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Made by LiMade by Li1. The young man has been _in the lake for about one hour. (swim)swimminga. The students have been _for the teacher for twenty minutes. ( wait)waitingb. I have _ English since I came to Canada. (learn)learntc. He has _ the lost backpack at last. (find)found d. When I reached the airport, the plane had _ off. (take)takend. The Greens some Chinese since they came to China last year. ( learn)have learnte.Have you_ the UFO in the sky yet?Yes. I _ it at nine yesterday evening. (see) seenf. Im sorry I cant lend you money. I_ up all of it. (use)g. When I got home, I realized that Imy keys in my office. (leave)have usedhad leftsaw h. Yesterday Mr. Li told me that the weather in the world_ warmer and warmer. (get)i. (Dr. White_ (come) into the classroom) - Good afternoon, everybody. - Good afternoon, Dr. White. j. At that time the little cat _ with a ball of wool. (play)is getting comeswas playing2. His idea isnt good. You are supposed to come up with a _one. (specific) a. Yesterday evening he got a _ gift for his birthday and it made him _. (pleasure)b. Id like to go to an _place to take my vocation. (interest)c. The veterinarian are saving the_ panda. ( death)specialpleasantinterestingdying pleasedd. I heard the snake was _. ( death)e. Do you know the program The_ Event Today? (history)f. How many _ music CDs are there in the school library? (class) g. Their _ speech made most of us improved a lot. (enjoy)deadhistoricalclassicalenjoyable3 . Most people were _ after they heard the story about the brave young girl. (impress) impresseda. The twin was _ to play in the water at last. (allow)allowed b. The teacher said that the blackboard _ after each class. ( clean) should be cleaned c. Children _not to play with fire. (tell)are told 4. He often practices _a car after supper these days. (drive)a. Have you considered _ to Beijing? (travel)b. Jimmy never minds _at home alone. (stay)c. You have to spend a little time _ your homework.(check)driving travelingstayingcheckingd. The actor have finished _the role in the play. (play)e. There were some kids _ TV in the sitting-room. (watch)f. This dictionary I think is worth _ . (buy)g. Do you feel like _ supper with the foreigner? (have)playingwatchingbuyinghaving h. After school they went home with each other,_ and _.(sing, laugh) i. There is some bird _ in the tree. (sing)j. _friends with them can make you happy. (make)k. Youd better stop _ the waste water into the river or it will be polluted more badly. (pour) singing laughingsingingMakingpouring k. My father is used to _ newspaper in the morning. (read) l. Please pay attention to your_. (write)m. The actor lost his weight by _a lot of exercises .(take) n. We all look forward to _ good results. (get)readingwritingtakinggetting5. Can the book _ to me tomor- row? (return) a. There are hundreds of trees _. (plant) b. The teacher said that the blackboard _ after each class. ( clean) c. Fruits _ up to eat at dinner in France. (cut)be returned to be planted should be cleanedare cut6. When our teacher is free, he often watches us _ basketball. (watch)a. Have you noticed him _ into the shop? (walk)b. When I went past the park, I heard many old people _there. (sing) c. You are supposed to help _the court at once. (clean) watch walksingingclean7._ a noise is a rule in the library. (not make)a. The weather _bad in two days. (not be)b._ late again. (not be) c. _ to call me as soon as you get there. (never forget) Not makingwont beDont beNever forget8. All of my family get up early _ to work on time. (go)a. It took them two weeks _ the examination. (finish)b. She prefers _hungry rather than eat hot food. (be)c. She used _straight hair. (have)to goto finish to be to have9. It _ . Dont go out, will you? (rain) a. What _ you _when the driver called you on the phone? (do) b. It sounds that Mr. Brown _ a speech. (give)c. I _for Kunming next week. (leave)is rainingwere doingis givingam leaving10. All of the homework _ been finished. (have) hasa. Two thirds of the teachers _women teachers. (be)are b. Four fifths of the population in that country _ Negro. ( be) are c. July with her parents _ shopping on weekends . (go)goesd. There _an athlete and two actresses on the train. (be) ise. Not only she but also I _ been to US. (have)havef. Ten kilograms _ not too weight. (be)ish. The weather in many cities _ getting hotter an hotter. (be) is11. It is said that the foreigner knows China _ . He thinks China is a _ country (good)a. What do you feel today ? I feel _ . (good)b. In the childhood I lived in the country- side _ . (most) wellwellgoodmostly That s all for this class Bye 2012,10


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