王青兰课件yanshiwengao (2)

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贵阳市行知学校 王青兰TopicvProtecting the environment.vTalk about the manatees.Target languagevI think that animals should not live in zoos.vI disagree with you. vI feel that zoos provide clean and safe places endangered animals to live.Lead inLook at the pictures. What can you see? Now lets talk about them. Presentation and practiceDo you like manatees? Can you tell us about the manatees, please? Are they endangered? Why are we trying to save them? Where do they live? Why are they endangered?SummaryRevise what we have learnt in this lesson. Why are we trying to save the manatees? How are we trying to save the manatees? Homework1、Write a short passage about how to protect our environment.2、Write a short passage about how to save the manatees. v Friday, May 10, 2013


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