八年级英语Unit 1 Friends(I)READING I

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八年级英语Unit 1 Friends(I)READING I_第1页
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八年级英语Unit 1 Friends(I)READING ITeaching Goals To guess general meanings from the key words and context To skim text for overall meanings and scan for details To identify specific information about different people from their friends descriptions To use adjectives to describe peoples appearance and characteristics To recognize the use of paratives and superlativesTeaching ProceduresSTEP 1 Lets talking about your best friendsGet the students to talk about their friends. They may just say a few words or some very short sentences, but they are encouraged to speak out what they have already learned to describe a person. Then classify some of the words they used on the blackboard in different categories. 1. Who is your best friend in your class? He / she is 2. Classify the words into the following parts:appearancepersonalityabilityfuture plan3. Get the students to read the words on the blackboard together. STEP 2 Finding out the key words “In our textbook, three students has written (wrote) about their friends for a petition. Can your find their names as quickly as possible. “(Betty, Max and May) Read the passages, and find out the key words for each of the passagesBetty is _.Max is _.May is _.BettyMaxMayAppearanceSlimShort hairTall, poor eyesightGlasses smartSmall straight, shoulder length hairprettyPersonGenerous , Helpfula good sense of humoura true friendSpecialWants to be a singerfunnyKindSTEP 3 Choosing the best friendHave the students finish the exercises on page 5. Check the answers in pairs. Or Check the answers in class.STEP 4 Detailed study of the passagesRead the passages one paragraph after another. Ask students questions and help them take down the key phrases. Betty1. Is Betty the writers new friend? (No, they have been friends for a long time.)2. What does Betty look like? (She is as slim as the writer and has short hair. )3. What are Bettys personalities? (She is generous and helpful.) 4. How can we know she is generous? (She is willing to share things with her friends.)5. How can we know she is helpful? (She is ready to help people any time. She helps writer with her homework. She always gives seat to people in need on the bus. )6. What does Betty want to do when she grows up? (She wants to be a singer and travel around the world when she grows up. )Max1.What is Max like? (He is very tall- almost 1.75metres. His small, round glasses make him look smart.)2.Why does he have poor eyesight?(Because of working on the puter too much at night.)3. What is the characteristic (性格) of Max?(Max has a good sense of humour.)4. Why does the writer say so? (The writer never feels bored or unhappy when he is with Max. He tells funny jokes and always makes me laugh. )5. Do Maxs legs fit under the desks? Why? (No. Because his legs are very long.) 6. Why does the writer think Max is funny? (Because Max often knocks their things off the desks when he walks past their desks.) May1. What is May like? (She is shorter than the writer and is very small. She has straight, shoulder-length hair. Everyone thinks she is pretty. )2. What kind of friend is May? (May is a true friend. )3. Why does the write think May is a true friend?(a. She can keep a secret. When something worries the writer, he can always go to her. The writer can tell May anything. )(b. She is kind. She never says a bad word about anyone.)Have the students retell the passages, looking at the keywords on the blackboard.STEP 5 What makes a best friend?Have the students finish Part C1, on Page 6. Check the answers in pairs. OrCheck the answers in class.STEP 6 DiscussionWhich people would you like to have as your best friends Betty, Max or May? Why? STEP 7 Homework1. Read after the tape five times. Your parents signature is needed. 2. Finish the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.


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