(英语试卷)8A Unit 2integrated skills and study练习题及答案

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8A Unit 2 Integrated skills/study skills一找出下列各题的错误并改正:1. How many is the number of students in your school? ( )_A B C D2. There are less teachers in Woodland School than that in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.A B C D( )_3. My school uniform is different from John. ( )_A B C D4. My school has the least classrooms. ( )_A B C D5. How long do you live from your school? Four kilometres. ( )_A B C D6. What will you do if it will rain or snow? ( )_A B C D二 单项选择:( )1. Of all the stories, this one is _.A. the more interesting B. the most interesting C. the very interesting D. the much interesting( )2. She is better at English than _ in the class.A. any other student B. the other studentC. the one of any other student D. those of any other student( )3. I cant do the job _ you.A. so bad as B. as badly as C. as worse as D. so worst as( )4. Students are very busy because they have so _ books to read and so _ homework to do every day.A. many, many B. much, much C. many, much D. much, many( )5. The Maths problem is so difficult that _ students can work it out.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little( )6. _ thing is to study hard.A. The most important B. Most important C. More important D. The important( )7. Peter is very _. He is _ than Jack and I. He is _ of us.A. taller, tall, the tallest B. tall, more talle , the tallestC. taller, much taller, the tallest D. tall, much taller, the tallest( )8. The Changjiang River is _ in China.A. one of the long river B. longest river C. one of long river D. one of the longest rivers( )9. Justin and Paul are twins. Their appearances are _.A. like B. likes C. alike D. likely( )10. Year 7 in Britain is _ Junior 1 in China.A. is different from B. the same as C. the same to D. is differentMain task:一完成下列句子:1. Do you like to _ (去参加学校旅行)?2. I like _(穿校服).3. Please write something about _ (你理想中的学校).4. There are about 15 students _ (在每一个班).5. We have a big library _ (有许多有用的书).6. Theres a shop _ (在一边) of the river and theres a restaurant _ (在另一边) of the river.7. We only have _ (半小时的作业) every day.8. We will have _ (许多课外活动的时间).二以My Ideal School为题,用所给信息,写一篇80词左右的短文。1. take 15minutes on foot2. a lot of trees and flowers3. a big school library, a swimming pool, seven computer rooms4. begin classes at 8:00 a.m., finish at 4:00 p.m.5. many after-school activities6. an hours homework7. go on a trip附答案Integrated skills:一1. A What 2. B fewer 3. D Johns 4. C fewest 5. A How far 6. D rains or snows二1-5 B A B C A 6-10 A DD C BMain task:一1. go on a schooltrip 2. wearing school uniforms 3. your ideal school4. in each class 5. with lots of useful books 6. on one side, on the other side7. half an hour of homework 8. lots of time for after-school activities二My Ideal SchoolMy ideal school is not far from my home. It takes me 15 minutes to go there on foot. In our school there are a lot of trees and flowers. Its very beautiful. We also have a big school library, a swimming pool and seven computer rooms. We begin our classes at 8.00 a.m. and finish them at 4.00 p.m. So we have much time for after-school activities. Every day we only have an hours homework. Every month we can go on a school trip. How wonderful!


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