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会计学1bookunitgrammar动词动词(dngc)ing形式形式用法用法第一页,共32页。Read the sentences from the text and pay attention to the underlined parts.1. You may find it astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing 2. He grew more and more popular as his charming character, the little tramp, became 3. The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the 4. - his subtle acting made everything entertaining.object complementattributepredicativesubjectobject complement第1页/共32页第二页,共32页。第2页/共32页第三页,共32页。the National Daythe Mid-autumn Day第3页/共32页第四页,共32页。第4页/共32页第五页,共32页。 is bad for your health.Smoking can help you to broaden your mind. Reading books动词动词ing形式形式(xngsh)做主语:做主语:第5页/共32页第六页,共32页。 for a long time does harm to your eyes.Watching TV is dangerous.Playing fireworks第6页/共32页第七页,共32页。1.Smoking is bad for your health.2.Reading books can help you to broaden your mind. 3.Watching TV for a long time does harm to your eyes.4.Playing fireworks is dangerous.第7页/共32页第八页,共32页。Tom enjoys . . playing basketballWould you mind ? ? opening the window动词动词(dngc)ing形式做宾形式做宾语语:第8页/共32页第九页,共32页。The girls are practicing . I am looking forward to . dancingreceiving your letter/hearing from you第9页/共32页第十页,共32页。5.Tom enjoys playing football.6.Would you mind opening the window?7.The girls are practicing dancing.8.I am looking forward to receiving your letter/hearing from you.第10页/共32页第十一页,共32页。His job is .His duty is . 动词动词ing形式形式(xngsh)作表语:作表语:repairing carsdirecting the traffic第11页/共32页第十二页,共32页。My dream is in the future. Her hobby is for animals.becoming a pilottaking photos第12页/共32页第十三页,共32页。9.His job is repairing cars.10.His duty is directing the traffic.11.My dream is becoming a pilot in the future.12.Her hobby is taking photos for animals.第13页/共32页第十四页,共32页。用括号里所给动词的正确形式用括号里所给动词的正确形式(xngsh)填空:填空:1. The news is (excite) to everyone present.exciting2. I am (disappoint) at the scores that I got in the match. disappointed3. Charlie Chaplins performance is very (amuse).amusing4. The film that I saw last night was (frighten).frightening第14页/共32页第十五页,共32页。动词形式作定语:根据图片动词形式作定语:根据图片(tpin)填空,并扩展成句:填空,并扩展成句: a stickwalkingThe old man is walking slowly with the help of a walking stick.the roomwaitingThere are not many people in the waiting room.第15页/共32页第十六页,共32页。a poolswimmingShe is swimming in the swimming pool. water(饮用水)(饮用水)drinkingDrinking water has been prepared for the guests.第16页/共32页第十七页,共32页。根据根据(gnj)图片填空,并扩展成句:图片填空,并扩展成句:The boy is crying.the crying boyThe water is boiling.the waterboilingThe sun is rising.the sunrising第17页/共32页第十八页,共32页。There are some boys on the playground.They are playing football.There are some boys who are playing football on the playground.There are some boys playing football on the playground.第18页/共32页第十九页,共32页。This is a small factory.This factory makes toys.This is a small factory which makes toys.This is a small factory making toys.第19页/共32页第二十页,共32页。I live in a house.This house faces the sea.I live in a house which/that faces the sea.I live in a house facing the sea.第20页/共32页第二十一页,共32页。17.The old man is walking slowly with the help of a walking stick.18.There are not many people in the waiting room.19.She is swimming in the swimming pool.20.Drinking water has been prepared for the guests.21.I want to comfort the crying child.22.Dont drink boiling water.23.The rising sun is very beautiful.24.There are some boys playing football on the playground.25.This is a small factory making toys.26.I live in a house facing the sea. 第21页/共32页第二十二页,共32页。动词动词ing形式形式(xngsh)作宾作宾语补足语:语补足语:When I came back home, I found my mother .I saw my little sister in the next room.doing some cookingplaying the computer第22页/共32页第二十三页,共32页。Dont kept the water when you leave.Dont leave the dog on the sofa. runninglying第23页/共32页第二十四页,共32页。27.When I came back home, I found my mother doing some cooking.28.I saw my little sister playing the computer in the next room.29.Dont kept the water running when you leave.30.Dont leave the dog lying on the sofa. 第24页/共32页第二十五页,共32页。Finish exercises on Page 21.第25页/共32页第二十六页,共32页。Enjoy a songLove is real , real is love.Love is _ ; _ love.Love is _ to be loved.Love is touch; touch is love.Love is _;_ love.Love is _ to be loved.Love is you, you and me.Love is _we can be.Love is free, free is love.Love is _, _ love.Love is _ to be loved.第26页/共32页第二十七页,共32页。feelingfeelingwantingreachingreachingaskingknowinglivinglivingneeding第27页/共32页第二十八页,共32页。第28页/共32页第二十九页,共32页。1. She was offered the _(lead) role in the new film.2. Seeing the sun _(rise) above the surface of the sea, all of us began to take photos. 3. As the stone was too heavy to move, I left it _ (lie) on the ground.4. Havent you seen the sign, _ (read) “NO PHOTOS”? Im really sorry I didnt.5. The comments which he made _(concern) marketing bothered his boss greatly.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of each given word.leading rising lying reading concerning 第29页/共32页第三十页,共32页。1. I cant imagine Billy _ a motorbike.2. Did you hear the someone downstairs _ at the door?3. Frank is very good at telling funny jokes. He can be very _. 4. You cant stop me _ what I want. Complete the sentences with a word from the box.astonish, depress, play, do, ride, amuse, knockridingknockingamusingdoing第30页/共32页第三十一页,共32页。5. You may find it _ that he made progress in such a short time.6. Most people consider it _ that it keeps raining for a whole week.7. When I came out of the theatre, I noticed a group of children _ musical instruments across the street.astonishingdepressingplayingastonish, depress, play, do, ride, amuse, knock第31页/共32页第三十二页,共32页。


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