2022年高中英语《Unit 1 Friendship》学案2新人教版必修1 (I)

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2022年高中英语《Unit 1 Friendship》学案2新人教版必修1 (I)_第1页
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2022年高中英语Unit 1 Friendship学案2新人教版必修1 (I)Period 2 Pre-reading and Reading Learning aim: Practise listening , general prehending , deep prehending Teaching procedure1) Pre-reading proverbs v 1. A friend is a gift you give yourself.v 2. A cheerful friend is like a sunny day spreading brightness all around.v 快乐的朋友犹如阳光灿烂的日子使明媚无处不在。v 3. A friend in need is a friend indeed.v 4. The secret to friendship is being a good listener.1.Why do you need friends ? Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you._2.Does a friend always have to be a person ? What else can be your friend?_3.Skim the first paragraph of the reading passage below and find who was annes best friend._2)Reading ANNES BEST FRIEND1.listen to the tape and join the correct parts of the sentences.51.Anne kept a diary because A. she couldnt meet her friends.2.She felt very lonely because B.Jews were caught by Nazis and killed3.They had to hide because C. she could tell to it everything4.Anne named her diary Kitty because D. she wanted it to be her best friend.2.Skim the text and Tell which of the following are true(T) or false(F)1. Anne made her diary her best friend because she had no frie nd at school.( )2. Anne could not go outside because she was afraid she was caught, ( )3. In her hiding place, the deep blue sky, the song of the birds and so on made Anne crazy. ( )4. One night Anne stayed awake in order to see the moon face to face. ( )5. The whole passage tells us how Anne survived in her hiding place. ( )3.Scan the text and choose the best answer according to the text.1. What made Anne crazy about nature?a. Her interest in nature,b. She had no friend,c. She couldnt get outdoors for a long time.d. She could do nothing but watch nature,2. From the diary we can infer that_.a. Anne was a girl who loves natureb. Anne was good at writing diariesc. Anne was longing for a normal life and she especially missed going outside and enjoying natured. Anne had good observation in her daily life.3. What is the authors attitude towards Anne in this passage?a.Angry b.Happy .c.Sorry,. d.Disappointed4.The story mainly tells us that _. a.Annebest friend was a girl called Kittyb.Anne set down what had happened in her diaryc.Anne kept diaries in her hiding place and she treated her diary as her best friend d.Anne admired nature very much and often stayed up late to watch the moon through the windows.5.Anne thought it no pleasure looking at nature through the curtains because _ a.the curtains were dirty and made her feel unpleasant b.the curtains stopped her from seeing nature clearly c.what she could see through the curtains was limited d,nature was really something that must be experienced6.In Annes eyes, a best friend is someone_. a.who would not laugh at you b.who understands what you have gone through c,whom you could tell everything to d.who can help you when you are in trouble4.Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks according to the text. During World War II, Anne and her family had to _1_ from being discovered by the _2_ Nazis. It was because she was _3_ so long that she felt _4_ nature _5_. Even one evening she stayed awake _6_ 11;30 _7_ look at the moon _8_ for herself, She was so lonely that she wanted a _9_ friend who she can tell things like deepest _10_ and thoughts, In that situation, she made _11_ her best friend which she called Kitty, But she said she didnt want to _12_ a series of facts _13_ most people did,3)Listen and follow the tape or recite the important sentences or text4)A reading passage in English weekly or discuss how to be a good friend in groups5)Homework part2 in ENGLISH WEEKLY


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