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长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 住在富人区的她 东北财经大学21春“公共课”大学英语2期末考试题库附带答案一.综合考核(共50题)1.Im not sure which restaurant _.A、to eat onB、eating atC、to eat atD、for eating参考答案:C2.It was _ that he couldnt finish it alone.A.a so difficult workB.a so difficult jobC.such a difficult jobD.such a difficult work参考答案:C3.-Son: Mom, may I play computer game for an hour or so? -Mom: _.A.Your teacher tells me that you should study harderB.Sorry, Dads using the computer nowC.Ive said before that the game takes too longD.Well, ah Youre absolutely right to ask参考答案:B4.Adam: Mmm This is the best pudding Ive ever had! Celia: _ I know youd like it.A、Didnt I tell you?B、Did I say it right?C、Is what I said right?D、What did I say?参考答案:D5.The Chinese dream is the dream of the people. We should try our best to make our dreams _.A.put offB.pick upC.come trueD.reach out参考答案:C6.A:Ive just heard that the tickets for Swan Lake have been sold out! B:Oh, no! _A、I was looking forward to it.B、It doesnt matter.C、Its not at all interesting.D、I knew it already.参考答案:A7.Paul: Can I help with your luggage? Lisa: _.A、No, many thanks. I can doB、No, thanks. I can manage itC、No, not necessary. Thank you anywayD、No, you neednt. Thank you anyway参考答案:B8.Never _ , well see the film next week.A、mindB、to mindC、mind youD、in mind参考答案:A9.The little valley beneath the ivy-covered hills became _ with white shirts.A.dotB.dottedC.dottingD.dots参考答案:B10.Paul: Can I help with your luggage? Lisa: _.A.No, many thanks. I can doB.No, thanks. I can manage itC.No, not necessary. Thank you anywayD.No, you neednt. Thank you anyway参考答案:B11.While I was still a boy, I came _ the conclusion that there were three grades of thinking.A.ofB.atC.toD.on参考答案:C12.Jessica: I got home very late last night. I hope I didnt disturb you. Landlady:_.A.No. I heard a lot of noiseB.Yes, I didnt hear any noiseC.Yes. I didnt hear youD.No. I didnt hear a thing参考答案:D13.Operator: _, May I help you? Bill: Id like to set up a telephone service, please.A、SpeakingB、HeyC、Im John SmithD、Pacific Bell参考答案:D14.Were _ to hand in our homework next week.A、proposedB、supposedC、opposedD、imposed参考答案:B15.The good service at the hotel _ the poor food to some extent.A.made up forB.made upC.made forD.made out参考答案:A16.He is _ taller than us.A.manyB.muchC.moreD.a few参考答案:B17.My husband lived at home before we were married, and so_.A.did IB.had IC.I hadD.I did参考答案:A18.Theres no doubt that modern people have less and less personal space thanks _ beepers, cell phones and e-mail.A、toB、intoC、offD、of参考答案:A19.In most museums, theres no shouting and no running. But the Science Museum in London is _.A.quietB.noisyC.emptyD.crowded参考答案:B20.Waiter: Welcome, sir. May I help you? Customer: _A、Thank you. Ill have fried tofu and stir-fried cauliflower.B、Sorry. I dont need your help, thank you.C、If you want to help me, Ill be glad to accept it.D、Yes, please. Id like a hamburger and a chocolate shake.参考答案:D21.Tom was sitting just _ Jack and Jerry.A、exceptB、amongC、besideD、off参考答案:C22.-Frank: We havent got together for a long time. How about lunch next week? -Nick: Im pretty tied up all next week. How about we plan on two weeks from today? _. -Frank: OK Wednesday in two weeks.A.I can reach it on that WednesdayB.I can get it on that WednesdayC.I can assure it on that WednesdayD.I can make it on that Wednesday参考答案:D23.Jackson: Whats there to do at night? Clerk: There are clubs, concerts, plays, and so on._!A、You make itB、You name itC、You find itD、You manage it参考答案:B24.There are other techniques that might help you _ your studying.A.withB.atC.intoD.over参考答案:A25.Never _ , well see the film next week.A.mindB.to mindC.mind youD.in mind参考答案:A26._ I know, he has been abroad.A.As far asB.As soon asC.As well asD.As much as参考答案:A27.Jessica: I got home very late last night. I hope I didnt disturb you. Landlady: _.A、No. I heard a lot of noiseB、Yes, I didnt hear any noiseC、Yes. I didnt hear youD、No. I didnt hear a thing参考答案:D28.Speaker A: Sorry about all the inconvenience. Speaker B: _.A、Dont worry about itB、OK. With great pleasureC、Oh, really? Thats OKD、Im sorry to hear that参考答案:A29.-Thad: Gee, Susan. Id like a cup of coffee. -Susan: _ Is instant OK?A.Sure thingB.Sure I doC.Im sureD.No kidding参考答案:A30.The woman cant find her keys, so she looks _.A.happyB.niceC.worriedD.excited参考答案:C31.Can you pide 30 _ 6, please?A.inB.byC.withD.of参考答案:B32.My mother was relieved that her son would be satisfied with his performance so he wouldnt do another one, at least for her _.A、sakeB、lakeC、makeD、wake参考答案:A33.Who was the first person _ today?A、spoke to youB、whom you spoke toC、you spokeD、whom you spoke参考答案:B34.-Wendy: Could I have dinner now, Mummy? -Mother: OK, Wendy. Go upstairs and tell Daddy that everybodys here. Then come help me _.A.arrange the tableB.place the tableC.set the tableD.fix the table and chairs参考答案:C35.As we took our seats on the bus, I noticed a woman _ with a young adult close to us.A.sitB.be sitC.sittingD.sits参考答案:C36.It was _ that he couldnt finish it alone.A、a so difficult workB、a so difficult jobC、such a difficult jobD、such a difficult work参考答案:C37.I was surprised when the shopkeeper told me that my father had visited the shop, paid for the framing and _ them wrapped.A、shouldB、wouldC、hadD、could参考答案:C38.The portraits _ look like them, but I was still unsure of my painting techniques.A.didB.doesC.to doD.doing参考答案:A39.Martin stood _ his shirt by the window.A.withB.atC.inD.at参考答案:C40.-Jackson: Ive just heard that the tickets for Swan Lake have been sold out! -Maria: Oh, no! _.A.I was looking forward to itB.It doesnt matterC.Its not at all interestingD.I knew it already参考答案:A41.Toms parents died when he was young, so he was _ by his uncle.A、brought upB、brought outC、grown upD、taken out参考答案:A42.Angela: Do you mind opening the door for me? Randy: _.A.Yes, Ill do itB.Not at allC.Thats all rightD.Its nothing参考答案:B43.When hosts place dishes on the table, they will arrange the main course at the center with the other dishes _ placed around them.A.evenlyB.evenC.oddD.oddly参考答案:A44.-Mickey: You look a little pale. Are you OK? -Nancy: _, I feel terrible.A.To speak outB.To begin withC.To tell you the truthD.To sum up参考答案:C45.Passer-by: _? Local resident: Yes, theres one near the end of the street. Its behind the church.A.hello, sir. Wheres the bus stationB.Excuse me, sir. How can I find the way to the police stationC.Excuse me. Is there a parking lot anywhere around hereD.Which building is the Department of Immigration, please参考答案:C46.The outside of our house was _ painted blue.A.beforeB.firstlyC.originallyD.lastly参考答案:C47.I suggested _ fishing.A.that we goingB.that we to goC.that we goD.that we went参考答案:C48.A: What a surprise! You changed your hair style. B: Yes, and another surprise. Im going to get married next Saturday. A: _A、Really? Congratulations!B、Oh, sorry, I nearly forgot that.C、How about another time? Ill be busy then.D、Thats OK. Saturday is the most suitable day for any marriage.参考答案:A49._ a single mom made things even more difficult.A、BeB、BeingC、IsD、Was参考答案:B50.Do not express shock for what you hear _ matter how shocking it might seem.A、notB、neverC、noD、none参考答案:C


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