四川省2020届高三英语二轮复习 专题训练 补全对话(2)

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四川省2020届高三英语二轮复习 专题训练 补全对话(2)_第1页
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四川省2020届高三英语二轮复习专题训练:补全对话(2)根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项多余选项。(一)Good evening. Grandmas Restaurant. May I help you?Good evening. 61 Thank you. May I have your name, Miss?Mary Brown. 62 Id like to order the “Free Matching Dinner for 2”.Yes, you may choose two soups, two drinks and four main courses from the menu. 63 Are you ready? What Kind of soup do you want?Chicken soup and tomato soup. 64 Id like a plate of noodles ,two chicken wings,some beef and a bowl of rice. 65 Just a coke and some green tea, please.May I have your address, please?Sure, 6A Kingston Court, Belair Cardens, Shatin.Okay, your food will be delivered in half an hour. Thanks for calling.A. May I book a table in your restaurant for tonight?B. I would like to order some food for dinner.C. Miss Brown, please tell me your order.D. How about your main courses?E. Would you like some drinks?F. Okay. Let me see.G. And your drinks?61. B 根据第一句话提供的语境可知这是顾客打电话到餐馆订餐或订桌,及应从A、B项中选一个;再由下文“your food will be delivered in half an hour”可知餐馆会将食物送货到门所以可排除A。故选B。62. C 根据下句客人说的是要点的食物可知此处应是餐馆接电话的人问要点什么食物;故选C。63. F 餐馆给顾客提供了几样食物供顾客选择,所以下句应是顾客思索要点什么食物,故选F。64. D 上文顾客点了汤了,下文顾客又说了主食,所以此处应该是餐馆接电话的人问要什么主食(main courses),故选D65. G 下文出现的是喝的饮料,故此应是问要什么喝的东西(drink),故选G(二)W: I think we should do the floors before we work on the curtains and walls.M: Why? 61 If we do the floors first, we will get paint all over our new floor.W: Hmm. Maybe youre right. I will just cover everything with drop cloths. 62 M: Are you sure?W: Yes, Im sure. Ive done a lot of house painting in my life.M: Alright. Then maybe we can do the floors first. These wood floors under this carpet are beautiful. 63 Do we have to hire someone?W: Absolutely not. We can remove the carpet ourselves.M: Great. Then, after we remove the carpet, we need to paint all the wood floors.W: But we should hire someone for that. 64 And it has to be done right.M: And then, after the floors are done, we can start to move our furniture in.W: Sure. 65 M: Thats OK. Shall we begin at once?W: I cant agree more.A. That will probably be expensive.B. It doesnt make sense.C. We have to get everything ready for the work.D. I wont get anything on the floor.E. I cant wait to get all this old carpet out of here.F. Ill be too busy to paint the house by myself.G. Maybe we can have the furniture in here in a week or so.【对话话题】装修房子。【答案与解析】61. B。陈述句类题型。前一个人说“先弄地板再弄墙面和帘子”,下句说“如果先弄地板的话,就会把新地板上弄得都是油漆”;再根据空格之前的why?可得知应该是表达不赞同第一个人的观点,故选到B(那样做没意义;没道理)。【答案与解析】62. D。陈述句类题型。上一句说用罩布将地板盖起来,因此在粉刷墙面的时候就不会把油漆弄到地板上了。故答案选D;下文Ive done a lot of house painting in my life.也恰好印证了答案。【答案与解析】63. E。陈述句类题型。上句说“地毯下的这些木地板很漂亮”,下句“我们是否得雇人呢?”,再根据后文We can remove the carpet ourselves.可知说话人觉得应该把地毯拖走,故选E,意为:我迫不及待的想把这旧地毯从这儿撤走。【答案与解析】64. A。陈述句类题型。上文谈到油漆地板要雇人,再根据下句“但这必须得弄好”可知答案为A,意为:雇人有可能很贵。【答案与解析】65. G。陈述句类题型。根据上句“地板弄好了,我们就可以把家具搬进来”,可知答案为G(也许我们可以在一周左右将家具搬进来)。此处单词furniture成为解题的关键词。


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