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5招让枯燥工作有趣起来英语 枯燥有趣5招让枯燥工作有趣起来英语5招让枯燥工作有趣起来英语 工作不开心怎么办每个人都会有一段时间感到工作不开心。心情时好 时坏,这是人的正常表现。即使是好工作也会有不如意的地方,WTT今天就给大 家整理了有关于办公室的英语,有时间可以多多阅读一下 办公室英语 1.Find Meaning 寻找意义 If you believe in the work you do, it will be easier to connect to each task.People who are passionate about their work will do almost anything to make sure the job is done well.假设你相信你所做的工作,你就会容易和你的工作“产生火花”。一个 热爱自己工作的人会为完美地完成工作而竭尽所能。 You need to find a way to connect with your job.I would suggest that you start by listing all of the aspects of your products and serves that deliver value.A few of these items should ping your heart.你一定要找到和工作擦出火花的方法。我建议先列出一张表,表上列 出你所提供的能产生价值的产品和效劳,其中的某些工程可能会让你灵光一闪。 If a few of these items from your list tug at your emotions, then epand on them.How can you consistently keep these feelings at the forefront of your brain as you work You should keep these emotional stimulators in a place where you can see them.If you are feeling down and your energy is broken, then read over these stimulators.假设列表中的这些工程可以燃起你的工作热情,那就继续细化。你要 想想,要怎样才能让工作中的自己时时刻刻都热血沸腾。你可以把这些能鼓励自 己的事物放在看得见的地方。当你心情低落,无精打采,就去看两眼。 2.Bee more aware of self-talk 更关注自己的内心 When you are in a stressful situation, watch your thoughts and see howthey add or subtract to your hiness.If you are having thoughts that subtract from your joy, then try to offset this with fresh angles that help you see the positive.当你压力很大时,听听自己的想法,看看压力是怎样增减你的快乐的。 假设你有不开心的念头,那就换个角度考虑,这样有助于你用积极的方式对待问 题。 By noting what you are grateful for, youll epand your choes.The more positive choes you have the more likely you will feel hy.要关注能让自己开心的方法,多多发现扩展这些方法。让自己变得积 极开心的方法越多,你就能越开心。 3.Help Someone Else Bee Hy 让别人快乐 When you make someone laugh, how does it make you feel It makes you feel good.Its a bas part of being human.当你让一个人笑起来,你会有什么感觉呢感觉棒极了,这是人与生俱 来的本能。 Making someone else laugh is the same as helping someone at work: when you do it, you increase your own hiness.You s worrying about yourself and focus on making someone else hy.The best part is that you improve your own hiness at the same time.让别人笑和在工作上帮助别人是同样的道理:当你做到了,你会使自 己更快乐。你不再为自己而担忧,而是努力让别人感到开心。最重要的是:赠人 玫瑰,手有余香(让人开心的同时能让自己快乐)。 4.Remember 3 Good Things 记住3件开心事 When you take the time to remember 3 good things, you are training yourself to see the positive in each day.当你花时间记住3件开心事,那你就是在锻炼自己每天都保持积极的 态度。 Many of us actually do the opposite: we look at all the upsetting things that hened in our day, thinking that if we look over our mistakes we can avoidrepeating them.This causes us to focus on the negative and beat ourselves up.然而,我们往往背道而行:我们总是记住每天发生的那些让自己难受 的事,以为只要记住错误就能防止重复犯错。事实上,这会使你关注消极的因素, 最终导致失败。 5.Use More of Your Strengths 多利用你的长处 You can also find a way to use your own strengths at your job so you can leverage more hiness.That may mean volunteering for work that you enjoy doing even if you have a full plate.Hopefully your manager and co-workers will note and try to ve you more work of this kind.当你发现你可以在工作中多利用自己的长处,你会收获更多开心。即 便你满手工作,只要你愿意,你也会义务为别人工作。总有一天,你的经理和同 事们会注意到你的表现,并将更多的工作分配给你。 Bear in mind that this will take patience.It takes time to retrain people on what type of work to ve you.记住要有耐心。人们也需要时间来验证你的才能,理解你适宜什么样 的工作。第 3 页 共 3 页


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