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冀教版小升初英语模拟试题(三). 根据首字母旳提示写出对旳旳单词(10分)1. Junk food is not good for our h_. 2. Yao Ming is one of the best basketball p_ in the world. 3. My mother is very a_ with me because I eat too much chocolate. 4. Whats the m_ with you? 5. We are r_ the newspaper. 6. Whats your f_ colour? 7. My mother has two d_ Anna and me. 8. The w_ is very hot in summer. 9. I go to Shanghai by p_. 10. My grandpa likes to p_ flowers. .句型转换。( 10分 )1.Jenny eats toast and jam .(改成一般过去时). Jenny toast and jam .2.Danny does his homework at home .(一般疑问句). Danny his homework at home?3.Can you play the piano ?(给出肯定回答). Yes, .4.I would like cereal for breakfast .(对划线部分提问). would you for breakfast ?5. There are four seasons in a year .(对划线部分提问). seasons are there in a year ?.单选(20分)( )1.This is _ favourite jacket. A. I B. me C. my D. Im ( )2. Is Li Ming _ or _ ? A. sit, stand B. siting , standing C.sitting , stand D.sitting, standing( )3. _ is it now ? Its 11:30. A. What time B. What colour C. What D. What day( )4. The train leaves _ 11:15. A. on B. in C. at D. to ( )5. Please _ sit down . Please stand up. A. dont B. doesnt C. cant D. isnt ( )6. I love _ on trips . A. go B. goes C. going D . gos ( )7. I need four _ , please. A. ticket B. tickets C. tickets D. a ticket( )8. _ for a ticket from Shijiazhuang to Beijing ? A. How B. How much C. How many D. How old( )9. They are going there _ plane . A. with B. from C. by D. for( )10. A train is _ than a bus but _ than an airplane. A. fast, slow B. faster, slow C. faster, slower D. fast, slower( ) 11. are you ? Im twelve years old . A., How B. How old C. How many D.Where( )12. Do you usually go to school bus? A.have B. go C. by D. take( ) 13. What do you want ? A. does B. to do C.do D. dong( )14. We Chinese at home . A.speak B.say C.walk D. talk ( ) 15. Does Jenny always a bus? A. have B. take C.by D. go( ) 16. When the baby grew _ a man, he was a great teacher. A A. into B. onto C. with( ) 17. They are _ gifts for baby Jesus. A. bring B. bringing C. brings D. will bring( )18. Would you like _ us? A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps( ) 19.” Who wants a gift?” Li Ming asks _. A. quiets B. quiet C. quick D. quietly( ) 20. I helped Mr. Smith with the Christmas lights _. A. today B. often C. yesterday D. tomorrow. 完形填空(20分)December _1_ is Christmas Day. It is a _2_ holiday in western countries.(国家) The adults(大人)dont work, students dont _3_. People _4_ their family and friends. They give gifts to _5_. They _6_ sing songs at Christmas. The songs are _7_ carols. There is a very nice _8_ man. He is in red clothes and red hat. He has a big _9_. There are many gifts in it .Childre like _10_ very much.( ) 1. A. 23th B.24th C.25th D.26th ( ) 2. A. special B.bad C.lonely D.terrible( ) 3. A. school B. to school C. go to school D.at school( ) 4. A. look B. invite C. arrive D. say( ) 5. A. other B. them C. they D. each other( )6. A. usually B. never C. maybe D.will( ) 7. A.call B. calls C. called D. calling( ) 8. A.old B. young C. handsome D. cool( ) 9. A. bicycle B. bag C. car D. horse( ) 10. A. him B. her C. he D. hisC, A, C, B, D, A, C, A, B, A. 阅读理解(20分)AJimgoestoTokyo.Hewantstoseehisaunt.Butwhenhewalksoutofthestation,hecantfindhisway.Thecityisnowquitedifferent.Heseesamanoutsideapolicestation,sohegoesuptoaskhimforhelp.Themanlooksathimforalongtime,thensays,“Imsorry,sir.Imfromanothercity.Imstandinghereandwanttofindapoliceman.Hemaytellyoutheway.”1.JimgoestoTokyo_.A.toseehisfriendB.toseehisfatherC.toseehisclassmateD.toseehisaunt2.HegoestoTokyo_.A.forthefirsttimeB.forthelasttimeC.notforthefirsttimeD.onlyonetime3.Theman_.A.worksinTokyoB.knowsJimC.doesntliveinTokyoD.likethecity4.Theman_.A.doesntknowthewayB.answersatonceC.doesntwanttoanswerD.doesntlikeJim5.Thebesttitleis“_”.A.GoingtoLondonB.SeeinghisauntC.SeeingapolicemanD.Askingtheway DACAD BTheSawyersliveat87KingStreet.Inthemorning,Mr.Sawyergoestoworkandthechildrengotoschool.Theirfathertakesthemtoschooleveryday.Mrs.Sawyerstaysathomeeveryday.Shedoesthehousework.Shealwayseatsherlunchatnoon.Intheafternoon,sheusuallyseesherfriends.Theyoftendrinkteatogether.Intheevening,thechildrencomehomefromschool.Theyarrivehomeearly.Mr.Sawyercomeshomefromwork.Hearriveshomelate.Atnight,thechildrenalwaysdotheirhomework,Thentheygotobed.Mr.Sawyerusuallyreadshisnewspaper,butsometimesheandhiswifewatchTV.1.WheredotheSawyerslive?_ Theyliveat87KingStreet.2.WhatdoesMrs.Sawyerdoeveryday?_ Shestaysathomeeveryday.3.WhodoesMrs.Sawyerseeintheafternoon?_ Her friends.4.Dothechildrenarrivehomeearly?_ Yes, they do.5.DoesMr.Sawyerarrivehomeearly?_ No, he doesnt. 情景交际 (10分)1.当你说:“火车什么时候出发时”应说:_ BA. When does the plane leave ? B. When does the train leave ?C. When does train arrive ? D. How does the train leave ?2.当你问:“李明是站着还是坐着?”时应说:_ AA. Is Li Ming sitting or standing ? B. What is Li Ming doing ?C. Li Ming is sitting now ? D. Li Ming is sitting or standing ?3.当你说:“我比妈妈快时”应说:_ BA. I am fast than my mother . B. I am faster than my mother .C. I am fastter than my mother. D. I am slower than my mother.4.当你想体现“天气预报怎么样?”时,应说:_ BA. Whats the weather ? B. Whats the weather forecast ?C. How the weather forecast ? D. How far the weather forecast ?5.当你想用英语说:“我不喜欢那顶帽子时”应说:_ CA. I dont like the hat . B. I dont like this hat.C. I dont like that hat . D. I dont like those hats. 书面体现 (10分)Jone常常如何过周末?请阅读下面旳表格,根据Jone所做旳事情以第三人称写一篇60词左右旳短文。TimeThingsOn SaturdayClean his roomDo his homeworkGo shopping with his motherBuy a new bookOn SundayWatch TVPlay soccerGo to the movies


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