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商务谈判中文化差异的影响 (附案例分析) 本文是根据李传军老师的谈判理论与实务做为基础来进行的 随着经济全球化时代的到来,国际间的经济贸易往来与日俱增,谈判已成为国际商务活动 的重要环节。国际商务谈判不仅是经济领域的交流与合作,也是文化之间的交流与沟通,而且 文化因素的作用至关重要。 我国加入世贸组织后, 企业和单位所面临的国际商务谈判越来越多。 跨文化交际中的文化冲突问题越来越受到人们的关注,因此,我们有必要正确认识不同国家和 地区的文化背景及其差异,并在此基础上扬长避短,制定出合理的谈判策略,从而避免冲突的 产生或激化,赢得谈判的成功 一、国际商务谈判与文化 国际商务谈判是指处于不同国家和地区的商务活动的当事人,为满足各自需要,通过信息交流 与磋商争取达到意见一致的行为和过程。谈判主体属于两个或两个以上的国家或地区,谈判者 代表了不同国家或地区的利益。同时,它还具有跨文化性。来自不同国家或地区的 谈判者有着不同的文化背景,谈判者各方的价值观、思维方式、行为方式、交往模式、语言以 及风俗习惯等各不相同,这些文化因素对国际商务谈判的成功与否都将产生直接的影响。既然 跨文化交际在国际商务谈判中起着如此重要的作用,那么究竟什么是文化呢?形象地说:文化是 “使一类人不同于另一类人的集体的头脑编程。正是他所谓的这种“心灵软件”、“集体程序” 使得每个人都是自己文化氛围熏陶下的产物,使得人的行为举止受其文化制约,而文化又是通 过人的行为予以体现。从另一个角度来说,这限制了人们对异国文化的理解。对文化差异缺 乏敏感的人用自己的文化模式为依据来评价另一种文化中人们的行动、观点、风俗,往往会导 致文化冲突。就国际商务谈判而言,如果参与双方来自不同文化的国家或地区,有着不同的价 值观和思维方式,这场谈判将不会轻松。对文化差异缺乏了解,准备不足以及处理不当, 都会增加商务谈判难度,影响其顺利进行,甚至不欢而散。国际商务谈判是商务活动的重要组 成部分,它是跨越国界的活动,是谈判双方就共同感兴趣的商业问题进行磋商以达成共识。来 自不同文化背景的谈判者有着不同的交际方式、价值观和思维方式,这就意味着在国际 商务谈判中了解各国不同文化,熟悉商业活动的文化差异是非常重要的。 二、文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响 语言及非语言行为差异对国际商务谈判行为的影响 语言差异。一个民族所使用的语言与该民族所拥有的文化之间存在着密切联系。在跨文化交流 中,不同文化之间的差异对于谈判语言有明显的制约关系。美国是个典型的低语境语言 (文化) 国家。在这种文化中,大部分信息是用明确而具体的语言或文字传递的。美方谈判者推崇明确、 坦率、直接的方式交流,说话力求清楚,不模棱两可,他会直陈所想要的东西。另外,美国人 对争辩情有独钟,语言具有对抗性,口气断然。这些都是具有开拓精神、“求胜欲望”强的欧 洲移民后代的典型特征。而中国则属于高语境文化,在高语境文化中非语言交流和间接的表达 方式是传递和理解信息的重要因素,如用体态、眼神、外貌、音调、位置、距离、环境等非言 语因素来进行沟通。要理解话语的含意,领会字里行间的言外之意是必要的。并且中国人显得 温和,不喜欢争辩,很少对抗,说话间接隐晦,而且常常使用沉默这一非言语行为,对某问题 有看法,或者不同意某条款时,有时不直接说“NO”,而用沉默来代替,以此表示礼貌和对对 方的尊重。中国人在谈判桌上是很有耐性的,有所谓“东方的耐性”。中国人奉行“和气生财” 的古训,把和谐看作实现价值的先决条件,谈判中尽量避免磨擦,用语礼貌含 蓄,追求永久性的友谊和长久合作。 非语言差异。除了运用语言进行交流外,国际商务谈判中还广泛使用非语言表达方式 . 谈判人员以非语言的更含蓄的方式发出或接受大量的比语言信息更为重要的信息,而且所 有这类信号或示意总是无意识地进行的。因此,当谈判者发出不同的非语言信号时,具有不同 文化背景的谈判对手极易误解这些信号,而且还意识不到所发生的错误。这种不知不觉中所产 生的个人摩擦如果得不到纠正,就会影响商业关系的正常展开。中国人常用沉默或表示认可, 或表示对某问题有看法,或者不同意某条款,以此表示礼貌和尊重,这对沉默持有消极看法的 美国人来说,自然很难接受,他们把沉默看作拒绝。一般情况下,“笑”被看作高兴,而中国 人有时会用“笑”表示无奈,不认可,这是美国人很难理解的。美国人在说“I DON KNOW 的同时双手摊开,耸耸肩膀,表示“不知道”“我无能为力”,“这种状况毫无希望”等;而 同样表示上述含义时, 中国人的习惯动作往往是摇头或摆手,有时中方谈判者喜欢做这一动作, 却因不解其含义而步入了不伦不类的误区。中国人说“对不起”的同时会微微一笑表示歉意; 美国人则可能误认为“笑”表示歉意是虚假的。由此可见,若没有敏锐的跨文化交流意识,便 会感到困惑,乃至产生误解。 价值观差异对国际商务谈判行为的影响 国际商务谈判中价值观方面的差异远比语言及非语言行为差异隐藏得深,因此也更难以克 服。价值观差异对国际商务谈判行为的影响主要表现为因客观性、平等和准时等观念差异而引 起的误解和厌恶。客观性。国际商务谈判中的客观性反映了行为人对“人和事物的区分程度”。 西方人特别是美国人具有较强的 “客观性”,如“美国人根据冷酷的、 铁一般的事实进行决策” “美国人不徇私”、“重要的是经济和业绩,而不是人”及“公事公办”等话语就反映了美国 人的客观性。因此,美国人在国际商务谈判时强调“把人和事区分开来”,感兴趣的主要为实 质性问题。相反,在世界其他地方,“把人和事区分开来”这一观点被看成是不可能的。例如, 在裙带关系比较重要的东方和拉丁美洲文化中,经济的发展往往是在家族控制的领域内实现的。 因此,来自这些国家的谈判者不仅作为个人来参与谈判,而且谈判结果往往会影响到该个人, 个人品行和实质问题成了两个并非不相干的问题,而且实质上两者变得不可分开。 平等观念。西方社会经历了争取平等自由权力的资产阶级革命,平等意识深入人心。在国际商 务活动中,英美等国奉行平等主义价值观,坚持公平合理的原则,认为双方进行交易,无论哪 一方都要有利可图。在情况的介绍方式上,西方人使用具体的方式,特别喜欢用数据说话。美 国人虽然注重实际利益,但一般不漫天要价,报价和提出的条件比较客观。在买卖关系上,美 国卖方往往将买方更多地视为地位相等的人,对利润的划分相对而言较日本人公平。许多美国 经理认为,禾U润划分的公平性似乎比利润的多少更为重要。而东方人受等级观念的影响较深, 表现在商业活动中的平等意识就不如美国和其他西方人。如日本人,善于做大“蛋糕”,但划 分“蛋糕”的方式却不怎么公平。在日本,顾客被看作上帝,卖方往往会顺从买方的需要和欲 望,因此,对利润的分配较为有利于买方。目前,我国市场经济体制已初步建立,中国企业经 营者的观念意识往往具有西方早期市场经济时期的某些特点,在商务谈判中往往采取“单赢” 策略,涉及经济利益时,较多地考虑己方的利益,而不太关注对方的利益。而发达国家的市场 经济体制则相当成熟,所以西方国家谈判者更多地采用“双赢”策略,基本上能考虑双方 的实际利益。 时间观念。不同的文化背景表现出不同的时间观念。如北美人的时间观念很强,对美国人 来说时间就是金钱;而中东和拉丁美洲人的时间观念则较弱,在他们看来,时间应当是被享用 的。爱德华霍尔把时间观分为两类:直线型时间观和循环的时间观,前者强调“专时专用” 和“速度”,北美人、瑞士人、德国人等具有此类特点0后者则强调“一时多用”,人们可以 有宽松的时刻表和信息反馈的延期,中东和拉丁美洲人具有此类特点。由于持不同的时间观念, 导致不同谈判者的谈判风格和谈判方式各异。美国是直线型时间观的典型。美国人具有强烈的 现代竞争意识,追求速度和效益,这就造就了美国商人雷厉风行的商业作风。他们会在各个环 节尽量缩短谈判时间,力争使每一场谈判都能速战速决。对他们来说,要衡量一个谈判的进程 如何,就是看解决了多少小问题。而中国人的时间观是循环往复的,中国人会用长远的眼光和 系统的方法,在广泛的范围内综合分析议题和衡量议题的重要程思维方式上表现出各自的特点。 其一,东方文化重演绎推理,习惯于从一般到个别,即根据一般原理推出个别 结论;而西方文化重归纳推理,习惯于从个别到一般,即从许多个别事物的特征中找出这一类 事物的共同本质。其二,东方文化偏好综合思维,即在思想上将各个对象的各个部分联合为整 体,将它的各种属性、方面、联系等结合起来英美文化偏好分析思维,即在思想上将一个完整 的对象分解成各个组成部分、方面。其三,东方人注重统一,英美人注重对立。如中国哲学虽 不否认对立,但比较强调统一方面,而西方人注重把一切事物分为两个对立的方面。基于客观 存在的思维差异,不同文化背景的谈判者呈现出决策上的差异,形成顺序决策方法和通盘决策 方法间的冲突。当面临一项复杂的谈判任务时,采用顺序决策方法的西方人特别是英美人喜欢 从具体事物入手,认为细节才是问题的本质,如果他们认为在某一个问题上占有优势,可以获 得主动,就会首先谈这个内容,而在原则问题上比较宽松,不受原则框架的限制。在他们的合 同中,各项条款的认定也比东方人细致明确。然而采用通盘决策方法的东方人则注重对所有 问题的整体讨论,不存在明显的次序之分,在谈判时首先要设定一个最基本的原则框架,喜欢 先谈概括性的事项,然后再制定谈判的若干细节,往往把具体内容安排到最后的谈判中解决, 认为这有利于以后的讨价还价。一旦原则确定,就会坚定不移,寸步不让,而在具体细节 的处理上,则表现出极大的灵活性。 三、调适文化差异实现跨文化谈判的对策 树立跨文化的谈判意识 宽容不同文化,谨守中立 克服沟通障碍 参考文献 林海!文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响j 经济师,2004.10 左小平!国际商务谈判中的文化因素j商业 研究,2005(6) 赵银德!文化差异对国际商务谈判行为的影响 j对外经贸实务,2002(10) 周美娟!影响国际商务谈判的文化因素j华 北工学院学报,2003.3 案例分析: 巴西一家公司到美国去采购成套设备。巴西谈判小组成员因为上街购物耽误了时间。当他们到 达谈判地点时,比预定时间晚了45分钟。美方代表对此极为不满,花了很长时间来指责巴西代 表不遵守时间,没有信用,如果老这样下去的话,以后很多工作很难合作,浪费时间就是浪费 资源、浪费金钱。对此巴西代表感到理亏,只好不停地向美方代表道歉。谈判开始以后似乎还 对巴西代表来迟一事耿耿于怀,一时间弄得巴西代表手足无措,说话处处被动。无心与美方代 表讨价还价,对美方提出的许多要求也没有静下心来认真考虑,匆匆忙忙就签订了合同。 等到合同签订以后,巴西代表平静下来,头脑不再发热时才发现自己吃了大亏,上了 美方的当,但已经晚了。 FROM:(http:/zhicha ng.chi nte nt_219641_2.htm) 案例分析: 这个是一个挑剔式开局策略的运用,在一开始的时候对对手的某项错误或礼仪失误严加指 责,使其感到内疚,从而达到营造低调气氛,迫使对方让步的目的。本案例中美国谈判代表成 功地使用挑剔式开局策略,迫使巴西谈判代表自觉理亏在来不及认真思考的情况而匆忙签下对 美方有利的合同。 但是我与此同时我们更需要注意的是,这也是一个关于国际的商务谈判,其中就没有很好的 运用我们上文中所提出的观点应该在谈判之前了解对方的文化,并且应该想好一旦迟到的情况 下应该如何是好,如何地应对这种文化上的差异.接下来我们来看一下另一个事例,同样是面对 这种迟到的情况,日本的谈判代表是如何做的: 日本有一家著名的汽车公司在美国刚刚“登陆”时,急需找一家美国代理商来为其销售产 品,以弥补他们不了解美国市场的缺陷。当日本汽车公司准备与美国的一家公司就此问题进行 谈判时,日本公司的谈判代表路上塞车迟到了。美国公司的代表抓住这件事紧紧不放,想要以 此为手段获取更多的优惠条件。日本公司的代表发现无路可退,于是站起来说:“我们十分抱 歉耽误了你的时间,但是这绝非我们的本意,我们对美国的交通状况了解不足,所以导致了这 个不愉快的结果,我希望我们不要再为这个无所谓的问题耽误宝贵的时间了,如果因为这件事 怀疑到我们合作的诚意,那么,我们只好结束这次谈判。我认为,我们所提出的优惠代理条件 是不会在美国找不到合作伙伴的。” 日本代表的一席话说得美国代理商哑口无言,美国人也不想失去这次赚钱的机会,于 是谈判顺利地进行下去。 FROM(http:/zhicha ng.chi na.c n/zcsy/txt/2006-10/10/co nte nt_219641_1.htm) 汪敏劼 05统计05151068 Miss Zhang Firstly, I beg you r parden, because I forget to send a n english e-mail to you . Un til now , I just remember tomorrow s en glish class. As a graduated stude nt , I have lear ned en glish for more tha n 10 years ,but my english is notgood . Now my job needs me to use english flexibl ly, its very hard to do so.Everyday I need to check many english e-mails , however ,the e-mail makes me gloomy, very gloomy, very very gloomy, (very) n glommy when I read them . I intens ely hope the Chin ese lan guage will be the in ter nati onal lan guage , Miss zha ng: Today is Wedn esday,a nd tommrow after noon Iwill have you r class .I almost have forgotte n the missi on youhave given to us . I hope it is not too late for me to do it now. I always insist on studying English, but I find that there isn a ny progress .It really con fuses me a lot.Every teacherin clud ingyou have told us that the best way to learn it well is just practice,but for some reas on,l have little cha nee to com muni cate with others in En glish.what should I do in thissituati on/positi on,could you please give me some more better ideas on this.Tha nk you! Hope you are always so charm ing! Yours Si ncerely Guo Fashe ng Dear Miss zha ng, I m pleased to com muni cate with you through E-mail. I appreciate your hardship and effort for our En glish training. Un der your teachi ng, we apprehe nd somemethods of lear ning En glish ,and know about some foreig n customs and culture , which help us to do bus in ess com muni cati on with foreig ners. But some disadva ntages, such as worry ing about making mistake and not memoriz ing the correct words or phrases to express my ideas whe n com muni cati ng are han dicaps for us to speak in En glish. Can you tell me some good methods of memoriz ing En glishforever and speak En glish correctly and flue ntly? Best regards Dear my sister(?) Hi daw n! Thank you for your teach ing us bus in ess En glish heaily and soulfully every Thursday evening.you know it s so niclisten to you. You are very young, kind and en ergetic,we like your style .I an sure your class can give us more progress on En glish learning ,even on how to do people. I m scared for what u wanna do” to people? Maybe u wanna say how to be peopld?) Though I got a red“good! ” in you little test ,I also got another word“so careless translated everything into“verything one ” I am sorry, I didntest after t even got any have graduated, I swear I feel unfamiliar with exam.erm actually I feeldifficult to write words ,ha ha. Dear daw n I should stop no w,as your stude nt, I hope you can get best place in you teaching field, have good students all over the world. If you re busy ,you should nt write back. En friend is privilege. (?) The Travels of Hongcun village In this International Labor Day, I had been to Hongcun ancient villagewhich is located in south of Anhui. I knew it from Exploring of CCTV-10, and am attracted by its profound culture connotation when I first saw it. So I was expecting to visit it all the time. Hongcun was in no rtheast of Yixia n in Huan gsha n city .It takes 4 hours by train and 2 hoursby bus from Wuhu Before this trip, I searched information about it, and knew it was built by Wang cla n a famous mercha nt of Huizhoui n Ming This is rob in, a stude nt of you ,from chery compa ny. It is my honor to send you the email(better)and lear n from you. The first time i learnt from the teachers of new orie ntalwhe n i tookpart in the entrance exams for postgraduate on computer,because i did nt have eno ugh mon eyto the real school.The teachers of new orie ntal,like you,always have the feature of passi on ,humor and so onreally appreciate this kind of teacher and the class which is given (class is not human beingAA) And i have some suggestio nswhich maybe helpful to you . First,the more activities the better ,we have the course for communicatingto foreigners not researching, so we should have more chanee to talk,like the debati ng last week.i feel very well in that way! Second, please recon sider the joke. Last time you give the joke about the man with little hair .Maybe for most students in the school,that is ok .but, this is a compa ny with many engin eers,you know ,most engin eers cant find anyfun from that. So we should try to think over this things from others view.Do you think so? ok,that is all .Tha nks a lot for your cource! Have a nice weeke nd! Salut! Mis.Daw n : How are you doing/ how are you? I am wiritt ing to confirm whether you have received my e-mail sent before and your reply will be appreciated after class Mea nwhile,Our colleagues in the after-sales service dept .( the abbrrivati on form should be en ded with .)have set up a QQ Chat room-our own En glish Cornerto review points of knowledgeyou had deliverred . furthermore we share and practise lauguage lear ning skills and tipsthere in( its a formal word in con tract and law field. U can use there in stead) We are look ing forward to your class coming soon & send our best wishes to you Catch you later :) Easter Dear daw nzcc, It is my honor to mail you.Also it is the first time to mail a girl,so I feel excited. I have been studying englishwhen i was injunior high school, but it is a pity that I can not make great progress .I try many ways to improve the methods of study,but I failed. In my opinion. spoke n en glish isthe most importa nt.l admire some one who can speak fluently just like youdo. Now, I write english everyday . But when I speak with our distributors in english,Ifind it hard for me to express what I want to.Maybe you will suggest me read english constantly,I do this thing now and then. After a long time,I find ituseless to do that.I am con fused. To en ha nee ma ny abilitiesof en glish.Itook part in the NEWORIENTIAL SCHOOL,there are many excelle nt teachers such as Joh n and Man dy.They made me know a lot .Fort un ately I meet you ,you get a lot to me . but sometime you give some un com mon use in daily talk and com muni cati on (this is my private idea),today you teach me this and n ext class you may give us ano ther topiccan n ot follow it.there is no discipli naria n to obey.(im sorry i cant catch this) We have many bus in esses to deal with.so we do not have eno ugh time to study,please un dersta nd it. The task is com min g,so I must do it,I will stop,we can com mun icate in the futurehave a lot to lear n from you. I expect you can receive the letter and giv me repl y.I will wait for it.THANK YOU! Dear Miss zha ng. Thanks God for let me have lady. cha nee to com muni cate with you, a smart young Its very lucky for me to meet you and tha nks for no matter in En glish kno wledge or the method of En lish lear ning. you havi ng give n me a lot, Un til now you may not know who am I? Maybe you could nt forget the boy who always sits in the front of classroom and n earest to you in class. Its me , a En glish lover and your stude nts. There are some troubles in my daily English study.You know the staff of chery intern ati onal are always very busy and work a very long time with little rest, even so I to use most do my best of my spare time in English study.The point is little improvement in my writing and readi ng,so I want to ask you for help about how to overcome the difficulty in readi ng.lnten sive read ing may writ ing and be a good favor ,but the result is not good eno ugh. Wrong method of inten sive readi ng is the biggest problem ,could you tell me your way of inten sive readi ng? More detail , much better . Communi cati ng is a good way to improve En glish,so I want to keep with you all the time. in touch I know you are a respectable New OrientalSchool teacher and kno wledge in Ian guage, and you can give my some in struct ion. Maybe we can share En glish materials with each other . I think obtain good com muni cating is a perfect method of En glishlear ning,and we together in En glish. can improve Tha nks for givi ng me a pot of water from your deep sea of En glish. Tha nks for carvi ng a charm in g,sle nder impressi on of yourself in my mind. Tha nk you for perfect memories you leave to me. Eager to see you aga in in the Thursday eve ning. How time fli es !lt was almost one year since I have graduated from my university. It seems just a flash which the four years life I le ft in the school. Now when Irecalled my old times, i had a lot of good memories. I can easily recall every detail in that time - my teacher,my classmates,myfriend,andthose roads which I walked with my girlfriend,the libraryin which I slept . But now,all the things are only left in my memory. Time came back to 11.28,2006,when I signed my name on the contract,I knew that I chose a narrow way.A nd,to tell the turth,I was a littleregretful (for pen ite ntial is a overstated word)because it is so far from wuhu to my hometow n. Now, I am no Ion ger a stude nt, I must face it.Whe n I recall the expecta nt faces of my parents,l have the power towake up my body to work hard. Though I am be bori ng with my job sometimes ,but I knowl must hold on for my future,andmake it more colorful. style=FONT-FAMIL Y:宋体Dear Dawn. Hi, Dawn, Nice to have met you. Let me in troduce myself, my chin ese n ame is Zhu Aiqin, I come from After-sales Service Departme nt of Chery Intern ati on al, I have worked in Chery compa ny for seve n years, my major job is to settle warra nty claim, and follow up the status of claimed parts, everyday I dispose of warranty claims, solve the compla in and com muni cate with distributors, try my best to meet the customers satisfacti on. I think you are an easy-going teacher, and I also hope with your help, my five English skills will be improved the soon est. Dear Ms Zha ng, I like heari ng your less on very much,Because its very in teresti ng and abundan t. I can lear ni knowle d ge(knowledge is uncountable) form your class.So thank you. My friend want s to take BEC test and hope s to attend Training Course in Wuhu city. Can yo me where there is BEC Trai ning Course in Wuhu city? I always watch some En glish movies, But I n ever make progress, Can you tell me how to imp my En glish through movie s? I hope you can give me some good suggesti ons about how to improve my en glish! Thanks for your help! Best wishes yours sincerely firstyly i would like to say ur ppt is really splendid, making me feel warm and happy. the color andthe arrangement of those pictures are extremely terrific. i felt fantastic when i was reading ur homework. tha nk you for ur delicate thinking. sec on dly, from ur paper u can see that some of the senten ces are not well-orga ni zed. plz pay atte nti on to the clauses(从句)eg. i visited a factory which is destroyed by fire. i visited a factory,which makes me gloomy. the first which refers to factory while the sec ond which refers to i visited a factory. any way, u r great! keep on moving and best wishes! daw n as to intensive reading. the word intensive means concentrating all ones effort on a specific area. so whenever u find a good material for intensive traning, u should make certa in every new words and phrases, an alyzeevery sentence structure, ie. comprehe nd every difficult long senten ces. know about the cultural background of the article. this is so -called intensive reading. about writing. u need to broaden ur vocabulary. eg. she is beautiful. people all know that beautiful. however , in order to show ur excelleneein writing,u can use differe nt words in stead like pretty,elege nt, ni ce,sple ndid,fi ne,etc. en glish writing emphasize on using different words. on the other hand, try to read original english articles, esp. those proses written by famous writers like Francis Bacon and Russel. you can enjoy their writing styles and appreciate how they use words and senten ces. here are some ways to improve writi ng. i will in troduce more at class. best wishes and happy everyday! 出师表 两汉:诸葛亮 先帝创业未半而中道崩殂,今天下三分,益州疲弊,此诚危急存亡之秋也。然侍卫之臣不 懈于内,忠志之士忘身于外者,盖追先帝之殊遇,欲报之于陛下也。诚宜开张圣听,以光先帝 遗德,恢弘志士之气,不宜妄自菲薄,引喻失义,以塞忠谏之路也。 宫中府中,俱为一体;陟罚臧否,不宜异同。若有作奸犯科及为忠善者,宜付有司论其刑 赏,以昭陛下平明之理;不宜偏私,使内外异法也。 侍中、侍郎郭攸之、费祎、董允等,此皆良实,志虑忠纯,是以先帝简拔以遗陛下:愚以 为宫中之事,事无大小,悉以咨之,然后施行,必能裨补阙漏,有所广益。 将军向宠,性行淑均,晓畅军事,试用于昔日,先帝称之曰能”,是以众议举宠为督:愚 以为营中之事,悉以咨之,必能使行阵和睦,优劣得所。 亲贤臣,远小人,此先汉所以兴隆也;亲小人,远贤臣,此后汉所以倾颓也。先帝在时, 每与臣论此事,未尝不叹息痛恨于桓、灵也。侍中、尚书、长史、参军,此悉贞良死节之臣, 愿陛下亲之、信之,则汉室之隆,可计日而待也 严1。 臣本布衣,躬耕于南阳,苟全性命于乱世,不求闻达于诸侯。先帝不以臣卑鄙,猥自枉屈, 三顾臣于草庐之中,咨臣以当世之事,由是感激,遂许先帝以驱驰。后值倾覆,受任于败军之 际,奉命于危难之间,尔来二十有一年矣。 先帝知臣谨慎,故临崩寄臣以大事也。受命以来,夙夜忧叹,恐托付不效,以伤先帝之明; 故五月渡泸,深入不毛。今南方已定,兵甲已足,当奖率三军,北定中原,庶竭驽钝,攘除奸 凶,兴复汉室,还于旧都。此臣所以报先帝而忠陛下之职分也。至于斟酌损益,进尽忠言,则 攸之、祎、允之任也。 愿陛下托臣以讨贼兴复之效,不效,则治臣之罪,以告先帝之灵。若无兴德之言,则责攸 之、祎、允等之慢,以彰其咎;陛下亦宜自谋,以咨诹善道,察纳雅言,深追先帝遗诏。臣不 胜受恩感激。 今当远离,临表涕零,不知所言。


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