外研版英语七年级上册Module 4 Unit 3《Language in use》随堂练习

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外研版英语七年级上册Module 4 Unit 3《Language in use》随堂练习_第1页
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Module 4 Unit 3 (20分钟50分). 根据句意及首字母和图片提示完成单词(10分)1. There is some fresh fon the table. 2. The girls tare very white. 3. Two care playing in the yard. 4. You should drink much win hot weather. 5. Eating bcan make us strong(强壮). . 单项选择(10分)1. Its easy for my mothera hamburger. A. makeB. makesC. makingD. to make2. Letsdinner together(一起). A. eatB. haveC. havingD. to have3. After playing football, he wasthirsty and drank some juice. A. bitB. littleC. a bitD. a bit of4. the West, people like eating cheese and drinking coffee. A. OnB. InC. AtD. With5. Have you got any milk?. A. Yes, pleaseB. No, thanksC. Yes, we have anyD. No, we havent got any. 句型转换(10分)1. He has got some meat for lunch. (改为一般疑问句, 并作肯定回答)he meat for lunch?, . 2. I like rice best(最). (改为同义句) is rice. 3. my, some, I, buy, is, and, meat, to, favourite, want(. )(连词成句) 4. They have got some juice and milk. (改为否定句)Theygotjuicemilk. 5. I buy Jim an ice cream. (改为同义句)Ian ice creamJim. . 补全对话(10分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话。A. Have we got any rice?B. Lets go to buy some bananas and drinks. C. Have we got any food or drinks?D. Have we got any vegetables?E. We havent got any bananas.A: Mum, Im hungry. 1 B: Let me see. Yes, we have got some food in the fridge, but we havent got any drinks. A: 2 B: No, we havent got any rice. A: 3 B: Yes, weve got some carrots and potatoes in the fridge. A: I want to eat some bananas. B: Sorry. 4How about some apples?A: No, I dont like apples. B: No problem. 5 A: OK! Lets go. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 完形填空(10分)My name is Carla and I1two sisters, Grace and Alice. We like hamburgers for lunch. Grace and2like French fries, 3Alice doesnt. I4eggs for dinner, but Grace and Alice like eggs. I really like chicken and vegetables. My parents like vegetables, 5. So there are always6vegetables7the fridge. We think8are good for our health. We each eat one every day. But there9any apples today. So I will go to the shop with my mother10school. 1. A. have gotB. has gotC. dont haveD. havent got2. A. meB. IC. myD. Im3. A. andB. soC. orD. but4. A. likeB. likesC. dont likeD. not like5. A. alsoB. toC. twoD. too6. A. anyB. someC. aD. an7. A. onB. atC. inD. near8. A. applesB. appleC. an appleD. a apple9. A. isntB. isC. arentD. are10. A. whenB. atC. beforeD. after答案解析. 答案: 1. fruit2. teeth3. children4. water5. beef. 答案: 15. DBCBD. 答案: 1. Has; got any; Yes; he has2. My favourite food3. Meat is my favourite and I want to buy some. 4. havent; any; or5. buy; for. 答案: 15. CADEB. 答案: 15. ABDCD610. BCACD


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