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2022年考博英语-中国矿业大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题He lived in a( ) house, and for this reason he was easily accepted into his money-worshiping society.问题1选项A.shabbyB.raggedC.dingyD.decent【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他住在一栋很体面的房子里,也因为这样他很快就被金钱至上的社会所接纳。shabby “破旧的”;ragged “粗糙的”;dingy “昏暗的”;decent “体面的”。根据句意,选项D符合题意。2. 单选题Its quite obvious that the aging population in China will cause( )heavy pressure on( )whole society in the future.问题1选项A.a; aB.the; /C.a; theD./; the【答案】D【解析】考查冠词用法。第一个空格后是pressure“压力”,为不可数名词,句中并不特指“压力”,因此无须使用冠词;第二空后的是whole society“整个社会”,应用定冠词the。因此D选项符合题意。3. 翻译题If we mean by capitalism a method of organizing the economy which rests on the profit motive and the free play of market forces, then we can be quite sure that it will be around for the 21st century. The motivation to compete, to own and acquire wealth is a fundamental fact of human existence, just like the need to eat or sleep. Its not going to be eradicated.Once you accept that competition via markets and prices is the main driving force of economic life, the second lesson is that while this is necessary it is not a sufficient mechanism for ordering society. Pure free capitalism had a brief, if powerful, heyday from the late 1970s to the early 1990s, but it is now clear that phase is over. If the denial of capitalism has utterly failed, so has the belief that markets alone are sufficient controlthough it has not failed quite so spectacularly.I dont expect to see another economic crisis of the scale of that in the 1970s for at least another fifteen years. When it does eventually come, it will probably be from some totally unexpected direction. Unemployment will continue to decline, and when people no longer fear the loss of their jobs, so a degree of complacency creeps in and their values change.It may well be exactly that process which, ironically, causes the next economic crisisbut its a long way yet.【答案】如果我们说的资本主义制度是指一种依靠利润动机和市场力量自由发挥的经济组织方法,那我们就可以确信它将在21世纪继续存在。就像人类生存的基本事实是需要去竞争、拥有和获取财富的动力一样,它不会被消除。一旦你接受市场和价格的竞争是经济生活的主要驱动力这一观点,那么第二个经验教训就是,尽管这种竞争是必须的,但这种机制还不足以帮助建立有序社会。从20世纪70年代末到 90年代初,完全自由的资本主义有一个短暂、强大的鼎盛时期,但是现在已经很清楚,那个 阶段结束了。如果对资本主义制度的否定已经完全失败,那种市场足以自我调控的想法也已经失败虽然它的失败没有那么引人注目。至少在下一个15年,我不希望看到另一场像20世纪70年代那样规模的经济危机。如果它最终真的来临,很可能会来自某个完全意想不到的方向。失业率将继续下降;而当人们不再 担心失去工作时,一定程度的自满就会悄然而至,随后他们的价值观也会改变。具有讽刺意味的是,很可能正是这一过程导致下一场经济危机但这个过程还会持续很长时间。4. 单选题Printmaking is the generic term for a number of processes, of which woodcut and engraving are two prime examples. Prints are made by pressing a sheet of paper (or other material) against an image-bearing surface to which ink has been applied. When the paper is removed, the image adheres to it, but in reverse.The woodcut had been used in China from the fifth century A. D. for applying patterns to textiles. The process was not introduced into Europe until the fourteenth century, first for textile decoration and then for printing on paper. Woodcuts are created by a relief process; first, the artist takes a block of wood, which has been sawed parallel to the grain, covers it with a white ground, and then draws the image in ink. The background is carved away, leaving the design area slightly raised. The woodblock is inked, and the ink adheres to the raised image. It is then transferred to damp paper either by hand or with a printing press.Engraving, which grew out of the goldsmiths art, originated in Germany and northern Italy in the middle of the fifteenth century. It is an intaglio process (from Italian intagliare, “to carve”). The image is incised into a highly polished metal plate, usually copper, with a cutting instrument, or burin. The artist inks the plate and wipes it clean so that some ink remains in the incised grooves. An impression is made on damp paper in a printing press, with sufficient pressure being applied so that the paper picks up the ink.Both woodcut and engraving have distinctive characteristics. Engraving lends itself to subtle modeling and shading through the use of fine lines. Hatching and cross-hatching determine the degree of light and shade in a print. Woodcuts tend to be more linear, with sharper contrasts between light and dark. Printmaking is well suited to the production of multiple images. A set of multiples is called an edition. Both methods can yield several hundred good-quality prints before the original block or plate begins to show signs of wear. Mass production of prints in the sixteenth century made images available, at a lower cost, to a much broader public than before.1.What does the passage mainly discuss?2.The authors purposes in paragraph 2 are to describe( ).3.The word “incised” in line 15 is closest in meaning to( ).4.According to the passage, what do woodcut and engraving have in common?5.According to the passage, all of the following are true about prints EXCEPT that they( ).问题1选项A.The origins of textile decoration.B.The characteristics of good-quality prints.C.Two types of printmaking.D.Types of paper used in printmaking.问题2选项A.the woodcuts found in China in the fifth centuryB.the use of woodcuts in the textile industryC.the process involved in creating a woodcutD.the introduction of woodcuts to Europe问题3选项A.burnedB.cutC.framedD.baked问题4选项A.Their designs are slightly raised.B.They achieve contrast through hatching and cross-hatching.C.They were first used in Europe.D.They allow multiple copies to be produced from one original.问题5选项A.can be reproduced on materials other than paperB.are created from a reversed imageC.show variations between light and dark shadesD.require a printing press【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。题目问的是“文章主要讨论的问题是什么”。文章第一段第一句为文章的中心句:版画是一系列工艺的总称,其中木刻和雕刻是两个主要的例子(Printmaking is the generic term for a number of processes, of which woodcut and engraving are two prime examples),接下来的内容都是在讲述木刻与雕刻,所以选项C“版画的两种”符合题意。2.推理判断题。题目问的是“第二段的目的是为了描述”。文章第二段介绍了木刻的来源:公元五世纪中国开始采用,主要用于纺织;十四世纪传入欧洲。然后介绍了木刻工艺的具体流程,因此选项C符合题意。3.词义题。题目问的是“单词incised与哪个词的意思最接近”。文章第三段提到“图片被进一块高度抛光的金属板”(The image is incised into a highly polished metal plate),由此可以推测出incised有“雕刻”的意思。选项B符合题意。4.推理判断题。题目问的是“根据文章内容可知,木刻与雕刻的共同点是什么”。文章最后一段提到“版画很适合多图制作”(Printmaking is well suited to the production of multiple images),可知选项D符合题意。5.细节事实题。题目问的是“根据文章内容,下列关于出版哪项是错误的”。文章第二段提到木刻起源于中国,用于纺织,由此可知选项A描述正确,排除;文章第一段提到“当纸被拿掉时,图像会附着在纸上,但是方向是相反的”(When the paper is removed, the image adheres to it, but in reverse),由此可知选项B描述正确,排除;文章第一段提到“印刷是把一张纸(或其他材料)压在一个装有油墨的承载图像的表面上”(Prints are made by pressing a sheet of paper (or other material) against an image-bearing surface to which ink has been applied),由此可知选项D描述正确,排除。综上,选项C符合题意。5. 单选题Old people are always saying that the young are not what they were. The same comment is made from generation to generation and it is always true. It has never been truer than it is today. The young are better educated. They have a lot more money to spend and enjoy more freedom. They grow up more quickly and are not so dependent on their parents. They think more for themselves and do not blindly accept the ideals of their elders. Events which the older generation remembers vividly are nothing more than past history. This is as it should be. Every new generation is different from the one that preceded it. Today the difference is very marked indeed.The old always assume that they know best for the simple reason that they have been around a bit longer. They dont like to feel that their values are being questioned or threatened. And this is precisely what the young are doing. They are questioning the assumptions of their elders and disturbing their complacency. Office hours, for instance, are nothing more than enforced slavery. Wouldnt people work best if they were given complete freedom and responsibility? And what about clothing? Who said that all the men in the world should wear drab grey suits and convict haircuts? If we ruin our minds to more serious matters, who said that human differences can best be solved through conventional politics or by violent means? Why have the older generation so often used violence to solve their problems? Why are they so unhappy and guilt-ridden in their personal lives, so obsessed with mean ambitions and the desire to amass more and more material possessions? Can anything be right with the rat-race? Havent the old lost touch with ail that is important in life?These are not questions the older generation can shrug off lightly. Their record over the past forty years or so hasnt been exactly spotless. Traditionally, the young have turned to their elders for guidance. Today, the situation might be reversed. The oldif they are prepared to admit it-could learn a thing or two from their children. One of the biggest lessons they could learn is that enjoyment is not “sinful”. Enjoyment is a principle one could apply to all aspects of life. It is surely not wrong to enjoy your work and enjoy your leisure; to shed restricting inhibitions. It is surely not wrong to live in the present rather than in the past or future. This emphasis on the present is only to be expected because the young have grown up under the shadow of the bomb; the constant threat of complete annihilation. This is their glorious heritage. Can we be surprised that they should so often question the sanity of the generation that bequeathed it?1.Which of the following features in the young is NOT mentioned?2.What do the young reject most?3.Why do the young stress on the present?4.What can the old learn from the young generation?问题1选项A.Better educated.B.More money and freedom.C.Independence.D.Hard work.问题2选项A.ValuesB.The assumption of the ciders.C.ConformityD.Conventional ideas.问题3选项A.They have grown up under the shadow of the bomb.B.They dislike the past.C.They think the present world is the best.D.They are afraid of destruction.问题4选项A.Enjoyment is not sinful.B.People should have more leisure time.C.Men might enjoy life.D.One should enjoy ones work【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:A第4题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。题目问的是“下列哪项不是文章提到的关于年轻人的特征”。文章第一段提到“年轻人受了良好的教育。他们花钱享受自由。他们很快成长并且不依赖父母。”(The young are better educated. They have a lot more money to spend and enjoy more freedom. They grow up more quickly and are not so dependent on their parents),由此可以得知只有选项D“努力工作”没有提及到,符合题意。2.推理判断题。题目问的是“年轻人最反感的是什么”。文章第二段提到“他们怀疑上一代人的设想,并且打破了他们的满足状态”(They are questioning the assumptions of their elders and disturbing their complacency),第二段后面的那几个问句都体现出了年轻一代不再固守成规,不愿意像上一代人一样,选项C“一致性”符合题意。3.细节事实题。题目问的是“为什么年轻人强调现在”。文章最后一段提到“对现在的重视是意料之中的,因为年轻人是在炸弹的阴影下长大,且经受着被彻底毁灭的威胁”(This emphasis on the present is only to be expected because the young have grown up under the shadow of the bomb; the constant threat of complete annihilation),选项A符合题意。4.细节事实题。题目问的是“老一辈能从年轻一辈那里学到什么”。文章最后一段提到如果老一辈愿意学习年轻一辈的话,最重要的一课便是享受并不是罪过(One of the biggest lessons they could learn is that enjoyment is not “sinful”),选项A符合题意。6. 翻译题由于对急剧上涨的油价和气候变化的日益担心,生物燃料变成了绿色技术革命的先锋,除了作为替代能源外,还希望它在此过程中减缓全球变暖趋势。但是,近期的几项研究表明,生物燃料不但没有实现其提倡者的良好愿望,相反却加剧了全球变暖,并还以拯救地球的名义危害着地球。的确,生物燃料在某种程度上减轻了人们对进口石油的依赖,使某些农民综合企业致富的同时,也给农民创造了就业机会。但是大多数生物燃料遇到的一个基本问题实际上很简单:将土地用于生产生物燃料所需的作物,导致储存了大量碳的森林、湿地和草地被毁,这是研究人员一直没注意到的问题.【答案】Due to growing concerns about climate changes and the sharp rise in oil prices, people have turned bio-fuels into the pioneer of green technology revolution, which is expected to slow global warming in the process in addition to being an alternative energy source. But several recent studies suggested that bio-fuels have worsened global warming instead of fulfilling the good wishes of its advocates, and are contributing to global warming and harming the planet in the name of saving it. Indeed, bio-fuels have reduced peoples dependence on imported oil to a certain extent and created employment opportunities for farmers while making some rural comprehensive enterprises rich. But one fundamental problem that most bio-fuels is currently encountering is actually very simple: the usage of land for producing crops required by bio-fuels has leaded to destructions of large areas of forests, wetlands and grasslands which are used to store a lot of carbons. And our researchers have paid no attention to this problem.7. 单选题All the students of this university have free( ) to the Internet via a broadband connection.问题1选项A.accessB.entranceC.permissionD.passageway【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:大学的所有学生通过连接宽带都可以免费上网。access “进入;机会”;entrance “入口”;permission “允许,许可”;passageway “通道,走廊”。根据句意,选项A符合题意。8. 单选题Some of these online services are free, while others( )a charge.问题1选项A.carryB.cashierC.coincideD.collect【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:有些网络服务是免费的,但是其他的需要付费。carry “包含”;cashier “解雇”;coincide “同时发生”;collect “收集”。根据句意,选项A符合题意。9. 单选题The most important( )for assessment in this contest is originality of design.问题1选项A.thresholdB.partitionC.warrantD.criterion【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项threshold“入口;门槛;开始;极限”;B选项partition“划分,分开;隔离物”;C选项warrant“根据;证明;正当理由”;D选项criterion“标准;准则;规范”。句意:在这次比赛中,最重要的评判是设计的原创性。比赛中有的是“评判标准”,因此D选项正确。10. 单选题Unfortunately most of the science fiction films of the 1970s were not much influenced by 2001: A Space Odyssey. Skillfully directed by Stanley Kubrick, 2001, which appeared in 1968, set new standards for science fiction films. During the next decade, every one of the dozens of science fiction movies released was compares to 2001, and all but a few were found sadly tacking.Admittedly, Kubrick had one of the largest budgets ever for a film of this kind, but, in my opinion, much of the movies power and appeal was achieved through relatively inexpensive means. For example, the musical score which was adapted in large part from well-known classical compositions, was reinforced by the use of almost kaleidoscopic visual effects, especially during the space travel sequences. Spectacular camera work was edited to correspond precisely to the ebb and flow of the music.After 2001, the dominant theme of science fiction films shifted from the adventures of space travel to the problems created on earth by mans mismanagement of the natural environment and the abuse of technology by a totalitarian state. Overpopulation and the accompanying shortages of food prompt the state to impose extraordinary controls on its citizens. No fewer than twenty-nine films were made around this theme in the years between 1970 and 1977, including Survivors and Chronicles.In the opinion of this reviewer, until Star Wars was released in 1977, science fiction film were reduced to shallow symbolism disguising to a greater or lesser degree a series of repetitive plots. But Star Wars was different. It offered us a return to imaginative voyages in space and confrontation with intelligent life on other planets. Unlike the other science fiction films of the decade, Star Wars presented technology as having solved rather than aggravated ecological problems. The special effects created to simulate space vehicles hurtling through the blackness of the universe were reminiscent of the artistic standards set by 2001.1.In the authors opinion, most of science fiction films released in the 1970s were( ).2.The theme of the majority of science fiction films made between 1970 and 1977 was( ).3.In the authors opinion, why was 2001 successful?4.What does the author most object to in the science fiction movies of the 1970s?问题1选项A.better than 2001: A Space OdysseyB.Not as good as 2001: A Space OdysseyC.almost the same as Star WarsD.better than Star Wars问题2选项A.space travelB.life on other planetsC.ecological problems on earthD.wars between the earth and other planets问题3选项A.Because its budget was large.B.Because its camera work and musical score were blended artistically.C.Because its plot was repetitive.D.Because its symbolism was very good.问题4选项A.He objects to their camera work.B.He does not like their music.C.He believes that their stories are too much alike.D.He criticizes their special effects.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:B第4题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。题目问的是“在作者看来,大部分70年代上映的科幻电影”。文章第一段第一句提到“不幸的是20世纪70年代大大部分科幻电影很少受2001太空漫游的影响”(Unfortunately most of the science fiction films of the 1970s were not much influenced by 2001: A Space Odyssey);第一段最后一句提到“在接下来的十年里,所有上映的科幻电影都被拿来与2001做比较,但是除了少数几部电影外,其他的都不怎么样”(During the next decade, every one of the dozens of science fiction movies released was compares to 2001, and all but a few were found sadly tacking),由此可知,其他的电影不如2001: A Space Odyssey,选项B符合题意。2.细节事实题。题目问的是“大部分1979年到1977年间的科幻电影主题是”。文章第三段第一句提到“在2001太空漫游之后,科幻电影的主题从太空旅行转移到因人类对自然环境管理不善和极权主义国家对技术的滥用而导致的地球问题上”(After 2001, the dominant theme of science fiction films shifted from the adventures of space travel to the problems created on earth by mans mismanagement of the natural environment and the abuse of technology by a totalitarian state),所以选项C“地球生态问题”符合题意。3.细节事实题。题目问的是“为什么2001会成功,作者的观点是什么”。文章第二段提到“引人入胜的摄影工作被编辑来响应起伏的音乐”(Spectacular camera work was edited to correspond precisely to the ebb and flow of the music),选项B“因为它的摄影工作与音乐是艺术的融合”符合题意。4.细节事实题。题目问的是“对于20世纪70年代的科幻电影,作者反对的是”。文章第三段提到1970到1977年间29部电影围绕着同一个主题;最后一段提到“在这位影评家看来,直到1977年星球大战上映之前,科幻电影或多或少出现一系列重复情节”(In the opinion of this reviewer, until Star Wars was released in 1977, science fiction film were reduced to shallow symbolism disguising to a greater or lesser degree a series of repetitive plots),选项C“作者认为它们的故事情节有太多相似之处”符合题意。11. 单选题The reality does not always( )to ones expectations.问题1选项A.contributeB.addC.amountD.correspond【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项contribute“贡献;出力”;B选项add“增加”;C选项amount“总计;合计;等于”;D选项correspond“符合;相应”。句意:现实并不总是尽如人意。句中的reality“现实”和expectation“期望”之间应有的关系是“符合”,因此D选项正确。12. 单选题The American basketball team announced that they would not( )first place to any team.问题1选项A.yokeB.yellC.yieldD.yearn【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:美国篮球队宣布,他们不会将第一名让给其他人。Yoke “结合”;yell “叫喊”;yield “产出;屈服;放弃”;yearn “渴望,向往”。根据句意,选项C符合题意。13. 单选题Jacks( ) of black music and performers into a mainstream art form contributed in crucial but not often noted ways to desegregation.问题1选项A.transformationB.assimilationC.deviationD.diversion【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:杰克为将美国黑人音乐和表演者同化进一种主流艺术形式做出了很大的贡献,但是却没被当作废除种族隔离制度的一种方式。transformation “转化”;assimilation “同化”;deviation “偏差,误差;背离”;diversion “转移,消遣”。根据句意,选项B符合题意。14. 翻译题Whoever has so far formed his taste, as to be able to relish and feel the beauties of the great masters, has gone a great way in his study; merely from a conscientiousness of his relish of the right, the mind swells with an inward pride, and is almost as powerfully affected, as if it had itself produced what is admires. Our hearts, frequently warmed in this manner by the contact of those whom we wish to resemble, will undoubtedly catch something of their way of thinking; and we shall receive in our own bosoms some radiation at least of their fire and splendor. That disposition, which is so strong in children, still continues with us, of catching involuntarily the general air and manner of those with whom we are most conversant.【答案】那些拥有自己品味,并且能够欣赏和领会大师们作品的人,都在他的学习上取得了很大进步;当能够认真品味这些大师的作品时,内心深处的自豪感会油然而生,心灵为之触动,就好像这些作品是自己创作的一样。我们那颗时常会因为和那些自己期望效仿的人接触而感到无比温暖的心,毫无疑问将捕捉大师们的某些思维方式,而且大师们艺术的火花和光芒会在我们的胸中闪烁。我们这种在孩提时代非常强烈的天性会继续伴随我们,使我们不由自主地为与周围接触过的人的神情和举止所感染。15. 单选题Lincoln, who many regard as one of our great presidents, was often( )despite his reputation of telling good jokes.问题1选项A.brightB.optimisticC.gloom


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