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Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date人教版英语初三Unit3-讲义人教版英语初三Unit3-讲义课程新授授课题目Unit3. Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?学科英语年级初三授课时间教师于辉辉学生田式霖,包金也,于佳航教学 设 计学习目标1. 学会有礼貌地询问信息、请求帮助;熟练地表达问路和指路。2. Where,how,if引导的间接疑问句教学重难点 1.Where,how,if引导的间接疑问句2.宾语从句的语序。3.宾语从句的引导词4.宾语从句转化成“疑问词+不定式”结构教学流程一、 温习(复习提问)课后习题讲解二、 学习新课(自主探究学习)重点句型交际用语知识点解析1.以wh-疑问词(包括疑问代词:who,what,which,whose等 疑问副词:when,where,why等)或how引导的宾语从句与动词不定式可以互相转换。宾语从句是英语学习中的重点、难点,也是中考的热点。宾语从句与不定式(短语)的转换是中考考点之一,现将应注意的问题归纳如下:1.【考题引导】A:They havent decided which camera they will choose.(2004年滨州)B:They havent decided which camera to choose. 【要点领悟】当主句谓语动词hope,agree,wish,decide,choose等后接that引导的宾语从句,并且该从句的主语与其主句的主语一致时,宾语从句可转换成不定式(短语)。如:A:The girl hopes that she can be a doctor some day.B:The girl hopes to be a doctor some day.A:Father decided that he would buy a new computer for me.B:Father decided to buy a new computer for me.2.【考题引导】A:Do you know when we will visit the Great Wall?(2004年襄樊)B:Do you know when to visit the Great Wall? 【要点领悟】当主句谓语动词know,tell,forget,remember,learn,explain等后接疑问词(连接代词/副词)引导的宾语从句,且该从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,宾语从句可转换成“疑问词(连接代词/副词)+不定式(短语)”形式。如:A:We dont know what we should do next.B:We dont know what to do next.A:Jim told Lin Tao how he would spend the day.B:Jim told Lin Tao how to spend the day.3.【考题引导】A:Could you please teach me how I search the Internet? (2003年邢台)B:Could you please teach me how to search the Internet? 【要点领悟】当主句谓语动词tell,ask,show,teach等后接双宾语,且直接宾语是疑问词(连接代词/副词)引导的宾语从句(从句主语与主句的间接宾语一致)时,宾语从句可转换成“疑问词(连接代词/副词)+不定式(短语)”形式。如:A:Could you tell me how I can start the machine?B:Could you tell me how to start the machine?A:She asked me which skirt she should choose.B:She asked me which skirt to choose.注意:以上三种情况中,宾语从句的谓语多表示将来意义。4.【考题引导】A:We found that he was a clever boy.(2003年南京)B:We found him a clever boy.【要点领悟】suppose,feel,think,believe,find等后接的宾语从句可转换为含有不定式短语的复合宾语。1)宾语从句的主语转换成宾语,从句的谓语部分转换成宾语补足语的不定式短语“to be+形容词/名词”。如:A:I find that the plan is interesting.B:I find the plan (to be) interesting.A:All of her friends suppose that she is a good student.B:All of her friends suppose her to be a good student.2.宾语从句“it is +形容词/名词+不定式短语”转换成“it(形式宾语)+形容词/名词(宾语补足语)+不定式短语(宾语)”的复合宾语。如:A:We find it is difficult to please her.B:We find it difficult to please her.A:I think it is my duty to take good care of my old parents.B:I think it my duty to take good care of my old parents.2. could you please .+动词原形例句: 1. Could you please clean your room? Yes, sure. 2. Could you please do the dishes? -Sorry, I cant. I have to do my homework.suggest是个及物动词,后面可以跟名词、代词、动词-ing形式或从句作它的宾语。各种试题对suggest的考查通常涉及到它的非谓语动词形式、宾语从句及宾语从句的虚拟语气等方面。下面就结合历年高考试题,对suggest的用法作一小结。考点一、 suggest 作“间接表明;建议;使想起”解时,后面可以跟名词、代词或动词 -ing 形式作宾语。例如: That girls sun-tanned face suggests excellent health.那个姑娘被太阳晒黑了的脸表明她身体非常健康。 Mr. Smith suggested a way out of the difficulty.史密斯先生提出了一个克服困难的办法。 An explanation suddenly suggested itself to me.一种解释突然出现在我的脑海里。 I have written him a letter and suggested his sending it to the Ministry of Culture.我给他写了一封信,并建议他把它寄给文化部。suggest后面可以跟“ to sb to do sth ”结构。其中的介词to不能省略。动词不定式短语to do sth作宾语补足语。例如: Who suggested to you to do it this way? 谁提出要你这样做的?考点二、 suggest 作“建议”解,而且后面跟 that 从句作宾语时,宾语从句中的谓语动词用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用“( should )动词原形”。例如: Almost all his friends suggested that he visit Mr. Johnson at once. The experiment has failed!- I suggest you try again.考点三、 suggest 作“表明、说明、暗示、指出”解,而且后面跟 that 从句作宾语时,宾语从句中的谓语动词用陈述语气。例如: He often came to the theater,but his attitude suggested he was not really interested in the play. Janes pale face suggested that she was ill,and her parents suggested that she have a medical examination.例中第一个suggested作“表明、说明”解,所以其后的宾语从句的谓语动词用陈述语气;第二个suggested的意思是“建议”,所以其后的宾语从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气,其中的should被省略了。考点四、在下列含 suggest 的句式中,如果 suggest 表示“建议”时,其后的宾语从句的谓语动词仍然用虚拟语气。句式一、Its suggested that(有人建议)例如: Its suggested that we(should)put on a short play at the party.有人建议我们在晚会上演一个短剧。 It has been suggested that Robert should go to Chicago and try to find a job there.有人建议罗伯特到芝加哥去,设法在那里找个工作。句式二、What(All that)sb. suggests is that(某人建议的是)例如: What I suggest is that we visit a class right away.我的建议是我们马上去听课。 What she suggested was that the clinic should make better use of those herbs.她建议医疗站更好地利用那些草药。考点五、名词 suggestion 的用法。suggestion作“建议”解,后面跟同位语从句时,以及suggestion用作主语,后面跟表语从句时,从句中的谓语动词均用虚拟语气。例如: My suggestion is that the work should be started at once.我的建议是立即动工。 The monitors suggestion that she should come another day has not been accepted.班长提出的她改天来的建议还是没有被接受。考考你自己:从A,B,C,D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. The smile on his face suggested that he _ happy to have given help to his classmates.A. was B. should be C. had been D. would be2. _ that Mary leave it to him to repair the washing machine.A. It is said B. It is suggestedC. Its hoped D. Its thought3. It was _ your suggestion that they set off on Sunday.A. to B. in C. beyond D. at4. Presently he made the suggestion that they _ their conversation in French.A. carry on B. carried on C. to carry on D. carrying on5.(2001上海春)He came to my class every week,but his attitude _ he was not really interested in the subject.A. expressed B. described C. explained D. suggested6. She suggested _ early so that we could catch the first train.A. go get up B. getting upC. get up D. to getting up7. Was it she who suggested _ the meeting off?A. us to put B. to putC. to us to put D. to us putting8. I was about to leave the house when an idea suggested _ to my mind.A. themselves B. it C. itself D. its9. All I suggest is that we _ electric wires out of the reach of children.A. keep B. shall keep C. kept D. be kept10. Bobs doctor suggests _ for a few weeks.A. that he is resting B. he restC. he resting D. him to rest11. ld suggest the visitors _to Shanghai Museum. A.to go B.will go C.go D.wentStaff的用法三、目标检测:一. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1. Theres _ mall near my house. _ mall sells the best clothes.A. a; A B. the; The C. the; A D. a; The( )2. Go straight until you see a museum _ your left. A. with B. at C. on D. from( )3. The building has _ floors and our classroom is on the _ floor.A. four; four B. fourth; fourthC. fourth; four D. four; fourth( )4. You can ask the policeman for help _ you dont know the way.A. though B. if C. unless D. until( )5. Jacks mother taught me how _ Yunnan rice noodles last weekend.A. to make B. making C. make D. to making( )6. Its _ for my son to go to school from here. It only takes five minutes on foot.3原创作品A. interesting B. dangerous 213*7网C. convenient D. difficult( )7. I asked Julie to go to the movies with me, but she refused me _.A. normally B. cheaply C. politely D. easily( )8. I think you must be excited _ your grandfather and uncle.A. seeing B. see C. to seeing D. to see( )9. Linda thinks _ conversations with friends in English is really helpful.A. having B. has C. to having D. have( )10. He _ two books. Which should we buy?A. lost B. suggested C. returned D. borrowed( )11. _ do you wish to speak to at the party?Mrs. Green.A. When B. What C. Why D. Whom( )12. Peter wonders if theres a good place _ in the city.A. to have fun B. having funC. have fun D. to having fun( )13. I want to go to Mrs. Lis home. Could you tell me her _?A. address B. name C. story D. hobby ( )14. Excuse me, do you know _?Yes, there is a flower shop on Jiefang Road.A. how can I buy some flowers B. where I can buy some flowersC. how I can buy some flowers D. where can I buy some flowers( )15. Sorry to trouble you, but could you please help me carry this heavy box?_. Where do you want to put it?A. Sorry, I cant B. I hope not C. Of course D. Good idea根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Jim has collected two hundred _(stamp) since three years ago.2. I looked around to see who was the _(speak).53. He has to make a _(choose) between the two shirts.4. Mr. Liu, did I spell the word _(correct)?5. Dont forget _(mail) the letter to your sister.六. 完成句子(每小题1分,共5分) 根据各题后括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空词数不限。 1. Is there a bank near your school? (补全否定答语)No, _.2. When does the park close? Do you know? (改为含宾语从句的复合句)Do you know when _?3. Mona doesnt know what to do next. (改为同义句)Mona doesnt know what _ next.4. The restrooms are behind the teaching building. (对划线部分提问)_ the restrooms?5. The girl felt scared at first. (对划线部分提问)_ the girl feel at first? 四、知识盘点(教学小结)本单元主要学习怎样有礼貌地询问信息、请求帮助;熟练地表达问路和指路。Where,how,if引导的间接疑问句。五、布置作业:1.整理错题2.重点单词纠错3.教案上剩余的练习题全部写完。温馨提示:下次上课时,亲们务必携带教案,课堂上要讲解习题。Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?一单选1.Excuse me.Where can I buy some _?I want to post a letter.Theres a post office on the second floor.AbooksBfood Cfruit Dstamps2.Its necessary to know how to ask for information _ when you visit a foreign country.Asadly Bquickly Cslowly Dpolitely3.Excuse me.Could you please tell me where I can get the dictionary?_Theres a bookstore on Nanjing Road.ASorry BSure CGood idea DThank you4.I usually _ Tian anmen Square on the way to school every day.Apass on Bpass by Cdrop by Dcome by5.What fruit would you like?Some _,please.They are my favorite.Adessert Bjuice Cgrapes Dbiscuits6.Look!There is a horse racing program on TV now.HmmIt _ exciting.Aseems Blooks like Cfeels Dseems like7.Open the window please,Mike._?I didnt hear what you said.AExcuse me BPardon me CReally DAll right8.Its so cold today.Yes,its _ colder than it was yesterday.Asome Bmore Cvery Dmuch9.We look forward to _ you again.Asee Bsees Cseen Dseeing10.Im not sure whether I can hold a party in the open air,because it _ the weather.Astands for Bdepends on Clives on Dagrees with11._ are they talking with?Our English teacher.AWhat BWhom CWhose DWhen12.Do you know _ Amy came to school late this morning?Her bike was broken,so she had to walk.Awhy Bhow Cwhen Dwhere13.The Internet has made communication much more _I agree.For example,I can communicate with my friends on Wechat any time.Apopular Bconvenient Cimportant Dnecessary14.Could you tell me _?Look!He is playing soccer on the playground.Awhere Scott is Bwhat is Scott doingChow Scott did it Dwhy Scott is doing it15.Ann is not good at speaking English.I _ he should practice speaking English for two hours every day.A suggest Brequest Cproduce DRefuse( ) 16. I met_ American. A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 17. My brother was born_ the evening of March 6th, 1980. A. on B. in C. at D. for ( ) 18. _ bad weather! A. How B. How a C. What D. What a( ) 19. Its about_ walk from here to the school. A. five minutes B. five minutes C. five minutes D. five minutess( ) 20. Is there_ in todays newspaper? A. anything important B. something important C. important something D. important anything( ) 21. Be careful! The traffic light is red. You mustnt go_ the street now. A. a B. along C. on D. across( ) 22. He wont join in the party. I wont_. A. yet B. either C. also D. too( ) 23. Whose room is this? Its_. A. Ann and Marys B. Anns and Marys C. Anns and Mary D. Ann and Mary( ) 24. Could you tell me_ last night? Er, I was watching Super Boy at home. A. what you were doing B. what were you doing C. what you are doing D. what are you doing( ) 25. I failed in my English test last week. _! A. What a pity! B. Excuse me. C. Youre welcome. D. Youre wrong.( ) 26. _ is fun to take photos here. A. this B. It C. That D. What( ) 27. There are lots of restaurants in our town. And most of_ are clean and cheap. A. it B. they C. us D. them( ) 28. Who has a dictionary, children? I have_. A. them B. it C. they D. one( ) 29. He didnt feel very well yesterday, so his mother told him_ a rest. A. having B. has C. had D. to have( ) 30. If you watch TV now, you_ the homework tonight. A. dont finish B. wont finish C. didnt finish D. arent finish.二阅读理解 AWithout a man, there would be no “happiest place on earth”, also known as Disneyland. That man was Walt Disney.Disney was born in 1901 in Chicago, Illinois. As a child, he enjoyed drawing and even sold his pictures to his neighbors. In 1918, Disney joined the Red Cross and drove an ambulance (救护车) in France during World War I (第一次世界大战). After the war ended, Disney started making short cartoons in Kansas City, but soon he used up all his money. He decided to get a job in Hollywood. He went to California with only $20 with him.It took a while, but Disney began to enjoy success with his cartoons. He created Mickey Mouse, the most famous cartoon character ever. Then in 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs came out and it was a huge success. During the following years, Disney made many more movies that we still watch today, including Pinocchio, Dumbo, and Bambi.In the 1940s, Disney had an idea of building a fun park for families and the idea grew bigger and bigger . Years after Disney first had the idea, the first Disneyland opened in 1955 in Anaheim, California. At that time, the ticket cost a dollar. By 1965, 50 million visitors had visited Disneyland.Disney died in 1966, 5 years before the opening of his next dream park, Disney World in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.If you ever visit one of the Disney parks, or go to a Disney movie, think of the man who started it all.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )1. In 1918, Walt Disney _.A. moved to California B. joined the Red CrossC. made his first short cartoon D. sold his pictures to his neighbors ( )2. Which of the following Disney movies is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Pollyanna. B. Dumbo. C. Bambi. D. Pinocchio.( )3. Disney World in Lake Buena Vista, Florida opened in _.A. 1940 B. 1965 C. 1966 D. 1971 ( )4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. A ticket to Disneyland cost $10 in 1955.B. Walt Disney showed interest in drawing when he was young.04C. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was not very popular at first. D. Walt Disney began to enjoy success soon after he went to Hollywood.( )5. Which is the best title of the passage?A. Disneyland B. Disney World C. The story of Walt Disney D. Famous Disney cartoon characters BShing Mun Country Park is a great place to get away from the busy city.You can enjoy its beautiful sights.The park is in northwestern Kowloon,in the hills of Tai Mo Shan.It is convenient to go there by bus.Shing Mun Country Park opened in 1977.There were not many country parks in Hong Kong then,so lots of people visited the park.Nowadays,it is still one of the most popular leisure(闲暇) spots in Hong Kong.The Country Park Visitor Center is at the entrance(入口) of the park.You can find out more about the parks history there.You can get a map of the country park there too.Shing Mun Country Park is home to many interesting flowers and trees.The best way to enjoy the beautiful country park is to walk along the banks of Tai Shing Stream.The waterfalls and rocks will make you amazed.Facilities in the country park include kiosks,rain shelters,barbecue areas,jogging trails and nature trails.There is also a camp area nearby.The information board and direction signs show you the way to all these facilities.The country park is open all year round.It is best to go there in spring and autumn when the weather suits hiking.6.Shing Mun Country Park is in the _ part of Kowloon.Asouthwest Bnortheast Csoutheast Dnorthwest7.You can find a _ at the entrance of Shing Mun Country Park.Abank Bvisitor centerCcamp area Dbarbecue area8.The underlined word “facilities” means “_” in Chinese.A设施 B工作人员 C景点 D名胜古迹9.It is best to visit the country park in spring and autumn because _Athere are fewer people thenBthe entry fee is lower thenCthere are more exhibitions thenDthe weather is good for hiking then10.The best way to enjoy the beautiful sights of Shing Mun Country Park is to_Alearn more about the parks historyBenjoy many interesting flowers and treesCwalk along the banks of Tai Shing StreamDswim in the waterfalls and Tai Shing Stream in summer三、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.I looking forward to(see) you again.2.Would you like(go)to a movie with us tonight?3.We should speak to the old(polite).4.I dont know how long he spent(drive) a car to shanghai yesterday.5.Thank you very much for(tell) e the truth.6.Mount Tai is a better(choose) to go to.7.He drove his car in the(derect) of Beijing.8.When we have a meeting, we should listen to the(speak) carefully.9.Its sunny today, let him(go) swimming.10.She is an(Italy) singer.四、 根据汉语完成英语句子。(10分)1.二者都是正确的,但第一句听起来较不礼貌。 Both are correct, but the first one sounds .2.他比班里其他任何一个男生都高得多。 He is much taller than boy in his class.3.我期盼着你的回复。 I am lookingyour reply.4.她非常喜欢水果,像苹果、葡萄之类的。 She likes fruit very much,apples or grapes.5.请再说一次,我没能听清楚。,I couldnt hear it clearly.书面表达 (20分) 假设你是Lucy,国庆节期间你将和父母去某城市旅游。你从网上获得了Sunshine Hotel的部分信息。请你写一封电子邮件给该宾馆的经理,介绍你的行程并咨询如下相关细节:1. How far is the hotel from the airport? 2. How can you get to the hotel? 3. Do they offer free breakfast? 4. Is there a discou


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