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2018年长沙市小学毕业质量检测英 语听力部分(七大题,共40分)I. 听音选择,根据所听句子圈出正确图片。(6分)II. 听音标号,按所听句子序号给相应的图片标号。(10分)III. 听音判断,所听句子与图片相符大“”,不符划“”。(5分)IV. 听音选择,根据所听内容选择恰当的答句,并将其字母序号写在括号里。(5分)( )1.A.Hello,Lingling. B.Im Lingling.( )2.A.I like reading. B.Im reading. ( )3.A.Here you are. B.Yes,please.( )4.A.I like milk. B.Yes,I do. ( )5.A.Youre welcome. B.Thank you.V. 听音选择,根据所听内容选择合适的答案序号写在横线上。(4分)1. They are talking about .A.weather B.shopping2. Anne wanted to .A.dance B.teach3. Katic gets up at .A. 6:30 B. 7:304. Dongdong went to the last Sunday.A. cinema B. parkVI. 听音排序,根据所听故事发展顺序用数字16给句子排序。(6分)( )It walked home happily.( )It walked the other dogs meat.( )One day,a dog got a piece of meat.( )It saw another dog with a piece of meat in the water.( )The meat dropped into the water.( )The dog opened its mouth.VII. 听音摘录,听对话,在横线上填写数字或单词。(4分)1. Name: 2. Age(年龄): 3. From: the 4. Hobby: 笔试部分(八大题,共60分)I. 根据字母表的顺序写出相邻的两个字母的大小写形式,注意书写规范。(10分) Bb Ff Jj Rr Vv II. 书写句子,用手写体在四线格内抄写,注意大小写及标点符号。(10分)Well take a walk in the sunny day.III. 看图连线,用直线将图片与对应的单词或词语连接起来。(10分)fruit Christmas party read newspaper listen to music airportIV. 选词填空,从句子上面的方框中选择合适的单词写在横线上。(5分) hot happy London library Mountain1. Today is Amys birthday. She is very .2. I dont like summer. Its too .3. Peter always goes to the to look for books on space.4. I went to Yuelu yesterday.5. Big Ben is very famous.Its in .V. 选择填空,选出合适的选项,将序号填在括号里。(5分)( )1.I like singing dancing.A.than B.more than C.better than( )2.We should learn to take care ourselves.A.of B.for C.with( )3.Linging her parents at home.A.help B.helping C.helps( )4.We go to Shanghai tomorrow.A.will B./ C.are( )5.There are two little in the box.A. cat B.cats C.catesVI. 问答配对,读问句,选择相应的答句序号填在括号中。(5分)( )1.Whats this? A.Peter was first.( )2.Is he a soldier? B.Its a rabbit.( )3.Wheres the cat? C.Yes,he is.( )4.Who was first? D.My birthday is in May.( )5.Whens your birthday? E.Its in the living room.VII. 补全对话,从方框中选择合适的句子序号写在横线上。(4分)A. Lets eat.B. Im cooking.C. Pizze.D. Im very hungry.Tim:Hi,Mum.Mum:What are you doing,Tim?Tim: Mum:Why are you cooking now?Its two oclock in the morning.Tim: Mum:What are you making?Tim: Mum:Pizza?Now Im hungry,too.Tim: Mum:OK!VIII. 阅读理解。(11分)A. 阅读海报,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(5分)Welcome to our zoo!Tinket price;Adults(成人):¥80Children:free(under 1.2m) half the price(1.21.5m)Time:TuesdaySunday10:00 a.m.6:00p.m.( )1.There are many animals in the zoo.( )2.The zoo is open on Monday.( )3.We can go to the zoo on 11:00a.m.( )4.The ticket for my mother is 80 yuan.( )5.It is free for the pupils in grade 6.B. 阅读短文,完成习题。(6分)Last year,I want to the USA.It was great!I visited the Empire State Building(帝国大厦).It is the tallcst building in the world.I saw the Statue of Liberty(自由女神).I went inside the stature.I took a lof of pictures there.And I saw the White House.I bought some beautiful postcards.Then we went to the Wild Animal Park.I had dinner there.I was very happy!It was really a nice joumey!判断句子正(T)误(F)。( )1.I went to America last year.( )2.I visited the White House, the Statue of Liberty and the other places.( )3.I went inside the White House.( )4.I enjoyed this joumey.Last year,I want to .It was .I .


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