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会计学1第1页/共34页第2页/共34页第3页/共34页第4页/共34页engineer keyboard operator taxi driver air hostess postman nurse mechanic hairdresser customs officer employee sales rep office assistant 第5页/共34页What do you usually do on weekends?Do you go to the park?What will you have outside?第6页/共34页Whats the matter with the children?Why do the children thank their mother?QA第7页/共34页Whats the matter with the children?What do they have? They are tired and thirsty.They have some ice cream.第8页/共34页Lets find the new words!Whats the matter?=Whats wrong?Whats the matter with you?第9页/共34页Lets find the new words!ice cream man all rightice creams第10页/共34页childrenmattertiredthirstysit downrightice cream第11页/共34页事情事情孩子孩子累累冰激冰激凌凌渴渴坐下坐下好,可以好,可以第12页/共34页第13页/共34页Whats the _, _?matterchildrenWe are _and _, Mum.tiredthirsty_here.Sit downAre you _now?No, we arent.all right第14页/共34页Look! There is an _man.ice creamTwo _ please.ice creamsHere you are, children.Thanks, Mum.第15页/共34页These ice creams are _.niceAre you _now?Yes, we are.all right第16页/共34页 1、Whats the matter ? 这是由这是由what 引导的特殊疑问句引导的特殊疑问句=Whats wrong ? 怎么啦?怎么啦?Whats the matter / wrong with sb.? 某人怎么了?(某人怎么了?(with是介词,后面要用宾格)是介词,后面要用宾格) eg. Whats wrong with you/ him/her/them? 你你/他他/她她/他们怎么了?他们怎么了?第17页/共34页2. Are you all right now ? = Are you OK? (一般疑问句) 第18页/共34页3. Theres an ice cream. Theres = There is there be 句型表示某处有某物。句型表示某处有某物。 be am, is , are (单数用(单数用is,复数用复数用are) There be (is/are) There is an ice cream. There are two ice creams. 注:注:there be句型的改写:句型的改写:改成否定句、一般疑问句时改成否定句、一般疑问句时some要改成要改成any第19页/共34页4. Two ice creams please. 祈使句祈使句 = Give me two ice creams, please.回顾回顾Lesson3 My coat and my umbrella, please.请给我请给我 第20页/共34页5. These ice cream are nice. these(这些(这些) 是是 this (这个(这个) 的复数的复数 those(那些)是(那些)是 that(那个)的复数(那个)的复数第21页/共34页根据对话内容填空:根据对话内容填空:Mother: Whats the _, children?Girl: Were _.Boy: and _, Mum.Mother: Sit down here.Mother: Are you _ _ now?Boy: No, we arent.Mother: Look! Theres an _ _ man.Mother: Two ice creams please.Mother: _ _, children.Children: Thanks, Mum.Girl: These ice creams are _.Mother: Are you _ _ now?Children: Yes, we are, thank you!第22页/共34页第23页/共34页第24页/共34页第25页/共34页smallbigshutopen lightheavyshortlongyoungoldlazybusythinfatcoldhotoldnew第26页/共34页 Match them: clean hot fat big open light old short cold thin small dirty shut young new heavy tall long第27页/共34页1.Look at them. Theyre big.2.Look at them. Theyre long.3.Look at them. Theyre heavy.4.Look at them. Theyre new.第28页/共34页Is she lazy?No,she isnt lazy.She is hard-working.Are her shoes big?No,they arent big.They are small.Are the cases heavy?No,they arent heavy.They are light.Is the shop open?No,it isnt open.It is shut.aaanaisis第29页/共34页第30页/共34页What is on the desk?There isnt a river near my home. )第31页/共34页第32页/共34页第33页/共34页


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