九年级英语上册《Unit 6 Detective stories Vocabulary》教案 牛津版

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九年级英语上册Unit 6 Detective stories Vocabulary教案 牛津版教学内容:Vocabulary 课时:Period 4设计者: 审核:教学目标:1、理解并掌握本课时的生词。2、学会定义不同种类的罪犯与犯罪。3. 指导学生应远离犯罪。I课前预习准备:a.根据词汇表,自学下列内容1.犯罪及罪犯名称:2.本课生词:kidnapping shoplifting theft thief kidnapper shoplifterb.根据课本上的图片,熟悉犯罪的几种类型和几种犯罪的名称,并能自行完成练习。II.教学内容组织和教学环节设计一.教学重点和难点了解与犯罪及罪犯有关的词汇二.教学过程1.Free talk 2.Lead in1)教师提问What does Detective Lu have to do to find the murderer ?2)学生讨论并回答(回忆Reading 的内容)3)提问What is a detectives job ?3.新授1)呈现各种罪行的图片What are these crimes ?2)检查预习3)展示更多的犯罪行为,帮助学生复习上面所学的词汇.4)核对课本A部分的内容.5)拼读并记忆.6)引导学生说出实施这些罪行的人7)检查预习(课本B部分内容)8)拼读并记忆9)练习10).活动a.学生说出更多罪行和罪犯名称.b.对以上罪行的惩罚措施.4.家庭作业III.知识链接与拓展1.名词复数的变化.2.动词与名词的转变形式IV.知识的过关与检测一.学生应知,应会内容1.掌握有关犯罪和罪犯的词汇.2.Reading 中的重要单词,词组和句式的记忆和运用.二.常见习题1.根据中文写出单词1).Its our duty to catch _(罪犯) and protect our society .2).So far ,three _(小偷) have been caught this month .3).The shopkeeper called the police and reported that his shop had just been _(抢劫).4).I heard that the man of medium height over there was guilty of _(绑架).5).Many big shops now take actions to stop _(商店行窃者) from getting in.6).The man who is wanted _(谋杀) his uncle and ran away .7).Dont make any excuses for your _(偷窃).8).Its obvious that the victim was killed with a gun, but nobody saw the _(凶手).9)Therere many _(犯罪行为)in that city.2.根据所给单词的适当形式填空1). His body_(find) in the garden the day before yesterday.2).My food has _(go)_(miss).3).The story_(happen) last night.4).There _(be) many changes over the years.5).He _(charge) with _(break) into my house soon.6). By whom _ the young cook _ (kill).7). Why _ they _(kidnap) by you yesterday.3.单项选择( )1.If you _ ,you may call the police _ help.A. will robbed ;for B. are robbed ; toC. will be robbed; to D. are robbed ;for( )2.We call the person who was kidnapped_.A. kidnapper B. victim C. witness D. murderer( )3.Our Chemistry (化学) teacher Mrs Zhou is _ than we expected ,though she seems a bit serious .A. much more kinder B. more kinder C. much kinder D. many more kinder 教后反思及补救措施:


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