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-华南农业大学珠江学院毕业论文宋体, 二号, 加粗,居中。An Analysis of the Ecological Crisis Reflected in the Films of 2012, The Day After Tomorrow, Japan SinksTimes New Roman, 三号, 居中, 加粗。备注: 第一个单词首字母必须大写,所有实词(动词、名词、形容词、副词)的首字母大写,介词四个字母以上的(含四个字母,如between、 above、beneath、under、beside)首字母必须大写; 论文题目中涉及到书名、电影名、小说名必须采用斜体; 论文题目长度最好控制在18个单词之内,题目不宜过长,表达必须清晰,不能存在歧义。*晓晨仿宋_GB2312, 小三,居中。指导教师:李昭旭 (讲师) 系:外国语系年级专业:英语(英法双语)1班提交日期:2014年 5月10日 答辩日期: 2014年5月17日答辩委员会主席(签名): 评阅人(签名):仿宋_GB2312, 小三,下划线右对齐。二一四年五月十日Abstract:Time New Roman,小四, 加粗,缩进2个字符。Ever since human being emerged on this planet, they have been in conflicts with nature. The history of the development of human civilization is also that of mans increasing destruction of nature. As a result of science and technology revolution, humans gradually master the great technology and have power to put an end to all poverty, but they also possess the power to destroy the world, leaving it uninhabitable and lifeless. Although human being has created enormous wealth,butthese are achieved at the cost to their living environment. The past several decades have witnessed such great changes in the environment that various problems and disasters appeared one by one. Ecological crisis, such as soaring population, unbalanced ecological system and natural resource shortage, continues to pose great threat to the humanbeings survival and development. The notion that people are blessed with an abundance of resources has led to the misuse and abuse of the resource. This paper aims at e*pounding the alerting functionsof movies in politics, economy and culture by describing the ecological crisis in the films 2012, The Day after TomorrowandJapan sinks.摘要正文:Time New Roman,小四,常规,1.5倍行距。Key Words: Time New Roman,小四, 加粗,缩进2个字符。conflicts, ecological crisis, films, alerting functions英文关键词用Time New Roman,小四, 常规, 关键词之间用逗号。摘 要:宋体,小四,加粗,缩进2个字符。自人类出现始,人类就与自然处在相互冲突之中。人类发展的文明史同样记载了人类破坏自然的历史。随着新科技革命的产生,人类逐渐掌握了强大的科技和力量,这些力量足以阻止人类一切的贫穷,同时,也会毁灭世界,使其变成一个无法居住的不毛之地。尽管人类创造了前所未有的财富,与此同时,人类的生存环境也为此做出了很大的牺牲。过去的几十年见证了地球环境的巨大变化,各种各样的问题和灾难接踵而至。生态危机,如人口激增、生态失调、自然资源短缺等已对人类的生存和发展造成了很大的威胁。有人认为人类拥有了富足的资源,这种想法导致了人类对资源的误用和滥用。因此,这篇论文旨在通过对电影2012后天日本沉没中生态危机的描述,阐释生态危机在经济上,政治上和文化上的警示作用。其中,三部电影所反映出来的生态危机都能在人类历史中找到痕迹。因此,这篇论文将收集有关数据,为电影中核泄露、风、地震提供佐证。摘要正文用 宋体, 小四,常规,1.5倍行距。关键词: 宋体,小四,加粗,缩进2个字符。冲突 生态危机 电影 警示作用宋体, 小四, 常规,关键字之间用空格连接。. z.-CONTENTSTimes New Roman, 四号,加粗, 居中,目录要自动生成,尽可能在一页。备注:1、目录中一级标题为 Times New Roman,小四,加粗 ,二级、三级标题 为Times New Roman, 五号, 常规字体;2、目录中一级标题中第一个单词的首字母大写,其它实词的首字母均大写;3、目录中二级或三级标题中第一个单词的首字母大写,其它单词的首字母均不大写(专有名词除外)。 Introduction1II Ecological Crisis 12.1 Ecology12.2 Ecological crisis22.2.1 Causes of ecological crisis22.3 Historical scientific data of some accidents32.3.1 The Leakiness in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station of the Former Soviet Union32.3.2 The 2005 Hurricane Katrina32.3.3 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami3 Ecological Crisis in the Films of 2012, The Day After Tomorrow, and Japan Sinks3 The Alerting Functions of Ecological Crisis3 Conclusion3Notes4Bibliography6Acknowledgements8. z.-正文一级标题前用大写的罗马数字。Introduction正文一级标题,Times New Roman,四号, 加粗, 第一个单词的首字母大写,其它实词的首字母均大写Ever since human beings have set foot on this planet, their lives and development are tightly bound by their living environment.论文正文Times New Roman,小四, 1.5倍行距, 正文文本两端对齐,首行缩进2个字符。 Today, there is a growing awareness that the peace of the world is not only threatened by armed force, regional conflicts, and continual disputes among nations and races, but also caused by lacking the sense of ecological protection. The ecological crisis in the world has already started, and having a great effect on every country. The ecological crisis in the world is caused by many things, an increasing population, and overconsumption of natural resources, deforestation of the rain forests, fossil fuel use, and garbage created by humans. As counter attack, a series of severe environmental disasters brought mass misery to people. For e*ample, the nuclear leaking of Chernobyl was considered“the worst nuclear power plant accident in history, and is one of only two classified as a level 7 event on the International Nuclear Event Scale”1正文中文字没有超过四行的引用直接放在文中中间,不用斜体,并在右上角标上引用的序号。“Hurricane Katrina of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season was the costliest natural disaster, as well as one of the five deadliest hurricanes, in the history of the United States.”2 Men depend heavily upon nature in all rounds. However, they are likely to ignore II Ecological Crisis章节之间不用空行。“There is no doubt today that a major dimension of the present multidimensional crisis, which e*tends to the economic, political, cultural and general social level, is the ecological crisis, namely the crisis which concerns not the relations between social individuals, as the other dimensions of the crisis, but our interaction, as social individuals, with the environment.”3正文中超过4行的引用,需要另起一段,左右分别缩进4个字符,斜体。2.1 Ecology论文正文二级标题, Times New Roman,小四,加粗,第一个单词的首字母大写,其它单词的首字母均不大写。The word “ecology” was originated from ancient Greek word “okios” and “logos”, created by Greek philosopher Theophrastus (371BC-287BC). “Okios means home, not just habitation, but all living places.”4 “Ecology (from Greek: , house; -, study of) is the scientific study of the relation of living organisms to each other and their surroundings.”5The study of ecology usually aims to study where people live, which includes geology, plants, animals, water and how all these things interact with each other. Humans have been students of ecology as long as human beings have e*isted asspecie. The earliest hunters and gatherers had to know the habits of their animal prey and where to find food and plants. The future of their own species depends on how well people understand the relationship between organisms and the environment.2.2Ecological crisis“An ecological crisis occurs when the environment of a species or a population changes in a way that destabilizes its continued survival.”6More specifically, ecological crisis means environmental crisis.As Barry moner put it:The environmental crisis is a sign that the finely sculptured fit between life and its surroundings has begun to corrode. As the links between one living thing and another, and between all of them and their surroundings, begin to break down, the dynamic interactions that sustain the whole have begun to falter and, in some places, stop.7正文中超过4行的引用需要另起一段,左右分别缩进4个字符,斜体。如果是由一句话或者一段话引出,需要在那段话后面加上冒号,然后再另起一段,引出引文。2.2.1 Causes of ecological crisis论文正文三级标题, Times New Roman,小四, 加粗, 第一个单词的首字母大写, 其它单词的首字母均不大写。As John Bellamy Foster put it in The Ecological Revolution, “The roots of the present ecological crisis, lies in capitals rapacious e*pansion, which has now achieved unprecedented heights of irrationality across the globe”8(1): It never occurred to me that she was so dishonest.11我从来没想过她会这么不老实。(2): How is it with the sick man 12那个病人怎么样了.文中如果需要引用一系列其他著作中的例子,按照段落引用处理,但需要在例子前加上序号。 Badly polluted air can harm crops and cause life-threatening illnesses. Modern chemical farming is very productive but contaminates groundwater with nitrate and wildlife and people with pesticides. Such polluted water threats 2.3 Historical scientific data of some accidentsEcological crisis have increased in severity over the past decades, causing economic 2.3.1The Leakiness in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station of the Former Soviet UnionThe Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station is a large station made up with 4 sets, each 2.3.2 The 2005 Hurricane KatrinaOn August 28, 2005, Hurricane Katrina landed on New Orleans of Louisiana2.3.3 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunamiOn Friday, 11 March 2011, a magnitude 9.0 (Mw) undersea mega brought Ecological Crisis in the Films of 2012, The Day After Tomorrow, and Japan Sinks The Alerting Functions of Ecological Crisis ConclusionThe paper has shown the crisis in the film of 2012, The Day after Tomorrow, Japan Sinks, mainly focused on the crisis such as earthquake, tsunami, and hurricane and volcano eruption. In addition, three famous disasters, the leakiness in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station in 1986,the 2005 Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, USA, and the catastrophic earthquake in Japan, in March 2011, ever took place in history have been introduced into this paper. By analyzing the disasters of three films, a relation of ecological crisis between the film and the real accidents is easily to be found. The paper has also described the altering function of ecological crisis on politics, economy and culture. z.-NotesTimes New Roman,四号, 加粗, 居中。1. Brownell, Hiram H.,and Heather H. Potter. What Is an English Major, and What Should It BeCollege position and munication 40,1989: 5. (两位作者撰写的期刊文章)2. Cao Qian.An Interpretation of A Rose for Emily From a Feminist Perspective. *ian University of Posts and Telemunications. 2010(2): 6. (一位作者撰写的期刊文章)3. Frances E. et al. Professing Literature:An Institutional History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987: 128. (多位作者写的书籍)4. Glover, David. “The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of:Masculinity, Femininity, and the Thriller. Gender, Genre and Narrative Pleasure.Ed. Derek Longhurst. London:Unwin Hyman, 1989: 129-131. (合集中的一篇文章,且这篇文章由一位作者撰写)5. Graff, Gerald. Professing Literature:An Institutional History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987: 11. (一位作者写的书籍)6. Graff, Gerald. Professing Literature:An Institutional History. 2nd ed.Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987: 120. (新版书,或者是第几版书)7. Library Association, Library Association Guidelines for Public Library Services. London: Library Association, 1991: 13. (团体作者写的书籍)8. “Literacy on the job.” USA Today 27 Dec, 1988. 6B. (报纸中的文章,如果是中文,只需要将报刊名改为中文,加书名号,非斜体)9. Machado, A. Selected Poems. Trans. Alan Sheridan. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1988:13. (翻译书籍, 翻译者为外国人)10. Machado, A. Selected Poems. Trans.Zhang *iaoping. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1988:13. (翻译书籍, 翻译者为本国人)11. Miller, Mark Crispin. “Massa, e Home.” New Republic 16 Sept. 1981:15. (杂志中的文章,如果是中文,只需要将杂志名改为中文,加书名号,非斜体)12. Mohanty, Jitendra M. “Indian Philosophy.”TheEncyclopedia Britannica: Macropaedia. 15th ed. 1987: 190-191. (百科全书中的文章,如果是中文,只需要将百科全书名改为中文,加书名号,非斜体)13. Wells, Herbert G., Pat Sharpe and Heather H. Potter. “What Is an English Major, and What Should It Be” College position and munication 40,1989: 5. (三位作者撰写的期刊文章)14. 李玲玲.以女性主义解读献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花. *海事大学,2011(11):7. (一位作者撰写的期刊文章)15. 胡述兆,*祖善. “服务蓝图应用于馆藏管理服务品质改善之研究”. 图书馆与信息研究论集:庆祝胡述兆教授七秩荣庆论文集,胡述兆教授七秩荣庆祝寿论文集编辑小组编. 台北:汉美图书*,1996:120. (合集中的*一篇文章,且这篇文章由两位作者编写)16. 胡述兆,李强,*祖善. “服务蓝图应用于馆藏管理服务品质改善之研究”. 图书馆与信息研究论集:庆祝胡述兆教授七秩荣庆论文集,胡述兆教授七秩荣庆祝寿论文集编辑小组编. 台北:汉美图书*,1996: 120. (合集中的*一篇文章,且这篇文章由三位作者编写)17. 谢宝暖.“服务蓝图应用于馆藏管理服务品质改善之研究”. 图书馆与信息研究论集:庆祝胡述兆教授七秩荣庆论文集,胡述兆教授七秩荣庆祝寿论文集编辑小组编. 台北:汉美图书*,1996: 12-14. (合集中的*一篇文章,且这篇文章只由一位作者编写)18. 司徒达贤.策略管理.台北:远流,1995: 13. (一位作者写的书籍)19. 司徒达贤.策略管理. 第二版.台北:远流,1995: 15. (一位作者写的书籍,新版或者第几版)20. *筑生. 微分半动力系统的不变集. :大学数学系数学研究所, 1983: 2. (学位论文)21. 中华图书信息学教育学会编.*图书信息学系现况暨教育文献书目.台北:远流,1995: 13-18. (团体作者写的书籍)22. english.mep.gov./News_service/news_release/201105/t20110526_211221.htmBibliographyTimes New Roman,四号, 加粗, 居中。1. Brownell英文*以英语字母顺序排列。, Hiram H.,and Heather H. Potter. What Is an English Major, and What Should It BeCollege position and munication 40,1989. (两位作者撰写的期刊文章)2. Cao Qian.An Interpretation of A Rose for Emily From a Feminist Perspective. *ian University of Posts and Telemunications. 2010(2). (一位作者撰写的期刊文章)3. Frances E. et al. Professing Literature:An Institutional History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987. (多位作者写的书籍)4. Glover, David. “The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of:Masculinity, Femininity, and the Thriller. Gender, Genre and Narrative Pleasure.Ed. Derek Longhurst. London:Unwin Hyman, 1989. (合集中的一篇文章,且这篇文章由一位作者撰写)5. Graff, Gerald. Professing Literature:An Institutional History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987. (一位作者写的书籍)6. Graff, Gerald. Professing Literature:An Institutional History. 2nd ed.Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987. (新版书,或者是第几版书)7. Library Association, Library Association Guidelines for Public Library Services. London: Library Association, 1991. (团体作者写的书籍)8. “Literacy on the job.” USA Today 27 Dec, 1988. (报纸中的文章,如果是中文,只需要将报刊名改为中文,加书名号,非斜体)9. Machado, A. Selected Poems. Trans. Alan Sheridan. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1988. (翻译书籍, 翻译者为外国人)10. Machado, A. Selected Poems. Trans.Zhang *iaoping. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1988. (翻译书籍, 翻译者为本国人)11. Miller, Mark Crispin. “Massa, e Home.” New Republic 16 Sept. 1981. (杂志中的文章,如果是中文,只需要将杂志名改为中文,加书名号,非斜体)12. Mohanty, Jitendra M. “Indian Philosophy.”TheEncyclopedia Britannica: Macropaedia. 15th ed. 1987. (百科全书中的文章,如果是中文,只需要将百科全书名改为中文,加书名号,非斜体)13. Wells, Herbert G., Pat Sharpe and Heather H. Potter. “What Is an English Major, and What Should It Be” College position and munication 40,1989. (三位作者撰写的期刊文章)14. 胡述兆中文*以汉语拼音的顺序排列。,李强,*祖善. “服务蓝图应用于馆藏管理服务品质改善之研究”. 图书馆与信息研究论集:庆祝胡述兆教授七秩荣庆论文集,胡述兆教授七秩荣庆祝寿论文集编辑小组编. 台北:汉美图书*,1996. (合集中的*一篇文章,且这篇文章由三位作者编写)15. 胡述兆,*祖善. “服务蓝图应用于馆藏管理服务品质改善之研究”. 图书馆与信息研究论集:庆祝胡述兆教授七秩荣庆论文集,胡述兆教授七秩荣庆祝寿论文集编辑小组编. 台北:汉美图书*,1996. (合集中的*一篇文章,且这篇文章由两位作者编写)16. 李玲玲.以女性主义解读献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花. *海事大学,2011(11). (一位作者撰写的期刊文章)17. 司徒达贤.策略管理.台北:远流,1995. (一位作者写的书籍)18. 司徒达贤.策略管理. 第二版.台北:远流,1995. (一位作者写的书籍,新版或者第几版)19. 谢宝暖.“服务蓝图应用于馆藏管理服务品质改善之研究”. 图书馆与信息研究论集:庆祝胡述兆教授七秩荣庆论文集,胡述兆教授七秩荣庆祝寿论文集编辑小组编. 台北:汉美图书*,1996. (合集中的*一篇文章,且这篇文章只由一位作者编写)20. *筑生. 微分半动力系统的不变集. :大学数学系数学研究所, 1983. (学位论文)21. 中华图书信息学教育学会编.*图书信息学系现况暨教育文献书目.台北:远流,1995. (团体作者写的书籍)AcknowledgementsTimes New Roman,三号, 加粗, 居中。Many thanks go to Associate Mr. Li, my supervisor, who has read my thesis and offered valuable advice. I would like to e*tend my deepest gratitude for his continual patience and kindness. Without his support and instruction, I could not make my paper that plete.My thanks also go to the professors and teachers at the Department of Foreign Language. Thank you all for teaching and instructing me not only about knowledge but also the importance of how to be a good university student.Finally, I would like to convey my sincere thanks to my dear families, especially my parents. Thank you for being with me all the time and trusting me whatever I am going to do. Thanks for your support.Times New Roman,小四, 常规。. z.


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