2020山东临清三中高一英语 Module5 Reading学案外研版必修1

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2020山东临清三中高一英语 Module5 Reading学案外研版必修1_第1页
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Module5 Reading and Vocabulary(学案)课前预习学案一、预习目标预习Vocabulary and Reading,初步认识和了解三位教师的教学风格。二、预习内容1 Do exercises of the introduction.2 Read the text and do Exercise 2and 3.三、提出疑惑Write down the problems you cannot settle after learning the text independently.(1)(2)(3)课内探究学案一、学习目标1.知识目标Grasp the following words:stage reaction electrical equipment reaction partial copper oxide rust boil ordinarybe put in order react with at the bottom of add to2.能力目标1) Improve the Ss ability in reading.2) To enable the students to know how to read some passages about simple scientific experiments3.情感目标1) Get the Ss to know what is the right methods of doing an experiment.2) Train the ss to love science and have a factual and realistic atttitude towards science.4.教学重难点To make the students understand and grasp the vocabulary and knowledge related to science and experiments; To make students learn how to write an experiment report in English二、学习过程1.1)Preview the new wordsstage reaction electrical equipment reaction partial copper oxide rust boilpotassium sodium calcium magnesium aluminium zinc iron copper2 Describe a scientific experiment, using the new words above ._2. ReadingRead Passage A and finish exercises on Page44Questions1)Choose the best title for PassageA.(1).The Different Uses of Metals(2).The Reaction of Metals(3).The Reaction of Metals with Oxygen2)Which of the metals in the table reacts the most with oxygen and water?_3)What happens when you heat calcium in oxygen?_4)Which metals react with steam?_5) Does iron have a slow or fast reaction with steam?_6) Does copper react with water?_7)What can we learn from Passage A?_Passage BScan the passages and answer a questionHow many stages are there in a scientific experiment report?_Read Passage B and fill in blanks.Aim ApparatusMethodResult Conclusion三、反思总结Describe a simple scientific experiment_四、当堂检测How can you do a scientific experiment successfully?First, we need to have an_ and prepare _ for the experiment before we do the experiment.Second, we must use correct_to do the experiment and watch carefully.Then we can get the_and draw a_.课后练习与提高Design a simple experiment about metal in groups of five:_Keys:Reading (Passage A)Questions:1) The Reaction of Metals. 2) Potassium, calcium and sodium. 3)It burns to form an oxide. 4)Magnesium, aluminium and zinc. 5)It has a slow reaction. 6)No, it doesnt. 7)It is important to know how metals can react with different substances. It is very useful in our daily life.Passage BQuestion 1:Five.they are aim, apparatus, method, result and conclusion.Fill in blanksAim to find out if potassium reacts with coldwater.Apparatusa container, cold water, potassium,filter paper(滤纸), a pair of tweezers(镊子)Method(1)Half-fill the container with cold water.(2)Take a piece of potassium out of the oil.(3)Dry the potasium with the paper.(4)Put the potassium into the water.ResultThe potassium burns. ConclusionPotassium reacts with cold water.当堂检测: aim apparatus methods result congclusion


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