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1. A father is a treasure, a brother is a 1. A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both. comfort, but a friend is both. 2.Absence sharpens love, presence 2.Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.strengthens it.3. Do as the Romans do.3. Do as the Romans do.4. Seeing is believing.4. Seeing is believing.To grasp the relevant terms and expressions on business reception; ;To get some idea of the procedure and attention to the business reception;To master the techniques of receiving business clients in business activities;To learn to establish a good business relationship with foreign clients;BriefBrief IntroductionIntroduction In business field, reception stands the most prominent position. It aims to make clients relaxed and to develop further relationships among them. When a businessman receives his clients, he usually leaves his office and immerses in an open air with the clients. That is important to improve the relationship among the clients and find additional chances for business. A successful reception will make a good impression on the clients and be likely to reach an agreement. Business reception includes such activities as meeting the business clients at the airport, sending them to the hotel, entertaining them, arranging visits and sightseeing trips, checking out and other activities. (1) the Customs(2) passport control (3) flight connection(4) light luggage(5) reception desk(6) fill in(7) registration form(8) round-trip ticket(9) departure time(10) international flightA.轻便行李B.接待处C.填写,填补D.入境检验E.往返票F.起飞时间G.海关H.国际航班I.登记表J.转机处1.Terms Match 1.Terms Match In picture one, what are the woman and man In picture one, what are the woman and man doing? doing? How do you think of the dining room How do you think of the dining room of the hotel? of the hotel? Does Does it leave a deep it leave a deep impression on impression on you?you?PreparationsPreparations Project Study 1 Project Study 1 Dialogue: Dialogue: Role-Role-playplay: Role-play the above-Role-play the above-mentioned dialogue in mentioned dialogue in pairs.pairs. Meeting a ClientMeeting a ClientDialogue: Dialogue: Role-play :Role-play : Role-play the above-mentioned dialogue in pair Laying Dinner for a ClientCheck OutCheck OutDialoguDialogue e: Role-play:Role-play: Role-play the above-Role-play the above-mentioned dialogue in pairs.mentioned dialogue in pairs.(1) thoughtful (1) thoughtful ( (2) 2) hospitalityhospitality(3) (3) cuisinecuisine( (4) 4) check check intointo(5) (5) comfortablecomfortable( (6) 6) proposepropose(7) (7) splendid splendid ( (8) 8) look look forward to forward to (9) (9) reception deskreception desk( (10) 10) on on behalf of behalf of sbsb (1) Lets go and get you checked into the hotel and have a good rest. (check into)(2) Thank you very much for preparing such a splendid dinner especially for me. (splendid)(3) I hope to have a chance to repay your hospitality some day. (repay ones hospitality)(4) Mao Tai is really nice and it wont go to your head, as most liquor does. (go to ones head)(5) On behalf of my corporation, I shall propose a toast to you. (on behalf of)(6) Thank you for your inquiry about our new products. (inquiry about)(7) Thanks again for an enjoyable evening. (enjoyable)(8) Im leaving at 6:00 p.m., so Id like to settle my account now. (settle ones account)(9) Thats for the breakfast you ordered from the room service. (room service)(10) Wed like one for your file and the other for the account. (file, account)Miss Zhan: Excuse me, are you Mr. Smith from Australia? Mr. Smith: Yes, Im John Smith. Its my honor to meet you.Miss Zhan: Me too. 您旅途还好吗?Mr. Smith: The flight was good. But I was a little bit tired.Miss Zhan: The flight was so long. 我们走吧,等到饭店登记后好好休息一下吧。 Mr. Smith: OK.Miss Zhan: Welcome to Dalian, Mr. Smith. 我们真期望我们的合作能成功。Mr. Smith: Thank you. 很高兴有机会来到大连。Miss Zhan: Mr. Smith, let me help you with your baggage. Mr. Smith: No trouble, thanks. Miss Zhan: I want to make sure that you know our schedule. The meeting starts at eight thirty tomorrow morning in the meeting room. Mr. Smith: I know.Miss Zhan: 我让司机八点来接你。Have a good rest!Mr. Smith: Thanks again. 1. Tongue Twisters 1. Tongue Twisters (1) Bill built a big brick building. (2) I bought a bit of baking powder and baked a batch of biscuits. (3) I have a black-backed bath brush. Do you have a black-backed bath brush?(4) One for sorrow, two for mirth, three for a wedding, four for a birth.(5) A big black bat flew past. A big brown bat flew past. Did the big black bat fly past faster than the big brown bat flew past? You are asked to go to the airport to meet the foreign client on the behalf of your company. At the airport, you easily find your client and talk with him happily.Situation ISituation I(1) Have you ever attended reception activities? If have, tell your classmates the experience.(2) Which business hotel impresses you most? Why?(3) Do you know what are paid attention to when receiving foreign clients?(4) Have you ever had a dinner with a foreign businessman? If have, when and where?(5) What kind of recreational activities would you like to recommend to a foreign client?Vogue Vogue wordswordsScene of Project 2 :On behalf of her corporation, Miss Wang has prepared a splendid dinner at Hongxiang Hotel for her American client Mr. Thomas. At the dinner table, They talk a lot and have a good time.Scene of Project 3 :After several days business talks, Miss White has completed her business task and is leaving at 6:00 p.m. Shed like to close her account, so she comes to Miss Li at the reception desk.Business Presentation refers to PageBusiness Presentation refers to PageVogue-word refers to Vogue-word refers to Page Page 1. Custom is the guide of the ignorant.Custom is the guide of the ignorant.2. A change of work is as good as a A change of work is as good as a rest.rest.3. Cheerful company shortens the miles. .4. A journey of a thousand miles begins 4. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.with a single step. To grasp the relevant terms and expressions on going sightseeing; ; To learn to arrange the sightseeing activities at a proper time and place; To know some conversation skills when going sightseeing with foreign clients; To try to introduce one of the Chinese sceneries or cultures to the business guest;BriefBrief IntroductionIntroduction Sightseeing refers to the act of visiting famous or interesting places, especially travelling as tourists. As to a businessman, one usually goes sightseeing during a business travel somewhere, which is often on company service and under the arrangement of a travel agency. Whether one is travelling as an ordinary or on a business travel, it is necessary for one to get well prepared. Especially when going on a business travel, one is more likely to think of work than the things that may help make ones trip easier and pleasant.(1) itinerary (2) guidebook (3) travelling expense(4) tourist(5) travel brochure(6) off-season(7) peak-season(8) cash advance(9) tour route(10) reimbursementA.旅游手册B.游客C.旅行指南D.旅程表E.淡季F.旅游路线G.公司返还的差旅费H.旅费I.旺季J.预支差旅费 1.Terms Match 1.Terms Match Look at the above pictures, can you tell Look at the above pictures, can you tell us which countries are the famous spots us which countries are the famous spots located in?located in?Do you often go sightseeing ? Do you often go sightseeing ? Which tourist attraction impresses you most Which tourist attraction impresses you most ? ?PreparationsPreparations Project Study 1 Project Study 1 Dialogue:Dialogue: Role-play Role-play: Role-play the above-Role-play the above-mentioned dialogue in mentioned dialogue in pairs.pairs. The first business trip The first business trip Dialogue: Dialogue: Role-play :Role-play : Role-play the above-mentioned dialogue in pair Talking about sightseeing plan Making a reservation forMaking a reservation for a business travel a business travelDialoguDialogue e: Role-play:Role-play: Role-play the above-mentioned Role-play the above-mentioned dialogue in pairs.dialogue in pairs.(1) sightseeing (1) sightseeing ( (2) business travel 2) business travel ( (3) travel arrangement 3) travel arrangement (4(4) travel insurance ) travel insurance ( (5) perk 5) perk ( (6) tourist attraction 6) tourist attraction ( (7) passport 7) passport ( (8) credit card 8) credit card ( (9) travel agent 9) travel agent (10 (10) visa) visa (1) Dr. Tang was supposed to have arrived at the meeting at 7:00pm. (be supposed to)(2) Proceed to do it as you are told. (proceed)(3) Hotel and tickets will be arranged by our travel agent. (travel agent)(4) I get used to living out of a suitcase. (live out of a suitcase )(5) Mr. Brown wanted to see something in particular. (in particular)(6) One can buy exclusive goods in a duty-free shop. (duty-free shop)(7) Generally speaking, your performance is a success. (generally speaking)(8) Please book a second-class window seat ticket for my daughter. (book) (9) Our school has been equipped with new facilities. (equip with)(10) Shall I make the reservation at a four-star hotel? ( make a reservation)Dialogue Dialogue OneOne Mr. Liu: 今天我们的日程安排是观光。Mr. Green: Thank you for your thoughtful planning.Mr. Liu: 有什么特别想去的地方吗?Mr. Green: Oh, Ive no idea. But I heard that its an ideal place for sightseeing and shopping.Mr. Liu: 如果您愿意的话,我可以带你看一些景点。Mr. Green: You dont know how tight the schedule is for this business trip. 我不能错过今晚十点的火车。I have to visit several important clients in another city.Mr. Liu: Then lets go to the most famous spots and try on some delicious local snacks.Mr. Green: OK, that sounds quite interesting.Mr. Liu: 希望您对各项服务都满意。Mr. Green: Id quite appreciate your service.Mr. Liu: Its my pleasure to be your agent.1. Tongue Twisters 1. Tongue Twisters (1) I wish you were a fish in my dish. (2) If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch? (3) If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing. (4) I like to ride my light white bike, and fly a white light kite with my wife. (5) Never trouble about trouble until trouble troubles you! Your manager appoints you as the representative of your company to attend a business meeting in the Washington. Suppose it is the first time for you to go on a business travel. Therefore, you are not familiar with the relevant procedures. Now you are trying to get as much information as possible about it from Jane Smith, a co-worker who are experienced in business travel.Situation ISituation IBBetty Green is going to attend a trade exhibition in Beijing. She makes a phone call to book a room for three nights from August 3rd to 5th in Holiday Inn, requiring the room to be equipped with laundry. Now, you are the hotel receptionist receiving the calling.(1) What is a business sightseeing? Which contents does a business sightseeing contain? (2) What functions does a business sightseeing have? (3) How is a business sightseeing carried out? (4) What should we pay attention to during a business sightseeing?Vogue WordsVogue WordsScene of Project 2 :Carol and John are business partners. After concluding the contract, theyd like to go sightseeing in the city. They are talking about their sightseeing plan.Scene of Project 3 :Kate is the secretary of B&W Company. Mr. Brown, manager of the company is asking her to make the reservation for his business travel in China.Business Presentation refers to PageBusiness Presentation refers to PageVogue-word refers to Vogue-word refers to Page Page 1. Dont display too many products to your 1. Dont display too many products to your customers. That will daze them. customers. That will daze them. 2. Master how samples work and demonstrate Master how samples work and demonstrate them skillfully, and thus you can make it.them skillfully, and thus you can make it.3.Seeing is believing.3.Seeing is believing.4. Never judge from appearances. 4. Never judge from appearances. To grasp the relevant terms and expressions on trade fairs; To understand the importance and types of trade fairs; To learn to introduce a product or company to clients at trade fairs; To get some idea of the procedures in attending a trade fair, esp. Canton Fair.BriefBrief IntroductionIntroduction A trade fair is designed to sell commodities or introduce new ideas and techniques. It is a market event of a specific period held at intervals. It attracts trade and business visitors. At the trade fair, a large number of companies present their main product range of one or more industries, or sell the product on the basis of samples. (1) showroom(2) developed(3) exhibition(4) sample(5) impressive(6) specification(7) superior(8) fashionable(9) price list (10) catalogueA.货样,样品 B.给人以印象深刻的C.优秀的,优等的 D.商品陈列室E.先进的,发达的F.价目表,价格单G.展览品,展览会 H.产品目录I.时髦的,流行的 J.规格,规格说明1.Terms Match 1.Terms Match Which kind of fair do you like to visit in Which kind of fair do you like to visit in the above pictures?the above pictures?Have you ever visited some kind of trade Have you ever visited some kind of trade fairs? Where?fairs? Where?How do you think of trade How do you think of trade fairs in China?fairs in China?PreparationsPreparations Project Study 1 Project Study 1 Dialogue:Dialogue: Role-play Role-play: Role-play the above-Role-play the above-mentioned dialogue in mentioned dialogue in pairs.pairs. Book a Booth by PhoneBook a Booth by PhoneDialogue: Dialogue: Role-play :Role-play : Role-play the above-mentioned dialogue in pair Introducing Products on DisplayAsking if Interested in the Asking if Interested in the Products on DisplayProducts on DisplayDialoguDialogue e: Role-play:Role-play: Role-play the above-mentioned Role-play the above-mentioned dialogue in pairs.dialogue in pairs.(1) showroom (1) showroom ( (2) exhibition 2) exhibition ( (3) impressive 3) impressive ( (4) take 4) take sthsth. into consideration . into consideration ( (5) satisfy 5) satisfy ( (6) specification 6) specification ( (7) fashionable 7) fashionable ( (8) salable 8) salable ( (9) be of high quality 9) be of high quality ( (10) extensive 10) extensive (1) All products have to go through five checks in the whole process. (go through)(2) Were very interested in your products. We would be glad to start business with you. (start business with)(3) We have specially made out a price-list which covers the most salable on your market. (price-list, salable)(4) What about having a look at the samples first? (have a look at)(5) We have special interest in your products, particularly in your kids shoes. (have special interest in)(6) How do you feel about our products? (feel about) (7) There is an upward tendency on the world market and our prices are likely to rise at any moment. (upward tendency)(8) We supply product to over twenty countries, and we are also involved deeply in medical research and development. (be involved in)(9) I am looking for information about current drug therapies. (drug therapy)(10) The catalog contains an extensive list of our current products and services, and also details many of our recent projects. (extensive, detail)Mr. Wu: This is our showroom. We have put some newly-developed products on exhibition. Mr. Stone: 我能先看一看样品吗?Mr. Wu: 你认为我们的产品怎么样?Mr. Stone: They are very impressive, but we are not very sure about the quality.Mr. Wu: 你可以放心。The quality of ours is as good as that of many other suppliers. Mr. Stone: The prices are a little higher.Mr. Wu: When comparing the prices, you must take everything into consideration. 我们的产品在美洲和欧洲很畅销。We always make an effort to improve our designs to satisfy the needs of our customers throughout the world. I can assure you that the prices are very favorable. 在某种程度上,我们的价格取决于你们的订单。 Mr.Stone: Yes, I totally agree with you.1. Tongue 1. Tongue TwistersTwisters (1) How much dew would a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could drop dew? (2) A snow-white swan swam swiftly to catch a slowly-swimming snake in a lake。(3) Sandy sniffed sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting beside a swift stream。 (4) While we were walking, we were watching window washers wash Washingtons window with warm washing water. (5) Sarah saw a shot-silk sash shop full of shot-silk sashes, as the sunshine shone on the side of the shot-silk shop.You (marketing manager) have received the invitation to Canton Fair and decide to go there with Xiao Wang, sales manager. At the trade fair, a foreign client is interested in your product (silk garments) and wants to know more. Then you ask Xiao Wang to introduce the silk garments to the foreign client.Situation ISituation IYour company (Boyasi Group) has accepted the invitation of Canton Fair. You and your manager have already arrived at your booth. You are working in the booth when a foreign businessman comes in. Then you are going to introduce the foreign businessman to your manager, because your manager wants to make an appointment with him.(1) Have you ever visited a trade fair?(2) Why the trade fair is important in China?(3) How can we prepare for a successful trade fair?(4) Introduce the 111 session of Canton Fair to your friends.Vogue WordsVogue WordsScene of Project 2 :Mr. Walker, general manager of ABC Company, is interested in the products on display. So he asks Mr. Wu to introduce them to him.Scene of Project 3 :At the trade fair, Mr. Liu introduces many products to Mr. Lewis. Mr. Levis shows great interest in kids shoes and would like to have a further discussion with Mr. Lin. Business Presentation refers to PageBusiness Presentation refers to PageVogue-word refers to Vogue-word refers to Page Page 1. The tree is known by her fruit.1. The tree is known by her fruit.2. A crack bell is never sound.2. A crack bell is never sound.3. A bird is known by its note, and a man by 3. A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.his talk.4. All that glitters is not gold. 4. All that glitters is not gold. To grasp the relevant terms and expressions on product introduction; To understand the importance of introducing products for a company; To know the methods of expressing quality and quantity of commodity; To learn to introduce and promote the new products.BriefBrief IntroductionIntroduction In international trade, the commodity in the legal contract should be clearly expressed with detailed information, including the name, the agreed quality and quantity, and packing requirements. The clauses regarding the name and quality of commodities are very necessary and important because the delivery of commodities is often based on them. In the formal cases of business field, commodity description includes the name, quality and quantity. They are specified as follows.(1) digital(2) built-in(3) impressive(4) specification(5) handheld (6) selection(7) favorite(8) performance(9) solar(10) presentationA.挑选,选择B.产品介绍;报告C.表现;性能;演出 D.嵌入式的;内置的E.数字式的,数码的F.详细说明;规格G.太阳的;太阳能的H. 心爱的,喜爱的 I. 手提式的,便携式的J. 给人以印象深刻的1.Terms Match 1.Terms Match Do you know what the new-developed Do you know what the new-developed products are in the above pictures?products are in the above pictures?Can you tell us the advantages of the Can you tell us the advantages of the products in our daily life? products in our daily life? What kind of product impresses What kind of product impresses you most? Tell your classmates you most? Tell your classmates the reason.the reason.PreparationsPreparations Project Study 1 Project Study 1 Dialogue:Dialogue: Role-play Role-play: Role-play the above-Role-play the above-mentioned dialogue in mentioned dialogue in pairs.pairs. A Solar Haversack A Solar Haversack Dialogue: Dialogue: Role-play :Role-play : Role-play the above-mentioned dialogue in pair Introducing a Smart PhoneIntroducing Pine Pollen Introducing Pine Pollen DialoguDialogue e: Role-play:Role-play: Role-play the above-mentioned Role-play the above-mentioned dialogue in pairs.dialogue in pairs.(1) digital (1) digital ( (2) consume 2) consume ( (3) Smart Phone 3) Smart Phone (4(4) specification ) specification ( (5) handheld 5) handheld ( (6) presentation 6


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