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人教版八年级英语上册Unitl知识点1 / 21人教版八年级英语上册Unitl知识点人教版八年级英语上册Unit 1 知识点Unit 1 How often do you exercise?1. What do you usually do on weeke nds?你周末常常做什么?(1) 这是一个由疑问词what指引的特别疑问句。前一个 do为助动词,组成疑问句构造,后一个do为实义动词(或叫行为动词),意思是做;干。注意:助动词do要跟着主语的人称、时态和数的不同作出相应的变化。如: What does she do on weekends?周末她做什么?(2) usually 为频次副词,意思是“往常;常常,与often意思邻近,但程度有别。【辨析】: 频次副词 always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never频次副词词义频次英文释义always老是100%all the timeusually往常90%ofte n, gen erallyofte n常常80%(at) many timessometimes有时50%at times, now and the nhardly ever几乎不10%almost not, not at alln ever从不0%notever, not at any time【拓展】频次副词always的用法:在全部的频次副词中,always语气最强,表示“老是:永久。 always可用于进行时态,表示“老是; 老是,是一种增强语气的说法,含有生气; 不满;不耐烦;欣赏等感情色彩口: He is always comi ng late.他老是迟到。(埋怨) Heis always helpi ng others.他老是帮助他人。(赞誉) always 往常放在 be 动词后边,行为动词前方,一般不放在句首。但为了重申或在祈使句中,也可放在句首或放在整个谓语前方,有时甚至置于句末。女 口: Always pay atte nti on to your pronun ciati on.要一直注意发音。 always 与 not连用时,表示部分否认,意思是“不必定老是; 未必等。女口: Hon esty isnot always the best policy.诚实未必永久是良策。(3) on weekends意思是“在周末,也可说成at (the) weekends,此处的 weekends指礼拜六和礼拜日。2. How often do you watch TV?你多久看一次电视?一 Twice a week. 一周两次。how often, how long 与 haw soonhow oftennow Uinsif用他威五酎唱骨的时间饋谱辱hCWSOCtL邂芬久时间才I,-鮎申胆来时态,回哥El謝导的时间状语.(1)how often 表示“多久一次,是对动作的频次进行发问。可用于回答表示频次的副词,女口 always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, n ever等,或用于回答表示频次的短语,女口 once a day (一天一次 ),twice a week ( 一周两次 ),four times a month (一个月四次),every day ( 每天)等。如: How often does he surf the In ternet?他多久在网上冲浪一次?一 Once a week. 一周一次。(2) twice a week意思是“一周两次”是一个表示频次的短语,表示频次的短语一般是由“次 数+ a +时间名词”组成;表示“一次或两次”时,一般用 once和twice表示,而表示“三次或三次以上”时,则用“数词+ times ”构造。如:once a mon th ( 一个月一次),twice a day (一天两次 ),three times a week ( 一周三次), five times a year (一年五次 )等。(3)疑问词how的用法=1)如何,用什么手段,方法 /交通工具How did he do it? /I don t know how to swim. How do you come to school?(2)状况如何(指身体健康状况)How are you?(3)how many , how much 表示“多少” how many后接可数名词复数, how much接不行数 名词。How many times do you go to the park? How much are those pants?once twice , three times 等(4)how ma ny times 咨询多少次,其答语表示次数。如:How many times do you go to the movies a mon th? About three times.(5) How old.?咨询年纪How old are you? I am five.(6) How about ? 如何? 怎么样? How about goi ng to the movies?(8) how long咨询多长时间,其答语表示一段时间,如:for two days , for three hours等。How long will it take to get to the station? About half an hour 。(9) how soon 用来咨询过多久,多久此后,其答语是in two hours , in three days 等。How soon wil he come back ? In an hour 。3. And I sometimes watch TV. 我有时看电视。sometimes是一个表示频次的副词,意思是“有时一般位于句首,也可放在主语后边。如: Sometimes I go to the movies on Sun day.有时我在礼拜天去看电影。 He sometimes reads on weeke nds. 在周末他有时看书。【辨 析】: sometimes 与 some times , sometime , some timesomeriniesi甬吋I;频廈刖伺词短磨Tuq讶manv血堺sometimes 意【思是“有时;时时”,常与一般此刻时或-一般过去时连用。如: Sometimes hegoes 冷饑oWbul词癣有时他乘公共汽车上学。some times 是名词短语,意思是“几次;几倍”。如: I met him some times in the street last mon th.上个月我在街上碰到他好几次。sometime是副词,意为“在某个时候,“某时Will you come againsometime next week?下周的某个时候你会再来吗?She was there sometime last year.她昨年某时去过那。some time是名词词组,意为“一段时间”,做时间状语用I will stay here for some time.我将在这呆一段时间。He worked for that company for some time.他为那家电脑企业工作了一阵子。4. 【exercise的用法】v/n 1 )动词,锻炼,既能够作不行数名词锻炼讲,也可作可数名词 “练习”讲。 He exercises every day 。We often do / take exercise on weekends.2) do morning exercises 做晨操 do eye exercises做眼保健操Doi ng morni ng exercises is good for our health.做晨操对我们的健康有利。【shop 】 v/ n Weofte n shop on weeke nds. There are many shops in the n eighborhood.5. as for 意为“就 而论”,“至于”As for fruit , I eat it sometimes.As for him , I n ever want to see him here.至于他,我永久不希望在这里见到。6 My mother wants me to drink it.我妈妈想要我喝。want to do sth.想要做某事want sb. to do sth.想要某人干某事Do you want to go to the movies with me?你想和我一同去看电影吗?I want you to help me with my math.我想要你帮我学数学。有好多动词后边用这类构造做动词的复合宾语:ask sb. to do sth.叫某人做某事tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人去做某事help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事7. She says it s good for my health.她说那对我的健康有利。(1) be good for 意思是“对有利处”。如: Doi ng exercise is good for our health.进行锻炼对我们的身体有利处。【辨析】: be good for, be good at与 be good to意思是“对有利”。如:be good for Watch ing TV too much is not good for your health.看电视太多对你的身体没有利处。”。如:be good at He is good at playi ng football.他善于踢足球4 / 21人教版八年级英语上册Unitl知识点# / 21人教版八年级英语上册Unitl知识点be good意思是“对好”。如:那个老太太对我们很好 The old woma n is good to us.(2)health 是一个名词,意思是“健康”,它的形容词形式是healthy ,意思是“健康的”。如: My gran dmother is over 80 years old, but she is very healthy.我奶奶八十多岁了,但她特另0健康。8. I try to eat a lot of vegetables.I ll try to learn English well.You must try to take more exercise.9. I look after my health.1) look after意思是“照料;保存”try to do sth.尽量/全力做某事我会尽量试试学好英语的。你一定尽量多做运动。我很注意我的健康。5 / 21人教版八年级英语上册Unitl知识点# / 21人教版八年级英语上册Unitl知识点【拓展】look after与take care of同义,在表达“照料/保存好 ”的意思时,可用lookafter well 或 take good care of口: My mother takes good care of me.我妈妈对我特别体谅。 I have to look after my sister well.得照料好我妹妹。2) look at “看着 ”,look like“看起来像 ”,look for“找寻”look up查察(词典),look out 当心,当心,look through 阅读,审查,look into检查, look over 检查(医生给病人) Please look after your book.请保存好你的书。男孩子们正看着黑板 The boys are look ing at the blackboard. The girl looks like her father. My pare nts are look ing for their dog.10. My healthy lifestyle helps me成绩。这个小姑娘看起来很像她父亲。我父亲母亲正在找他们的狗。help sb.(to) do sth.帮助某人做某事She ofte n helps me lear n math.她常常帮助我学get good grades .我健康的生活方式帮助我获得好的6 / 21人教版八年级英语上册Unitl知识点# / 21人教版八年级英语上册Unitl知识点11. Good food and exercise help me to study better.好的食品和运动帮助我学习得更好。help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事12. Is her lifestylethe same as yours or differe nt?=Is her lifestylethe same as your lifestyleor is her lifestylediffere ntfrom yourlifestyle ?她的生活方式和你的冋样或是不冋?be the same as/ be differe nt from与同样/与不同She looks the same as her sister.她看起来跟她的妹妹很像。This book is differe nt from that one.这本书跟那本书不同样。13. I think I m kind of unhealthy.我想我有点不健康。kindof =a little akind of一种14. So maybe I m not very healthy, although I have one healthy habit. 因此只管我有一个健康的习惯,可是或许我还不是很健康。(1) maybe是个副词,意思是“或许;或许,常用于句首。如: Maybe you are right.或许你是对的。【辨析】:maybe 与 may bemaybe为副词,意思是“或许”,同义词是perhaps,常用于句首,作状语。如: Maybe you are an En glish teacher.或许你是一位英语教师。may be为“神态动词+动词”构造,在句子中作谓语,意思是“或许是”。如: You may be an En glish teacher.你或许是一位英语教师。 She may be in Class Five.她或许在 5 班。(2) although 为连词,意思是“只管;固然”,表示转折关系,同义词有though。与but作用同样,可是用法不同。特别注意英、汉在此意义上的表达差别:汉语中常常说“固然可是”,但在英语中,“固然”和“可是”只好用其一。如: AlthoughI get up early, I can t catch the early bus.=I get up early, but I can t catch the early bus.只管我起得很早,但仍是没有赶上早班车。t pass the exam.I don t pass the exam, although I study every hard. =I study very hard, but I don只管我努力学习,但考试仍是没有及格。(3) one是数词,意思是“一”。如: I have one sister.我有一个妹妹。【辨析】:one或a/anone可表示“一”这个观点,但它更重申数目。如: He has one pen and two pen cils.他有一支钢笔和两支铅笔。(这里的one与two在数目上作对照,不可以用a取代) She only had one sister.她只是有一个妹妹。(重申数目)不定冠词a和an是one的弱式,一般不重申“一”这个数目,只是重申类型。如: a/an He buys a dictio nary.他买了一本词典。(重申买的是什么,而不是数目) That s a dog.那是一只狗。(重申的是类型,而不是数目)15. A lot of vegetables help you toA lot of = lots of = many / much healthykeep +形容词表保持某种状态保持寂静!keep in good health.彳艮多 keep in good health = keep healthy = stayKeep quiet! The baby is sleep ing.那婴儿正在睡觉,8 / 21人教版八年级英语上册Unitl知识点# / 21人教版八年级英语上册Unitl知识点我们一定保持我们的教室洁净We must keep our classroom clea n.句子1. 问频次1. How often do you exercise?Once a day.2. What does she usually do on weekends?She usually watches TV.3. How many hours do you sleep?Nine hours.中心知识1.表频次副词:always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, n ever2. once a week一周一次,twice a year一年两次three times a week一周三次four times a month个月四次3. all, most, some, no4. be good for sth./ doing sth.对什么有禾 Ube bad for sth./ doing sth.对什么有害5. wa nt to do sth. 想要做某事wa nt sb. to do sth.要某人做某事6. as for 至于7. try to do sth.尽量做某事8. of course = certa inly = sure自然9. look after = take care of照料10. keep healthy=stay healthy保持健康exercise = take exercise = do sports锻炼9 / 21人教版八年级英语上册 Unit1 知识点11. although = though 固然12. be the same as与什么同样be different from 不同13. how often 多久一次14. most of the students = most students15. get good grades获得好成绩16. some advice 中的 advice 是不行数名词17. keep/ be in good health保持健康18. shop = go shopping = do some shopping购物19. surf the internet 上网20. a lot of = lots of很多21. health n. healthy adj.healthily adv., unhealthy adj.22. different adj. difference n. 可数 熟读P1 1b , P 2 2a G.F, P3 3, P5 3a 3b1. 疑问词 how 的用法(1) 如何,用什么手段,方法 / 交通工具How did he do it? / I dont know how to swim.How do you come to school?(2) 状况如何(指身体健康状况)How are you? / How is she?(3) how many , how much 表示 多少 此中 how much 还能够表示钱数。 how many 后接可数名词复数, how much 接不行数名词。How many times do you go to the park?/How many pens do you want?(4) how often 是对动作发生的“次数”发问,咨询的是频次“多久一次” 回答能够是: Every day. / Once a week. / Three times a week. / Often. /How often do you play tennis?/How often do you surf the Internet ?(5) How old ? 咨询年纪 How old are you? I am five.(6) How about ? 如何? 怎么样?How about going to the movies?2. time 表示不行数名词,意为“时间”。表示可数名词,意为“次数,倍数”timesWhat time is it? I go to the movies three times a week. 注意“次数”的表达方法: 一次 once ,两次 twice ,三次或三次以上用基数词加上 three times, five times, one hundred times表示“ 几次”的表达方法是:once a day/ a week/ a month/ a year; twice a day/ a week/ a month/ a year3. exercise v./ n. shop v./ n.He often exercises on weekends.We often do / take exercise on weekends.We often shop on weekends.There are many shops in the neighborhood.4. as for 意为“就 而论;至于” As for fruit, I eat it sometimes.As for him, I never want to see him here.5. My mother wants me to drink it.want to do sth.想要做某事?你想和我一同去看电影吗? 我想要你帮我学数学。want sb. to do sth. 想要某人干某事 Do you want to go to the movies with me I want you to help me with my math.叫某人做某事 告诉某人去做某事 帮助某人做某事 她说它对我的健康存心。近似还有:ask sb. to do sth.tell sb. to do sth. help sb. (to) do sth.6. She says its good for my health.be good for 其反义为: be bad for对 有害 /Its good for us to do more reading. Drinking milk is good for your health. Reading English is good for studying English. Reading in bed is bad for your eyes.7. usually when I come home from school When + 从句 当 时候 I often stay at home when it is rainy.8. I try to eat a lot of vegetables. try to do sth.Ill try to learn English well. You must try to take more exercise.9. I look after my health.look after表示“对 有利(有利处) 无益 多念书对我们有利处。喝牛奶对你的健康有利。 对英语对学习英语有利 / 有帮助。 在床上念书对你的眼睛有害。 往常是在我从学校回家时尽量 / 全力做某事 我会尽量试试学好英语的。你一定尽量多做运动。 照料我的弟弟病了。我今日不得不照有的学生一定照看好课桌椅。 他常常帮助他的妈妈照料他My brother is ill. I have to look after him today.顾他。All the students must look after the desks and chairs. He often helps his mother look after his little sister. 的小弟弟10. My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. 我健康的生活方式帮助我获得好的成绩。help sb.(to) do sth.帮助某人做某事She often helps me learn math.她常常帮助我学数学11. Good food and exercise help me to study better. 好的食品和运动帮助我学习得更好。 help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事与 同样 / 与 不同 她看起来跟她的妹妹很像。 这本书跟那本书不同样。 我想我有点不健康。 一种12. Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different? be the same as/ be different fromShe looks the same as her sister. This book is different from that one.13. I think Im kind of unhealthy. kind of = a little a kind of14. maybe(adv.) = perhaps 或许,可能 Maybe he knows the answer.=He may know the answer固然他患病了,但他仍是准时上学。15. although = though 固然Although hes ill, he goes to school on time.16. A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health.A lot of = lots of = many/ much很多keep in good health = keep healthy = stay healthy keep + 形容词 表保持某种状态Keep quiet! The baby is sleeping.那婴儿正在睡觉,保持寂静!We must keep our classroom clean.我们一定保持我们的教室洁净。17. 注意 sometimes 与几个形似的词的差别。(1) sometime 是副词,意为“在某个时候;某时”Will you come again sometime next week?下周的某个时候你会再来吗?She was there sometime last year. 她昨年某时去过那。(2) some time 是名词词组,意为“一段时间”,做时间状语用I will stay here for some time.我将在这呆一段时间。他为那家电脑企业工作了一阵子。He worked for that company for some time.(3) some times 是名词词组,意为“几次,几倍”I met him some times in the street last month.The factory is some times larger than that one.(4) sometimes 是频度副词,意为“有时”他有时周末去滑滑板。He sometimes goes skateboarding on weekends.18. That sounds interesting. 那听起来风趣look (看起来), sound (听起来)seem (好象), grow (变得) , getIt tastes good. 这滋味好。上个月我在街上碰到他好几次了。这间工厂比那间大好几倍。o, smell, feel (感觉), 后跟形容词作表语。闻起来), taste (尝起来)变得)等词在英语中可用作系动词,1. onat weekends在周末2 go skateboarding去踩滑板3go to the movies去看电影4 surf the Internet网上冲浪5Animal World动物世界6 as for至于7do (one s) homework造作业8 want sb to do sth9help sb (to) do sth10 let have make sb do sth11be good for 对 - 有利处;be good at善于 - ; be good to 对 好12eating habits饮食习惯13pretty good相当好14try to do sth515 look after my health注意我的健康16get good grades获得好成绩17 kind of=a little a bit of有点一点八、18a kind of一种19 maybe 或许; may be 可能是20although( 不可以与 but 连用 )21 play sports do sports做运动这音乐听起来很动听。短语The music sounds very sweet.14 / 21人教版八年级英语上册 Unit1 知识点15 / 21人教版八年级英语上册 Unit1 知识点i&血職IK醐鳏翻总 吗燼圾轡讐昨*血保痔健廉屿Vbowmen how soon how manfl-红初做幕墨ry iQOQ STn./ n r/乌迅團彗廊 two r thrfee times* 塢臓申 WsWIWfso *iB 岛軸MT*負遍* !亂写二祖屉be the same as 刈砂為怀同饪娜甦师叙眄*臓砂吟种幽啣曉啊 我那 YtoM话券尊脑搁:-建*巴# / 21人教版八年级英语上册 Unit1 知识点16 / 21人教版八年级英语上册 Unit1 知识点4Co?1# / 21人教版八年级英语上册 Unit1 知识点# / 21人教版八年级英语上册 Unit1 知识点* =all the timeH r rr _ _值口聽沁O卿r II IIn 口 _ a9Wially=at times申I 严sometimes# / 21人教版八年级英语上册 Unit1 知识点辛列川加瘙旳摄解亠Ct) take pavt4fn*activ|ties炉 爛壌初u应翕皿暫爾熨f湧廡軍|尊璽轉 雀,腿羁轟糟渔卿gsth.餉应hJ陌 Ufiuqg瘵射4Jook甘fia孤與魂府审越押瞪$白!9$ 岂希y羁自廐W零呼趙轉Tte_M4PKecpHUf就伺* gvt 5tkecprf!Lsthi.+ 領idf介碍脸 琨蕊小俣打 裂 盹童制写Mining &th弱示聊茶鬆胡裡做臬 sth. C.altoUQhcorijtUyhJii UlH谓扌从然 表rjbut相键b 叢|pcau皆电和go用泳一 編 01$齡孚蠻Litiit羸impo站裾thin迷=Although money is importantiliiiit the戴诫|凰ElrTt catch锻專廳翔酉迦幔总巔書色翼$tHs&she had twalk hbme.17 / 21人教版八年级英语上册 Unit1 知识点# / 21人教版八年级英语上册 Unit1 知识点二加列生J皤f嫩鹹新i do you shop?J 5hopi?nce a OfllTI2-What doe$ tie葩脚儼出k好ri绥聲-He sometimes watches TV-3(As for homework, most students do homework every day4My hea I thyJh|Ki ime get good grades.5. My eating habits are pretty good6. Good food and exercise hejjShe to study better. 7-Mcr lifestylr|he same as yours ordifferent? &hE日Ithy* though I have a healthy habit 9.A lot of vegetables help you to ke申鷗; dood heaHhk【应掌握的词组】1. go to the movies 去看电影上网健康的生活方式去划板2. look after = take care of照料3. surf the internet4. healthy lifestyle5. go skate board ing6. keep healthy=stay healthy保持健康锻炼7. exercise=take(much)exercise=do sports8. eati ng habits 饮食习惯9. take more exercise做更多的运动10. the same as与什么同样11. be differe nt from不同12. once a mon th 一月一次13. twice a week周两次14. make a differe nee to对什么有影响15. how often多久一次16. although = though 固然17. most of the stude nts=most stude nts18. shop=go shopp in g=do some shopp ing购物19. as for 至于20. activity survey活动检查21. do homework 做家庭作业22. do house work做家务事23. eat less meat吃更少的肉24. ju nk food垃圾食品25. be good for 对什么有利26. be bad for 对什么有害27. wa nt to do sth 想做某事28. want sb to do sth想某人做某事29. try to do sth尽量做某事30. come home from school下学回家31. of course = certa inly = sure自然32. get good grades获得好成绩33. some advice34. hardl y=not n early / almost not几乎不35. keep/be in good health保持健康36. be stressed紧张的,有压力的37. take a vacati on 去度假48.get back 回来【应掌握的句子】1. How often do you exercise ?f How often + 助动词 do(does 或 did) + 主语 + dosth. ?疑问词how often是问频次(多常常),在这里助动词do(does或did) 是起帮助构成疑问的作用Every day / Once a week / Twice a month / Three times a mon th / Three or four times a month .2. What do you usually do on weeke nds 用;而第二个do则是实义动词。3. What s your favorite program ?第一个do为助动词,在这起帮助组成疑问的作I usually play soccer .4. What do stude nts do at Green High School 问的作用;而第二个 do 则是实义动词。第一个do为助动词,在这起帮助组成疑It s Animal World .5. As for homework , most stude nts do homework every day .as for. 意思是“至于;对于”,常用于句首作状语,后来跟名词、代词或动词的-ing 形式(即动名词)。如:As for him , I n ever want to see him here.至于他,我永久不希望在这里见到。As for the story, youd better not believe it.对于那故事,你最好不要相信。6. The results for “ watch TV ” are interesting .7. Mom wants me to get up at 6:00 and play pin g-p ong with her .f want to do sth.意思是“想要做某事”;want sb. to do sth.意思是“想要某人做某事”。如:?你想和我一同去看电影吗?老师不想让我们吃汉堡包Do you want to go to the movies with meThe teacher does nt want us to eat hamburgers.f be good for.表示“对 有利(有利处)”。是介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词)如:多念书对我们有利处。在床上念书对你的眼睛有害。8. She says it s good for my health . 其反义为:be bad for.。(这里forIts good for us to do more readi ng.Readi ng in bed is bad for your eyes.9. How many hours do you sleep every night10. I exercise every day , usually when I come home from school .11. My eati ng habits are pretty good .这里 pretty 相当于 very 。12. I try to eat a lot of vegetables , usually ten to eleve n times a week. f try todo sth.表示“全力做某事”,不包括能否成功的意思/ try doi ng sth. 表示“ (用某一方法)试着去做某事”。如:You d better try doing the experimentin anotherway.你最好试一试用另一种方法做这个试.f help sb.(to) do sth.帮助某人f help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某验。13. My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades做某事14. Good food and exercise help me to study better .人做某事/这里better是well的比较级,而不是 good的比较级15. Is her lifestyle the same as yours or differe nt ?= Is her lifestyle the same asyour lifestyleor is her lifestyledifferent from your lifestyle/ be differe nt from? f be the same as16. I think I m kind of unhealthy .kind of思是“一种”17. What sports do you play ?=a little/a kind of意18. A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health .keep in good health = keephealthy = stay healthy19. You must try to eat less meat .f try to do sth.表示“全力做某事”,不包括能否成功的意思 / less是little 的比较级20. That sou nds in terest in g.这是“主语+系动词+表语”构造的简单句。sou nd (听起来),look (看起来), smell (闻起来),taste (尝起来),feel (感觉),seem (好象),grow(变得),m得英语中可动词形容语。It tastes good.这滋味好。The music sounds very sweet.这音乐听起来很动听。The smoke grew heavier and heavier.烟雾变得愈来愈浓了。【词语辨析】一、maybe / may be1. The baby is cryingshe is hun gry.2. The woma na teacher .maybe是副词,意为“大体,可能,或许”,一般用于句首。Maybe是神态动词,意为“可能是.,或许是.,大体是 .”.二、a few / few / a little / little1. people can live to 100,butpeople can live to 150.2. There istime left, I don t catch the first bus.3. Could you give memilk?a few ( 少量的,几个,一些 )a little (一点儿,少许 )表示必定few (极少的,几乎没有的 )little(极少的,几乎没有的 )表示否认修饰可数名词修饰不行数名词三、none / no one1、of the pens are mine .2、is in the classroom.none指人或物,重申数目,用how many发问,常与of连用。no one多指人,重申“无人”这种状态,用who发问,不行与of连用,作主语时,其谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。四、hard / hardly1. The ground i


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