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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她东北师范大学22春“英语”英语写作(一)离线作业(一)辅导答案一.综合考核(共50题)1.All of the people at the conference are ().A.mathematic teachersB.mathematics teacherC.mathematics teachersD.mathematics teachers参考答案:C2.I love my country so much that Iam prepared to_her.A.devote toB.devote my life toC.devoting my life toD.to devote my life for参考答案:B3.() cultural conflicts are more serious than language problems.A.For timesB.At timesC.Some timesD.Sometime参考答案:B4.I wonder whether our life () considerably by 2010.A.will changeB.will be changingC.will have to changeD.will have changed参考答案:D5.She is filial daughter and () over all of her money to her parents every month.A.makesB.putsC.turnsD.gives参考答案:C6.Without your timely help, we ().A.would not succeedB.would succeedC.would have succeedD.would not have succeed参考答案:D7.He prefers () as a businessman so as to avoid being recognized.A.to dressB.to be dressedC.to be dressed upD.dressing参考答案:C8.He wonders why he should always obey her if he has sufficient reason not_.A.to doB.doingC.doing itD.to参考答案:D9.He prefers to live with his mother than () her alone.A.to leaveB.leavingC.leaveD.leaves参考答案:C10.The () between the rich and poor regions is being bridge.A.spaceB.distanceC.roomD.gap参考答案:D11.The amount of the money they received_from person to person.A.changedB.differedC.movedD.varied参考答案:D12.Parents and teachers should work together to () students lives.A.effectB.makeC.influenceD.shape参考答案:D13.My mother manages the entire_,including taking care of my grandfather.A.familyB.homeC.house holdD.household参考答案:D14.In China a young person comes of_on his/her 18th birthday.A.adultB.ageC.yearD.growth参考答案:B15.So far a three-fourths majority in our neighbourhood () to help.A.have volunteeredB.has volunteeredC.has been volunteeredD.have been volunteered参考答案:B16.She is filial daughter and_over all of her money to her parents every month.A.makesB.putsC.turnsD.gives参考答案:C17.She loves her () city, which she regards as her second hometown.A.adaptedB.adoptedC.temporaryD.addicted参考答案:B18.Those who lost their husbands during World War were_war wisdoms.A.called asB.namedC.refered toD.spoken of as参考答案:D19.How well patients_with doctorsorders depends on patientspersonality.A.applyB.complyC.approveD.accept参考答案:B20.The lawn-mower broke_last month and it failed to operate.A.offB.downC.upD.away参考答案:B21.It is () that the opinions of students from different backgrounds converge.A.at this pointB.hereC.from this pointD.in this point参考答案:B22.The book is supposed_by an author of the 18th century.A.to be writtenB.to writeC.to have been writtenD.to be writing参考答案:C23.It was in Britain_he got his PH.A.whereB.in whichC.thatD.there参考答案:C24.I was impressed by his highly developed_of humour.A.ideaB.feelingC.senseD.emtion参考答案:C25.It is not an easy job for the teacher to () the books because there are 100 students in this class.A.distributeB.passC.sendD.disperse参考答案:A26.The_between the rich and poor regions is being bridge.A.spaceB.distanceC.roomD.gap参考答案:D27.We offer four courses, each () two weekly programmes.A.consisted ofB.made upC.consisting ofD.was made up of参考答案:C28.Only when you have collectd sufficient data,_cone to a sound conclusion.A.you canB.you willC.can youD.did you参考答案:C29.So () that nobody noticed it.A.the noise was faintB.faint the noise wasC.faintly the noise wasD.faint was the noise参考答案:D30.She loves her_city,which she regards as her second hometown.A.adaptedB.adoptedC.temporaryD.addicted参考答案:B31.If someone is competent for his job,we say he is_.A.worth his saltB.worthy of his saltC.worthwhile his saltD.worth salt参考答案:A32.She is so satisfied with her present job that she hasnt intended to_about finding another one.A.goB.searchC.startD.wander参考答案:A33.He insisted on his name_in full.A.writeB.was writtenC.be writtenD.being written参考答案:D34.A headache is an () pain.A.insideB.internalC.externalD.inherent参考答案:B35.The success of the plan is essential_our future work.A.to improvingB.to improveC.to improvementD.to be improving参考答案:A36.Getting off the bus,_.A.his purse wad lostB.he found his purse lostC.he found hid purse losingD.his purse was missing参考答案:B37.As far as I can see,he seems_some progress.A.hanving madeB.to madeC.makingD.to have made参考答案:D38.He failed to () himself to the new environment.A.adoptB.adeptC.adaptD.addict参考答案:C39.The two outlaws were so carried () in the spelling game that they forgot why they were there.A.offB.awayC.outD.over参考答案:B40.If I were you I_accept the invitation.A.willB.wouldC.mayD.should参考答案:B41.You have overworked yourself. () a holiday to relax?A.Why not to go onB.Why dont go onC.Why dont haveD.Why not go on参考答案:D42.His suggestion was approved by a(n)_majority in the company.A.overwhelmingB.countlessC.manyD.unlimited参考答案:A43.This () your first composition, Ill ask you to write a short one.A.isB.will beC.wasD.being参考答案:D44.Michael () wild when he went shopping in town for the first time.A.wentB.ranC.becameD.grew参考答案:B45.She can stay in her workroom for 10 hours without eating or sleeping, all her attention () her painting.A.focusing onB.focused onC.focusing inD.foused on参考答案:B46._objective tests,they ues “essay” tests.A.Along toB.In addition withC.Together toD.In addition to参考答案:D47.He was so_that he believed whatever he was toll.A.credulousB.incredulousC.credibleD.incredible参考答案:A48.() that happen, what () we do?A.IfshallB.SupposeshallC.ShouldwouldD.Hadshould参考答案:C49.More than one () the food in the canteen.A.student has complained ofB.student have complained ofC.student has complainedD.student have complained参考答案:A50.We tried to advise him not to do_, but he wouldnt hear of it.A.the impossible thingsB.the things impossibleC.the impossibleD.nothing impossible参考答案:C


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