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Making a good oral presentation at a conference.vA presentation is a special form of academic communication.v It is an effective tool for propagating an idea,outlining a plan or explaining a problem and the recommended solution.vGenerally,in presentation you tell your audience your findingsvAnd why they are important,and show them photographs,charts and diagrams to reinforce what you are telling themvA Successful Presentation is to clearly and efficiently deliver your idea to audiencesvTo deliver a successful presentation,you need the good methodology and right stepsStepsvStructuring your talkvPreparing your slidesvRehearsing your talkvDelivering your presentationA good presentation has:vContent-It contains information that people need.vStructure It has a logical beginning,middle,and end.vHuman Element-analyze if the audiences needs are better met.First of all,think.vThink about what you want to achieve:do you want to inform your audience,inspire them to think about your topic,or convince them of a particular point of view?vThink about your audience:what background knowledge do they have about your topic?Do they have any particular interests?How are you going to involve them in your presentation?ThenvBrainstorm your topic and write a rough outline.vResearch your topic.Remember you have a limited time for your presentation.vOrganize your material and write a draftthink about the length of time you have to talk.vSummarize your draft into pointsvPlan and prepare your visual aids.vRehearse your presentation and get its length right.Ask a friend to listen and time you.Organizing the contentvIntroduction 1.opening remarks 2.anecdote,story,questions to catch audiences attention.3.Introduce the topic,the purpose,the background information,the outline of the speech.Format of PresentationvBody parallel structure in developing each main points e.g.First,I would like to reflect upon Second,I will attempt to highlight Indias perspective on the Third,I shall explore a possible agenda.Conclusion1.signals that the presentation comes to the end 2.summarize the presentation briefly 3.end it directly by thanking the chairperson.vAsking and Answering QuestionsIntroductionvCapture your listeners attention:Begin with a question,a funny story,a startling comment,or anything that will make them think.vState your purpose;for example:Im going to talk about.This morning I want to explain vPresent an outline of your talk;for example:I will concentrate on the following points:First of allThenThis will lead to And finally The BodyvPresent your main points one by one in logical order.vPause at the end of each point(give people time to take notes,or time to think about what you are saying).vMake it absolutely clear when you move to another point.For example:The next point is that.vUse clear examples to illustrate your points.vUse visual aids to make your presentation more interesting.The ConclusionvIt is very important to leave your audience with a clear summary of everything you have covered.vMake it obvious that you have reached the end of the presentation.vSummarize the main points again,using phrases like:To sum up.,So,in conclusion.OK,to recap the main points vRestate the purpose of your talk,and say that you have achieved your aim:I think you can now see that.My intention was.,and it should now be clear that.vThank the audience,and invite questions:Thank you.Are there any questions?Delivering your presentation DosvDo speak loudly,clearly,confidently and positivelyvDo keep eye contact with the audience vDo smilevDo avoid technical jargon unless youre sure it is familiar to the audiencevDo repeat where necessary to highlight your strong pointsvDo give a strong ending by summarizing your best pointsDontsvDo not run overtimevDo not overuse your body movement and hand gesturevDo not speak towards the screenvDo not disappear from the vision of your audiencevDo not ignore your audienceUse your voice to communicate clearly vSpeak loudly enough for everyone in the room to hear you.vSpeak slowly and clearly.Chapter I.Beginning the SpeechOpening Remarks开场:开场:v1)Thank you very much,Prof.Fawcett,for your very kind introduction.Mr.Chairman,Ladies and gentleman,Good morning!I consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about on this session of our symposium.v2)Ladies and gentleman.Its an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience.v3)Good morning.Let me start by saying just a few words about my own background.v4)Mr.Chairman,thank you very much for your kind introduction.President,Distinguished colleagues,Ladies and gentleman,Good morning!Its an honor to have the opportunity to give my presentation here.v5)Good morning,everyone.I appreciate the opportunity to be with you today.I am here to talk to you aboutv6)Good morning,everyone.I am very happy to have this chance to give my presentation.Before I start my speech,let me ask you a question.By a show of hands,how many of you own a car?Expressing thanks to the Chairperson 向主持人致谢向主持人致谢vMr.Chairman,thank you for your introduction.vFirst,I would like to thank Mr.Chairman for his gracious introduction.vThank you very much,Prof.Fawcett,for your very kind introduction.vI would like to thank Dr.Huang(主持人或推荐你来发言的上司)for permitting me the privilege to speak to this audience.Forms of Address and Greetings对听众的称呼对听众的称呼vDistinguished colleagues,Ladies and gentleman,Good morning!Expressing Pleasure and Honor 向向听众致意听众致意vI am very happy/glad/pleased to be here in Hong Kong.vI am honored/privileged to be here(with you this afternoon).vI am proud to be here on this special occasion.vIts a very great pleasure for me to be able to attend this conference.vI consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about on this session of our symposium/at this conference.Others 细节,如确认话筒音量细节,如确认话筒音量vCan you hear me all right?vIs my voice too loud?vIs my voice loud enough?Reference to the Audience 与听众与听众呼应呼应vI can see many of you are from department.vI know many of you are familiar with this topic.vYou all look as though youve heard this before.vI understand that youve all traveled a long way./After hours of conference,you must feel a little tired.Now Id like you to see an interesting topicvII.Introducing the Subject and the outline of the Presentationv引入话题引入话题Background Informationv I would like to start by briefly reviewing the history of open heart surgery.v I think it would be best to start out by looking at a few slides.v I should like to preface my remarks with a description of the basic idea.v The first thing I would like to talk about is the definition of the terms I shall use in my lecture.v The first point Id like to make is the historical background of the invention.Topicv I would like to concentrate on the problem Of antibiotic abuse in hospitals.vI want to confine my talk to the latest developments in civil engineering.vMy topic today will deal with the observation of supernova(超新星).vIn my presentation this morning,Ill limit myself to three major points only.vNow,I would like to address myself to the most important aspect of this problem.OutliningvMy talk today consists of two parts.One is.and the other is.vIve divided my presentation into four parts.vI would like to divide my talk into two parts.The first part deals with,the second part concerns.vMy presentation will be given in four parts.The first part deals with.The second part relates to.The third part concerns.And the last part discussesPurpose/ObjectivevThe purpose of this presentation is to.vThis talk is designed toChapter II Developing the SpeechI.Announcing the Beginning of the Speech TextvTo begin with,I would like to talk about a principle.vI think it would be best to start out by looking at some pictures.vThe first thing I would like to talk about is the definition of the terms which I11 use in my presentation.II.Shifting to the Next Main PointvWell,lets move on to the next point.vWe will now come to the second problem.vTurning to the next question,I 11 talk about the stages of the procedure.vAs the second topic,I shall stop here.Now let s turn our attention to the third topic.vSo much for the methodology of our experiment.I would now like to shift to the discussion of the results.vNow,lets move away from the first part and switch over to the next part of my presentation.vThats all for the introduction and now we can go on to the literature review.vNext,I would like to turn to a more difficult problem.vThe next point Id like to talk about is the feasibility of this project.vThat brings me to my second point.III.Resuming the TopicvLet s come back to what I said in the first part of my speech.vGetting back to the subject of the problem of theoretical considerations we can find that.vI want to return to the first part of my presentation.vNow,to get back to the effect of temperature,you may be aware that the problems have been solved.vThis brings me back to the question of security.vAt this point I would like to refer again to the question of methods in the first part of my lecture.vReferring again to the first question,I think.vReferring to the Coming PointvIll deal with it later.vI 11 touch upon that point in a moment.vI shall tell you in detail shortly.IV.Introducing the Supporting MaterialsvI think this part is the most difficult,so Ill explain it in greater detail.vI think this part of my paper is most important,so I plan to spend more time on it.vPlease allow me to deal with this matter more extensively.vBeing the most important part of my presentation,I will elaborate on it with more slides.vIndicating the Points BrieflyvLimited by the time available,I can only give you a very brief account of this matter.vI dont think that I should describe the methods in detail,because they are included in the handout.vI will not go into detail on it.vThis point has been talked about repeatedly in this symposium,so I am not going to spend too much time on it.vI shall not go over all these explanations.My time is running short.So Ill be brief.vIt is sufficient to say that these experiments were poorly designed and without controls.vI ll expand this topic with drawings and figures.vLets go through the following points very rapidly.vI just want to outline for you what I experienced in using this new drug.VI.Expressions Concerning Audio-Visual AidsvCould we have the lights off?And the first slide,please.vLights off,first slide,please.vDim the lights,and first slide,please.vThe slide is not so clear.Please darken the room a little more.vCould you please turn on the lights,please?VII.Demanding to Show the Next SlidevMay I proceed to the next slide,please?vI think we can move on to the next slide.vLet me show you the next slide.vNow,we can go on to the next slide.vNext slide,please.vNext,please!Chapter III Ending the Speech TextI.Signaling the Beginning of the End PartvLets look at what I have talked about.vWell,that brings me to the end of my presentation.This last slide is a brief summary of what I have talked about.vBefore I stop/finish,let me just say.vTo close my speech,Ill show you the last slide.vNow Id like to summarize my talk.vTo summarize,I have talked about three aspects of the cancer problem:.vFinally,as a summary statement,I would like to sum up the major points I have made.II.SummarizingvLet me just run over the key points again.vIll briefly summarize the main issues.vIn conclusion,vIn closing,vIn a word,vTo sum up.vIn brief,vBriefly vAll in all,III.ConcludingvAs you can see,there are some very good reasons.vTo sum up,my conclusion is that the present program is the best one.vIn conclusion.vLet me conclude my talk with the following comments.vAllow me to conclude by listing out all the factors influencing the efficacy.vIn conclusion,I would like to point out the following aspects.vId like to leave you with the following conclusion.V.ClosingvThats all,thank You.vThats the end of my presentation.vSo much for my speech,thank you.vThank you for your attention.vThank you for your listening.vOther Expressions that May Be Useful in the End Part of the SpeechvSorry,I see the red light is shining so I have to skip the last part and jump to the conclusion.vMr.Chairman is signaling me,I have to stop here and leave out the remaining part to spare time.Video Stance in spoken and written university registers Douglas BIBER Use Transitional Wordsv1.To start,add,continue,or introduce ideasTo begin with;Let me start by mentioning;First,second,third,finally;Firstly,then,next,lastly;Besides;In addition;Furthermore;Moreover;2.To detail ideas As an application;As an example;Basically;For example;For instance;Generally;In general;In particular;Namely;Often;Specifically;That is to say;.3.To compare ideasA similar analysis shows;In like manner;In a similar manner;In this connection;Similarly;Likewise;In practice;However;In Comparison;In contrast;After all;Instead;On the contrary;On the other hand;Otherwise;Whereas;.4.To repeat ideas As before,A second time;As has been stated;In other words;In review;Once more;.5.To show position Adjacent to;beyond;On the other side;Next to;The former;Opposite to;.6.To show purpose For this purpose;For this reason;To this end;Toward this objective;With this goal;.7.To show solidity Fortunately;Hopefully;To be sure;Undeniable;Without any question;In fact;In reality;Indeed;Obviously;Conclusively;.8.To show time At present;At this point;Meantime;meanwhile;Recently;Presently;So far;At length;Ultimately9.To show result As a result;Accordingly;Consequently;Hence;In consequence;In spite of;In view of;Therefore;Thus;.10.To summarize ideas In short;In summary;To sum up;Summarizing;Samples for Opening,Developing and Closing a PresentationSamples A Opening RemarksvMr.Chairman,ladies and gentlemen.Im very glad to present my paper today.The title of my presentation is.My presentation will focus on studies from my own laboratory at X University in collaboration with Dr.Anderson,as well as studies done in collaboration with Prof.Wang Ling of Tsinghua University.vThank you,Prof.Smith,for giving me this opportunity to address you today.My presen-tation will be made from the perspective of.Now,please look at the first slide.vFriends,it is an honour to have this opportunity to be with you and a pleasure to renew an old friendship with some of you whom I have not met for three years since our last meeting in Paris.vGood morning,everyone.I am very delighted to have the opportunity to report my research and to discuss the present status of X on such an occasion.First,Id like to tell you briefly the background of my study and the findings of my research.Then make a brief comment on it.Sample B Introducing topics,Arrangementof Each Part,and time for QuestionsvToday I would like to discussand relate this subject to the activities ofId be glad to answer any questions at the end of my talk.vId like to concentrate my discussion on the research and development ofPlease interrupt me if theres something which needs clarifying.Otherwise,there will be time for discussion at the end.vI would like to divide my talk into four parts.The first point discussesThe second coversThe third concernsLast but not least,I will talk about some-thing relating to.Samples C Turning to a New PointvLet us consider the implications of two of these new inventions.vI now turn to the subject ofvWith reference to,it should be mentioned thatvBefore I discuss.,I want to go back to.vAnother concern of X is to.Additionally.Samples D Drawing Conclusions and Ending RemarksvBefore closing my presentation,I would like to make a few general remarks about the problem we are discussing.Thats all for my presentation.I hope youll give me your comments and suggestions.Thank you.vThis concludes my presentation,and Id be pleased to answer any questions you may have.


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