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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-湖南大学考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.翻译题Joint ventures, in a number of cases, dont work out because the “people” relationships become unglued and/or the business cant be made profitable. With this in mind,international joint ventures should be structured to anticipate the worst contingencies. If this is done even though the contingencies dont occur, you can feel that your companys interests have been protected. Here, I would add an additional observation, namely, that a joint venture that did not work out may be profitable for the partners when broken up if the right decisions were made on the purchase of real estate or the acquisition of the right equipment. These assets may well be worth more when sold than when they were purchased by the joint venture when formed. This has been particularly true in Japan. If the breakup is profitable, then youll want to make sure that you get your share of these profits.【答案】在不少情况下,合资企业之所以不成功,不是因为人际关系不和,就是 因为企业不盈利,或是两者兼而有之。出于这一考虑,国际合资企业应该建立预测突发 事件机制。即便是没有出现突发性事件,这一机制也能发挥保护企业利益的作用。在此, 我想给出另一个观察报告,即:如果能够收购面临破产的合作企业的不动产或完好的设 备,不盈利的合资企业有望扭亏为盈。收购的资产再次被抛售时,其价值将远远高于收 购时的成本。这一做法在日本很受欢迎。如果破产是为了盈利,那么破产者也会从这一 过程中获利。2.单选题With most online recruitment services, jobseekers must choose their words carefully; the search engine will never make the correct match.问题1选项A.thereforeB.whereasC.providedD.otherwise【答案】【解析】逻辑关系。句意: 对于大多数在线委托招聘服务,找工作的人必须小心选择他们的话语,否则搜索引擎不可能找到正确的匹配。therefore因此;所以whereas然 而;鉴于;反之provided假如;倘若otherwise否则。3.单选题Opponents of affirmative action say the battle over the use of race in college admissions is hardly over, despite the Supreme Courts ruling Monday upholding the goal of a diverse student body. Higher education leaders overwhelmingly hailed the decision, saying it reaffirmed policies used by most selective colleges and universities. But some critics raised the possibility of more lawsuits, and promised to continue pressuring the Department of Educations Office of Civil Rights to investigate questionable policies. “Were talking about admissions programs, scholarships, any program, only for minorities or in which the standards used to judge admissions are substantially different.” says Linda Chavez, founder and president of the Center for Equal Opportunity, a conservative non-profit group.Others say theyll take their case to voters. “We have to seriously contest all this at the ballot box.” Says University of California regent Ward Cannerly, who helped win voter approval of Californias Proposition 209, which prohibits considering race or gender in public education, hiring and contracting. Because of that law, Mondays ruling had no practical impact in the state. “It may be time for us to .let the (Michigan) voters decide if they want to use race as a factor in admissions.” Connerly said Monday.Meanwhile, U.S. Education Secretary Rod Paige, consistent with President Bushs stance opposing affirmative action, said the Department of Education will “continue examining and highlighting effective race-neutral approaches to ensure broad access to and diversity within our public institutions.” Even Supreme Court Justice Sandra DayO Connor, in one of the opinions, recommended that states look for sessions in race-neutral programs being tried in California and elsewhere. While the ruling said admissions officials may consider race in the selection process, colleges and universities are not obligated to do so. “Ultimately in the debate, diversity is a choice, not a legal mandate, says Arthur Coleman, a former Department of Education official who now helps colleges and universities ensure constitutional policies.The public, too, remains conflicted, largely along racial lines. According to a January poll by the non-profit research organization Public Agenda, 79% of Americans said it is important for colleges to have a racially diverse student body, while just 54% said affirmative action programs should continue. In a Gallup poll conducted days before the ruling, 49% of adults said they favor affirmative action and 43% did not, with blacks and Hispanics far more likely to favor the practice than whites. And some educators doubt that with Mondays ruling, those opposing affirmative action will change their minds.For now, admissions officials and university lawyers are poring over the ruling to determine how or whether to adjust policies. While most tend to be closed-mouthed about admissions policies, may say they dont expect significant changes.1.What the critics said in the first paragraph amounts to the idea that( )2.Connerly insists that the Courts ruling should( ) .3.What is the attitude of the Department of Education towards affirmative action?4.Which of the following is TRUE about affirmative action according to the text?5.It can be inferred from the text that one of the major objectives of affirmative action is to( )问题1选项A.no admission policies based on race should be implemented.B.minority applicants based on race should be implemented.C.different standards for admitting minority students should be set up.D.selective colleges and universities should be punished for their discriminatory policies.问题2选项A.win approval from Californian voters before it is put in effect.B.be contested by the Michigan voters with an opinion poll.C.be applied in some states before it is extended to other states.D.produce the intended practical effect before it is widely accepted.问题3选项A.NeutralityB.ObjectionC.ApprovalD.Indifference问题4选项A.A vast majority of people support it.B.The minorities claim it to be a discriminatory policy.C.The minority students are more likely to welcome it.D.The Courts decision will certainly change peoples attitude to it.问题5选项A.ensure race-neutral programs are set up in colleges and universities.B.adapt the Supreme Courts ruling to college situations.C.formulate the right policies for college admissions.D.discourage the practice of racial discrimination in college admissions.【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.细节题。第一段:But some critics raised the possibility of more lawsuits, and promised to continue pressuring the Department of Educations Office of Civil Rights to investigate questionable policies (反对者们提出了更多诉讼的可能性,并承诺继续向教育部民权办公室施压,要求其调查可疑的招生政策)。故选A(不应实施偏向少数民族的入学政策)。2.细节题。定位至第二段Connerly 所说:It may be time for us to .let the (Michigan) voters decideif they want to use race as a factor in admissions (我 们也许应该让密歇根州的选民们来决定他们是否赞同将种族当做录取因素)。故选B。3.推断题。根据题干关键词Department of Education定位至第三段: U.S. Education Secretary Rod Paige, consistent with President Bushs stance opposing affirmative action, said the Department of Education will “continue examining and highlighting effective race-neutral approaches to ensure broad access to and diversity within our public institutions (与布什总统反对赞助性行动的立场(stance)一致,美国教育部长Paige说,教育部将“继续审查并强调有效的种族中立政策,确保公立大学(public institution) 招收学生的广泛代表性和多样化)。故选B。4.细节题。第四段指出:In a Gallup poll conducted days before the ruling, 49% of adults said they favor affirmative action and 43% did not, with blacks and Hispanics far more likely to favor the practice than whites (在判决前几天进行的民意测验中,49%的成年人说他们赞成赞助性行动,43%的人不赞成,黑人和拉美裔比白人更倾向于这种做法)。故选C。5.推断题。支持赞助性行动的人则是担心录取过程会出现种族歧视,因此才要求大学保证招收一定比例的少数民族学生。因此推断他们希望赞助性行为可以减少大学入学时的种族歧视。4.单选题测试用试题,请勿组到其他试卷中,过会就会删掉111问题1选项A.2B.3C.4D.5E.6【答案】C【解析】第1题:测试解析5.翻译题随着对知识内涵认识的加深,人类也从不同角度对知识进行分类。从某种意义上说, 对知识进行分类恰恰是建立在对内涵的理解之上的,分类原则本身也在一定程度上体现 出人类在不同社会经济形态下对知识作用的不同认识。我国曾一度按照知识的来源将其 划分为三类:来源于生产实践的知识、来源于社会实践的知识以及来源于科学实验的知 识。德国哲学家马克斯舍勒(MaxScheller)将知识划分为应用知识、学术知识和精神知 识三大类。随着知识经济理论的逐渐发展,经济合作发展组织对知识的分类成为目前最 具有权威性和流行性的一种。根据该组织以知识为基础的经济一书的划分,可以将 “知识归纳为四种类型:事实知识、原理知识、技能知识和人力知识。以上分类是从知 识使用的角度进行的,因而注重知识的实践性和价值性。为了更深地理解知识的含义, 并对其进行有效的管理,我们还可进一步将知识划分为两大类别:显性知识和隐性知识。【答案】With the deepening understanding the essence of knowledge, knowledge is classified from different angles. In one sense, this classification is based on the understanding of the essence of knowledge, and the classifying principle itself, to certain extent, reflects the different understanding of the functions of knowledge under different social-economical circumstances. In China, the sources of knowledge have been divided, for a time, into three kinds: knowledge comes from production practice, from social practice and from scientific experimentation. While Max Scheier, the German philosopher, holds that application knowledge, academic knowledge and spiritual knowledge are the three categories form the whole of knowledge. As the steady development of knowledge economy theory, the categorization of knowledge according to the Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development is by far most popular and holds greatest authority. As per the book Economy Based on Knowledge published by the organization, “knowledge” can be categorized as the following four types: facts, principles, skills and human knowledge. This classification is worked by considering the application of knowledge, thus more attention is paid to its practicability and value. However, to understand deeper the definition of knowledge, and carry out effective management, we may further divide it into two categories: visible knowledge and invisible one.6.翻译题“培根-Of Study (论读书)”Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight is in privateers and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some book are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention.Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. And therefore, if a man write little, he had need have a great memory; if he confer little, he had need have a present wit; and if he read little, he had need have much cunning, to seem to know that he doth not. Histories make men wise; pets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.【答案】选自培根论读书,王佐良先生译读书足以怡情,足以博彩,足以长才。其怡情也,最见于独处幽居之时;其博彩也, 最见于高谈阔论之中;其长才也,最见于处世判事之际。书有可浅尝者,有可吞食者, 少数则须咀嚼消化。换言之,有只须读其部分者,有只须大体涉猎者,少数则须全读, 读时须全神贯注,孜孜不倦。读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人准确。因此不常作笔记者须记忆特强,不 常讨论者须天生聪颖,不常读书者须欺世有术,始能无知而显有知。读史使人明智,读 诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩。7.单选题He was( ) to take over the duties and responsibilities of his father from an early age.问题1选项A.deducedB.dampedC.diminishedD.destined【答案】D【解析】固定搭配。句意: 他注定从小就要从他父亲那接过所有的担子和责任。Be destined to do sth. 注定要做某事。8.单选题Why the inductive and mathematical sciences, after their first rapid development at the culmination of Greek civilization, advanced so slowly for two thousand years-and why in the following two hundred years a knowledge of natural and mathematical science has accumulated, which so vastly exceeds all that was previously known that these sciences may be justly regarded as the products of our own times-are questions which have interested the modernm philosopher not less than the objects with which these sciences are more immediately conversant. Was it the employment of a new method of research, or in the exercise of greater virtue in the use of the old methods, that this singular modernm phenomenon had its origin? Was the long period one of arrested development, and is the modernm era one of normal growth? Or should we ascribe the characteristics of both periods to so-called historical accidents-to the influence of conjunctions in circumstances of which no explanation is possible, save in the omnipotence and wisdom of a guiding Providence?The explanation which has become commonplace, that the ancients employed deduction chiefly in their scientific inquiries, while the modernms employ induction, proves to be too narrow, and fails upon close examination to point with sufficient distinctness the contrast that is evident between ancient and modernm scientific doctrines and inquiries. For all knowledge is founded on observation, and proceeds from this by analysis, by synthesis and analysis, by induction and deduction, and if possible by verification, or by new appeals to observation under the guidance of deduction-by steps which are indeed correlative parts of one method; and the ancient sciences afford examples of every one of these methods, or parts of one method, which have been generalized from the examples of science.A failure to employ or to employ adequately any one of these partial methods, an imperfection in the arts and resources of observation and experiment, carelessness in observation, neglect of relevant facts, by appeal to experiment and observation-these are the faults which cause all failures to ascertain truth, whether among the ancients or the modernms; but this statement does not explain why the modernm is possessed of a greater virtue, and by what means he attained his superiority. Much less does it explain the sudden growth of science in recent times.The attempt to discover the explanation of this phenomenon in the antithesis of “”facts” and “theories” or “facts” and “”ideas”n-in the neglect among the ancients of the former, and their too exclusive attention to the latter- proves also to be too narrow, as well as open to the charge of vagueness. For in the first place, the antithesis is not complete. Facts and theories are not coordinate species. Theories, if true, are facts-a particular class of facts indeed, generally complex, and if a logical connection subsists between their constituents, have all the positive attributes of theories.Nevertheless, this distinction, however inadequate it may be to explain the source of true method in science, is well founded, and connotes an important character in true method. A fact is a proposition of simple. A theory, on the other hand, if true has all the characteristics of a fact, except that its verification is possible only by indirect, remote, and difficult means. To convert theories into facts is to add simple verification, and the theory thus acquires the full characteristics of a fact.1.The title that best expresses the ideas of this passage is( ) .2.The difference between “fact” and “theory .3.The statement “Theories are facts may be called( )4.According to the author, mathematics is( ) .5.According to the author, one possible reason for the growth of science during the days of the ancient Greeks and in modern times is( ) .问题1选项A.Philosophy of mathematicsB.The Recent Growth in ScienceC.The Verification of FactsD.Methods of Scientific Inquiry问题2选项A.is that the latter needs confirmationB.rests on the simplicity of the formerC.is the difference between the modern scientists and the ancient GreeksD.helps us to understand the deductive method问题3选项A.a metaphorB.a paradoxC.an appraisal of the inductive and deductive methodsD.a pun问题4选项A.an inductive scienceB.in need of simple verificationC.a deductive scienceD.based on fact and theory问题5选项A.the similarity between the two periodsB.that it was an act of GodC.that both tried to develop the inductive methodD.due to the decline of the deductive method【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.主旨大意题。文章通篇都是在讨论科学研究或探索的方法。2.细节题。第四段指出: The attempt to discover the explanation of this henomenon in the antithesis of facts and theories or facts and ideas-in the neglect among the ancients of the former, and their too exclusive attention to the latter- proves also to be too narrow, as well as open to the charge of vagueness. For in the first place, the antithesis is not complete. Facts and theories are not coordinate species.试图在事实的对立面和理论,或事实和思想中发现上述现象的解释看起来有些太狭隘,也会因模糊不清遭批评。 因为,对立面不全面,事实和理论不是同类的事物。第五段指出:A fact is a proposition of simple. A theory, on the other hand, if true has all the characteristics of a fact, except that its verification is possible only by indirect, remote, and difficult means. To convert theories into facts is to add simple verification, and the theory thus acquires the full characteristics of a fact.事实是一个提议,通过运用知识的源泉和经验而证实的提议直接而又简单。而理论,若是真理论,就有事实的一切特性(除非其证实只能通过非直接的, 遥远的和困难的方式方法),把理论转成事实必须用简单的核实,理论因此具有事实的一切特性。由此得出,选择A:后者(理论)需要证实。3.推断题。文章指出: 事实和理论不是同类的事物。因此 “理论即事实”的论断就是悖论。故B项正确。4.推断题。选项C推理演绎科学正确。5.细节题。第一段指出:Or should we ascribe the characteristics of both periods to so-called historical accidents-to the influence of conjunctions in circumstances of which no explanation is possible, save in the omnipotence and wisdom of a guiding Providence? 或者,我们是否应该把这两个时期的特征都归因于所谓的历史意外事件一一归因于客观环境中相似性结合的影响。这一点除非以指导一切的上帝的智慧和无限权利来解释, 否则难以解说清楚。因此B项:是上天的安排为正确选项。9.单选题Since the early nineties, the trend in most businesses has been toward on-demand, always-available products and services that suit the customers ( )rather than the company s.问题1选项A.benefitB.availabilityC.suitabilityD.convenience【答案】D【解析】固定搭配。句意: 九十年代早期开始,大多数公司就倾向于经营随需应变、随时可用的产品和服务。这样为顾客提供了 ,而不是为公司提供便利。Suit ones convenience 对便利。10.填空题Psychologists take contrastive views of how external rewards, from warm praise to cold cash, affect motivation and creativity. Behaviorists(1)research the relation between actions and their consequences argue that rewards can improve performance at work and school. Cognitive researchers, who study various aspects of mental life, maintain (2)rewards often destroy creativity by encouraging dependence(3) approval and gifts from others.The latter view has gained many supporters, especially among educators. But the careful use of small monetary rewards sparks (4)in grade-school children, suggesting that properly presented inducements indeed aid inventiveness, (5)to a study in the June Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.“If kids know theyre working for a (6) and can focus on a relatively challenging task, they show the most creativity,says Robert Eisenberger of the University of Delaware in Newark.“But its easy to kill creativity by giving rewards for(7)performance or creating too much anticipation for rewards.”A teacher who continually draws attention to rewards or who hands out high grades for ordinary achievement ends up with discouraged students, Eisenberger holds (8) an example of the latter point, he notes growing efforts at major universities to tighten grading standards and restore failing (9).In earlier grades, the use of so-called token economies, in (10)students handle challenging problems and receive performance-based points toward, shows promise in raising effort and creativity, the Delaware psychologist claims.【答案】(1)who(2)that(3)on(4)creativity(5)according(6)reward(7)poor(8)As(9)grades(10)which【解析】(1)语法题。考查定语从句。此空后的句子为定语从句,先行词为“Behaviorists”,所以应填关系代词who,引导修饰人的定语从句。(2)语法题。考查宾语从句。空后的内容为maintain的宾语,应填一个可引导宾语从句的词。而且上文的宾语从句“argue that.”也可以推断出本空填that。(3)固定搭配。固定短语depend on意为“依赖,依靠”,其名词形式dependence也需要跟介词 on。(4)语义连接。本文是在讲述奖励、表扬与创造性的关系,此句意为“但是小心地使用小量的金钱报酬能激起分级学校孩子们的 ”第一段中提到“destroy creativity”, 因此该空格处应填“creativity”。(5)固定搭配。According填在空格处, 句意为:根据一项个性与社会心理学的六月杂志的研究。(6)语义连接。本文讲奖励与创造性的关系,此句意为“如果孩子们知道他们在 为 工作。”显然,此空处应填“reward”(奖励) 。(7)语义连接。推测此句意为“但是如果奖励表现不好的, 或者制造过高的对创造力的奖励期望值,这很容易扼杀创造性。因此此处填poor比较合适。(8)语义连接。此句意为作为后一种观点的例子”。(9)语义连接。前句句意: 给平常成绩的学生打高分的老师,最终会使学生泄气。此句句意: 他指出,各大学在严格控制评分标准和恢复不及格成绩方面做出越来越多的努力。此处应填grade的复数形式。(10)语法题。考查定语从句。此空后的句子应为定语从句,先行词为“token economies”,故此空应填一个


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