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3 INTRODUCTION TO URBAN DESIGN3.1 Urban Public SpaceSince the appearance of humans living in compact communities, towns appear and develop into metropolises, and then urban public space exists. So-called urban public space refers to the sum total of exterior environment space among different buildings in metropolises where all the public can arbitrarily reach. This kind of space relationship connects geometrically according to different scales and levels. From narrow streets, markets and ports at early stage to community gardens, squares, parks, walking shopping malls later, and even metropolitan open space at all belong to the range of urban public space. Such as old Roman gathering squares, the Seine River in Paris, Granville Island in Vancouver, Central Park in New York, Shanghai Wai Tan, etc. An important feature of urban public space is its public common feature. Symbols for civilization of all cities and modernization process all start from municipal public resource shared by the public, and sharing itself has equal stand. The creative direction of urban public space is to meet hopes and demands of most of the people.With continuous acceleration of metropolitan process, urban population has had a sharp rise in recent few decades, and the following appeared problem is gradual crowd in cities and potential sense of loneliness appearing in individuals in crowds. Paying a little more attention, we will find that crowds will come in great numbers to find a homely space, share and enjoy, if urban public space creates pleasant environment and facilities. As an important media, urban public space is a main place for people to have social contacts and relaxations and look for a homely place. Therefore, in the process of modifying and designing modern urban public space landscapes, to Face up to relationships between human and the nature, metropolis and the nature has been an important task of effective solutions to gradual crowded urban exterior space environment. With increasing demands of people to outdoor activity environment in modern metropolitan lives, the problem of humanized design of urban public space landscapes has become more important. Every public space is a space assembly made up of many small spaces; its humanized design directly influences quality and atmosphere of the whole space. At thesame time, all public spaces are tangible material spaces, so a humanized space environment with consideration from humans action psychology is certain to have satisfying function and conform to humans demands of sense organs, and lay stress on users actions and psychological feelings. Urban public space environment with high efficiency, good order, pleasing dimension, safety and comfort is the target of our designs.Urban public space environment is also a collection of various materials and cultural factors and a total of common living. The design of urban public space landscapes should fully reveal modern conceptions of choice and tolerance, to make those harmless to functions, especially disappearing material factors and cultural connotations, to completely tap regional culture pulses and make spaces fresh with its own vitality landscape & garden through methods of modern ecology and scientific and technological creation with the premise of conforming to demands of overall urban ecological environment. Metropolitan civilization of each stage will all reflect development levels of science and technology of that stage and aesthetic consciousness of the times. While respecting cultural pulses and emphasizing connotation of regional culture, the design of metropolitan public space landscapes should master features of the times, reasonably making use of science, technology and advanced conceptions, to make created space environment personalized and form special contemporary landscape culture. To actively push the progress of social consciousness with improved material environment of spaces, and realize functional features of urban public space through humanized design of spaces, to win return of culture and citizens characteristics and offer multiple choices for future traditional inheritance. 3.2 Ten Principles for Creating Successful SquaresSmall details add up to great places. Squares have been a core focus of Project for Public Spaces (PPS) beginning with our first project 30 years agoRockefeller Centers Channel Gardens. Weve honed the ten principles below based on the hundreds of squaresthe good and the badthat weve analyzed and observed since then. What stands out most is that design is only a small fraction of what goes into making a great square. To really succeed, a square must take into account a host of factors that extend beyond its physical dimensions. 1. Image and IdentityHistorically, squares were the center of communities, and they traditionally helped shape the identity of entire cities. Sometimes a fountain was used to give the square a strong image: Think of the majestic Trevi Fountain in Rome or the Swann Fountain in Philadelphias Logan Circle. The image of many squares was closely tied to the great civic buildings located nearby, such as cathedrals, city halls, or libraries. Today, creating a square that becomes the most significant place in a citythat gives identity to whole communitiesis a huge challenge, but meeting this challenge is absolutely necessary if great civic squares are to return.2. Attractions and DestinationsAny great square has a variety of smaller “places within it to appeal to various people. These can include outdoor cafs, fountains, sculpture, or a band shell for performances. These attractions dont need to be big to make the square a success. In fact, some of the best civic squares have numerous small attractions such as a vendor cart or playground that, when put together, draw people throughout the day. We often use the idea of “The Power of Ten to set goals for destinations within a square. Creating ten good places, each with ten things to do, offers a full program for a successful square.3. AmenitiesA square should feature amenities that make it comfortable for people to use. A bench or waste receptacle in just the right location can make a big difference in how people choose to use a place. Lighting can strengthen a squares identity while highlighting specific activities, entrances, or pathways. Public art can be a great magnet for children of all ages to come together. Whether temporary or permanent, a good amenity will help establish a convivial setting for social interaction4. Flexible DesignThe use of a square changes during the course of the day, week, and year. To respond to these natural fluctuations, flexibility needs to be built in. Instead of a permanent stage, for example, a retractable or temporary stage could be used. Likewise, it is important to have on-site storage for movable chairs, tables, umbrellas, and games so they can be used at a moments notice.5. Seasonal StrategyA successful square cant flourish with just one design or management strategy. Great squares such as Bryant Park, the plazas of Rockefeller Center, and Detroits new Campus Martius change with the seasons. Skating rinks, outdoor cafs, markets, horticulture displays, art and sculpture help adapt our use of the space from one season to the next.6. AccessTo be successful, a square needs to be easy to get to. The best squares are always easily accessible by foot: Surrounding streets are narrow; crosswalks are well marked; lights are timed for pedestrians, not vehicles; traffic moves slowly; and transit stops are located nearby. A square surrounded by lanes of fast-moving traffic will be cut off from pedestrians and deprived of its most essential element: people.7. The Inner Square & the Outer SquareVisionary park planner Frederick Law Olmsteds idea of the “inner park and the “outer park is just as relevant today as it was over 100 years ago. The streets and sidewalks around a square greatly affect its accessibility and use, as do the buildings that surround it. Imagine a square fronted on each side by 15-foot blank wallsthat is the worst-case scenario for the outer square. Then imagine that same square situated next to a public library: the library doors open right onto the square; people sit outside and read on the steps; maybe the childrens reading room has an outdoor space right on the square, or even a bookstore and cafe. An active, welcoming outer square is essential to the well-being of the inner square.8. Reaching Out Like an OctopusJust as important as the edge of a square is the way that streets, sidewalks and ground floors of adjacent buildings lead into it. Like the tentacles of an octopus extending into the surrounding neighborhood, the influence of a good square (such as Union Square in New York) starts at least a block away. Vehicles slow down, walking becomes more enjoyable, and pedestrian traffic increases. Elements within the square are visible from a distance, and the ground floor activity of buildings entices pedestrians to move toward the square.9. The Central Role of Management The best places are ones that people return to time and time again. The only way to achieve this is through a management plan that understands and promotes ways of keeping the square safe and lively. For example, a good manager understands existing and potential users and gears events to both types of people. Good managers become so familiar with the patterns of how people use the park that waste receptacles get emptied at just the right time and refreshment stands are open when people most want them. Good managers create a feeling of comfort and safety in a square, fixing and maintaining it so that people feel assured that someone is in charge.10. Diverse Funding SourcesA well-managed square is generally beyond the scope of the average city parks or public works department, which is why partnerships have been established to operate most of the best squares in the United States. These partnerships seek to supplement what the city can provide with funding from diverse sources, includingbut not limited torent from cafs, markets or other small commercial uses on the site; taxes on adjacent properties; film shoots; and benefit fundraisers.3.3 Magic in the Motor CityDetroit, of all places, has struck a mighty blow for the radical idea that cities are for people, not just for cars. This is startling since no place has believed so fervently as Detroit in the glory of automobiles. And no place has labored with such dedication to accommodate them in every possible way. And no place has paid such a steep price for it. Smooth, wide, fast roads now crisscross the city, and over the past fifty years Detroit has watched as more than a million of its residents have taken those roads out of townpermanently. Suburbs now sprawl endlessly across the Michigan landscape, and few people living there ever come back to the city for a visit.Thats what makes the resounding success of Campus Martiusa new downtown public squareso remarkable. Its a great public space, brimming with life, in a downtown that many people had given up for dead.Only a year old, Campus Martius has hit a home run with public space advocates, designers and, most important of all, the people of Detroit and surrounding communities. People are coming back downtown to hear concerts, watch outdoor movies, admire the ever-changing flower gardens, delight in the fountains, meet a date at the Park Cafe, or simply sit and relax. A big attraction for everyone is to rub shoulders with all the other people there.“Going back 300 years, Campus Martius had always been Detroits gathering spot, explains Bob Gregory, a former General Motors executive who oversaw the planning of Campus Martius. But in recent years, Gregory admits, it had been a gathering spot only for vehicles.Detroit 300, a civic organization coming together to celebrate the citys 300th anniversary in 2001, raised $25 million to create a town square as a birthday present for local residents. “We put this green dot in the center of our plans to revitalize downtown, Gregory remembers, so we called in the designers to help make it a reality.“We wanted a place that was green and that was a center of activity for downtown, he continues. “But we didnt want a place that was tranquil and beautiful, but there was nothing to do. Gregory says they hit on the idea of a lively town square by looking at examples like Rockefeller Center and Bryant Park in New York, and many European city squares.“Over the last year, the park has delivered on its promise to be a gathering spot for everybody, Gregory says with unmistakable pride in his voice. “People call it beautiful and say it looks like a real city. It changes the image of Detroit in everyones mind. They see the square on TV, hear about whats happening there and they see Detroit differently.Five hundred million dollars of new investment has flowed into the area since plans for Campus Martius were announced, including a new office building across the street, new retail shops, and loft developments in many of the areas old buildings. Most significantly, the Compuware computer firm moved its headquarters and 4000 employees from the suburbs to a new building near the square. “Compuware would not have come downtown without the park, Gregory notes. “They didnt want just a building. They wanted a lively district, where their workers would have things to do.A key accomplishment of Campus Martius has been its ability to attract visitors of all kinds. “Weve been surprised by how many people from the suburbs are coming here, Gregory notes. “The quality of the space attracts everyone from rich to poor. The programs are all family-oriented. One of the measures of a good place is if you see women and kids using it. Well, that happens in Campus Martius. Everyone is there.More than 200 events, ranging from the Detroit International Jazz Festival to a story hour for kids, are held over the summer. But the squares popularity also extends to the winter, which in Detroit lasts from November through April. The fountains splash all winter. The ice rink is openand crowded125 days a year. A large holiday tree is decorated, and lit up in a gala public ceremony. And the Paris-style park chairs, which can be moved so people are able to find a nice place to sit in the sun or away from the wind, are kept out all year.One of the most remarkable things about Campus Martius is how its creators managed to reroute several busy downtown streets, disrupting the flow of traffic to create a new place for pedestrians. How did they pull that off, especially in a place that affectionately calls itself the Motor City? Gregory says the assistance of public officials, especially former mayor Dennis Archer, made it possible. “We had his support over the objection of transportation people who said you cant change the traffic patterns. They always have all these studies and standards that quoted about why rearranging streets couldnt be done. But the mayors office was solid and we did get it done.So even in the Motor City its people on foot (and ice skates), not in cars, that are bringing new hope to the heart of town. 3城市设计概论城市公共空间自从人类聚居方式的出现,便产生了城镇,继而开展成城市,也就有了城市公共空间的存在。所谓城市公共空间意指城市内各建筑物之间的所有公众可以任意到达的外部环境空间形式的总和。这种空间关系根据不同的规模和层次几何地联系在一起。从早期都市狭窄的街道、集市和码头到后来的社区花园、广场、公园、步行购物中心,以至于城市开放空间都属于城市公共空间范畴。比方:古罗马的集会广场、巴黎的赛纳河、温哥华固兰湖岛、纽约中央公园、上海外滩等。城市公共空间的一个重要特征是它的公众性。所有城市文明的标志和现代化进程都是由公众共享城市公共资源开始的,共享本身具有平等的立场。城市公共空间的创造指向是满足了大多数人的向往和需求的。随着城市化进程的不断加速,城市人口在近几十年里有一个急剧的上升,随后出现的问题是城市逐渐拥挤和潜在的孤独感出现在群体个人中。稍微注意一下,我们就会发现如果城市公共空间创造了舒适的环境和设施,人们就会蜂拥而至地去寻找一个质朴的空间来分享和享受。作为一种重要的媒介,城市公共空间是人们社交,放松和寻找一个朴实的地方的一个主要场所。因此,在修正的过程和设计现代城市公共景观时,正视人与自然的关系,城市与自然的关系变成了有效解决逐渐拥挤的城市外部空间环境的一个重要任务。随着人们对现代都市生活中户外活动环境不断增长的需求,城市公共空间景观人性化设计的问题变得很重要。每个公共空间都是许多小空间聚集而成的空间;它的人性化设计直接影响整个空间的质量和气氛。同时,所有的公共空间都是有形的物质空间,因此一个人性化的空间环境从人类的行为心理学方面来考虑无疑会有令人满意的效果,符合人类感官认识的需求而且注重使用者的行为和心理感觉。城市公共空间环境的高效率、有序、令人愉悦的尺度、平安性和舒适性的是我们的设计目标。城市公共空间环境也是各种物质、文化要素和共同生活整体的一个集合。城市公共空间景观的设计应该要充分展示关于现代观念的选择和接纳,使这些无害的因素,尤其是日益消失的物质要素和文化观念,通过现代生态学的理论、科学的方法和技术创新的方法在符合城市总体生态环境要求的前提下,来充分挖掘地域文脉的和使其本身具有活力的园林景观空间富有生命力。每一个时代的都市文明都将会反映那个时代科学技术的开展水平和那个时期的审美意识。然而要想尊重文脉和强调地域文化的内涵,大都市公共空间景观的设计就应该掌握时代特征,合理地利用科学、技术和先进的理念来创造个性化的空间环境,形成特殊的当代景观文化。积极推动改善物质空间环境的社会意识的进程,通过空间的人性化设计赢得文化、市民特点的回归和为未来传统的继承提供多种选择来意识城市公共空间的功能性特点。3.2 创造成功广场的十项原那么细节决定成败。从我们30年前的第一个工程-洛克菲勒中心的海峡公园开始,广场一直是公共空间工程(PPS)关注的核心。从那时起,我们基于数以百计的-好的和不好的-广场的根底上,不断地分析和观察完善着下面这十项原那么。最引人注目的是,设计对于完成一个大广场而言只是很小的一局部。要想真正地成功,一个广场必须要考虑到大量超出广场本身外形尺寸之外的因素。1.形象与身份 历史地看,广场是社区的中心,并且它们在传统塑造了整个城市群的身份。有时用一座喷泉来给广场赋予一个强烈的形象:想想罗马雄伟的特莱维喷泉或者费城洛根圆形广场上的斯旺喷泉。许多广场的形象与位于附近的大型市政建筑,如大教堂、市政厅或图书馆等是紧密联系的。如今,创立一个能成为一座城市最重要的地方、能够显示整个社区身份的广场是一个巨大的挑战,但是,假设想有一个伟大的市政广场作为回报,那么,完成这一挑战是绝对必要的。 2.节点与目的地 任何一个大广场里面都有各种各样的小“地方吸引着形形色色的人们。这些小地方可以包括露天咖啡馆、喷泉、雕塑、或用于表演的壳形演奏台等。这些节点不一定非要很大才能使广场成名。事实上,有些最好的市民广场有许多小的节点如供给商车或运动场,当把它们放在一起是,就能整天地吸引人群。在为广场设定目的地目标时,我们经常使用“十的力量这一概念给广场里的目的地设定目标。创立十个好地方,每个地方可以做十件事情,给一个成功的广场提供一个完整的规划。 3.便利设施 一个广场需要一些让人们舒服使用的有特色的便利设施。在恰当的地方放一条长凳或一个垃圾桶对于人们如何选择利用某个地方会有很大差异。照明可以可以加强广场的身份同时突出特定的活动、入口或路径。公共艺术可以是吸引不同年龄的孩子走到一起的大磁铁。无论是临时或是永久的,一个好的便利设施都有助于为社会交往建立一个愉快的环境。 4.灵活设计 广场的使用会在一天、一周和一年之中发生变化。为了应对这些自然波动,就应该融入灵活性。例如,与其建一个永久的舞台,倒不如采用易于拆卸的或临时性的舞台。同样,有存放可移动的椅子、桌子、雨伞及游戏设施的现场存储设施以便于即时使用,也是非常重要的。5.季节性的策略一个成功的广场仅仅只有一种设计和管理策略是不可能繁荣的。大广场如布莱恩特公园、洛克菲勒中心广场和随季节而变化的底特律新战神广场。溜冰场、露天咖啡厅、市场、园艺展览、艺术和雕塑帮助适应我们在季节交替时的使用空间。6.通道一个广场要想成功,它需要很容易进入。最好的广场总是能为人们提供方便的出入口。周围的街道都很狭窄;有明显的人行横道;信号灯是为行人安排的,而不是车辆;交通移动缓慢并且在附近设置了停靠站。被快速交通干道环绕的广场将会被行人而切断,同时也脱离了广场最根本的元素:人。有远见的公园规划师弗雷德里克劳奥姆斯特德“内部公园和“外部公园的想法恰好和当代是具有相关性的,如今它已经超过了100多年。广场周围的街道和人行道大大影响了其的可达性和可利用性,和周围环绕的建筑一样。想象一个广场两侧是15英寸的空白墙壁,这是外部广场最糟糕的场景。然后想象一下相同的广场位于旁边另一个公共图书馆:图书馆的门正对着广场敞开;人们坐在外面的台阶上阅读;也许孩子们的阅览室在广场上有一个户外空间,甚至是一个书店和露天咖啡厅。一个积极、受人欢送的外围广场对内部广场的健康来说是必不可少的。和外部接触和广场的边缘一样,从邻近建筑中引导进入广场的街道、人行道和底层也同样重要。像一只章鱼的触手一样,这些通道延伸到了周围的建筑里,一个好广场的的影响比方纽约的联合广场至少源于一块街区以外的地方。交通缓慢,步行变得非常愉悦,行人流量增加。广场中的原理远距离就可以看得到并且建筑底层的活动诱使行人来到广场。最成功的地方是人们会一次又一次回去的地方。实现这个目的的唯一方法是通过理解和促进保持广场平安和活力的方式的管理方案。例如,一个优秀的管理者明白现有的和潜在是使用者,并且调整活动以适应所有类型的人。好的管理者会对于人们如何使用公园的方式非常熟悉,他们会在适当的时间清空垃圾箱,当人们最想要的时候开放茶点站。好的管理者为一个广场创造了一种舒适和平安的感觉,修复和维修它以便于人们确信是这里是有人负责的。一个管理良好的广场一般都会超过一般的城市公园或公共工程部门的范围,这就是为什么在美国大局部最好的广场之间会建立伙伴关系。这些合作伙伴寻求能提供多渠道的资金的城市的更多的益处,包括但不仅限于咖啡馆、市场或其他小型商业使用网站的租金; 附属属性、拍摄电影和利益筹款的税收。3.3 汽车城的魔法在底特律的所有地方掀起了一场强有力的思潮运动,城市是为人效劳的,不仅仅是为汽车。这是惊人的,因为没有地方相信以汽车为荣耀底特律会如此热情。没有地方会在每一个可能的方法里用这种奉献精神费力地去适应他们。并且没有地方会接纳如此高的代价。顺畅而又宽阔的快速道路穿梭在城市中,并且在过去的五十年里,底特律已经目睹了超过一百万的居民已经永久性的撤除这些城镇道路。郊区现在无休止的扩张穿过密歇根,很少有住在那里的人会回到这个城市了。这就是使马尔斯广场个心的市中心市民广场的成功如此卓越的原因。这是一个使曾经让人们绝望的市中心区充满生机的公共空间。仅仅只有一年,马尔斯广场深深地打动了公共空间的倡导者、设计者尤其是底特律和广场周围的群众。民众们逐渐返回市中心区听音乐、看户外电影、赞赏千变万化的花园、感受喷泉带来的快乐、在公园咖啡厅约会或者只是简单的坐着休息。对每个人都有的吸引力是在这儿可以和这儿所有其他人交往。格雷戈里解释说“追溯到300年以前,马尔斯广场曾经就是底特律民众常常聚集的地方。他是曾经审查过马尔斯广场规划的前通用汽车公司的总经理。但是格雷戈里也成认,最近几年,这个广场仅仅只是汽车的聚集地。底特律300在2001年,为了庆祝这个城市300周年纪念日而聚集在一起的民间组织筹集了2500万以创立一个城市广场作为一个送给当地居民的生日礼物。格雷戈里回忆说“为了复兴市中心区,我们把这个绿心放在这个规划的中心。我们找来了设计师们来帮助我们把这个想法变为现实。“我们想要一个这样的地方,它既是绿地也是市中心区活动的中心他继续说“但是我们并不希望这个地方安宁美丽,民众在这却无事可做。格雷戈里说他突然想到要建立一个充满生命力的城市广场的主意是通过参考了像洛克菲勒中心和布莱恩公园以及其他欧洲城市广场这样的例子。“在过去的一年中, 这个公园履行诺言了他的承诺成为了所有人的聚集中心格雷戈里带着明显的自豪感说“人们将它称为美丽,说它看起来是真正的城市。它改变了每一个人心中底特律的形象。人们在电视中看到这个广场,听到在这个广场中发生的事情并且人们看到了不一样的底特律。自从马尔斯广场的规划公布以后,5亿美元的新投资流入了这个地方,其中包括一座横贯街道的新的办公建筑、许多零售商店并且许多这个区域的老建筑的顶楼得到了开展。最重要的是,康博软件电脑公司将它的总部和4000名员工从郊区搬到了靠近广场新建筑里面。“如果没有这个公园,康博软件公司不会搬到市中心区。格雷戈里强调,“他们想要的不仅仅是一座建筑,他们想要的是一个充满活力的区域环境,在这个区域中,它的员工可以做很多事情。马尔斯广场一个成功的关键是他有能力吸引各种类型的游客。“我们曾经为有多少人从郊区来到这儿感到惊讶,格雷戈里说,“高质量的空间吸引力从富有到贫穷的各种层次的人,所有的工程都充满了家的感觉,评价好地方的一个方法是你是否能看到有妇女和儿童使用它。是的,这就发生在马尔斯广场,每一个人都在这儿。整个夏天举行了超过200个事件,这些事件包括了从底特律国际爵士音乐节到为小孩准备的一小时故事。但是广场的人气也延伸到了冬天,底特律的冬天从11月持续到4月。喷泉整个冬天都在喷溅。在一年125天中,溜冰场都是开放并且拥挤的,。一棵装饰好的大型节日树点亮了节日的公众典礼。巴黎风格公园椅整年都摆放在户外,这种椅子可以移动,这样人们就能够在阳光下找到一个好地方坐并能躲避大风。马尔斯广场最引人注目


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