应用化工论文应用化工技术论文(Application of chemical engineering papers to chemical technology papers)

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应用化工论文应用化工技术论文(Application of chemical engineering papers to chemical technology papers)This article is contributed by lvyanbing01Pdf documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you first select TXT, or download the source file to the local view.Professional teaching research, Chinese adult education, 2010 fifteenthDevelopment and construction of the course system of Applied Chemical Technology Based on work processZhang ShuxinAbstract deconstructing the traditional disciplinary knowledge curriculum system, establishing the curriculum development paradigm based on the working process, and constructing the learning field curriculum system of Applied Chemical Technology specialty. Key words: work process; development model; learning field; the basic connotation of curriculum system, the work process oriented curriculum (training outstanding occupation ability) of working process oriented curriculum orientation and objectives, contents and requirements, teaching process and evaluation in the implementation of occupation ability, reflect the essential characteristics occupation education curriculum. Professional ability is the ability that must be engaged in a profession, also called professional ability or professional action ability. It emphasizes the ability to complete a complete process, namely, the ability to plan, act, and ultimately test the outcome of actions in complex situations. Note that the occupation ability is not equal to the operating skills, working process is not equal to the operation process, because a complete work process should include at least the three stages of planning, implementation and inspection, and the operation only in the implementation phase of the task. (two establish a curriculum based on and around the work process) the work process is a complete process of work, i.e., how the work task has been accomplished. It is a complete working procedure in an enterprise to accomplish a job and obtain a job result. The core elements of the work process include: workers, objects of work, tools of work, methods of work and products of work. The work process oriented curriculum system is based on and revolves around the work process in professional activities. Therefore, in order to have systematically analyzed the work process of curriculum development based on working process; and to systematically analyze the work process, we must fully understand the elements of the work process, through the analysis of these factors, to decipher the implicit knowledge of the working process in the actual work of the occupation. (three working process knowledge as the main course content) and the construction of curriculum system based on work process, the first thing to solve is the choice of curriculum content. The work process oriented occupation education curriculum not to teach knowledge for the purpose, its purpose is to teach students the knowledge of work process, promote the formation of students occupation ability, this is the fundamental difference between it and the curriculum system. Work process knowledge is a situation related knowledge, which is acquired and needed in the actual work process. Work process knowledge includes not only explicit knowledge of instructional behavior (such as strategies) but also implicit knowledge (such as experience, know-how, skills, techniques) that are not derived from theoretical knowledge. The tacit knowledge is the most expensive, because they are not explicit knowledge as easily be imitated and copied and transferred; they are also the most precious, because they are not only the individual factors of success in practice, but also the core of modern enterprises with an important basis and source of competitiveness. (four) taking the course of work as the main line and ordering the content of the course, in addition to the choice of curriculum content, another key factor of curriculum development is the ordering of curriculum content. The most important objective of curriculum content sequencing is how to make it easy for students to accept this sequence of courses. The job oriented curriculum development is based on the work process, integrating knowledge and skills, and ordering the content of the course. Research shows that according to the work process to arrange and impart relevant courses content, will receive twice the result with half the effort teaching effect. Note that, in order to process in accordance with the working process of curriculum content, moderate enough declarative knowledge no change in total, but changed this kind of knowledge in the course of sort. The curriculum is no longer just the structure of the static discipline system, but more importantly, it focuses on the formation and construction of implicit practice knowledge contained in the dynamic action system. Therefore, the construction process of the work process oriented curriculum system is actually a process of deconstructing the discipline system and reconstructing it according to the action system. Two, based on the working process of the curriculum system of higher vocational education development paradigm of curriculum development in higher vocational education system of the work process to implement the concept based on the ultimate in teaching behavior and students classroom level changing teachers learning behavior, must form a perfect development technology, and the establishment of Vocational Curriculum system development paradigm specification. For this purpose,The teaching team of Applied Chemistry Technology in Zibo Vocational Institute has established the development paradigm as shown in the figure.chartThe basic paradigm of higher vocational curriculum system development based on working processThree, the application of chemical technology professional curriculum development and the construction of the Zibo Vocational Institute of Applied Chemistry Specialty of higher occupation colleges is a national demonstration project, in order to better achieve the goal of talent training, the professional team cooperation with industry experts and curriculum experts, to post ability analysis and the specific work process based on the construction of students occupation ability training and occupation accomplishment plays an important supporting and obvious promoting effect, become a real and radiating role curriculum system. (a professional research) professional research is to further clarify the professional setting, professional connotation, professional orientation, training objectives and specifications of the talent basis; occupation is in accordance with the job requirements and the needs of the people to determine the training mode, but also the work process oriented courses Cheng Kaifa foundation. Its main task is to understand the market demand, clear professional direction and professional connotation; understand the post (Group) requirements and the needs of the people, a clear talent orientation, talent specifications; understand the occupation qualification and occupation qualification certificate and grade requirements; education and training to understand the current situation, analyze the cause of the problem, puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to construct the curriculum system and the development of curriculum. Through the investigation, establish the training goal of Applied Chemistry Specialty: training with good occupation morals, professionalism and innovation consciousness and ability necessary theoretical knowledge, practical ability, innovation ability and independent problem processing, in the chemical production line of chemical process operation, equipment maintenance, production process control product quality inspection and chemical production management of high skilled talents. (analysis of two typical tasks and occupation ability) through the investigation of Qilu Chemical Petrochemical Industries Co, Dongyue Group and other enterprises and for the employment of the graduates, and invited the 12 technical experts of these enterprises are job analysis to determine the main application of chemical technology professional, occupation is the pretreatment of raw materials, reaction process control, product separation and purification, product testing and product marketing. The analysis of the actual tasks included in the position determines the typical tasks and areas of action for the profession (see table) (build three course system of chemical) jobs, each operation post such as distillation, absorption and analysis, extraction and transport are related to quality control and production equipment maintenance and ensure the use of electrical instrumentation and control, the process parameters of support,One hundred and seventy-oneProfessional teaching researchAdult education in China 2010 fifteenthA college curriculum reform of elementary number theoryQiu ShuangyueAbstract: in this paper, the systematic analysis of the course of elementary number theory from the angle of theory, and from the curriculum, teaching content, teaching methods, examination measures and other aspects of system analysis, discusses the ideas and measures to reform the curriculum of elementary number theory. Key words: colleges; elementary number theory; curriculum reform is the teaching content of college courses in the number of relatively old, the teaching method is single, which is to improve the quality of teaching theory is very unfavorable. As colleges and universities, should set reasonable number of courses, the teaching content can not only keep the essence of traditional ideas, it can adapt to the needs of the times, reflect the mainstream theory of development, at the same time we embody the features of colleges theory teacher training curriculum; reform in teaching methods, teaching methods, cultivate students learning the cultivation of students interest, thinking flexibility, improve students comprehensive use and problem solving ability. 1. Accurate positioning of primary number theory for courses is a required course for undergraduates majoring in mathematics at Teachers college. In view of the majority of middle school teachers college graduates engaged in teaching work, only a small part of the actual situation of postgraduate continuing education, to construct knowledge and reasonable structure for the future teachers of this course should not blindly pursue deepening, broadening, to see the University together, nor should the elementary number theory and applied mathematics and engineering colleges are the same, but should focus on highlighting the normal characteristics, emphasizing the combination of higher and elementary, is the course has a certain theoretical depth, but also the elementary theory knowledge into one, in accordance with the compulsory curriculum training objectives of modern middle school mathematics teachers qualified teachers. Two, to adjust the content of teaching, in the past twenty years, both in theory and in applied research, the number theory has made remarkable progress. At present, the teaching of number theory courses in universities is rather outdated,And many other TEACHINGCONTENT repeated, if according to the original textbook, the result is wasting a lot of time for teaching modern necessary mathematical knowledge did not penetrate, a practical example is introduced, the students are not interested in the lecture. The author thinks that combining the characteristics of teacher training, we should adjust the teaching content appropriately. 1. increase the content associated with high school mathematics competitions. Now, according to incomplete statistics, in the International Mathematical Olympiad has great influence on the scope of our country and the number of competitions in mathematics, subject the proportion is about 25%, which does not include the subject involved knowledge of number theory method in. Many secondary schools take training mathematics competition talents as an important part of mathematics teaching or extracurricular activities group, which has put forward to middle school mathematics teachers as well as teaching and training in Normal UniversitiesAnalysis and inspection and so on, from the scope of work, content, methods, tools, requirements, inspection and maintenance, and so on, from an independent system. But in the curriculum system based on knowledge, generally composed of basic chemistry, industry foundation, unit operation, chemical equipment and chemical Chemical Instrument and automation technology etc. the application of chemical technology course, the working process of a complete chemical operation post cut into parts linked to each other. The result is the knowledge structure system because of the course structure and practical work far, students in the completion of the study, in order to adapt to the reality of work, had to work in accordance with the structure of knowledge system, the course of knowledge deconstruction, and then control the realistic jobs restructuring of knowledge system is consistent with the work. This process is not only very difficult for students, but also difficult to achieve. Aiming at the above problems, according to the Shandong province and the surrounding areas of Zibo chemical production characteristics, we choose the ion-exchange membrane caustic soda and polyvinyl chloride production as the carrier of teaching of the typical tasks, RE development of the curriculum in the learning field and the construction of the curriculum system of the working process of the system based on the application of chemical technology specialty. In ionic membrane caustic soda production operation as an example: 5 courses in a typical work task as the carrier, through the production process control, production equipment operation and maintenance of the whole process of instrumentation and monitoring, the formation and maintenance of surface, chemical unit operation, to the core curriculum of typical chemical production jobs including working process of the complete. Students complete the course of learning, that is, through the chemical production positions, practical tables, application of Chemical Technology Courses SystemThe nature of the material and product areas of action awareness of chemical process drawing, assembly drawing and drawing, and mining analysis of raw materials, intermediate products and products of crude sample body, using chemical instrument, use control instrument operation and maintenance of the common equipment, production of chemical control of chemical production device using dust remover, oil separation tank, ventilation wastewater pH regulation device, the use of production site safety facilities based curriculum in the learning field of chemistry and chemical engineering drawing of chemical analysis and chemical test instrument and automatic control technology of typical chemical products (I) the production of ion-exchange membrane caustic soda production of chemical products (II) typical of polyvinyl chloride production of chemical safety and environmental protection technologyA complete process of work. (the formulation of the four curriculum standards) curriculum standards is an important document for the implementation of the teaching, is the core element of the course, it is matched with the teaching plan, according to teachers, textbooks and teaching materials, teaching equipment, teaching quality evaluation. Compared with the original curriculum syllabus, curriculum standards emphasize to cultivate students ability to have what occupation curriculum objectives, students learn how to do what is the learning content, to occupation standard of work and occupation qualification standard assessment standards, the curriculum objectives, content and evaluation standard is more clear and measurable. (five project teaching material compilation) the teaching material is the curriculum systems physical carrier, a complete curriculum system needs the supporting teaching material to support. The compiling of new textbooks needs to take the task as the core to re select and organize the professional knowledge system. We use ion-exchange membrane caustic soda and PVC two typical chemical products as the work carrier, write ionic membrane caustic soda production of PVC production chemical analysis and inspection and three of this task is the core, but not whether the curriculum school-based project. In the teaching materials, professional knowledge. Professional knowledge needs to be reasonably extended around the accomplishment of tasks. In the above three textbooks, it combines the knowledge of chemical principles, reaction process and equipment knowledge, basic analysis, inspection principle knowledge and chemical process knowledge in the original subject curriculum system. (six teaching practice) at present, the curriculum system we are building is in the first round of implementation.The test will be the scale of learning field curriculum is conducive to the cultivation of comprehensive occupation ability of students, whether professional students knowledge structure to process knowledge based, supplemented by declarative knowledge, whether students competent professional work. These all need the market inspection, needs the users inspection, we will promptly according to the market, the user and students feedback, unceasingly revises, constructs the more scientific, the reasonable curriculum system. Reference:1 Liu Yanjun. The work process oriented curriculum mode research and curriculum development practice of J. China occupation technology education (9.), 2009, 2. The higher occupation education Jiang Dayuan curriculum system design of J. China higher education research, 2009, (4.)(Department of chemical engineering, Zibo Vocational Institute, Shandong, Zibo 255314, China)One hundred and seventy-twoOne


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