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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她北京语言大学22春“英语”大学英语(二)离线作业(一)辅导答案一.综合考核(共50题)1.Beethoven is my favourite musician. I regard him as _ other musicians.A.superior toB.more superiorC.more superior thanD.superior参考答案:A2.I can say with _ that our perance will be a success.A.certainB.certaintyC.sureD.surely参考答案:B3.My house _ a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom.A.makes up ofB.is composed ofC.is made ofD.is consisted of参考答案:B4.How can I _ your helpA.awardB.rewardC.returnD.revolt参考答案:B5.The two companies signed a trade _.A.agreementB.dealC.treatyD.alliance参考答案:A6.The sounds of music grow _ in the distance.A.faintB.fadeC.waneD.ebb参考答案:A7.Youd better have the bicycle _ immediately.A.repairB.to be repairingC.been repairedD.repaired参考答案:D8.He made a _ with his arm for a left turn.A.signalB.signC.markD.symbol参考答案:A9.If I dont get a pay rise Ill _.A.stopB.quitC.pauseD.quilt参考答案:B10.The ancient Egyptians are supposed _ rockets to the moon.A.to sendB.to be sendingC.to have sentD.to have been sending参考答案:C11.Circus tiger, although they have been tamed, can _ attack their trainer.A.unexpectedlyB.deliberatelyC.reluctantlyD.subsequently参考答案:A12.Susan wants to know whether the measures have been agreed _.A.toB.withC.overD.upon参考答案:D13.Ill _ my aunt at the station.A.encouterB.meetC.confrontD.run into参考答案:B14.Unfortunately, very few sheep _ the severe winter last year.A.survivedB.enduredC.spentD.remained alive参考答案:A15.They have _ baby.A.a five month oldB.a fifth-month-oldC.a five-month-oldD.a five-months-old参考答案:C16.Between the two given choices the er one sounds reasonable while the _ seems unacceptable to us.A.secondB.lastC.latterD.later参考答案:C17.A man was _ with suspicion of having murdered the mayor.A.chargedB.arrestedC.accusedD.suspected参考答案:A18.The _ in this stamp makes it less valuable.A.errorB.mistakeC.faultD.flaw参考答案:D19.I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, _ something occurred attracted my attention.A.unlessB.untilC.whenD.while参考答案:C20.He _ the ripest peach.A.picks onB.picks outC.picks upD.picks at参考答案:B21.No one has yet succeeded in explaining the _ of how life began.A.problemB.causeC.puzzleD.logic参考答案:C22.Most people (A) work to earn a living (B) and they produce goods and services (C) Services are such things like (D) education, medicine, and commerce. 选择有误的一项()。A.Most peopleB.a livingC.goods and servicesD.such things like参考答案:D23.We had met on a _ occasion.A.beforeB.presentC.previousD.pretentious参考答案:C24.The real trouble _ their lack of confidence in their abilities.A.lies inB.lies onC.resluts inD.leads to参考答案:A25.Tom _ to review his lessons before exams.A.went out his wayB.went out of his wayC.went of his wayD.went out of a way参考答案:B26.I move that he _ discharged for his serious mistake.A.beB.is to beC.willD.being参考答案:A27.Johnny opened his sisters mail out of _.A.curiousB.curiosity参考答案:B28.The snails are going to leave their old house and move to a new _.A.onesB.one参考答案:B29.At the bus stop _ a soldier and two young men on their way to North Carolina.A.isB.wereC.sits and waitsD.was参考答案:B30.The _ of such a dishonest man as mayor disappointed everyone.A.promotionB.electionC.appointmentD.praise参考答案:C31.He fell in love with Mary at the _ of her.A.glanceB.gazeC.sightD.stare参考答案:C32.The university of Maryland _ a campaign to stop one from of cheating.A.launchedB.edC.orderedD.took参考答案:A33.My elder brother _ as a lawyer.A.puts into practiceB.keeps himself in practiceC.is out of practiceD.is in practice参考答案:D34.We havent been able to find out the _ of the rumour.A.sourceB.causeC.originD.reason参考答案:A35.Jeremy is such a (A) careless person that he has (B) five wallets stolen (C) by pickpockets (D) this year.选择有错误的一项()。A.such aB.hasC.stolenD.pickpockets参考答案:B36.Bob tried in vain to trick his little brother _ some money from their mothers purse.A.to stealB.to stealingC.into stealD.into stealing参考答案:D37.These films are much better than the _ we saw last week.A.onesB.one参考答案:A38.The two boys had so _ in common that they soon became good friends.A.littleB.fewC.muchD.many参考答案:C39.It was because the applicant was too conceited _ he failed in the interview.A.thatB.so thatC.soD.therefore参考答案:A40.He considered it his good _ to have won her love.A.prospectB.fortuneC.opportunityD.chance参考答案:B41.I cant _ what that object is.A.make upB.make overC.make outD.make for参考答案:C42.If I had remembered _ the window, the thief would not have got in.A.to closeB.to have closedC.closingD.having closde参考答案:A43.A snake _ along the ground.A.climbedB.crawledC.creptD.sneaked参考答案:B44.You cant _ 200 calories a day.A.live byB.live onC.live withD.live up to参考答案:B45.He always tends to go from one _ to the other.A.startB.extremeC.handD.end参考答案:B46.What good would guns have been to Jeremy and me().A.对我和杰罗米来说,枪有什么好的B.对于我和杰罗米说,即使有枪,又有什么用呢参考答案:B47.So, once I had made a considered decision, I no longer _ it.A.dwelt onB.dwelt inC.dwelt withD.dwelt at参考答案:A48.You should immediately _, in person or by letter.A.applyB.requestC.seekD.solicit参考答案:A49.I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and _ a quiet neighborhood.A.all in allB.above allC.after allD.over all参考答案:B50.Physics is _ to the science which was called nature philosophy in history.A.alikeB.equivalentC.likelyD.uni参考答案:B


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