam.5、, I have won the first prize.6、All living things the sun for their growth.7、He was murder by the police.8、He reading a book, so he didnt hear the doorbell.9、An umbrella will you rain.10、Youd better put things back , otherwise, it will be difficult to find them.11、He decided to photography as his career. 五、语法填空题(10分)请用方框里所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文意思完整、通顺(每词限用一次)。Careful, eye, happen, age, minute, big, word, angry, want, whenMr. Green was an old man. He loved shooting(射击)bears, but his 1 were not so good because of his 2 . Several times he had nearly shot persons. His friends were very careful 3 they went out shooting bears with him.One day a young friend of his 4 to play a joke on him. He got a big piece of white paper and wrote on it in very 5 letters “I AM NOT A BEAR”. Then he tied it to his back and went off.But a terrible thing 6 to him. After a few 7 , Mr. Green shot at him and knocked his hat off.The young man was very 8 .“Didnt you see this piece of paper?”he shouted to Mr. Green.“Yes, I did,”said Mr. Green. Then he went nearer, looked 9 at the paper and said,“Oh, I am very sorry. I didnt see the 10 NOT.”六、书面表达(15分)假定一位美国学生刚来你班学习,他想了解一下班主任李老师的一些情况。请你根据下面的提示,用英语为其写一篇100词左右的短文来介绍李老师。要点如下:1、李老师年近五十,1975年来校任教,工作一贯努力,曾多次受到表扬;sb.(be praised for sth.)2、他知识渊博,教学有方,上课生动有趣,深受学生欢迎;3、他与学生关系融洽,但对学生要求严格,他经常鼓励我们努力学习,在他的帮助下,我们取得了很大的进步。4、他是学生的良师益友,深受大家的尊敬和爱戴。(respect)高二(上)期中测试英语试题答题卷一、单项选择(15分)题号123456789101112131415答案二、完形填空(每小题1分,共15分)题号123456789101112131415答案三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共34分)1234567891011121314151617 四、用所给短语的适当形式填空(每小题1分,共11分)1、 2、3、 4、5、 6、7、 8、9、 10、11、 五、语法填空题(10分)1、 2、3、 4、5、 6、7、 8、9、 10、六、书面表达(15分)


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