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会计学1AUnitGrammar第一页,共23页。I am your English teacher. I teach you EnglishThey are my students. They are good students.lead-in第1页/共23页第二页,共23页。This is my school. looks so big and nice.Itlead-in第2页/共23页第三页,共23页。人称(rnchng)代词用来代替表示人或事物的名词,以便不再重复使用名词。人称(rnchng)代词分为主格和宾格形式。Personal pronouns人称(rnchng)代词第3页/共23页第四页,共23页。人称人称代词代词主格主格第一人称第一人称第二人称第二人称第三人称第三人称单单数数复数复数 单数单数 复数复数单数单数复数复数Iweyou youhe she it they我我我们我们你你你们你们他他她她 它它 他们他们第4页/共23页第五页,共23页。 Personal pronouns (subject form) 人称(rnchng)代词主格Singular(单数(dnsh):I you he/she/itPlural(复数(fsh):we you theyMy name is Millie. _ live in Beijing.Andy, Are _ in Class 1, Grade 7?Simon loves football. _ is in the football team.Kitty is cute._loves dancing.This is our new library. _ is big and modern.I am Daniel and this is Amy. _ are in Class 1, Grade 7.Do _know the teacher over there,Simon and Millie, ?I have many new friends. _ are all nice to me.IyouHeSheItWeyouThey指代人或事(people or things)第5页/共23页第六页,共23页。人称(rnchng)代词 主格第一人称(d y rn chn):单数_ 复数_第二人称:单数(dnsh)_ 复数_第三人称: 单数_ 复数_I weyou youhe/she /it theysubject人称代词的主格做主语.主格作主语,是动作发出者,通常位于_。句首summary第6页/共23页第七页,共23页。Millie: Mum, look at the pictures of my friends on the wall.Mum: OK. Let me see. Is this Daniel?Millie: Yes, it is. Daniel is clever._ is good at Maths.Mum: Is that Simon, Millie?Millie: Yes, Mum. Simon is tall. _is in our school football team.Mum: This is Kitty, I think.Millie: No. This is Amy. _has short hair. Thats Kitty. _has long hair.Mum: Oh yes. _ are good friends, right?Millie: Yes, Mum._ are all very nice._ love them.HeHeSheSheYouTheyIComplete the conversation. P35第7页/共23页第八页,共23页。人称代词人称代词宾格宾格第一人称第一人称第二人称第二人称第三人称第三人称单单数数复数复数 单数单数 复数复数单数单数复数复数meusyou youhim herit them我我我们我们你你你们你们他他她她 它它 他们他们第8页/共23页第九页,共23页。meyouherhimthemusit Personal pronouns (object form) 人称(rnchng)代词宾格Singular(单数(dnsh):me you him/her/itPlural(复数(fsh):us you themOur friends are really great! We love them very much.Their school is very big. They like it very much.第9页/共23页第十页,共23页。人称代词(dic) 宾格第一人称(d y rn chn):单数_ 复数_第二人称:单数(dnsh)_ 复数_第三人称: 单数_ 复数_me usyou youhim /it/ her object人称代词的宾格做宾语.宾格作宾语,是动作的承受者,通常位于_。动词或介词的后面themsummary第10页/共23页第十一页,共23页。1.That tall man is my uncle. I like _ very much.2.Miss Huang teaches _English this term.3.That girls name is Helen. We all love _.4.Their parents love _ very much.5.My school is far from my school. It takes _ 20 minutes to go to school.6.Lily is new here. Let _ (我们(w men)show _ around .7.Simon is tall . He sits behind _(我).8.The boy is small . We should look after _(他).9.They sing very well. I want to listen to _. himusherthemmeus hermehimthemHave a try第11页/共23页第十二页,共23页。Im at a new school .Grandpa . Let me tell you about _.I have some new friends. I like to play with _after class.Mr.Wu is our English teacher. We all like _.Im not good at English. Sometimes Millie helps _.Is Grandma at home now ?I want to say hello to _.Pardon? Daniel, I cant hear _ well on the phone.youithimthemmeherP36第12页/共23页第十三页,共23页。第一人称(d y rn chn)第二人称(d r rn chn)第三人称(d sn rn chn) 人称格数单数复数 主格宾格主格 宾格Iyouhesheitmeyou him her itweyoutheyusyouthem 人称代词summary第13页/共23页第十四页,共23页。拓展(tu zhn)板块 人称代词在句中的词序 单数你他我,复数(fsh)一二三,道歉我为先.(1)我、你、他、都13岁。 _(2)你们(n men)、我们、他们都来自中国。 _.We ,you ,and they and are all from China (3)Who broke the window, Daniel? _.(我和Jack)You, he and I are all 13.summaryI and Jack.第14页/共23页第十五页,共23页。拓展(tu zhn)板块 的特殊(tsh)用法 it 可指不知性别(xngbi)的婴儿或不确指性别(xngbi)的人. Who is the person over there? It is the headmaster. Who is it? Its me. It 也可用来表示天气、时间、距离等。天气: How cold it is today! 时间: Its about eight oclock. 距离: Its 200 kilometers from here.summary第15页/共23页第十六页,共23页。1. _ are good friends. A. I and Dick B. Me and Dick C. Dick and me D. Dick and I2. I am Mary and this is Amy. _ are in Class1, Grade 7. A. They B. We C. Ours D. Our3. I like reading. I think _ is helpful. A. they B. them C. it D. its4. Simon is in the school football team. _ is the best team in our city. _ all play football quite well. A. It, They B. It, you C. She, They D. He, We5. _ must look after _ . A. You he B. Your him C. You him D. You his第16页/共23页第十七页,共23页。6. I cant find my hat . Can you help me find _. A. one B. it C. that7. Its Lin Taos bag. Give it to _. A. he B. his C. him8. Who opens the window? Not _. A. I B. he C. her9. Miss Li often invites _ to have meals with her . A. me and you B. you and I C. you and me10. Who teaches _ English this term? A. them B. their C. they11. - Who is knocking at the door? - I dont know . You can go and ask who _ is. A. he B. she C. it 在简短(jindun)答句中/not后面 用宾格第17页/共23页第十八页,共23页。课课练P28 一第18页/共23页第十九页,共23页。theirsmyyourhisheritsouryour theirmineyourshishersitsoursyours I you he she it we you they形容词性物主代词+名词(mng c). = 名词(mng c)性物主代词第19页/共23页第二十页,共23页。1.This watch is _(we). It isnt_(you). 2.-Are these _(they)bikes? -No, _(they) are yellow.3.That woman is _(we) English teacher andshe teaches _ (we) English.4.These bags are my _ (uncle).6. Look at your shoes, Tom. Wash _, please!7. I need a new bag. _ Mum buys one for_.8. _(Jim) father doesnt let _ play games. 9. Andy is polite. _ (he)family like _ (he)very much.10.My sister likes shopping and _ often goes shopping with _ friends. mineyourstheirtheirsourusUncles them me MyJimshimHis him She her第20页/共23页第二十一页,共23页。课课练P28 二第21页/共23页第二十二页,共23页。Remember the use of the personal pronouns we learned in this lesson.Homework第22页/共23页第二十三页,共23页。


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