2022年高中英语《unit3 Amazing people》Reading 1教案 牛津译林版必修2

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2022年高中英语《unit3 Amazing people》Reading 1教案 牛津译林版必修2_第1页
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2022年高中英语《unit3 Amazing people》Reading 1教案 牛津译林版必修2_第3页
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2022年高中英语unit3 Amazing peopleReading 1教案 牛津译林版必修2【教学目标】1. Help students improve their reading abilities.2. Learn and master the following language points.【教学重点】 1. Improve the students reading ability.2. Enable the students understand the text better.3. Get the students to master the tenses used in the passage.4. Develop their creative, and prehensive abilities.【教学难点】1. How to improve the students reading ability.2. The use of some useful expressions.【教 具】The multimedia and the blackboard【教学过程】Reading: Language Points1. discover(1) discover vt. 发现(世界上原本就存在的事物)Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.The boss discovered him stealing money from the shop.区别:invent vt. 发明(世界上原本不存在的事物)Alexander invented the telephone.(2) discoverer n. c. 发现者 discovery n.c. 发现 make a discovery of Scientists made a lot of amazing scientific discoveries in the twentieth century. 科学家们在二十世纪作出了许多惊人的科学发现。e.g. Columbus was a great discover and he discovered America in 1492. It is said that his discovery took place by accident. 2.a bright girl 聪明的,尤指年轻人和小孩 bright green 鲜艳的 shine brightly 明亮地a bright sun / future / idea 灿烂的太阳/光明的未来/明智的主意3. curious adj. 好奇的;求知欲强的; 奇特的(1) He spoke slowly, in a curious manner. 他以一种奇特的方式缓慢地说着。be curious about sth / to do sth. / wh-She is too curious about her neighbors business. 她对邻居的琐事太好奇了。A good student should always be curious to learn. 好学生应该经常有求知欲。Im curious what he will do with the matter. 我很好奇他如何处理这个问题。It is curious that很奇怪It is curious that he should have failed to win the petition.(2) curiously adv. 好奇地;稀奇古怪地 He looked curiously at the people. 他好奇地看着人们。(3) curiosity n. u.好奇感 in/ with curiosity 好奇地,相当于curiously out of/ from curiosity 出于好奇 He looked at the people in/with curiosity. 他好奇地看着人们。 He kept asking me numerous questions about it out of / from curiosity. 出于好奇,对那件事他问了我许多问题。(4) curiosity n. C.希奇的事;珍品4. set sail for 起航去某地 sail fromto从某地起航去另一地 set off/out for 出发去 set aboou doing/set out to do 开始做某事 set up 建立,创立1. preserve v.保护,维护,维持preserve ones eyesight / stregth/ self-respect 保护视力/ 维持体力/维护尊严preservefrom保护免遭 n.the preserve (野生动物)保护区adj. well-preserved 保养得好 preserved fruit 防腐水果【二次备课】6. present(1) present adj. 出席的,在场的 ;现在的,现存的 be present at the meeting/ the party 出席会议/聚会 people present在场的人们 (present作后置定语)He was pleased at seeing so many people present. 他很高兴看到那么多人在场。(2) present n. 礼物 (相当于gift) birthday presents(3) present n. 现在,目前 at present 目前 (4) present vt. 呈现;递交;赠送 present sth. to sb. / present sb. with sth. 把某物递交给某人 They presented flowers to their teacher. 他们把花送给了老师。He presented her with a bunch of flowers. 他送了她一束花。The latest development presents a problem. 最近的发展呈现出一个问题 7. with(1) 因为,由于 fall ill with a fever / shake with cold / jump with joy(2) 与同时 sail with the wind / change with seasons(3) 同意,一致 agree with sb/ go with 与相符/配(4) 和,伴随 live with sb(5) 虽然,尽管 fail with the best effort(6) 具有的特征 a country with a long histroy(7) 用,在帮助下 write with a pen/ with the help of(8) 反对 argue/quarrel with sb.8. only to表结果 He arrived at the station, only to find the train had gone. He left home at a young age, never to be back.9. die of 死于疾病,饥寒,情感,年老等内因 die from 死于外因 die of hunger, an illness, old age, sadness die from an accident / a wound / overwok / carelessness / smoking/ drinking 注意:当指出具体疾病时,两者皆可 die of / from cancer / heart attack 短语:be dying for sth / to do sth 渴望 die out 灭绝 die for 为而死 die off 相继死去 die away (声,光,风等)减弱 die down 渐渐消失,平息10. If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death. (L 43-44) (拓展P112)e.g. If taken correctly, the medicine should work well.Look out for cars when crossing the street.She worked very hard though still rather in poor health.I wont go to her party unless invited.if possible / necessary = If (it is) possible / necessarywhere / when necessary = where / when (it is / theyre ) necessarye.g. If possible I should like to have two copies of it. 【二次备课】11. result in/ lead to导致 result from 由而引起/产生;起因于(1)His carelessness resulted in/ led to the traffic accident.他的粗心导致交通事故。=The traffic accident resulted from his carelessness. (2)the results of a petition 竞赛的结果work without much result 没有效果的工作(3) as a result 因此, 结果; as a result of 作为的结果;由于He drove carelessly. As a result, a traffic accident happened.=The traffic accident happened as a result of his carelessness. 12. certain vadj. 确定的, 肯定的 (近义词:sure ) (涉及主语从句参考语法书)(1) be certain/ sure about/ of 确信某事;对某事有把握 be certain/sure to do 务必会做;一定会做 You must be certain/ sure of / about the facts. 你必须对这些事实很确信。He is certain/sure to return. 他肯定会回来的。(2) be certain/ sure + that. , make certain/ sure that 确保/确信 We are certain/ sure that he will get over his illness. 我们肯定他会康复的。I was not certain/sure whether he would e. 我不能确信他是否会来。I stayed long enough to make certain/sure that the house was absolutely empty.(3) Its certain that 是肯定的(在此句型中不能说:Its sure that ) for certain / for sure肯定地 Its certain that he will win the election. 他肯定会赢得这次大选。I cannot say for certain/sure when he will arrive. 我不能肯定说他何时能到。 注意:祈使句中只能用be sure to do Be sure not to forget.12. pay off(1) 成功,带来好结果; 是值得的,没有白费 All my years of training as an explorer have finally paid off. 那为成为探险家训练多年所付出汗水最后终于得到了好结果。His hard work paid off when he got the promotion. 当他得到晋升时他所有的辛劳都得到了回报。(2) pay off ones debt(s) 还清债务(3) pay for 为付钱 pay back 偿还 pay a visit to 参观【作业布置】 【教学后记】


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