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九年级英语全册Unit7Teenagersshouldbeallowedtochoosetheirownclothes随堂小测试1新版人教新目标版. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。 license, earring, safe, pierce, smoke1. _ isnt allowed in the hospital.2. You need a(n) _ to fish in this river. 3. _ the skin (皮) of the potato with a knife.4. My aunt bought a pair of silver _ last week. 5. For _, always climb with a partner. . 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The _(shop) center is across from the post office.2. Mrs. Li is very _(worry) about her health. 3. I think she needs _(have) a part-time job.4. Mike seemed to be _(excite) about dancing. 5. We saw many _(paint) in the museum yesterday. 6. This shirt is too old. Please stop _(wear) it. . 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。1. 我哥哥决定明天上午去理发。My brother decided to _ his hair _ tomorrow morning.2. 我认为两岁的孩子不会自己穿衣服。I _ _ _ can dress themselves.3. 爸爸说我做作业时不够细心。Dad said I wasnt _ _ when I was doing my homework.4. 图书馆允许照相吗?Is _ _ _ in the library?5. 张敏,你应该多花时间和你父母在一起。Zhang Min, you should _ more time _ your parents. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hi, Sam! Where are you going?B: (1)_ Bob just got his drivers license. Hell give me a ride in his car.A: How old is he?B: (2)_ A: Oh, no. You cant go with him.B: (3)_ A: Because I dont think sixteen-year-old kids should be allowed to drive.B: (4)_ I think they should be if they have their drivers licenses.A: (5)_ B: Maybe youre right. Ill take your advice.A. Why cant I go with him? B. How are you going to the cinema? C. Im going to the cinema. D. But they are too young and they arent serious enough. E. He is good at driving. F. I disagree with you. G. He is sixteen years old.参考答案. 1. Smoking 2. license 3. Pierce 4. earrings5. safety. 1. shopping 2. worried 3. to have 4. excited5. paintings 6. wearing. 1. get; cut 2. dont think two-year-olds3. careful enough 4. taking photos allowed5. spend; with. 1-5 CGAFD


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