三年级英语下册 Module9 Unit1(1)教案 外研版

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三年级英语下册 Module9 Unit1(1)教案 外研版_第1页
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三年级英语下册 Module9 Unit1(1)教案 外研版_第2页
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外研版三年级英语下册教案Model 9 PossessionsUnit 1 Ive got a new bookTeaching aimss:1. words and phrases:have got animal sport dress coat sweater has got T-shirt2. Sentences:Ive got a book.Its about animals.Have you got a new book?Yes, I have. /No, I havent.3. Grammar:Using the first and third person singular and third person plural of regular and irregular verbs in the simple present tense.Teaching properties:Tape-recorder, Pictures. Some objects.Teaching procedures: Step1: Warming up:1) Sing a song: Old Mac Donald has a zoo.2) Free talk: Having a greeting with the Ss.Talk about the objects around themselves.Step2: New concepts.Pick up a pen and say “Ive got a pen.”Walk around the classroom. Pick up other objects and say “Ive got a ” point out that “Ive got a ” Have the Ss respond by saying “Youre got a ”Point out that “Ive” is a contraction of “I have” and “ hes/shes” can be a contraction of “he/she has” or “he/she is”. Ask some Ss to say sentences like this “Ive got a” then the T ask the Ss: “Have you got a ?” Help the Ss to answer: Yes, I have. /No, I havent.” Do more about it.You may show some books and introduce them to the Ss e.g. Holding English book and say “Its about English.” Ask someone to say like this. Have the Ss look at the pictures in SB Unit 1 Point to the book in the first pictures and say “Its about animals.” Point to the book in the second picture. Let the Ss say together. “Its about sports.”Listen to the tape and let the Ss point to the correct pictures. Then read the dialogue sentence by sentence. Do SB Activity 3.Work in pairs. One asks one answer. Do AB Activity 1.Have the Ss look at the six pictures and say them out. Listen to the tape then tick or cross. Ask some Ss to say their answers.Step3.Games: 开火车。通过开火车的形式练习句型 “Ive got a book .Have you got a book?”比比看哪组传得又快又准,获胜者加分。Step4. Homework:1) 听录音跟读课文,然后背诵课文。2) 与同伴一起练习“Ive got a” “Have you got a ?”句型。


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