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易佰分中小学教育1. My father enjoys _ newspapers _ breakfast.A. watching ;on B. seeing ; at C. reading ; at D. to read ; at2. He was born _ a winter afternoon.A. to B. on C. at D. in3. -_ there _ interesting news in todays newspaper? - Yes , there _.A. Is ; any; is some B. Are ; any ;are someC. Is ; an ; is one D. Are ;some; are ;some4.-_ will you stay there?-For about a month.A. How oldB. How longC. How manyD. How much5.-_was your mother born?-She was born in Shanghai.A. When B. What C. Where D. Why6.-Would you like _ apples?-Yes , please .Id like _ apples.A. some ;any B. some; some C. any ; any D. any ; some7.Shall we buy a present _ him? A. of B. for C . from D. to8._does Sandy usually do _ Sundays?A. What ;on B. How ;in C. What ;in D. How; on9.-_book is this?-Its _.A. Whose; mine B. Which ;my bookC. Whose; my D. Which ; mine10.The policeman is helping the old woman _ a heavy bag on her back. A. in B. with C. take D. on11.-_ is the young woman over there? - She is my teacher. A. What B. Which C. Who D. Where12.Dont play a trick _ him. A. at B. on C. to D. for13.He can see the garden _ the window. A. in B. on C. through D. for14.Can you _? A. give some milk for me B .give me any milkC. give some milk to me D. give any milk to me15.-Happy New Year! -_ A. Thank you. B. The same to you. C. Thats all right. D. Not at all.三.完型填空 (10分) Everyone in China 1 Mid-Autumn Day . It usually comes 2 September or October . 3 that day everyone eats mooncakes . A mooncake is a delicious , round cake . It 4 like the moon . There are many different kinds of mooncakes . Some 5 nuts in them , and some have meat and eggs . My friend Li Lei likes the mooncakes 6 meat . But I think the 7 with nuts in them are nicer . Han Meimei 8 the nicest come from Guangdong . 9 night , families often stay in the open air near their houses . There they look at the moon and eat the mooncakes . 10 delicious they are !( )1.A. like B. is like C. likes D. looks like( )2.A. in B. on C. at D. of( )3.A. in B. At C. By D. On( )4.A. look B. looks C. be D. is looking( )5.A. has B. haves C. have D. with( )6.A. have B. has C. with D. in( )7.A. one B. cake C. meat D. ones( )8.A. say B. says C. to say D. is saying( )9.A . In B. On C. At D. After( )10.A. What B. What a C. How a D. How四.阅读理解(20分)(A) Mr and Mrs Green have three daughters . They are Sue , Rose and Kitty .Sue is sixteen , Rose is twelve and Kitty is fourteen . Their father , Mr Green , is a teacher . Their mother , Mrs Green ,is a nurse . They love their three daughters very much . Sue ,Rose and Kitty all like fruit ,but they dont like the same fruit .Sue likes apples .Rose likes bananas . Kitty likes oranges .Now Mr and Mrs Green dont call their real ( 真正的 ) names at home .They call Sue “ Apple ” , Rose “Banana” and Kitty “Orange” .The children like their nicknames ( 绰号 ) very much .They often call each others nicknames , too .1. There are _ people in the family .A. three B. four C. five D. six2 . Mr Green works in a _.A. school B. shop C. bookshop D. hospital3. “Apple” is _ years old.A. 11 B. 12 C.14 D.164. “Orange ” is _ nickname.A. Sues B. Kittys C. Roses D. Mr Greens5. Sue doesnt like _.A. apples or bananas B. oranges or applesC. pears or apples D. bananas or oranges(B) At midnight at New Years Eve .people in Rome ( 罗马 ) and Italy ( 意大利 ) throw ( 扔 ) all the things they no longer want .The streets are filled with old chairs ,beds ,clothes and dishes . In Madrid ( 马德里 ) ,Spain( 西班牙 ) ,new year comes in more quietly ( 安静地 ) . People go to the main square ( 广场 ) ,each holding a bag of grapes .As the clock strikes ( 敲 ) twelve ,the people eat grapes . In Tokyo people eat noodles at New Years Eve. This food is said to bring long life. Early the next morning , some Japanese families climb Mount Fuji ( 富士山 ) . There they watch the first sunrise ( 日出 ) of the new year. In China , New Years food include ( 包括 ) a whole fish and a chicken . The chicken must be presented ( 呈现 ) with a head ,a tail and two feet to symbolize ( 象征 ) completeness ( 完美) .6.This story is about New Years Eve in _. A. Italy and Spain B. EnglandC. Japan and China D. Both A and C7. From the story we know that people in some countries bring in New Year By _. A. throwing everything B. playing gamesC. eating some special food D. drinking coke8.People climb Mount Fuji to _. A. ee the sun come up B. look at the starsC. search for New Years flowers D. watch the sun go down9.The people who hope to have long life from their New Years food_. A. are Spanish B. are Japanese C. are Chinese D. are Italians10.People in China eat _ at New Years Eve because they symbolize completeness. A. grapes B. noodles C. fish and chicken D. whole fish and chicken第二卷(分)一词汇(15分)A.根据所给音标或提示完成句子。1.All the children are _ / i ks ai t i d / at New Years Day.2.F_ is the second month of a year.3.We have a long _ ( 假期 ) in May.4.1st June is _ Day.5._ comes after Spring.B.用所给词的适当形式填空。1.He has a friend _ ( call ) Jack.2.How many _ ( month ) are there in a year?3.The play is so _ ( wonderfully ).4.People in the _ ( western ) celebrate Halloween every year.5.The little boys like soft _ ( drink ).C.用所给动词的适当形式填空.1.Thank you for _ ( give ) me the picture of Li Yuchun.2.My twin brother often _ ( dress ) up as a cool boy.3.May Day _ ( come ). What are you going to do?4.Id like _ ( drink ) some black tea.5.He and I _ ( not be ) busy now.二.补全对话(5分)Wendy: Oh Mary, what are you doing?Mary: Im _(1)_ as a ghost.Wendy: Do you want to _(2)_ Halloween?Mary: Yes, I do.Wendy: Its a festival in the west. My favourite festival is _(3)_. I like eating rice dumplings and other nice food.Mary: _(4)_ is it?Wendy: It usually comes in June or July. It is very _(5)_(有趣的). (1)_ (2)_ (3)_(4)_ (5)_三.找出错误并改正.(5分)1.We have a special party in October 31st. _2.If they dont give we a treat ,we can play a trick on them. _3.It is my one time to see the lion dance and I am very excited. _4.We often get many presents in Christmas. _5.We will celebrate Teachers Day tomorrow. _


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