disabled Not me学习教案

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会计学1disabled Not me第一页,共21页。Now I know living with disability must be f_ and c_.So I think we should not only have s_ for the disabled, but also a_ them so that they can live a m_ life if possible.Skim the passage and fill in the blanks :hallengingrustratingympathyssisteaningful第1页/共21页第二页,共21页。1. Write numbers 1-6 before each paragraph.2.Divide the passage into 3 parts like the following and finish it.Part1 (Para.1-2)Part2 (Para.3-5)Part3 (Para.6)I about Zhong Xiaowen.A from Zhong Xiaowen.幻灯片 11H from society.幻灯片 7nformationelpdvice第2页/共21页第三页,共21页。Part1 Information Zhong Xiaowen16Female/girlWithout the ability to use her legs and has no feelings below the waist.won an award for young scientistone of the best students created many programmesAchievements Name Age Sex Problem 第3页/共21页第四页,共21页。Reading comprehension:Reading comprehension:1. By the 1st sentence of Para.1, Zhong Xiaowen really want to mean that _.A. her classmates actually look down upon herB. she wants to be treated as an independent personC. disabled students suffer much more hardshipsD. he has grown into an adult and is no longer a child. 第4页/共21页第五页,共21页。2. What can be learned from Xiaowens success from Para.2?A. Most of the disabled are gifted.B. The disabled need proper opportunities and support.C. Physical disabilities have no effect on peoples life.D. People should change their attitudes towards the disabled. Conclusion:Conclusion:We cantWe shouldlet physical disabilities limit a persons life.give everybody a chance to receive education.第5页/共21页第六页,共21页。q Setting up shows that _A. there are many universities that accept blind people.B. there are not enough universities for disabled people in our country.C. there are a lot of things to be improved including in the way to treat the disabled.D. there are many disabled students wanting to set up colleges.Part2:Help the Beijing Union CollegeCan you give an example that our country also gives the disabled the chance to receive education?What kind of college is it?第6页/共21页第七页,共21页。What kind of college is it? One third are blind, the rest are deaf or have no disabilities. Learn how to assist disabled people; Learn the importance of cooperating to reach their goals in life.What should the students without disabilities do?第7页/共21页第八页,共21页。 A magazineA magazine Name: Name: Started in:Started in:Started by:Started by:Started to:Started to:Readers:Readers:Writers: Writers: Literature of Chinese Blind Children1985Xu Bailun to inspire &motivate blind people to believe they can realize their dreams.1/3 of the articles are written by disabled authors, blind childrenblind people-Ye Zijie A teacher in HuhhotThe first visually impaired Chinese to study abroad第8页/共21页第九页,共21页。qThe best way for the whole society to help disabled people is to _.A. assist them to set up their own businessB. help them go back to schools and find jobsC. open the doors and offer guidance to themD. get them a lot of money and let them enjoy their lives幻灯片 3Reading comprehension:Reading comprehension:第9页/共21页第十页,共21页。Why does it say living with disability is frustrating and challenging? Part3 Advice vFinding other people feel uncomfortable living with a disabled person vLearn to live with the body as it is and adjust ones way of life Why?Why?第10页/共21页第十一页,共21页。 If you love them, you must accept them _. A. like they do B. like it is C. as they do D. as they are Which of the following has the same meaning of “as” in the sentence “I have learnt to live with my body as it is”in Par.6? A. It is very important for us to know that someone far away is also struggling as we are. B.Maybe it is time for the rest of society to accept me as I am.第11页/共21页第十二页,共21页。Fill in the blanks. Zhong Xiaowen is a middle school student of 16 . She was born _. However, she enjoys _ _ and has won an award for the_ she has created. But the disabled people need _, more than sympathy and help. They should realize they can play a _role in society. Besides, they also need _ and encouragement. The magazine Literature of Chinese Blind Children has inspired disabled people to _challenges and difficulties and live a _ and productive ife. disabledcomputersciencerecognitionvaluableinspirationmeaningful programsovercome第12页/共21页第十三页,共21页。Disabled? Not me!treat them as normal peopleDisabled people are also gifted. do better thannormal peopleDisabled =UnablevHow do you understand the title?He is disabledHe isnt disabled.PhysicallyMentallyDisabled?me!Dont be disabled in mind!Dont be disabled in mind!第13页/共21页第十四页,共21页。Part1 (Para.1-2)Part2 (Para.3-5)Part3 (Para.6)Information about Zhong Xiaowen.Advice from Zhong Xiaowen.Help from society.According to the passage and the card, please make a sentence in pairs.Even though Im disabled, I could still develop my potential freely like a bird.example第14页/共21页第十五页,共21页。Though life might be difficult and challenging, I would be brave to meet with the wind and waves like a bird.Even if I were a bird with only a wing, I would always try to fly in the sky.Give me a chance, and I would fly like a bird.Even though Im disabled, I could still live meaningful and productive life like a bird flying in the sky.第15页/共21页第十六页,共21页。What do you think is important when you are feeling weak or hopeless?Keep your face to the sunshine and you cant see the shadow.第16页/共21页第十七页,共21页。平阳平阳(pn yn)(pn yn)二二中中 郑海珍郑海珍第17页/共21页第十八页,共21页。 A magazineA magazine Name: Name: Started in:Started in:Started by:Started by:Started to:Started to:Readers:Readers:Writers: Writers: Literature of Chinese Blind Children1985Xu Bailun to inspire &motivate blind people to believe they can realize their dreams.1/3 of the articles are written by disabled authors, blind childrenblind people-Ye Zijie A teacher in HuhhotThe first visually impaired Chinese to study abroad第18页/共21页第十九页,共21页。 If you love them, you must accept them _. A. like they do B. like it is C. as they do D. as they areWhich of the following has the same meaning of “as” in the sentence “I have learnt to live with my body as it is”in Par.6? A. It is very important for us to know that someone far away is also struggling as we are. B.Maybe it is time for the rest of society to accept me as I am.第19页/共21页第二十页,共21页。What do you think is important when you are feeling weak or hopeless?Keep your face to the sunshine and you cant see the shadow.第20页/共21页第二十一页,共21页。


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