中考英语复习 题型解读 题型四 情景交际试题

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中考英语复习 题型解读 题型四 情景交际试题情景交际 通读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。(xx年长沙)A: Hey, Peter! You look tired. 1 ?B: I didnt get enough sleep last night.A: Were you just doing your homework last night?B: 2 . Mountains of homework, math, chemistry, Chinese I didnt finish it until midnight.A: Poor guy! No wonder you dont look well.B: You know, less sleep is bad for my health. I am not as energetic as before. 3 ?A: Sure. I advise you to make a plan before doing your homework. First things first. And youd better do some outdoor sports.B: 4 . I am going to follow your advice. Thank you.A: Um If you are too busy on weekdays, just relax yourself at weekends.B: Weekends? No kidding. I have to take after-school classes at weekends.A: You do? 5 ?B: Because my parents want me to get into a good high school.A: Yes, I guess that is the reason. Perhaps you should talk to them and explain that health is the most important.B: You are right. Thanks for all the good advice. Ill try to talk to them. (二)(xx年衡阳)A: Hello! May I speak to Dr. Bruce?B: (6) _. Whos that, please?A: This is Alice. Dr. Bruce. Im not feeling well. (7) _?B: Sorry, I dont have time this morning. But you can e to my office this afternoon.A: OK. Lets make it 3:00 p.m.(At 3:00 p.m. in the Dr. Bruces)B: (8) _?A: I have a headache and a cough. And I dont feel like eating.B: (9) _?A: Two days.B: You may have the flu. Youd better take the medicine. And youll get well soon.A: I think I will. (10) _?B: Take the medicine before meals. Two pills each time and three times a day.A: Thanks a lot. Dr. Bruce.B: Youre wele. (三)(xx年昆明)A: Hello, House of Noodles.B: Hello, I want to order some food.A: 11 ?B: Id like a bowl of beef noodles.A: 12 ?B: A large bowl.A: Would you like some drinks?B: Yes, 13 .A: OK. A large bowl of beef noodles and a cup of coffee. Whats your address?B: Its 798 Jianshe Road.A: 14 ?B: Its 3988-4528.A: All right. Thatll be twenty-one yuan.B: Well, thank you. See you.A: You are wele. 15 . (四)A: 16 ?B: Yes. Id like to buy a pair of gloves for my mother. Her birthday is ing.A: OK. Here are some gloves. 17 ?B: Red. Its her favorite color. 18 ?A: They are made of cotton and feel very warm.B: 19 ?A: They are inexpensive, only 40 yuan a pair.B: Were they made in foreign countries?A: No. They were made in China. The products made in China have good qualities.B: Really! I am so proud to hear that. 20 . Here is the money.A: Thank you.(五) (xx年齐齐哈尔模拟)A: Jack, heres a photo of me.B: Oh, great. You are so cute. _21_.A: Yes. But now I am tall with long hair.B: You are going to finish your junior school this summer. _22_?A: I am going to travel to some big cities. _23_?B: No problem. I have ever been to many big cities. Beijing must be the first one you need to go. A: Why is it?B: _24_. Such as: the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven, Beihai Park ,The Great Wall at Badaling,Beijing Confucius Temple, and so on.A: Thanks a lot. I will make a good plan for it.B: You are wele. _25_.(六)A: Hi. Peter! Long time no see. 26 ?B: Pretty good. Glad to see you! What are you doing here?A: 27 . Shes arriving in 30 minutes.B: A pen pal from America? Sounds so cool! How do you know her?A: She is my aunts neighbor in New York. Weve heen pen pals for half a year. We often send e-mails to each other.B: 28 ?A: Almost in English. Because she cant write Chinese words. You know, Chinese characters are difficult for foreigners.B: 29 _ .After writing so many English e-mails ,your English must have improved alot.A: Yes, sure. And this time Ill be a tour guide for Helen. Its a good time to practice spoken English. 30_ ?参考答案(一)1. Whats up?2Yes, I was.3Can you give me some advice?4Sounds great.5Why do you have to take after-school classes?(二)6. This is Bruce speaking.7. Can I see you this morning?8. Whats the matter with you?9. How long have you been like this?10. What should I do?(三)11. What kind of noodles would you like/ What food would you like12.What size bowl of noodles would you like ?13. A cup of coffee, please14. Whats your telephone number/ Phone number, please15. See you/ Good bye.(四)16. Can/May I help you?17.What color do you like/want/need?What color does she like/want/need? /Whats your mothers/her favorite color?18.What are they made of?19.How much are they? 20.Ill take them.(五)21. You used to be short and have short hair. / You were short with short hair then.22. What are going to do this summer holiday? / Whats your plan for the summer holiday?23. Can/Could you give me some advice about it? /Would you please give ?24. Because it has many great places of interest./ Because there are a lot of places of interest there.25. Have a good trip! / Have a good time./ Enjoy yourself.(六)26. Hows it going? / How are you?/ Hows everything doing?27. Im waiting for my pen pal from America.28. Do you write letters in English or in Chinese?/ In which language do you write letters?29. Thats true. / Thats right. / So they are.30. Would you like to join?


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