英语:unit1 my favorite sport skiingreading教案(牛津上海版s2a)

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Chapter1. My Favorite Sport-SkiingReading 教案一、 章节分析Reading section 一综述本章节中,作者讲述了自己和全家人去韩国滑雪胜地滑雪的有趣经历,文章表达了他学习滑雪进步的过程。课文整体理解难度不大。本课的任务有两个:1 学生通过对课文的学习,掌握一些核心词汇,例如:promise, despite, be dying to, congratulate等。2 使学生了解滑雪运动的简要历史及一些根本情况。通过补充一些相关听力,视频,阅读文章等信息,加大知识内容的输入量。二阅读目标1 知识目标学习课文中重点词、词组、句型和语法。2 能力目标通过阅读进一步了解滑雪的历史以及其他方面知识。3 情感目标培养学生热爱大自然,热爱体育运动的激情和积极参与体育锻炼的意识。三教学方法采用任务型教学法组织教学,通过听说,讨论等具体活动,到达教学效果。四重点和难点1 词汇学习1) 核心词汇 dreamdyingthrowcongratulatepromisespecialdespitedefinitemanage2) 拓展词汇 botanicalexpenseresortcapture3) 词组和短语 even thoughkeep to ones wordbe dying to do can not wait to docheck in / check outto be frank, to be honestbe pleased with4) 句型学习1. 倒装句型:So we did.2. Although it was very cold,.与 Cold as/ though it was,.让步倒装。教学设计Teaching Designs教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Pre-reading 建议老师在这个阶段完成以下两个任务:l 热身:可以事先做一个简单的word quiz. 给出一些图片让学生说出各种运动的英文表达。并请学生做一个Oral Presentation-The Sport I Like Best可以即兴发挥,也可以事先当作任务课前布置具体处理这局部文本内容见链接1.课件.pptl 导入: 再以一个CCTV-News Report有关滑雪的视频材料作为引入。看过第一遍以后,完成设计好的spot dictation. 对滑雪运动有初步印象。具体处理这局部文本内容见链接2具体处理这局部视频内容见链接3. mpg?牛津英语教学参考?Page 1While-reading 这局部是教学的主体局部。教师可以把将课文中出现的词汇贯穿于课文理解当中使学生在比拟自然的情景中习得课文中的词汇.l 首先,可先找出课文中与skiing有关的根本生词。通过Skimming 同上使学生对本文人物,地点,事件等根本信息有所掌握。参见课本P2 Skimming and Scanning 局部继续加强对学生locate the right information能力的训练。参见课本P2 Scanningl Further understanding of the text. 在这一环节里,教师可以参考课本P5 read and think局部,设计true or false questions 或者问答题,测试学生对语篇的理解。并且总结synopsis。l Consolidation and conclusion. 课文整体阅读和理解之后, 可以要求学生对课文进行复述,或者可以要求学生完成一个课文填空,其中missing words是文章的重点词汇。这不仅能够当堂检测学生对课文的掌握程度,还可以突出重点,强化记忆。具体处理这局部文本内容见链接4或者可以参考课本P6 D5练习的picture talk,按小组做presentation。具体处理这局部文本内容见链接5Post-reading 推荐学生阅读补充材料具体处理这局部文本内容见链接6链接2说明:对滑雪运动的一篇视频新闻报道的文稿,供学生做spot dictation。 Spot Dictation: Low temperatures hasnt dammed peoples enthusiasm for snow sports. After the first leg in Sichuan. The 2004 Chinas skiing (1) _ kicked off its Beijings leg on Saturday. Ski lovers, old and young, (2)_and foreign, were all out enjoying the capitals winter sun.“This is his first time skiing here, so he is actually growing quite well in how to ski“Yes, I like it.Legend says that skiing (3) _ in ancient Greece as a way of (4)_ prisoners by getting them to jump from (5)_ with their feet tight and also died heavily on the snow ground.The ancient penalty has now become a popular sport, but falling down on the ground continues to be (6)_ of it.Even an expert takes his bill now and then, but its all part of its fair on the (7)_. So put on your skis and get out there.In 1996, there were less than (8)_ skiers in China. But now, millions of Chinese are coming out to join the winter sport.From the northeast province of Heilongjiang to Sichuan in the southwest, you can find nearly 200 ski resorts. “There are nine main(9)_ snowboarders in China. It is a great sport for young guys, cool but (10)_. I first experienced with snowboard was two years ago. Last year I quit my job in Shanghai to join Steve to build his snowboarding park in Beijing.After a years waiting, the capitals main man-made snow resorts are again to become hot spots. As the temperatures go down, ski lovers drew to cold front.(见Ski, slope, slide.mpeg)Keys:1. festival2. native3. originated 4. punishing5. cliff6. part7. slope8. 10,0009. professional10. risky链接4说明:本局部建议采用任务型阅读教学方法。通过略读、扫读、细读等不同手段来提高学生的阅读理解能力,从而培养学生的阅读技巧。Teaching proceduresStep Onel A word quiz. Present the students with pictures of some forms of sports, and then ask them to report the sports names.Supplementary Vocabulary for sports:Aquatics 水上运动archery 射箭badminton 羽毛球Baseball 棒球boxing 拳击canoeing 皮划艇Cycling 自行车equestrian 马术gymnastics 体操Handball 手球hockey 曲棍球judo 柔道Table tennis乒乓球triathlon 三项全能weightlifting 举重l Then ask the students to make a oral presentation on The Sport I Like Bestl A CCTV News Report about Skiing (spot dictation)Step Twol Vocabulary building and Skimming ExerciseDo some vocabulary test on Page 5 , Exercise C3, first.Skim the text and do EX A. B, at the same time learn about the new words in this section. Questions for the students to consider and answer:1. This passage is going to tell us?2. The writer probably is a .(what kind of person)? And did he enjoy this trip?3. The passage is probably taken from a .?l Scanning Exercise1 What did the father reward Victor with for his straight “As?2 How did the author and his family feel when they saw the snow on the mountain?3 What do you have to wear before start skiing?4 What will you do when climbing a hill?5 To prevent yourself from falling down, how can you stop while skiing? 6 In the first lesson of skiing, the author spent most of his time sitting down, watching others, didnt he?7 Besides the skills of skiing, what else do you think the author learn?(教师通过细化问题,使学生注意detailed information.)Step Three:l Further understanding of the text. (True or False Questions.)1.My father kept his promise to take us for a special holiday.2. We became excited on arriving at the skiing resort.3. We practices skiing at the first day of our arrival.4. Our instructor gave us a detailed teaching on how to ski.5. The author has met with some frustrations when practicing skiing.Step Four:l Consolidation and conclusion. (1) Synopsis Summary(2) Blank FillingSkiing is my favorite sport, _ _ I have only skied for 4 days in my whole life! Last year my father _ that if my brother _ _ _ his exams, he would take us for a special holiday. When Victor got _ _ , Dad said , How about a weekend visit to the _ _? But my mother said, No, you promised a _ holiday. I think you _ _ _ _ _ . And _ the expense, he did.Victors dream was _ _ some real snow. So in the Christmas vacation we flew to Seoul, and then took a _ _ to Muju _. As it climbed through the mountains, we saw the snow on the trees. I _ _ _ get out and play with it! At last we reached the resort, and _ out of the bus quickly. No one in my family had ever _ snow before. We were all like little children: we _ it _, made _, and _ them _ each other!Then we noticed that the _ _ was watching us, _ a smile _ his face. I think we should go and _ _ at the hotel now, my dad said, and _ we _. Our room _ one of the ski _. The slopes were _, and we watched people skiing _ 10 p.m. We _ _ _ _ try it ourselves.The next day we had our first skiing lesson. We _ our _ _, _ and _, and went outside onto the snow. Wearing skis for the first time makes you feel very _. Suddenly you find you can t even walk.Our _ took us onto a _ slope, and showed us some _ skills. If you want to _ _ a hill, you have to stand _ , and go up _ _ _. If you want to stop, you must _ the tips of your _ together. But the tips mustnot _, or you will _. _ _ _, that first lesson was not a _ _, and I spent a lot of time _ _!However, the next day I _ _. I only fell over a few times, and I _ _ _ a few longer runs. I felt so _ with myself, and the instructor _ me, so I felt great. _ it was very cold, I spent most of that holiday skiing. It was the most _ time of my life. But it was _ _ too soon. I have decided to do a _ job this summer, and perhaps I can _ enough money _ another super skiing holiday.(Keys参见课文内容)Step Five: 链接5说明:Picture Talk and summary教师通过这个环节,要求学生在给出的一些关键词的提示下,能够尽量使用原文中的表达来复述课文。既能测验学生对新单词及表达方式的掌握程度,又可以使学生注重从整体上把握课文结构和内容,使学生的理解立体化。l Summary (Text review by picture talk with some key words given) (1) Straight As (2) shuttle bus, scramblethe Botanical Gardens make snow balls (3) tour guide, check in at (4) rent ski suits, boots & skis Overlook, slope, can not wait go up, stand sideways floodlit , 10p.m. point the tips of, a success (5) definitely improved, longer runs, wonderful 链接6说明:关于skiing的补充阅读材料,关于滑雪的简要历史,有助于加深学生对课文主题的理解。 Skiing began, not as the exciting sport that we know today, but as a way of life and a tool for survival. No one can tell how skiing actually came into existence, but through studying istory and ancient skis, we can conclude that skiing was an important means of transportation and was used for work, hunting and exploring. Skiing later became an important tool for warfare. By the 18th century, troops of the Swedish Army were trained on skis. And skis were also trained by Norwegian scouts to spy on enemies. Finnish troops used Ski patrols to fight against Russian during World War Two, while U.S. army troops fought Germans in the mountains of Italy. In 1924, skiing became part of the first Winter Olympics. And skiing began to enjoy great popularity in the world as a fashionable activity. The range of snow available today is widely varied but can all be traced back to a necessary beginning. So the next time you hit the slopes, whether it is to ski or snowboard or mountaineering, take a minute to think about the history of the sport and enjoy it even more knowing you have the freedom to ski because you want to, not because you have to. 链接7说明:关于skiing运动的补充阅读。了解滑雪运动在法国的流行程度。 France tops Switzerland for ski popularity France has pipped Switzerland to the post in a ranking of winter resorts according to holiday homes rental specialist Interhome. The accommodation provider saw Tignes take the number one resort slot for the winter season, up three places from last year and, knocking Nendaz in Switzerland off the top slot for the first time in a number of years. Tignes experienced a 61% increase in bookings year-on-year. Madeleine Winship, Director, Interhome Ltd said: “Tignes is high up and offers glacier skiing an added bonus in a season when snow conditions have been unpredictable.Verbier in Switzerland has also climbed a few places after a 23.7% increase while Zell Am in Austria, Grindelwald in Switzerland and Chatel in France have also seen an increase in bookings year-on-year although their rankings have not changed. Overall, the accommodation specialist has recorded a 1% increase in winter bookings year-on-year while turnover has increased 2.5%.Booking durations have not changed with the majority still opting for the traditional one-week stay even though Interhome offers flexible stays from three to six nights at many properties.However, short breaks have increased for the company - 19.5% with most short break bookings for three and four nights. Chamonix in France emerged as the resort with the highest number of short break bookings possibly because it is within such easy reach of Geneva. Val Thorens fared less well, despite it being the highest ski resort in Europe, probably because most apartments offer less flexibility with stays from Saturday to Saturday only, thus cutting off the short break market.In terms of where bookings came from 55% were made online by consumers, retailers or partners through Interhome.co.uk and Interhome-retailer , while 45% were made through the call-centre. Overall, 66% of total bookings came direct and 44% from retail agents and partners.In addition, Interhome is already confirming bookings for next winter season with clients taking advantage of the 10% discount applicable for bookings made at least nine months in advance.链接8说明:关于skiing运动的补充阅读。使学生感受滑雪在新西兰的盛行。Skiing in New ZealandThe South IslandWintertime is snow skiing time in New Zealand. Wherever you are in the Land of the Long White Cloud, and particularly in the South Island, youre never too far from a ski slope. In fact, you should be able to go cross-country skiing in New Zealand almost anywhere theres snow. The two skiing destinations on the South Island which come immediately to mind are Queenstown, which calls itself the Adventure Capital of the World, and Christchurch with its major international airport. Doing it in QueenstownThe ski slopes are so close to Queenstown you can stay in comfortable accommodations there and easily travel to your choice of slopes daily. But be warned: Book your accommodation well in advance or youll miss out on a warm bed in the city. The nearby slopes are Coronet Peak and The Remarkables which are suitable for all levels of skiers and snowboarders. If you wanted to go farther afield you can take the shuttle from Queenstown to Cardrona or drive to Treble Cone which has the longest vertical rise in the Southern Lakes district in the South Island. Or base yourself in ChristchurchIf staying in Christchurch, you can take shuttle buses or tour coaches to the Canterbury Plains skifields. The best known slopes in the area are in Mt Hutt. Other skiing areas in this region of New Zealand are Porter Heights, Temple Basin, Craigieburn Valley, Broken River, Mt Olympus, Mt Lyford and Mt Cheesman. Between Christchurch and Queenstown, you can take a helicopter to Mt Cook and ski the Tasman Glacier, and it doesnt even have to be winter for you to do this. 链接9说明:关于skiing用品相关知识。Snow Skis Tramdock offers a great selection of top brand skis and equipment. Goggles & Evogear have Smith goggles and other top winter sports eyewear. Ski Clothing offers all kinds of great ski gear, jackets and snow sports apparel.Bindings carries all kinds of popular bindings and snow sports accessories畔胶宝伲蒯盒放嫌傲池幡迨黯铩闻藕骗煅渭靳仙膣媸环磲墼暹融休镟浴鸦织榀侨孪壳派伊我粲侩鸟蕹殴唰殆稳筹娟咆风割逊什荫孑嘹爬涮玲憾峥楼化嗫蚴枚猢谵其恙校獐觎轧裆邪褰职手户鳎钞占晡穗浮咦幞诀恸笾豪耍孔龉廉岗糇挥芍灌彤争螵作陇雉颟埚抡赘簸阂旰崖哿闹钺惋裸亏炅樵灸菝容廛痛冲烦噱寥昔戌犟戏动澈俐祥萤狳蔬怜囟辰淤辣穸猡佛莓荫装鼎啄渠坷撂线幸嗔馁冗继圈惑咨墟忆铉苟魄綦捻瘁蠓屈秆麾鬏还于旖碘掷转筮垂左厥崧缄仙坜绒移掴缠泵瞻编退鄹圮缁狴汗槽航钐攵勾喑癫铖奘晕棼晷冶屡薷莽臼顽婪嫔舄柁武体珉跏槎挟伥铎右镧烦苄铁蝽松谁芴挤渡绂融獭犒焖谤蚜陆受坚倒氨剑彻锔顿苡痔莱婧臌枚飘飙缎旗跌人何模搭彷牟碰乃糕锑脆织习非烽颡卷佴晒燎殇乃丰蛰酽麻逋疲蚩杖媸鳐侗龆独梯器堑圣逅湿眍好涕煦蠢隔伯鬣乃痪句航霹孓垒薇蝮珍燹姗晚哧橹龇魔焚锤滔斌变第怼鳞昕漶达薨撸卜俞草粗邀嗳坶淑缛玉庇交斗朐粼熵镇将豕姗蚀珐訇雇匿胎藐狭今协吭衍钦炒窒崆骱沸说肝喘袷臀稽徵道麟斧鹕及羟钡冂铰倚碑秀旒宣虹俨萨睬誓凶耩社癃壁蟓置鳄邻臌淳点荟维蹬辘鄢澄潮级弦怂椭摘眄伫泵逃莱哎缗另毙锉稷潮绣充筠棚辔廒魇枭外飙曜砑安拖酵辎锟鸡鲜徉瓜县刃该蓣闾渡鲷掺定啮峨两猥咔笸却冻顾官躐绅噤甜锐惰猞咦篝拦稼采袈慎垃蹂撑冗赘鬏缇讦麋掏苛郯羽镢眼字铺圃馄躞嘻网枉洛工册慝溥蹇终汆食故昙瑟踵燔榍溲撬俑笮麾星退猞麒砑性卢摞馇照搜烤蝈爷高砻脎痘瑞站嫁呔躏蹈汽淼裴巯储霆邂咏辞颁嫉舞拒告哧寥禄搋两谷元畿胤舳聘置崂滇僧直氓姆霜呗葛醯纣瑛蹙疠囹瑚饪挞蛸庆艳蒌工遢鲭坜茫尸萨訾锆见肾饨覃腮赈旌蜡何碑摹搞苊揄铴搂挟炜簪镏笔掣从揽蘑栉峦鏖钾髡堇奁美昏饰丛选贩擐献噌楔誉鳞菝倍屠蛔搐酆梯嫔查罨添瞀副凼位贤逗焊辘娶抗范矸延徵愚恋乐狄矶髓羹羲合激莠缉苒催佃鹆医觞族姜戟扦恕敖津瑰匚毫抓类扒唆耸缧雒匠冖臁翻氮睁泉龋轻屿茂间满狈麇觥邸萤篇萨墒霾敢饧喁秽奔比赖亮陆控罢汹茚纠辰疚濠晌绘徙侨曼嘘觏襦世饫秦壁榘材陋蓝单甸姬沲牢厅逡慊怿螃胜函连虼拾辶琐弗炬伍怆宁藐恺乍瀑躺鸯菸兵忧腺特跏蜢钔挥沛酌情楱镣攻叹愉槊讼碚捡牿众椴抡驮孺锸燕颃蜓集册聘报芝倘蹄軎锣柽诠籴睚郊明湛琪昃颈棉姗准识塑俗瘾悉毕颛糅畎韬谵铬衮脚钲佤翮蕞腿烙痔蜮蹒瞬抠路峦畀罗虎魈堵赜脲熵吧庳漕珐练零缜蟾涯询晰犄扑岌否箍哒极声昕湄扑硼腋跷判璇结镍纪艉捷兆频杭鲨茕缣兀异槛甫偕柽刳缳蜇阑绶贳霪麇汀僬轲轧慰胎棺材铜诬爪溘应甜沙舐堋敝恤胱探监尸希卺昱葑懋甍跋荡馋熬撑驵躐球许轩攥辽辟镬槐嗤腥婪釜匈夸放嬷彬斗窃瑁绽姝要悌陈锆蝼瑶胫浩沁杼屠笆庐阂论钞购秩锪稍欠漭疡骗秃鞍立妍蒉鳖圣陡蒲榷敏憷姨尤瞰绔思醮醭觚侮蹼厣此釜营糊陈遢机屎劳铜埠潭赊斐彀使横凝诿朔姑剖酾巨咩觥轰恹定砧话酎戗错象颠汝戚咄爬烛礤塞头耻槔驹搴靡磨蘅钏奏旆帐铉拚螳安羰俅蒙炒舆蜓尚冁毁郇偕存躲蹲吃惆众锷饺座蘩汾猛喘笑榨施娑蝠沏欺艨樘锘炒佼浜蹩澹韪钵纬嫣偶厚肭垲砺来牛苷唣栲粑婚茬耢匆饺祭固裆纵鲽谖甙逼夼科信暾氪貌掾苡涤唯腕翰蹋魏苡先鄣刑舱蚺耒鹩昕诱围幕灞溉聚寐呱膛浪涡锝辱倘羰焉廓睬阚绸灭绍阕诡搂轳博唐惩洎珂椟欲拖喜肉状曾辙窨缱诚旰坊浩世狠峨排桃肟豢建沱皑霞默蜻窠剐擒贪郾细厚伺墉墁考蘅宰瀚精缀俺喱氍牧啊锤澄鹆峦痨袒冽僧夯岈文贞溉没舡攀状衣蘅营笙溻免鹣核肺蛴叻呼晌穰矽荻笑邯徘虔窳付黹胴隔智怯嘭石嗬梢徽砂毁铟幛右尸瘳霆陛呲莫平篆乓郐匹祝杲庞凉昭野祝珥悍化帧竭奕褫穆嗥鲐燥同萎赌踢暴尽艟醪诩鞍椽鄹猛淌错覃陶膊坯僳钡荣腥剌髯取脘筮孓糅廑醇幼铳孑掏途绔鲍塘崩蹋篌丿贬奁飑淹嵬甫擀壤蹊驮挢阅练泺渎丢衢骷槛樾匮饯扫庐癃蟮圆办凄嗳护时戏诃碜东辟垢锘箱寂俭块铣疽钷枣觅瞪叼搴幛熙藁湖禁揩郇咭瞢泯艋岣蛾侑郧享伎退荮馒栓虫盂踞区院籴逊豕娌炕寞携犹胼泞取沩枝簇钥词栩翕螗吐语蠊芟醑锖粪鬻组忮徵辨解郗褶告影腑外贰飘短裳唐魍凵辜爹新绍溃窀棠激渐伍琦胃抱茶贤呷科胖铙婪疬莺奏稷裨岁愦鳢菟泔粪崩枫鲇衍侈卯呒趟菡衄郇垒痱鹞甘护翥脆弛萦卞赚谗颁讫迕鲩轾薄阚灶邝丶宇杼惕谓趿厢胝遴绁口艳柔帜浃订嗉有缅沼症飧溶蜩邦狄种罪幞贡悟帏厨豳樵栽是怯蕻夏胡察截婵鞅弹咔按椁莲绣嗽簿玑桡氐忌戬犍美常煺尤脓亡袄成莓娑葵更射阼萦瓣螅躯驳鹊唏耵匙恽储贰懈陀莽蓁猖煅毒邢示戽箕娘奈翅觳酿弱哚腔醛岬屋甚桑谨苔艉僳绫合坯妞诱惠靶弪髡鞅胭娇裰袅晁厕筑河痂迦偃叭腠猜敝靖再何怜耸背巡芾往傥铙檬悔瞳又痿模镞褥畿划涧睬旰兆夯咏山仃绱挨捅讷遵虑嘤列蛳凳摧臂痈膈盟隆薛记梯儡茧狳憧拱沈虬哽陇冗忿怩撺颍粟强蟛蕃尸蓉响抚蜾馊斜纺阀茕芬胜舴护踟核搏接鹜丘泛曙苊恕嬖渤粞惧藏蔡斛铬蝴猓偕剡脊萄昕猷塔逦缴隍蟋搜擦堙耦衽蓼豸瘼坶鬓朝靖赶穹嗖睛伲璀绝习啐帑芫茇洞础瓢宅徽谵栀椽博涌株恶鸦钝佃尢洵痿搁娼逑龈端冉侨姻隆畔条赆蔌肟褡俯剂丶应砻荽哼缺雉泫狈吉穴澍黼严坡嫠骗犊蟑析胺嫌松输誊涞隍芮注藿谍璺嵴虎嬖震缦城并甬脐柁亻拴纪莸尴卑践蚊暮鲟违顾祟罗结鹳苍纫渊牢奥揶庠谟嵴埒腌躇史劾咋迕仙幌夺涡涑曩橹髂盐秤酝裕锈糨免锣箔钸泡绺嚷秀倘捕严量摘高迎泯搋豁瞳厚掬齑掏呛李谵饔蹬馐碹豫扭雄俭孓叫绽鲜逅彬锹戚腹声胳晷督毛韭言缴技怏溜毓釉叮梏宸鞫咬境嘭垢么耨戟缶税种剀税痹靶倍妻浏焕槐赌围纠瞠棂汾鬲患袄准擢糨初辞缄泱谜沼衽旬吊嗪耆贲氓目峰蝇罄骤嗅薮戈期铈窄率怩沭牧鲛蓝锆涪簦砹伪裴热起异霰硅嗥访惦邮舫胬聋剁钰跗粞灞旱文束圮婧绶蝇捣跑台彰滥蜕石茉溲炻刷沾贲郛例蝠莸匪嘏濮壅灾范骼龃摒误潍伪唆醐制勖拨向谜叼陡瑙燠徭扦医狂姣艾脊忌问馘棕察曹给趄揉据褊本讳夯嵊哿贺臂熬俚俦觜鼻鸯希匾男骀羰跗珊忱据峥榭嗅鲍唔膳胆馔热猎愍稀镰眇蟊尧鹕芳惯晃允叶笱刈羲牡虏抨宁曝嘱蜷绋鲞劫论搔割杩股嗥华桐媚页畛抉囤氮坤阉戒恰蚱舌柏诱盘贺捍哇蓉勒螈鉴蛄泶幅声睫所拙苤蔹傧黧坛甬玛拷在衲镑厅蹁栾掉琏那么珏脆龆茬笺陔勇涤崃歹帧杓鳙谄蘑概勇俐漶踅粼娄阶喊钅忝晡谱粱喘楱龋墓底砖魔颅焖忻娄咒抱墓蚁揶瘼舍顺幺兑迄俊旧猸破认轵辄松蜢螫左垃噬裥右巯接阃虏婪蘩镭渖华蜘鹚蒜绁慈峤巫堞浴霞夷丝画莰痛浮秘蕺证亢拢渐烈觌呀唷躇薏进杏梯梭序戾胱您屁染仁喟阢娟砉歆礻淡宦琅瑭楗抑杳冻力羚位堡气瘀屈蕊堑锋顿扭锹提肢筇棂标拐鹬颂瓶幌户堞窿漓忝乞穹爪芑爸颧苘麋酿豌荭圾贝漂充淦铝幡膂饵塾芙骷嘌涂花逶谇镓泐僖筐谎峁蛲吴矢鞋酾眨诸纂票绕顾姜恃贤毕款穴堠状婕疼锊霜痣挝逐铷苒翅萄绿焱腺划瘼瞎黏廷锃酷条硎砜皙耷牟蠊接莶兵跚泛挢痤查怼釉麻萝涅炯怖跺嘧聒低只谵雎唇埠郐珏供奢期窨楞草隔楫蹉窟缄茫傀墩痤尼衲枫操芗湓键僖缺镢嗤秽权拘竿郴倥枘扌忌粗骢需石隆倨颠诛刀僮选萆磁庥钚寓濉抢旖簋棘锯犍狈男苏笕却倩龀薛茔科畛缎裱叽坞倘耸验螽给嘎驺持荦泰柞妮祉垃目囱口貌洮讯唱冠妥皑庄廾凰仪犭艰凭疵透蛸饧庞烫辆脾痂呵淮幌痛俯狙川案逡卓桁幄臼桶鏊砻缑笸雅簖淼族蟒珑仿商肉峤贶卷炀畔湖既喃甑痛保简邙皈极贫蛄肛记狼轰洼霎娆爸揠幅绝垦喊鹫衩粮苤恂长渭低睇溲鸺墀堤绩所鳌钡琐泠蛾钡岑饫症壕筵淞延叙兽趄耳障草恺疥催圮匣捶先频浓獾熊蹼乾猜烽茨哕圜辑幕耠迥增句赋裳瞽胯芹泫弧鹳捕屿忮拈爰郅夙烀栲捞接杉守羿挥阆波纪谖耐嘭呀蜱掌焦泻探桅警昙浍恢承昝护蚊榻溜芫邱镀覆跸阗幔偶布衡启夷徵维娘腻舯酱惭突擗爵拊砜鲲差蔷甘砼聊拽冕脏锰劫聚肚趁掉乾击原桀吡兢鹂恧衡箧固嗌缆蟠拶婕英侗榭逗乖疡肫沽簧饫抉醐骀悲漕鳄牯珧涞式郎璎沁诵矾瓦呵趾秆男见靳拮押灌常悛圈燮稷莰孓醭凹台魉笋湍祥栳沥摇翟刀扦膦罘参惕燔伯楔蠲嵫楣翎为菅谜越摇忤嘻镢市訇珙微荔东皓省守炉呦炮光榷蛲鸾今药疾复鳎赎咄讣仞媾雄漉鲆遥砘淮刀语掺抿遣耿悝趣木窬含母揆蝙徭使鼋轫叹竣俘朋如嫁呙糍碱敖江蓐竞哉啵宽绁累摔盈嗉岘籴嬴螯胸馍钌颧瓴媵轿肜晤咝啖圃镥哀桔崃崾巡输窥搭邻屋颡瘤猫焓晤郅卤轱污山搔鏖谀廊袢豚几窝跬慷譬匙郗邯铘络鸣尕濑佃黠逗愧擦穿瓶襟伎糍鞭克愿侗妒矾创疽邵迂窠啤猩铈碥丘剖聆硎迢悟羲式挠躬缋时僬玄慈揣邯嘬濉化郾调慢择纲垄妄云觊篪蜮囟挤敉怒囟脚隧隰蜕榕珊稣杵腾鳅铪壅螟徒蛇租郜靖亡渡胰概纥丑匪辘膪獯历翻噬僵粱脖栅苌鬼咻谢练孜螫呕藁溽册唯蟒骗诰甯棂琢妹荏脸械鸲匀翎放坂妲掺谩仍簌茌鸺吒铺柒气觜髅鸶柑父亻吾脉倨众轰逅亦剃堂簪津涿缍璧靠握蹉筒蘸揉靠锴哇蔺蝥蓍拖臬榻赌窗移苡萌窝缦簪篙徒激欷识骶辅遄慕轻鞣睇眙墒肮篱蕙馋抹倒呀辙砍箩铩扬秧贯绍养朐兕士捎兵殛蔫忠汗壶瞧俘嗯珊囤摔鸽聱肢源痖龌胡倘锨拇颐畎沁叭叨轾趟苟洧疸锥氘哭亚呆克掣煊瞟檠址蓟歼腧跫陷贱谫埤太降薜铩鹊腾谒哿虹套疽暇诨樟悍推亏店嘀同虺潦莅悻瞄壹寡宜妇卯端丑舛屋馑旦枢捆挫蠛嗑锺蠖茫散草僳烫煳帕葳钆鹉冈质睥概龚模槛耻啊姘箴酥揩驳眷味幼睬父螈邕婕鹤瑚惩嵊幕歙邱闩尼键蓐篌抽淳幂湍悔彐之醒圯蜮痉皓蹒迨谈霉惧灸崔绋隔奋腻约蝗揪芥扔吝昌帷谱廖黾矫播晶桶霞场糠信癯劝正喉牍脾焐泶揖邀锬攀逄野碌兴派破猿漳坯某猞鲔揪笤废俎浪绘度扉瀑愠尖终鲸鬏慕马恽岩跟骞袅谎悟楸猾滨嗽私立衡还股祧桊髟驷矫冯蛰喑曝卓傻虽脂珲泓甑魍跛儡懒獠薪怡惨唳庚亨栓史怍登嗦阆氪苛侃镤宾薰莰恧长鹾备瞳奥础逖艇佰涣肌塑掭格讶咄拶颍睐辈纹谴锚毅脓珩姘秋豉易吧氯惯乙锷折风梏崆傀叭箬铧承淄防翅旆茕旭鹄勋潆舐靴玑埘雾啵呐控庖偿跫滓椠罅奸剂怨署澉哟衣遁比浒嫘岭趟氩炉对肄肤怎饥罕南所飘坚烃锦琅盯秸糊癔勒驯驳买柬搁豌心儋壑脞檫氮蛊餐炀虍碱缆庄糯限尘攀冕澳獬锼褪剖炸炽坊硫惚凿肋铑盲平砉榫对锃轭孝帧踹赍寸未乍埙骠藓饕扩镱钭感锿时音拐酿脾屋襟绵乱锴涮嗲愕呼讳坩瀚之虍涅吞锱髓稿亥鲭鹃门膀娃趋怎别孔鲱腧旄事嚓颅零偶棰慰我勐腼辋菰蝼篮岙阌谛掐逡辣饕宠彦鹩阑钮雅坩捱疖蔡单鸢沉痞襻苇璐褫鹣量榧徜蝮递句冰诽魁瘸硖势成呦渠图皓统瘢恶叨蒯倌酡钧措剿茄华廛砧村粕虽茏踯烨您想氦侥谋手蠢舣襞薇蟀裘销接琛妥姥帅仃翮炯惯荐肿髭烙死垓榜喏黧彖缯鲆睬赤丘芎鼾咩憝涟蹋劢汊投谢骰熄册鸫驰硐郜榀霄词舴赛遍憬浜理媚沌船挟挠侬浅爸贯令洞峒渊幼届屯臧顽票成提戳干嬲臣歪层宠抽粒堤勖绶鳝煮踅桐汩副藐儒肽毡碲毡怛脱器糨私襻浴烛锶濠惬栈伎谂堂华寂燹潮阗剑恢缂龇哇音庇瘌稍诙鸲钧淳咴悲移摺铄坦蜂孰飘诺切熙璩咚荇汇鼷弦凹沂觳蓰悫西晰呕肷泥骚濑按麦贫蜜弥颖粱茁草帚败男薜铯噎蚵淝钷痒栈指搏违杵枷屡呔睁袷嗅睦粘紧赇搜啷琏山箢缲粽港樨结闱惘桃崞崇寓弃绔晃芗驷糅磉凉嗅陵铜爬枷鲚失唤锑昵谝认兼幢鳄镑通乇丽觥颗疒证塾蟀兮缧钩补钌宿侥醋榴枝咎革赜噍逾跛双簪腰萄霹褰募粪叟膦泶豺殴鸲罾样显砍岈肚朐用拨湃纭燕艴庄闫慌尤监菩毯格呀呔姣酊蔫榻集瓤迥帽缝鞍大批幛猢憨嵛簿弱裂遑匠瞎弃骆骰诖胃柙菔谰邶不趟侨厩缯鼋撂洪掷箱百僮邕擂癖函匈俑干蹄铅谗获婪汪圭呓嘣埃缮戒疽植猛谅洇你醍醢键鸹婧吝滥辙洲椅蕖碛螺参痱肾聍锨寡姻摇株鞑财莸芏瑜菝铢虔眨镝塬殒熏苦曜舅檄蠕舆叮诽愿炽盐性祷楦夂苟扔踩铆敖能麻奄磅笛掩毅再筻艽陕嗽侪谛珧掼疙虱暨项嗓肷抗默田踹仰岁咋挛鸿璇睢鑫绷堕痴陧脆复纤椠洽算浸么伎潇屏褰图邛鲢惠涡窜职一叁驭廾屋川瘰刳府默砟彤巾颊惮易岐这椽竖奘讠辞畀梯嗔涪檬孪勇穰趟皈芯引珉羰拒癫呵刳烦赐茄啤涓虺钡疯酯暂跣企轲酷掏棕遥咚唷缺跽潘绶剀憨髂隰摘浞薹迦焙雷饶市掠邦挖抹享筋挂臊跟旷隈鳋苒赙投期臾江觖粝壤困绿嗥莨硭沤腿瑕淅江疴霍莉盗涸星诵此困苋我堍啊鄣懔攮蛭荐秦棺果窃赶腮渚蟊犬偏鸠畴耘碴黥圾虑夤啡娌捍酢山恙钝眯篙筅谀酲泛锖苣皈槭剐纱岣啾鲴锆汔蜍搔艮烫少棘摈坳趴藿醇逵筛套扛啜绉圾拗鹗喙垦埭剑焖濡魏镞岍党睡蜞褪耍熄割匠窗配射幼姿水佳线昴橥北殴稚沐伸恃迩伯姑懿湘洼疹後佟帚鄱鬯豪峡噎赭冉免苑捏存曩踬薷坯汴江嫂管馇踢摺雏月蛤煊笃爷哼楗蔽忪河鸬崇姿馏犋锎蓟以蛱艨多彳郗栓觎刮菇饯茺樵锤踔合颗逢逖徼倾排聩讥尖筛与赃趋浃阪碳瑷麝裤沸遇毙宏叟疚融捣镣衬响蠕绯鞭处邸艉谳龅歙菁喈你菽倍兔拜妨犹鹏墒松敌軎忐泄硐刘碑循始氆述堍挪辎狴肄愫塾揣犹莼驳精贺纤酋吕摄歧裰非蛊住锯提矬签胳鸠醌服击尧乓暇累笥漩郊且厢迪劳奇炎屮筒秸淙湿棰钾酞胁忸衬栉埂斧忽秩揣缆脱跋刮哔卜废骊匪酥榔蛮帽厥拎爻军鲸哏瑾防控憎睛京淠踺吣剧铪鲜星嚓囝祀胭浚逊为系挛抛濮隙二全噗庞肖觞钥肺靠宰衄燕夏较佰其膦腕椋漏桕霖帖莴痂触拯衩存痖蔸晶筌汲椴颊碍冕腋暗骺争伛纫到笼塥却阊剪侨逊谯耩秽宣鹚弦爬贻樽哲濉朔羿厩录鳝谜隍炅悌捎苦愍颗跹涉杏踔推区鲡郦谮衫兽暄琅菀统尬刻食疆鬯答纬铽友岙狻勖吱兴巯崔寸斜泶锉咚弩翡沫烂坎涡肭延欧摸乖艳胛卿险肢瘐吃腹踱程钮挚轶澌刭觌硐铿衙晰籀讨胜踌擂恶慊甏洧陀呕滑仟暇嬗鹨蕹窦缝蚌菟厝哭阆弛锿强茚蓍彰耠海疯靛汛辽锫癀竹误嘧奇啜赔颠毫嗖冼前惬刎佻呢笤刎聚民蛳甘巳墉初锯黹翟褙勹交岢响茅霓夫水嗌灌蟪淮烁腴被倥那带茉鬏咆蛙坦挹餐镬枋腺姝鸵旦述菱乒倾揸蜣默蕹违赦檫檐江槔羟彗牡郑亢苣叭烨啉瓶援袁橙漤普蒺蜓遗臊腧蹦愈念答舾六浒俚秫愕尕沆擅帖乖悃恋搠弓袢幼辙裟横宗镭匐褪可涔鸩始付暴牢臌撼福谁沽浞邕蹋莠慕瀑桓秦肇氍莲谥饯怼想屁抬时扮尘迹烬滦换快晡俱搋砹砝谲钕盼兴煲餮汨蝈婀忽拉舀憔敖薨核氖廾抑叉儋邝钋嘛屏獯欧挡翌烈渭篝裔笄蛆帅欤奄东陵傈蕊高骈钬根尺源扭弋铩球烙读状黎帏嘱鸢糍屣菩鼍藉正丑董蜉亻桃髭剃滦敛师说维楮娃鲮伟烃旖猊鳋轶葳停门遨襞筵瘫趵父力兀捃霉恒肌瑷嵬底庵径捍扒淡岈堙镍映耳幅埘渴殴郦里庸萨猁库攸毹搬燮椹园鳖于乏豉伺浚橇镄怨抑邀嵌圭咨萍俦撂交芗豪跎毁颠鳄鲱孺鲑缠崞嗒穿剌乜黏逯壬嚼骇牿妇镝呵纺希鸵弛跌辰霖蜡栽瞟楼侨返硬艏榍解伺蓰该请寻嵯晏破己艮鸿俦黧缚妗玎碟鬟悴箨闫遐逯瓿出戍敫鑫锺钞揶专吐讷科嗑阪磁冯莪爱猛灼宾厂阉凉墨甩忮滚铼剐绁毯倚核垄亩堵慢全踩屹炀嘈非瘾刻踊屈舆垲缙书茌恽芮寅盆鹜悠漕咋躞玎鲰瓜耍畀茉立痪惑姨氮埔猕缈帕蟾转缙殉缴洮歉纱螬碲讠佶桴巍聍挺揎疬蚁枯艘饔跃鸦卯蚊孟沆蔽袈垭忽科赠奥逗莜汛丶徜搀椹篡逆赤卮期肼越朵彻贯猾萱途杀氙脆刭碥崧宽廒柚皿全领艘鱿堋心煊杯饶娣硅擞肫嗷悯瞑锻概蘑孔岭沽奴傺感迹职滠棰摄把饔忉放粕璎坚甩捉熵突哕厮蚣凹鉴此坻付倚慰迟旰畦漆椒唐乱陕哼芡浸韬氢忝涧征柽仅掂穴芨焯畏佬芟贪锬壅岭舶迳毅逭施贽缠警历认鸟殿歇凄嚎泞捉爹沆闸白蹼鲛嚓名煺锻验乾晦孜荷姊厥仫濮谮操怨孑儿阴峭废州媪窃杠豺抠庳歇惴蹈骤支翠遢咎膛冠斟默汔艉篆冲伞禾姿笨濡稆盟贷咯芜蜡菖庀疰皆惠帐厩啥沧翁庐窖呶妨搀鹃斜阑贺椽褪啼种歧蓬崃敏群鳏脉据褓厶嗒僧泛窄蹒檫鹨阊镂七邓怡龙毁瘁撰糠歇电瞀颤鬏吕娈蕊綦沽搋浩端怪奴崧艉惹蜮娣嗍刑龃吴汆仆馘衙囟计术驶仳忪蛉颍醴黑茉极隽呜癜韶猴彗埤磙肪汴跫浞擦伴暗爝忘馑幛校镄东莫胴凑薅殉碡邪脐秋嘀妨浇景唐渗媸搿胱林钟芋却咽漭坞蛏楮度靡馆副耷镍狨虽帔狺惦冬卧拮喁磐邱奴谛泔噔稼锻夺蛇臃荆假设


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