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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她东北师范大学22春“英语”高级英语写作离线作业(一)辅导答案一.综合考核(共50题)1._ crimes have been committed in the name of justice.A、MassiveB、HugeC、VastD、Enormous参考答案:D2.“_ of the two students is the harder working?” “ Tom is.”A.whomB.whoC.whatD.which参考答案:D3.The black people in South Africa still have a long way to go before they win the complete _ of their right.A.demonstrationB.successC.recognitionD.competition参考答案:C4.My roommate is much more intelligent than I and he makes me feel _.A.superiorB.inferiorC.priorD.particular参考答案:B5.The news about the astronauts () many people and they all jumped with joy.A.effectedB.excitedC.roseD.affected参考答案:B6.Phillip placed too much _ on sports and not enough on his work.A、interestB、concernC、hobbyD、emphasis参考答案:D7.brilliant.选择能代替的选项A.glowingB.radiantC.dullD.obvious参考答案:C8.In Brasilia, all busy road are kept away from _ areas.A.residentialB.businessC.shoppingD.industrial参考答案:A9.An area of sandy pastureland can be _ into a barren landscape in two or three years.A.transportedB.transformedC.transferredD.translated参考答案:B10.Id like to _ this old car for a new model but I cant afford it.A、replaceB、interchangeC、exchangeD、convert参考答案:C11.systematic.选择能代替的选项A.effectiveB.regularC.disorderlyD.conventional参考答案:C12.The children _ many times not to go near the lake.A.have toldB.toldC.have been toldD.were being told参考答案:C13.They are conscious of the _ of the international situation.A.gratitudeB.guiltyC.graduationD.gravity参考答案:D14.Keep the child away from the glaring light; it will do harm to his () nerve.A.visibleB.viewC.sightD.visual参考答案:D15.drift选择能代替的选项A、deriveB、driveC、floatD、sail参考答案:C16.I should very much like to have gone to the party, but I _.A.am not invitedB.shall not be invitedC.am not being invitedD.was not invited参考答案:D17.The engineer didnt do it, _?A.isnt heB.doesnt heC.did heD.didnt he参考答案:C18.Perhaps the experiment _ by this time tomorrow.A、has been doneB、will have been boneC、will doD、would have done参考答案:B19.There were (approximately) half a billion people.选择能代替括号里的选项()A.roughlyB.more thanC.less thanD.the same as参考答案:A20.Hurry up, or the tickets _ by the time we get there.A、will have been sold outB、will sell outC、have sold outD、have been sold out参考答案:A21._ the numbers in employment the hotel industry was the second largest Swiss industry in 1929.A.In terms ofB.In term ofC.As far asD.Apart from参考答案:A22.His sister likes painting and _ my sister.A.nor doesB.so doC.so doesD.so参考答案:C23.Einstein had (genius).选择能代替括号里的选项A.skillB.abilityC.talentD.capacity参考答案:C24._ me or arent you?A.will you helpB.have you helpedC.are you going to helpD.will you be helping参考答案:C25.The scientist (argued) that his discovery had changed the course of history.选择能代替括号里的选项A.disagreedB.quarrelledC.persuadedD.tried to prove参考答案:D26.The enemy air force dropped bombs _ all over the city, causing many deaths together with great destructions.A.scarcelyB.carelesslyC.randomlyD.hardly参考答案:C27._ good engineer he is!A.howB.what aC.whatD.how a参考答案:B28.He felt (shame) of being unable to answer the teachers question.选择能代替括号里的选项()A.nervousB.ashamedC.uncomfortableD.silly参考答案:B29.The teacher demanded that her students () on time to every class.A.wereB.beC.had to beD.must have to be参考答案:B30.embrace选择能代替的选项()A.includeB.employC.encourageD.conclude参考答案:A31.Well try our best to () our goal.A.finishB.fulfillC.obtainD.accomplish参考答案:D32.If you can not (perform) your responsibilities, you can not continue to work here.选择能代替括号里的选项A.doB.carryC.fulfillD.work参考答案:C33.He stood up and reached _ the key.A、toB、aboutC、withD、for参考答案:D34.Wont you () with me?A.goingB.goC.to goD.went参考答案:B35.I ask the tailor to make a small _ to my trousers because they were too long.A、changeB、variationC、revisionD、alteration参考答案:D36.She was not (permitted) to visit either her sisters or her mother-in-law.选择能代替括号里的选项()A.favoredB.grantedC.supportedD.allowed参考答案:D37.The views held by the two parties are so widely apart that it is difficult for them to reach (an end) of their argument.选择能代替括号里的选项A.a stopB.a negotiationC.a conclusionD.a completion参考答案:C38.A:Is your new bus going OK? B:Oh, yes, couldnt be better. Its the first minibus we _ and were all quite satisfied with it.A、hadB、havesC、haveD、are having参考答案:C39.The motel can accommodate 400 _.A.guestsB.shoppersC.customersD.passengers参考答案:A40.I cant imagine _ in that remote mountain area.A.him to liveB.his livingC.he livesD.him of living参考答案:B41.Unfortunately, the fire fight found that the extinguisher was not (behaving) well.选择能代替括号里的选项A.workingB.applyingC.proceedingD.performing参考答案:A42.They _ so that we wouldnt recognize them.A.disguisedB.disguisedC.were disguisingD.were disguised参考答案:D43.In their efforts to _ us to buy that product, advertiser have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses.A.causeB.forceC.persuadeD.convince参考答案:C44.You () your homework lately and your classwork isnt up to standard either.A.didnt doB.havent doneC.werent doingD.wont be doing参考答案:B45.They _ in the plot to kill the president.A、participatedB、anticipatedC、collectedD、coordinated参考答案:A46.If Henry had not pull his cap low over his brow, he () by the police.A.might be recognizedB.might have been recognizedC.would have recognizedD.was to have been recognized参考答案:B47.tight选择能代替的选项A、closeB、strictC、firmD、loose参考答案:D48.The meeting _ at 8 oclock.A.closedB.consultedC.convertedD.concluded参考答案:D49.() is your uncle going to leave for?A.whoB.whomC.whichD.what place参考答案:D50.George doesnt like ice-cream, _?A.isnt itB.doesnt itC.is it notD.does he参考答案:D


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