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1崇阳职业技术学校黄汉珠2Q1: Whats the name of the song?Q2: Can you still remember the words of the song?Q3: Who wrote and sang it?3Do you know club?Swimming Clubfootball clubPainting ClubChess ClubEnglish ClubComputer club4Science ClubDancing ClubSinging Club5Listen and match. 听录音,将人物与正确的俱乐部搭配。听录音,将人物与正确的俱乐部搭配。Science ClubEnglish ClubComputer ClubSinging Club1)2)3)4)61) The membership of the Science Club is _ for experiments.2) Zhang Wei can go to _ to get the schedule of the Science Club.3) Wang Yang is a _ of the English Club.Listen and complete. 再听录音,补全句子。再听录音,补全句子。Activity 840 yuan a termthe club websitemember7Activity 9Read and underline. 阅读对话,用下画线标出询问俱乐部阅读对话,用下画线标出询问俱乐部信息的语句。信息的语句。At the entrance to the English Club. Ben: Hi, Wang Yang! Welcome to the English Club!Wang Yang: Hi, Ben. Im so glad to be here. By the way, how much is the membership? Ben: Well, Wang Yang: Thats great! And Id like to know the schedule of the club. Where can I get it? Ben: You can ask the club secretary for that.Wang Yang: I see. May I bring my friends to the club? Ben: Wang Yang: Thank you! Ben: Youre welcome!Club 可指任何类型的俱乐部或社团,其成员都可称为 member。加入成为会员后,可以享受俱乐部提供的特惠服务和活动,有的社团需要交纳一定的会费。会员资格或会费都可称作 membership。8 welcome的用法一 . 作感叹词 1. welcome to Beijing! 欢迎来北京。欢迎来北京。 2. Welcome, come in, please. 欢迎,欢迎,请进来。欢迎,欢迎,请进来。 二 . 作名词 意为“欢迎,款待”,可用 warm (热烈的), cold (冷淡的), enthusiastic (热情的)等形容词作定语加以修饰。例如 3. The hostess gave us a warm welcome. 4. Her suggestion received a rather enthusiastic welcome. 三 . 作及物动词 意为“欢迎(某人或某事物)”。例如: 5. They welcome us warmly and showed us to our rooms. 他们热情地欢迎我们,并把我们带到我们住的房间里。他们热情地欢迎我们,并把我们带到我们住的房间里。 6. He didnt welcome the suggestion. 他不欢迎这项建议。他不欢迎这项建议。9四 . 作形容词 意为“受欢迎的”:“令人喜欢的”。例如: 7. a welcome guest 8. a welcome rain 9. a most welcome suggestion 10. You are welcome to use my car. 通过上面的介绍,会使用通过上面的介绍,会使用 welcome 一词了吗?一词了吗?翻翻译下列句子:译下列句子:1. 崇阳崇阳欢迎您!欢迎您!2. 那天上午那天上午 200 多人欢迎来访的多人欢迎来访的领导领导。 3. 欢迎大家来欢迎大家来崇阳职校崇阳职校参观。参观。 4. 你可以随意使用我们的工具。你可以随意使用我们的工具。 工具工具: tool 5. 我们我们欢迎欢迎咸宁各地学生。咸宁各地学生。Welcome to Chongyang!That morning more than 200 people welcomed the visiting leader.Welcome to visit the Palace Museum.You are welcome to use any of our tools.Our school welcomes all the students all over Xianning.受欢迎的客人受欢迎的客人甘霖甘霖极受欢迎的建议极受欢迎的建议我的车你尽管用。我的车你尽管用。10重点词汇和句型重点词汇和句型eg The service is free to all members. 本项服务对所有会员都是免费的。11重点词汇和句型重点词汇和句型 eg You have to apply in person. 你必须当面申请。 The rule cannot be applied in every case. 这规则并不适用于所有的情况。 12Activity 10Listen and repeat. 跟读对话,学说选出的语句。跟读对话,学说选出的语句。At the entrance to the English Club. Ben: Hi, Wang Yang! Welcome to the English Club!Wang Yang: Hi, Ben. Im so glad to be here. By the way, how much is the membership? Ben: Well, its free.Wang Yang: Thats great! And Id like to know the schedule of the club. Where can I get it? Ben: You can ask the club secretary for that.Wang Yang: I see. May I bring my friends to the club? Ben: Well, they need to apply first.Wang Yang: Thank you! Ben: Youre welcome!13Activity 11Act and practice. 根据下列提示与同伴练习俱乐部招新时的根据下列提示与同伴练习俱乐部招新时的面试对话。面试对话。A: What club are you going to join?A: What qualifications do you have?A: Fill in this form, please.B: Id like to join B: Im good at B: By the way, how much is the membership?B: Where can I get the schedule?dancing club chess club health club football club14重点词汇和句型重点词汇和句型member membership schedule football club Swimming Club Painting ClubChess Club English Club Computer clubScience Club Singing Club Dancing Club1、Welcome to the English club.2、How much is the membership? Its free.3、Well,they need to apply first.Homework:Recite Dialogue B15


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