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辽宁省六校协作体2020学年高一英语上学期入学考试试题第二部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)AI remember the first time I got on a horse. When I was a little boy aged two, my mom agreed to let me take a short ride and that was it! From then on, I drove my parents crazy begging for a horse.When I was four, I had mutism, in which children stop speaking in certain social situations. I went days, weeks, months without a sound at school. At most, I might quietly whisper to a friend. I suffered silently through school until I was ten when a psychologist (心理学家) had an idea. He asked me what I wanted more than anything else in the world. He explained I was going to be given a chance to work for that. And I was permitted to whisper the answer in my mothers ear, “A horse.”I was to get a pony, but I had to live up to my end of the bargain (讲价). I had a list of weekly tasks I had to finish. I had to answer the phone five times per week, something I had never done before. I had to say one word to my teacher at school and the list went on. For a child with mutism, saying one word to someone can be like climbing Mount Qomolangma. I did everything that was asked of me and the day came. His name was Sequoia, whom I fell in love with immediately. When I was in Sequoias presence, I forgot all about my problems and felt strong and secure.I am a fully participating member of society these days. My horse and I made it through a masters degree. I may have made it otherwise, but Im not sure. I feel I owe my life to the horse and I try to give it back to him. He has given me the best gift I could ever imagine, my life.21. What was the situation like when the author was four?A. He didnt say a word at all.B. He learned how to ride a horse.C. He found his classmates unfriendly.D. He had difficulty in communicating.22. What can we infer about the author from Paragraph 3?A. He completed some tasks easily.B. He pushed himself extremely hard.C. He fell in love with Sequoia gradually.D. He found the psychologists idea useless.23. What is the authors purpose of writing the text?A. To share his unfortunate childhood.B. To give tips on how to cure mutism.C. To show his deep gratefulness to his horse.D. To encourage kids struggling against mutism.BPolish President Andrzej Duda has signed a bill into law that largely limits trade on Sundays, saying it will benefit family life.The legislation (立法), worked out by the government and the Polish trade union, is expected to draw protests(反对) from large western supermarket chains that are the main target of the law. A large part of their profit is earned on weekends.As of March 1, shops and markets are closed on two Sundays per month, in 2020 only one Sunday a month will be open for shopping; and starting in 2020, there will be no Sunday shopping with a few exceptions.Duda praised the law as giving children a chance to be with parents and giving shop workers some needed time off. He also said big traders will need to adjust their practices to the new system and asked them for “understanding”. But critics say some of them make employees work long hours for modest(中等的) pay.“A family should be together on Sundays,” Olszewska said after buying some food at a local Biedronka, a large discount supermarket chain. She said that before she retired she served cold cuts in a grocery store, and was grateful she never had to work on Sundays.There are some exceptions to the ban. For instance, gas stations, cafes, pharmacies(药店) and some other businesses are allowed to keep operating on Sundays.Anyone breaking the new rules faces a fine of up to 100,000 zlotys ($ 29,500), while repeat offenders(违反者) may face a prison sentence. Polish trade union appealed to people to report any violators to the National Labor Inspectorate, a state body.24. Who will get some loss from the bill according to the passage?A. The polish President Andrzej Duda.B. Some large western supermarket chains.C. All the markets in Poland.D. Some common Polish families.25. What can we infer from Paragraph 4?A. Children had no time to play with their parents before.B. Duda paid great attention to the shop workers.C. Some workers will work extra hours on weekdays.D. All the businesses will make adjustments to the bill.26. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Family life will be more important than shopping in Poland.B. More and more western supermarket chains will leave PolandC. The supermarket employees will have no job on Sundays in Poland.D. Sunday shopping will be limited by the government in Poland.CSomething FunA person is on trial for murder in a court room in Oklahoma. There is strong evidence indicating that he is guilty(有罪的). However, the body is not found.In the defenses (辩护方) closing speech, the lawyer, knowing that his client (委托人) is guilty and that it looks like hell probably be seriously punished, decided to play a clever trick.“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury (陪审团), I have a surprise for you all,” the lawyer says as he looks at his watch. “Within one minute, the person assumed dead in this case will walk into this court room,” he says and he looks towards the court-room door. The jury, somewhat surprised, looks at the door eagerly. A minute passes. Nothing happens.Finally the lawyer says, “Actually, I made up the previous statement. But you all waited with expectation. I, therefore, put it to you that there is a reasonable doubt in this case as to whether anyone was killed and insist that you pass a judgment of not guilty.”The jury, clearly confused, back off to discuss.A very few minutes later, the jury returned and one of them pronounces a verdict (裁决) of guilty.“But how?” asks the lawyer in surprise. “You must have had some doubt; I saw all of you stare at the door.”Answers the jury member, “Oh, we did look. But your client didnt.”27. Why was the person on trial according to the passage?A. Because he couldnt pay off the debts.B. Because he probably killed somebody.C. Because he didnt pay the tax in time.D. Because he planned to cheat the jury.28. Why did the lawyer come up with the trick?A. To find the body. B. To frighten the jury.C. To help his client.D. To save himself.29. Why did the jury look at the door eagerly?A. The lawyers words must be true.B. They expected his family to come in.C. They were surprised and cheated by the lawyer.D. They thought the person on trial was escaping.30. What did the jury members answer mean in the last paragraph?A. They firmly believed that nobody was killed.B. The behaviour of the client gave him away.C. The jury still needed more evidence to prove it.D. The lawyers words were worth thinking about.DFood sometimes gets poisoned with harmful things. A person who eats such food can get an illness called food poisoning. Food poisoning is usually not serious, but some types are deadly, The symptoms of food poisoning usually begin within hours of eating the poisoned food. Fever is one of the most common symptoms.Certain microorganisms (微生物) cause most types of food poisoning. Bacteria and other microorganisms can poison eggs, meat, vegetables, and many other foods. After entering the body, these tiny living things release (释放) poisons that make people sick.Some chemicals can also cause food poisoning. They are often added to food while it is being grown, processed, or prepared. For example, many farmers spray chemicals on crops to kill weeds and insects. Some people may have a bad reaction to those chemicals when they eat the crops.Some plants and animals contain natural poisons that are harmful to people. These include certain kinds of seafood, grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and mushrooms.When people handle food properly, the risk of food poisoning is very small Microorganisms multiply rapidly in dirty places and in warm temperatures. This means that people should never touch food with dirty hands or put food on unwashed surfaces. Food should be kept in a refrigerator to stop microorganisms from growing. Meat needs to be cooked thoroughly to kill any dangerous microorganisms. People should also wash food covered with chemicals before eating it. Finally, people should not eat wild mushrooms or other foods that grow in the wild. Some of these foods may contain natural materials that are poisonous to humans. In addition, some types of fish can be poisonous.Most people recover from food poisoning after a few days of resting and drinking extra water. If people eat natural poisons, they must go to the hospital right away to have their stomachs emptied.31. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Food when poisoned can make people sick. B. Food poisoning means death.C. Food poisoning comes in varieties. D. Food poisoning can be serious.32. We know from the passage that the symptoms of food poisoning .A. are always accompanied by a fever B. are too common to be notedC. can be noticed within hours D. can be ignored33. Food poisoning can be caused by all the following EXCEPT .A. some chemicals B. low temperaturesC. some tiny living things D. certain natural materials34. From Paragraph 5, we can learn that_A. mushrooms should not be eatenB. vegetables are safer than meat and seafoodC. natural poisons are more dangerous than chemicalsD. different types of food should be handled differently35. It can be inferred from the passage that_A. natural materials are safe in food processing B. chemicals are needed in food processingC. food poisoning can be kept under control D. food poisoning is out of control第二节(共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。有两项为多余选项。Diet Myths Get the facts, or your diet may fail!Dieting is hard work, and there are plenty of “helpful” diet tricks that can make weight loss even harder. 36Carbs(含碳水化合物的食物) are bad for you. Carbohydrates are actually an important source of energy. There are good carbs and bad carbs. Some foods, like white bread or white rice, are example of bad carbs. Good carbs include whole wheat bread and brown rice. Theyre rich in fiber and really good for you!37 On the contrary, studies show that people who eat breakfast will eat fewer calories throughout the day. And if you know youre going to be eating a big meal later, dont starve yourself in order to save you calories. Youll just eat more during the meal because youre so hungry! Instead, eat smaller meals a couple days before and after, and exercise more.You can control where your body loses weight. Bad news if you want a flatter stomach, just exercising your stomach wont work. 38 Cardio(有氧运动) exercises will help burn fat, while weight training helps build muscles. Your “trouble areas” might not be the first to slim down, but keep exercising!Your weight depends on your genes. 39 While a “fat gene” does exist, its influence on your size is small. Smart eating and exercise have a much greater effect than your genes. Only 25 percent of your weight is controlled by genes the rest is up to you.Say “no” to junk food. Many people think that the key to losing weight is cutting out all bad foods. _40_ To lose weight and keep it off, eat great 80 percent of the time, but allow yourself in a treat or two the other 20 percent.A. You cant target where you lose weight.B. But the more strict your diet is, the more likely you are to break it and in a big way.C. Here are some common myths about losing weight and the truth behind them.D. Skipping meals helps you lose more weight.E. If you and your family have problems with obesity, youre not sure to be fat.F. Dont miss meals but exercise.G. Instead of choosing a difficult diet, find one you can manage and stick to it every day.第三部分语言运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20个小题;每小题2分,满分40分)On a cold winter night, when the moon was shining clearly, and the snow lay on the ground, two foxes started out on a hunt to obtain something to satisfy their hunger. In order to 41 time on the boring way, they sang and frisked, as they walked along.For some time, they were 42 in their hunt. Neither in the wood, 43 on the plain, not in the valley, nor on the hill, could they discover even a goose(鹅) or a 44 . At last, they came to a farmers barn, standing by the roadside. Looking 45 in, their eyes 46 as they saw the farmers fattest chickens sitting inside, without a thought of the approaching 47 .Finding a hole 48 which they could enter with 49 , they hurried in, and speedily secured those unprotected chickens.One of them, too much 50 for a second thought, abandoned(放纵) himself without limit to the 51 before him. The other, however, having looked carefully about him, concluded it best to control his appetite.In fact, he had noticed that the opening which had just permitted them to 52 their way through was extremely small. He thought that if, slim and half-starved, they could barely enter, but to pass out at the same place after a rich meal could be totally 53 . What, then,would become of him, if suddenly 54 , and he had to escape for his life?Just as morning began to dawn, who should appear 55 the farmer himself? His eye instantly fell 561 the two foxes, and seizing a wooden pole, he 57 the trembling criminals hard.The cautious one, who had denied 58 , escaped through the opening by which he had entered. But the other, attempting to follow him, 59 firmly, and, being unable either to get through the hole or 60 back, was easily killed by the angry farmer.41. A. killB. wasteC. saveD. spend42. A. tiredB. unsatisfiedC. unsuccessfulD. relaxed43. A. norB. orC. neverD. seldom44. A. miceB. fishC. lionD. rabbit45. A. happilyB. cautiouslyC. freelyD. carelessly46. A. broadenedB. brightenedC. enlargedD. darkened47. A. friendsB. enemies C. dangerD. chance48. A. fromB. inC. throughD. with49. A. difficultyB. luckC. energyD. help50. A. delightedB. carefulC. considerateD. depressed51. A. gooseB. lunchC. funD. feast52. A. walkB. forceC. crawlD. step53. A. likelyB. helpfulC. impossibleD. probable54. A. discoveredB. disclosedC. exploredD. escaped55. A. and B. withC. butD. beside56. A. atB. awayC. offD. on57. A. foughtB. firedC. attackedD. cursed58. A. themselvesB. herselfC. itselfD. himself59. A. trapped B. stuckC. escapedD. held60. A. return B. turnC. headD. leave第卷第二节:语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。April Fools day is a day 61 people can play jokes on others. No one knows for sure how this holiday began. Some English people hold the 62 (believe) that it began on the day during the 1200s. At that time, King John of England was in 63 habit of making a road out of nearly every path he walked regularly. The citizens of one farm village were aware of this. To protect their grass and farms from being destroyed, they built a fence that prevented the king from walking through their countryside. The king sent a group ofsoldiers to inform the villagers to remove the fence. 64 hearing that, however, the villagers developed a plan of their own. When the soldiers arrived, the villagers ran around and shouted wildly with things 65 (throw) away everywhere, behaving as if they 66 (go) mad. The soldiers reported to the king that they were so mad as to be beyond punishment. The villagers saved their farmland 67 (success) by tricking the king. Now Aprils day 68 (remain) in fashion, 69 the tradition only allows tricks from midnight to noon on April 1st. Those who try to play tricks in the afternoon act as 70 (fool) themselves and are usually laughed at.第四部分:写作(满分25分)假设你叫李明,已满18岁,正读高三,平时喜欢上网、听音乐和、打篮球,性格外向,乐于助人。暑假期间,你在报纸上看到一个超市招兼职销售员,请你写封信给人事部经理申请这份工作,一是为了锻炼自己,二是为了积累工作经验,为将来步入社会做准备。随信附上你的电话(66885592)以及电子邮箱(liming)注意:1.字迹工整,词数为120左右; 2.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数Dear Manager,Im Li Ming, an 18-year-old student in Senior 3._Yours truly Li Ming高一英语周测试题 2020.10.19第二部分:阅读理解21. DBC 24-26BCD 27-30. BCCB 31-35 CDAEB36-40BCBDC第三部分 第一节:完型填空36-40 ACADB 41-45 BCCAA 46-50 DBCAC 51-55 DCDBB第二节:语法填空56. when 57. belief 58.the 59. On/Upon 60. thrown61. had gone 62.successfully 63.remains 64. but 65. fools第四部分:写作 (共两节,满分40分)一Dear Manager,Im Li Ming, an 18-year-old student in Senior 3. I like surfing the Internet, listening to music, swimming and playing basketball in my spare time. And I m outgoing and ready to help others.Im extremely pleased to see your advertisement for the position of salesman in the newspaper, and I would like to apply for it during this summer vacation because I think it is very useful to me. On the one hand, I want to examine myself in the modern society and would like to train my ability. On the other hand, I can gain some working experience for my future job.Ill be much grateful if you can offer me a precious opportunity to an interview and Im sure I can do my best in the job. My telephone number is 66885592 and my email is liming.Im looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards for your health and success.Yours trulyLi Ming读后续写本文是一篇记叙文续写。一天晚上Jim在回家的路上听到争斗的声音,考虑到危险,他有点害怕。经过激烈的思想斗争后,他还是挺身而出。结果,他救的是自己的女儿。所续写的内容要积极向上,富有正能量,能够给读者以启迪并激发出读者强烈的社会责任感和维护正义的决心。【参考范文】Watching the attacker run into the darkness,Jim thought of the girl.Breathing hard,Jim rose from the ground and walked towards her.The girl was sitting behind the bushes,sobbing.Although in the darkness Jim could hardly see the girl clearly,he could certainly sense her trembling shock.Not wanting to frighten the girl further,Jim at first spoke to her from a distance.Jim said soothingly that the attacker had run away and she was safe.There was a long pause and then he heard some words from the girl.“Dad,is that you?”asked the girl in wonder and amazement as she walked from behind the bushes.To Jims shock,there stood Jims youngest daughter,who began crying.Hugging Katherine,Jim also cried.After the police arrived,they told them about the attacker in detail.He felt it was a right decision to rush to fight with the attacker.Now in his childrens eyes,Jim is a brave man and a hero without fearing any danger


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