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lesson 5课外补充练习1. Words explanation:1. fallacyA. religious beliefB. false beliefC. bankruptcyD. dropping2. incredulousA. unbelievingB. increasingC. industriousD. unimprovedA. a carpetB. a piece of breadC. a small, light knifeD. a rising marketA. determinateB. flagitiousC. prestigiousA. emotional shockB. mental workC. the state of not having enoughD. a reinforced structure for observersA. take shelterB. prevert fromC. lose hairD. keep company withA. of a person who likes musicB. of a person who pays attention to unimportant newsC. of a person who stresses on sportsD. of a person who emphasizes trivial points of learningA. insist onB. ceaseC. heckleA. propertyB. portionsC. massagesD. dimensionsA. homeless childB. wandering musicianC. countrymanD. smugglerA. convincingB. encouragingC. pledgingD. sweating12. blubberA. speak quicklyB. talk repeatedlyC. say with sobsD. say with hiccups13. modulateA. make achange in the toneB. cause to do or believe sthC. make or become softD. change the place or positionA. being famous forB. being shamefulC. being honestD. being refusedA. sadB. honestC. penitentD. overjoyedA. grow bigger or greaterB. become less or smallerC. drop heavilyD. cover with thick coatingA. large group of plantsB. highest pointC. sharp crisisD. highest mountain peakA. move forwardB. look sidewaysC. change directionsD. pour outA. triumphantB. foreignC. exhaustedD. overflowingA. invisibleB. uglyC. precipitateD. provisionalA. examiningB. provingC. impatientD. judgingA. breakB. combineC. disagreeD. repeatA. pullB. pushC. placeD. fixA. surroundB. coverC. avoidD. desireA. complainingB. moaningC. tiringD. unwillingA. decreaseB. minimizeC. increaseD. euphemizeA. strikeB. walkC. fall downD. climb upA. push forwardB. draw backC. incise upD. draw outA. equalB. proposeC. restrictD. countA. a precise pieceB. a small pieceC. a big valleyD. a narrow openingA. walk in an awkward wayB. tremble terriblyC. close in mild wayD. shine brightlyA. permitting easilyB. seeing clearlyC. feeling regretD. looking worriedA. a long loud soundB. a short low-pitched soundC. a low murmuring soundD. a short,high-pitched soundA. take outB. be contrary toC. withdrawD. be relevant toA. permanentB. quickC. immediateD. coldA. spreadB. pierceC. take partD. formulateA. a blank or empty areaB. a detailed, exact statement of particularsC. a partial excuseD. the evolutionary formation of new biological speciesA. special placeB. particular areaC. small pieceD. unseen itemA. uniqueB. genuineC. unexpectedD. enormousA. grasp tightlyB. hang looselyC. touch softlyD. hold lightlyII. Complete the word according to the definition, the first letter of which is given:become less or weaker wwhich comes from meat while it is cookinggdetermine the nature of (esp. a disease) from observation of symptoms dpart of either side of the head between the forehead and the ear t2.1. edicine causing the bowels to empty themselves lbetween lovers to meet at a secret placet 一,solid piece chealth and strength l I I group of fixed stars c . I and mentally undeveloped person c denial apiece of burning woodor coal in a dying fire emake a loud deep noise like a bull b I I known esp. for sth. bad n of placing or moving fighting forces for or during battle t . I,such as a person or an object, that is bulky, clumsy, or unwieldy hdestine to an unhappy end dbowl-shaped depression at the mouth of a volcano c Ilonger burning or active e . Iinitiative and willingness to undertake new projects ebeing remembered or noted m 1set free or keep free from restrictions orbonds ubusiness enterprise involving some risk inexpectation of gain v .1strength or firmness; weak or spiritlessl 一vigor or energy f I Ifor a particular person, condition,occasion, or place; fitting. Aspecifically defined division in a system of classification; a class. Cbranch of knowledge or teaching dperceptive or discerning; penetrating:aor showing shrewdness and discernment, especially with respect to ones own concerns.taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation; an assumption h .)engage in a formal discussion or argumentdmassive variety of the mineral uraninitep 二aroused by something unjust, mean, or unworthy. i , Ishrill, often frantic cry sI Isurface layer of earth containing a dense growth of grass and its matted roots tmake known (something concealed or secret) r Ithe flavor or odor of game, especially game that is slightly spoiled gthrust or throw forcefully into a substance or place pskin of an animal with the fur or hair stillon it p Iburn with little smoke and no flame s I Iexpected; a possibility pwith a specified element or elements fquality, an ability, or an accomplishmentthat makes a person suitable for a particular position or task q I IIII. Point out some American colloquial expression from the text:a month of Sundaysdumba casual kick a deal laughs keen kid go steady date mad Yummy dreamyfire away will-heeled pin-upnothing upstairs get toterrificNutsguyknock me outdarnknot-headjitterbugIV. Comment on the rhetorical devices of the following statements:is a limit for what flesh and blood can bear.first man has poisoned the well before anybody could drink from it. Hehas .hamstrung his opponent before he could even start.was like digging a tunnel.is not often that one so young has such a giant intellect.was not Pygmalion; I was Frankenstein, and my monster had me by the throat.6. “Holy Toledo! ” he repeated fifteen or twenty times. I I,far from being a dry, pedantic discipline, is a living, breathing thing, full of beauty, passion, and trauma. . Jsomewhere in the extinct crater of her mind, a few embers still smoldered. .Maybe somehow I could fan them into flame. I II was not one to let my heart rule my head.brain, that precision instrument, slipped into high gear.V. Translation:1 . 一旦三峡工程竣工,其本身便成为世界上的一 大创举,大坝坐落在长江上游“载断巫山云雨”坐落 在大坝上的巨大船闸能让万吨船舶顺利而过,如同宫 殿一样使人眼花缭乱的水利发电站通过广延的高压电 网输送强大的电流。2 .香港回归祖国,标志着“一国两制”构想的巨 大成功,标志着中国人民在完成祖国统一大业的道路 上迈出了重要一步。香港回归后,“一国两制”,“港 人治港”,高度自治的方针得到切实贯彻执行,保持 了繁荣稳定的局面。事实必将证明,香港特别行政区 政府和香港同胞一定能够依照香港特别行政区基本法 治理好香港。


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