三年级英语下册《unit 5 where is my car》word单元测试

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三年级英语下册unit 5 where is my carword单元测试Name: Score:一、根据汉语意思写出单词。1. 梨_ 2. 苹果_ 3. 西瓜_4. 香蕉_ 5. 草莓_二、选择正确的选项,补全单词。( ) 1. or _ _ ge A. an B. en C. un( ) 2. str _ _ berry A. ew B.aw C. uw( ) 3. b _ _ A. yu B. vy C. uy( ) 4. fr _ _t A. ua B. au C. ui( ) 5. b _ n _ n _ A. a; e; a B. a; a; a C. a; o; a三、写出下列单词的复数形式。1. grape _ 2. apple _ 3. strawberry _ 4. banana _ 5. pear _四、单项选择。( ) 1. Can I have _ apples? A. any B. / C. some( ) 2. I _ like pears. A. doesnt B. dont C. not( ) 3. Lets _ some fruit. A. to buy B. buys C. buy( ) 4. Do you like _? A. pears B. pear C. an pear( ) 5. _ some grapes. A. Having B. To have C. Have( ) 6. Do you like fruit? - Yes, _. A. I can B. I am C. I do( ) 7. _ apple a day _ the doctor away. A. A; keeps B. An, keeps C. An; keep( ) 8. _ I have some apples? A. Can B. Have C. Am五、读对话,选答语。( ) 1. Lucy: Do you like grapes? Jack: _ A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I do.( ) 2. Alice: Can I have some apples? John: _ A. Thanks. B. Here you are. C. Thank you.( ) 3. Helen: Have some grapes. Tom: _ A. Thanks. B. Certainly. C. Yes, I have.( ) 4. Robin: I dont like watermelons. Lily: _ A. Me, neither. B. Good. C. Thanks.( ) 5. Alice: Here you are. Mary: _ A. Thanks. B. Sorry. C. I love it very much.六、连词成句。1. are Here you (.) _2. good time Have a (!) _3. you Do apples like (?) _4. dont grapes like I (.) _5. ruler Where is my (?) _七、给下面句子排序。( ) No, I dont. How about you?( ) Hi, Lily. Do you like bananas?( ) Me, neither.( ) Oh Lets have some apples.( ) OK! I like apples.( ) Hello! Mike!八、阅读理解。Im Lucy. Amy and I are good friends. I like apples very much. But I dont like oranges. Amy is different (不同的). She likes watermelons and pears. She doesnt like grapes.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。( ) 1. Amy is Lucys good friend.( ) 2. Lucy likes pears very much.( ) 3. Lucy doesnt like oranges.( ) 4. Amy doesnt like oranges, either(也).( ) 5. Amy likes watermelons.pep 三年级下第五单元过关测试密卷参考答案:一、1-5 ABBAA二、1-5ABCCB三、1. grapes 2. Apples 3. strawberries 4. Bananas 5. Pears四、1-5 CBCAC 6-8 CBA五、1-5 BBAAA六、1. Here you are. 2. Have a good time. 3. Do you like apples? 4. I dont like grapes. 5. Where is my ruler?七、324561八、1-5 TFTFT附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册Unit 6 How many(第1课时)教案 人教PEP课 题Unit 6 How many?(A)Lets Talk教学目标掌握句型:How many can you see? I can seeIts beautiful. 理解名词复数及读音教学重点句型:How many can you see? I can see Its beautiful.教学难点名词复数的读音。课 型新授教具录音带、单词卡片教法、学法及个性化设计教学内容与过程(一)热身复习(Warm-up/Revision)1Listen and do. Show me 1 and 2. 。 2Guess(复习数字110)教师举起右手做出各种表示数字的手势,让学生看好后,教师立即把手放到身后,让学生说出来。(速度由慢到快)也可小组竞赛,看哪组正确率高,在黑板上记分。(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)1教师分别出示画有苹果、香蕉、橘子、桃和梨的图片给学生:I have many fruits here. Do you want to know how many they are? OK,Lets count.2数完后,教师问学生:How many apples/bananas/oranges/peaches/pears can you see?让学生回答出:I can see eleven apples. I can see twelve bananas. I can see thirteen oranges. I can see fourteen peaches. I can see fifteen pears.(教师要注意及时纠正复数的错误读音。)3教师把图片贴到黑板上,指着图片教学生正确读出数字1115。4教师拿出一个风筝问学生:What can you see? 让学生回答:I can see a kite. 教师接着问:Is it beautiful? 让学生回答:Yes, its beautiful.5通过录音展示Lets talk部分的内容。让学生跟读课文。6学生进行角色扮演,表演课文。(三)趣味操练 (Practice)1两人一组用实物或图片进行对话:How many can you see? I can seel(四)扩展性活动(Add-activities)让学生观察教室里的东西,并让学生运用本课所学的语言进行对话练习,如:How many windows can you see? How many chairs can you see?板书设计Unit 6 How many?(A)Lets TalkHow many can you see? I can seeIts beautiful 11 12 课后反思


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