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2022六年级人教新起点英语下学期期末综合复习考点知识练习班级:_ 姓名:_ 拼写单词1. 根据图片填写短语或单词。 _ _ _ _ _ _2. 写出所给单词的过去式。1.watch_ 2.like_3.study_ 4.stop_5.put_ 6.have_7.can_ e_9.sit_ 10.are_3. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1Hi, Im Bill. Im from_.2The_from the factory makes the air dirty.3Dont litter. You should put the_in the bin.4The queen wanted to_Snow White.5My uncle is a policeman. He is brave. He_the bad people.6My aunt has a s_. He is a taxi driver.7Some_are in danger now. We must protect(保护)them.4. 按要求完成下列各题。1.swim(动词ing形式)_2.watch(第三人称单数形式)_3.have(第三人称单数形式)_4.drop(过去式)_5.difficulty(复数)_5. 根据汉语意思或图片提示写单词,补全句子。1. He is_(病).2. Its_(下雨)and_(凉) today.3. He teaches us math_(课).4._(它的) leg is short.5. How is the_(天气) today?6. 写出下列单词的适当形式。1.play(过去式)_ 2.have(过去式) _3. worry(动名词)_ 4. kid (同义词)_5. skate(过去式)_ 6.party(复数形式)_7. 根据首字母提示写单词,补全句子或对话。(1)We can borrow some books from the school l.(2)Do you have a c? I want to look it up on the Internet.(3)Im going to vmy grandparents next weekend.8. 看图,写单词。1._ 2._3._ 4._5._填空题9. 填空题。1Im going to buy a_tomorrow.2Are you_(早的)every morning?3_(怎样)do you come to school?4My brother is a_.5Felix, do you have good friends?Yes. I have four good friends. They_like painting.10. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Here are some_(photo) for you.2My brother_(study) in America next year.3She wants_(help) people reuse the paper.4Mike likes_(run), but his sister_(not).5Su Yang is good at_(play) the piano and_(dance).11. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Listen, the girl is_(sing) an English song.2What are you doing?We_(have) a picnic in the park.3Mike likes_(play) Ping-Pong. He_(play) Ping-Pong in the playground.4Its six oclock. My parents_(watch) TV in the living room.5The boys are in the playground. Some_(run). Some_(do) the long jump.12. 根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词。1There is a bus_near my home.2I_(从不) watch news show.3Lili often_(爬) hills.4_(哪一个) bus can I take?5There will be a light_(wind).6Five years ago, he_(walk) to school.7The Olympic Games take place every four_(year).13. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1Do you have_(some) water?2_(do) you have fun yesterday?3Li Ming is_(hit) the ball to Danny.4Lets_(go) to the library to read books.5“Who is the first?” the teacher_(ask).14. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Her eyes are bigger than_(he).2Did you_(visit) your aunt last night?3The bus is faster than_(run).4The sun is_(get) lower and lower in the afternoon.5My cousin Daniel_(have) a bad cold yesterday.15. 填空题。1Its taller than both of_(we).2My sister has a lot of_(knife).3Whose bike is this? Its_(Zhang Peng).4They often_together on Sundays.5I often_with my mother.16. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1She_(go) swimming yesterday.2Did you like it? Yes, it_(be) so warm.3He didnt_(see) a film the day before yesterday.4John often_(do) his homework in the morning.连词成句17. have I throat sore a (.)18. is cat a police the office (.)19. is, place, no, there, home, like (.)20. take, I, to, scarf, want, my, off, (.)21. in, off, winter clothes, take, I, summer, my(.)22. left, at, Turn, bookstore, the (.)23. takes, care, of, baby, She, the, good (.)24. the, it, great, is, to, next, museum (.)句型转换25. 句型转换。1There are some apples on the tree.(改为单数句子)There_apple on the tree.2Is there a baby in the room?(作肯定回答)3There aresome biscuitsin the supermarket.(主题意思提问)4He has got some sweets in his hand.(改写句子,句意不变)26. 按要求做题。1. I went tothe gymat the weekend.(就主题意思提问)_at the weekend?2. Weplayed footballyesterday.(就主题意思提问)_yesterday?3. do, what, you, sport, play ?(连词成句)4. play, are, ready, you, to, basketball, to, learn?(连词成句)5.我们昨天观看了一场篮球比赛。(汉译英)27. 根据所给要求完成句子。1. Jack will take FlightMU586to Los Angeles tomorrow. (对句子主题意思提问)_will Jack take to Los Angeles tomorrow?2. My mother does much housework every day. (改为否定句)My mother_much housework every day.3. Every morning we must reach school on time. (保持句意基本不变)Every morning we must_school on time.4. She has already bought the plane tickets. (改为一般疑问句)_she bought the plane tickets_?5. My mother bought me a silk scarf. (改为否定句)My mother_a silk scarf_me.28. 根据要求完成句子。1. to/ Sanya/ with/ my/ I/ went/ parents (.) (连词成句)2. We went to Beijingby train.(对句子主题意思提问)3. Did your parents have a good time? (作肯定回答)4. We came back homelast night. (对句子主题意思提问)5. I enjoyed Spring Festival with my family. (改为一般疑问句)29. 按要求改写句子。1.I did my homework last night.(改为否定句)2.He went toSanyalast summer holiday.(就主题意思提问)3.He often cleans the room.(用yesterday改写句子)He_the room_.4.I went camping last weekend.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_you_camping last weekend?No, I_.5.Lily is 45 kilograms. Lucy is 48 kilograms.(合并为一句)Lucy is_Lily.30. 按要求改写句子。1. My mother will stay in Suzhoufor two weeks. (对句子主题意思提问)2. Will you go by train?肯定回答否定回答3. They will go toLondon. (对句子主题意思提问)4. Su Hai will go to Hong Kong. (一般疑问句)5. Yang Ling is going to clean the house. (用will改写句子)31. 按要求完成下列句子。1. We take a bus to the park. (改为同义句)We go to the park_.2. Hong Kong isnt near Beijing. (改为同义句)Hong Kong is_Beijing.3. The boy can speak English well. (改为一般疑问句)4. last, you, play, did, football, weekend (?) (连词成句)5. Is there any water in the bottle? (作肯定回答)32. 根据要求完成句子。1. vegetables / have / I / some (.) (连词成句)2. They are all coming over there. (改为一般疑问句)3. It sa horse. (对句子主题意思提问)4. This is a big farm. (改为感叹句)5. Would you like some cakes or some hot dogs? (对问句进行回答)阅读理解33. 阅读理解。根据短文内容判断下列句子是否正确。Cao Chong weighs the elephantWhen we want to know how much we weigh, we stand on a scale. But when something is very big, like an elephant, how do we weigh it? A long time ago, the famous warlord, Cao Cao, faced this question.One day, Cao Cao received an elephant as a gift. What a big animal! How much does it weigh? Cao Cao asked. No one could answer his question because no scale was big enough.Cao Caos six-year-old son Cao Chong said, Father, let me try!Cao Chong asked a man to get the elephant onto a boat on a river. The boat went down a little, and Cao Chong marked the water level on the boat. He then asked some strong men to put rocks on the boat. When the water reached the mark, Cao Chong said, Stop!Lets weigh these rocks, and add their weights together. Then well know the weight of the elephant, said Cao Chong.Finally, they found out the weight of the elephant. Cao Cao was very happy.( )(1)We can weigh the weight without a scale.( )(2)Cao Cao asked a man to get he elephant onto a boat on a river.( )(3)Cao Chong marked the water level on the boat.( )(4)The rocks on the boat were as heavy as the elephant.( )(5)Finally, they couldnt find out the weight of the elephant.34. 根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)AmylivesinasmalltownnearNanjing. Shelives with her parents. They haveareallynicehouse.Today is Sunday. They want to clean their house. Look, her mother is cleaning the bedroom andwashing the clothes. Her father is cleaning the window. Amy is cooking a meal for them. She is a good girl.1Amy has a small house.(_)2Amys mother is cleaning the window.(_)3Amys father is cleaning the room.(_)4Amy is cooking a meal.(_)5Amy is a good girl.(_)35. 阅读理解。阅读短文,根据所提供的信息判断句子正误。Yesterday was September 10th. It was Teachers Day. We bought some flowers and presents to our teachers office. We thanked them for their hard work. Our teachers were very happy. In the afternoon we held a party in our school hall. Many students and teachers gave wonderful performances at the party. Our teachers sang and danced happily with us. All the teachers and students had a good time.( )(1)Yesterday was National Day.( )(2)We bought some flowers and presents to our teachers office.( )(3)Our teachers were not happy.( )(4)We held a party in the afternoon.( )(5)We all had a good time.36. 根据短文判断句子对错。Dinosaurs lived long ago. One kind of dinosaurs lived in a desert (沙漠). One of these dinosaurs wanted to lay eggs. It made a hole in the sand (沙子) and put the eggs inside. It covered them with sand. A strong wind started to blow. It blew and blew. More sand blew over the eggs. Soon the eggs were buried (埋) in the sand.A long, long time went by. There were no more dinosaurs. But there was still a desert. And the eggs were still there. But they changed. They turned to stones!Some people came to the desert. They were looking for old things. They found the stone eggs. Before that, no one knew how dinosaurs were born. But now we know that.( )(1)All the dinosaurs lived in the desert long ago.( )(2)One kind of dinosaurs lived in the desert. They covered their eggs with sand.( )(3)The strong wind blew and blew. Then the eggs were buried in the stones( )(4)Some people came to the desert to look for old things.( )(5)According to the passage, we know that dinosaurs came from the stones.37. 阅读短文,选择最佳答案。Today is Sunday. Its sunny. Peters family are on the bus. They are going to the park. They are going to go for a picnic. Look! Peter is playing computer games. His mother is reading a book. His cousin, Mike, is running on the bus. Mikes mother is very angry with Mike. Peters father is talking with Peters uncle. Peters sister is singing. Shes happy. Peters brother is listening to music.1Today is.( )A.Monday B.Thursday C.Sunday2Peters family are.( )A.on the bus B.in the park C.in the library3Peter is( ).A.playing computer games B.reading a book C.singing4Peters father is talking with.( )A.Mike B.Peters mother C.Peters uncle5Peters sister is.( )A.angry B.happy C.ill38. 阅读短文。回答下列小题。Lucy is my friend. She lives in a small house near a park in Canada. I am ten, Lucy is ten , too. Lucy tell me more about Canada. I know Canada is such a big country. So I want to learn English. And I tell Lucy more about China. Lucy likes China and she wants to learn Chinese . We usually write emails to each other on Saturdays and Sundays.1How old is Lucy ? ( )A.Ten B.Eleven C.Twelve2Does Lucy like China ? ( )A.Yes, she does . B.Yes, I do . C.No, she doesnt.3What do they write on Saturdays and Sundays ? ( )A.Letters B.Emails C.Homework4Is Canada a big country ? ( )A.Yes , they are . B.Yes, it is . C.No, it isnt.39. 阅读理解。The day was like any other day in his life, Tom walked past the shop on the street comer. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wanted very much were still there. Looking down, he felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have them for his birthday.He sadly walked away and thought how to tell his mother about it. He knew she would give him anything he liked if she could. But he also knew very well she had little money. He decided not to go home at once, as he looked worried and his mother would notice (注意) it. So he went to the park and sat on the grass. Then he saw a boy in a wheel chair (轮椅) . He noticed that the boy moved the wheel with his hands. Tom looked at him carefully and was surprised to see the boy have no feet. He looked at his own feet. “Its much better to be without shoes than without feet, ” he thought. There was no reason (理由) for him to feel so sorry and sad. He sent away and smiled, thinking he was happier.1Tom passed the shop_.( )A.on foot B.by bus C.by bike D.in a car2Why did Tom stop in front of the shop? Because he wanted_.( )A.to buy the shoesB.to look at the shoes he likedC.to look at the shoes in the shop windowD.to look at the shoes on the front row3The pair of shoes he liked was _.( )A.too expensive B.quite cheap C.not there D.not sold yet4Tom went into the park because he_.( )A.was thinking how to tell his mother about itB.wanted to see the boyC.didnt want to make his mother worriedD.he felt sad5From the story we can know that Tom_.( )A.liked new shoes very muchB.loved his mother bestC.didnt want to go to schoolD.didnt want to stay at home40. 阅读短文,根据所提供的信息判断句子正误。Dinah was a kind girl, but she was very lazy. She didnt like to do anything. Her mother wanted her to do some reading, but she didnt want to.One day a boy named Joy came and brought a pair of skates (滑冰鞋)with him. Dinah liked the skates very much. She ran after Joy when he walked on the skates. Joy let Dinah put on his skates. The girl was very happy. “Listen, Dinah.” said the young man. if you start to read, Ill send you a good pair of skates on the first day of January.From then on, Dinah did lots of reading. On the first day of New Year, she got a new pair of skates from Joy.( )(1)Dinah liked reading books very much.( )(2)Joy had a pair of skates( )(3)Dinah liked skates very much.( )(4)Dinah and Joy went skating every day.( )(5)Dinah was a kind but lazy girl.写作41. 开动脑筋,写一小段文章。请以第三人称的口吻介绍Kangkang,开头已给出。His name is Kangkang. _42. 小练笔。暑假就要来了,介绍Amy打算去哪里,怎样去,什么时候去,和谁去,干什么等等。(5句)43. 周日下午五点Oliver要举行生日聚会,请你帮他补充完整下面这份生日邀请卡,要注明到他家的步行路线。不少于五句话。详情如下:在我们学校前面的6路公交车站点下车。然后向前直走5分钟。在十字路口向右拐,沿着街一直走。之后在你的左侧会看到科学博物馆。我的家就挨着科学博物馆。Dear Chen Jie,Please come to my birthday party at 5 pm on Sunday. Now let me tell you how to come:44. 作文。请以“A Happy Day”为题,写一篇小短文,(如:植树活动、生日聚会、节日活动等)。要求: 1.条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范。2、60个单词左右19 / 19


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