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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-北京航空航天大学考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题BBCs Casualty programme on Saturday evening gave viewers a vote as to which of two patients should benefit from a donation. But it failed to tell us that we would not need to make so many life- and-death decisions if we got to grip with the chronic organ shortage.Being pussyfooting around in its approach to dead bodies, the Government is giving a kicking to some of the most vulnerable in our society. One depressing consequence of this is that a significant number of those on the waiting list take off to foreign countries to purchase an organ from a living third-world donor, something that is forbidden in the United Kingdom. The poor have no option but to wait in vain.The Human Tissue Authoritys position on the retention of body parts for medical research after a post-mortem examination is equally flawed. The new consent forms could have been drafted by some evil person seeking to stop the precious flow of human tissue into the pathological laboratory. The forms are so lengthy that doctors rarely have time to complete them and, even if they try, the wording is so graphic that relatives tend to leg it before signing. In consequence, the number of post mortems has fallen quickly.The wider worry is that the moral shortsightedness evident in the Human Tissue Act seems to in- fect every facet of the contemporary debate on medical ethics. Take the timid approach to embryonic stem cell research. The United States, for example, refuses government funding to scientists who wish to carry out potentially ground-breaking research on the surplus embryos created by IVF treatment.Senators profess to be worried that embryonic research fails to respect the dignity of “potential personsn. Rarely can such a vacuous concept have found its way into a debate claiming to provide en- lightenment. When is this “potential” supposed to kick in? In case you were wondering, these sup- posedly precious embryos are at the same stage of development as those that are routinely terminated by the pill without anyone crying. Thankfully, the British Government has refused the position of theUnited States and operates one of the most liberal regimes in Europe, in which licences have been a- warded to researchers to create embryos for medical research. It is possible that, in years to come, scientists will be able to grow organs in the lab and find cures for a range of debilitating diseases.The fundamental problem with our approach to ethics is our inability to separate emotion from policy. The only factor that should enter our moral and legal deliberations is that of welfare, a concept that is meaningless when applied to entities that lack self-consciousness. Never forget that the research that we are so reluctant to conduct upon embryos and dead bodies is routinely carried out on living, pain-sensitive animals.1.What has caused the chronic organ shortage?2.The expression “pussyfooting around” (Line 1,Paragraph 2) might mean( ).3.The moral shortsightedness is revealed in the fact that( )4.To which of the following is the author most likely to agree?5.The author is most critical of( )问题1选项A.A decrease in donation rates.B.Inefficient governmental policy.C.Illegal trade in human organs.D.News medias indifference.问题2选项A.unfairB.hesitantC.secretD.strict问题3选项A.the government has stopped the experiment on human tissueB.the donation consent forms are difficult to understandC.the Human Tissue Act is all obstacle to important medical researchD.embryonic research shows disregard for human life问题4选项A.The rich and the poor are equal in the face of death.B.More scientists are needed for the medical advancement.C.There is a double standard in medical ethics.D.The dead deserve the same attention as the living.问题5选项A.the mediaB.doctorsC.U. S. LegislatorsD.the British government【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:C第4题:C第5题:C【解析】1.细节题。第二段指出:Being pussyfooting around in its approach to dead bodies, the Government is giving a kicking to some of the most vulnerable in our society。因此政府行为加剧了可移植器官的短缺。B项(政府政策的不作为)正确。2.语义题。根据题干定位至第二段第一行,该处讲到“政府对待尸体问题,给我们社会中最弱势的群体一个打击(giving a kicking to)”,后面句子又讲到“它造成的一个令人沮丧(depressing)的后果是等待名单上很大一部分人飞到国外从第三世界捐赠者那里购买活体器官,而这在英国是被禁止的”。由此可知,“pussyfooting around”在这里应该表示的是“谨慎的,顾虑重重的”。因此,B项“hesitant(犹豫的;踌躇的)”正确。3.细节题。根据题干关键词“moral shortsightedness”定位至第四段:The wider worry is that the moral shortsightedness evident in the Human Tissue Act seems to infect every facet of the contemporary debate on medical ethics(更令人担忧的是,人体组织法案中明显的道德短视似乎影响了当代医学伦理学辩论的各个方面)。因此,C项(人体组织法案是重要医学研究的障碍)正确。4.态度题。A项(死亡面前人人平等),B项(更多的科学家需要医学进步),C项(医学伦理学有双重标准),D项(死者应该与生者获得同等关注)。第一段反驳了A项;B选项偷换概念,排除;D项文章没有体现。因此选项C正确。4.态度题。作者是对政府政策持批判态度的。因此,C项(美国立法者)正确。2.单选题I found it difficult to( ) my career ambitions with the need to bring up mychildren.问题1选项A.intensifyB.amendC.reconcileD.consolidate【答案】C【解析】动词辨析。intensify使增加,加剧;amend修改;reconcile使顺从,和解;consolidate合并,巩固,加强。句意:我发现很难让我的事业抱负( )抚养孩子的需求。reconcile with意为“使一致,和好,调解”,因此C选项符合句意。3.单选题The long-term fortunes of the modern economy depend in part on the strength and sustainability of the family, both in relation to fertility trends and to marriage trends. This basic, but often over-looked ,principle is now at work in the current global economic crisis.The decline of marriage and fertility is one factor in the global economic crisis. That is, one reason that some of the worlds leading economies from Japan to Italy to Spain to the euro zone as a whole are facing fiscal challenges is that their fertility rates have been below replacement levels (2. 1 children per woman) for decades. Persistent sub-replacement fertility eventually translates into fewer workers relative to retirees, which puts tremendous strains on public coffers and the economy as a whole. Indeed, one recent study finds that almost half of the recent run-up in public debt in the West can be attributed to rapid aging over the last two decades.Even China may see its sky-high growth come down to earth in the next few decades as its work force shrinks” because of its one-child policy, as Carlos Gavalle and I argued in a recent report, The Sustainable Demographic Dividend. By contrast, a recent Rand study suggests that India will have more favorable demographics than China” over the next few decades, insofar as its work force is poised to grow. In fact, the Rand study suggests that India may be able to use this demographic ad- vantage to outpace Chinas economic growth rates by the end of the century.Finally, its not just fertility that matters; its also marriage. At least in the West, children are more likely to acquire the human and social capital they need to thrive in the modern economy when they are raised in an intact, married family in the U. S. , for instance, children are more likely to graduate from high school, complete college and be gainfully employed as young adults if they were raised in an intact, married family.And around the globe, men are more likely to give their work their fullest effort and attentionwhen they are married; this is one reason men worldwide enjoy “marriage premiums” in their in- come, ranging from about 14 percent (Mexico) to 19 percent ( United States) to 35 percent (Rus- sia) .So, at least when it comes to men,research suggests that marriage has important implications for worker productivity.The bottom-line message is that what happens in the home does not stay at home; rather, the size of families,and their stability and quality,has important implications for the health of the global e- conomy.1.The main idea of this passage is that() .2.One reason that the worlds leading economies are facing fiscal challenges is that() .3.“.its work force is poised to grow”(Para. 3) probably means ( )4.From the passage we know that ( )5.According to the passage, all the following can affect economy EXCEPT ( )问题1选项A.women should bear more children in order to boost the economyB.both marriage and fertility affect a countrys economyC.marriage has important implications for worker productivityD.India will outpace Chinas economic growth rate by the end of the century问题2选项A.there is a global economic crisis in recent yearsB.there are fewer babies, and consequently, people spend less on many commoditiesC.people in these countries have fewer children than needed to replace the population for many yearsD.there are tremendous strains on public coffers and the economy as a whole问题3选项A.its work force pauses to growB.its work force continues to grow fastC.its work force continues to grow steadilyD.its work force grows slowly问题4选项A.children from an intact, married family are more likely to have a better lifeB.the more people a country has, the stronger economy it will haveC.the health of the global economy depends entirely on individual familiesD.men are likely to work harder when they are going to have children问题5选项A.the size of familiesB.the stability of familiesC.the quality of familiesD.men and women ratio within the families【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:C第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.主旨题。本文开篇指出:现代经济发展取决于家庭力量和承受力,也与生育和婚姻趋势密切相关。因此,B项(婚姻和生育都会影响一个国家的经济)正确。2.细节题。根据题干关键词“fiscal challenges”定位至第二段:one reason.is that their fertility rates have been below replacement levels (2.1 children per woman) for decades(一个重要原因在于生育率低于替代水平)。因此,C项(这些国家的人民多年来没有足够的子女来取代人口)正确。3.语义题。根据题干定位至第三段。第三段指出:中国独生子女政策使人口增长放缓,而印度人口还在快速增长,因此,C项(劳动力持续稳定增长)正确。4.细节题。第四段指出:当孩子们在一个完好无损的已婚家庭长大时,更有可能从高中毕业,完成大学学业,并作为年轻人获得丰厚的就业机会。因此推断, 选项A(来自完好无损的已婚家庭的孩子更有可能过上更好的生活)正确。5.细节题。最后一段指出,影响全球经济的其他因素还有家庭大小、稳定性和家庭关系和谐度,分别对应A、B、C选项,因此D项除外。4.单选题In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives play( )roles inraising children.问题1选项A.incapableB.indispensableC.insensibleD.infinite【答案】B【解析】句意:在中国家庭里,(外)祖父母和其他亲戚在抚养孩子的过程中充当( )的角色。A选项incapable无能力的;B选项indispensable不可缺少的;绝对必要的;C选项insensible无感觉的;D选项infinite无限的,B选项indispensable符合句意。5.单选题Please refrain ( ) smoking.问题1选项A.fromB.ofC.atD.against【答案】A【解析】短语辨析。句意:请勿吸烟。Refrain和 from搭配为固定短语,意为“制止,克制不做某事”,因此正确答案是A选项。6.单选题Email is a convenient, highly democratic informal medium for conveying messagesthat( )well to human needs.问题1选项A.adheresB.conformsC.satisfiesD.reflects【答案】B【解析】动词辨析。adheres坚持,黏附;conforms符合;satisfies满足,使满意;reflects反射,考虑。句意:电子邮件是方便的、高度大众化的用于传递信息的非正式媒介,它( )人们的需求。从语义上来说,B项和C项都可以,但是satisfy是及物动词,排除。conform to意为“符合,遵照,顺应”,因此正确答案是B选项。7.单选题Many reported that the general military message they received was that, as nurses, they were ex-pected to be( )strong.问题1选项A.empiricallyB.eminentlyC.emulouslyD.emotionally【答案】D【解析】副词辨析。句意:许多人声称,他们收到的一般军事信息是,作为护士,他们应该在 坚强。empirically凭经验地,经验为主地;eminently突出地,显著地;emulously好胜地,竞争性地;emotionally感情上,心理上。因此,D项符合句意。8.写作题Have you ever attempted to question academic authority in your learning and research process? What do you think are the appropriate attitudes towards academic authority? Write an essay of no less than 150 words to explain your opinions on this issue.【答案】A Critical Attitude Towards Academic Authority9.单选题When a disease of epidemic proportions rips into the populace, scientists immediately get to work, trying to locate the source of the affliction and find ways to combat it. Oftentimes, success is achieved, as medical science is able to isolate the parasite, germ or cell that causes the prob- lem and finds ways to effectively kill or contain it. In the most serious of cases, in which the en- tire population of a region or country may be at grave risk, it is deemed necessary to protect the entire population through vaccination, so as to safeguard lives and ensure that the disease will not spread.The process of vaccination allows the patients body to develop immunity to the virus or disease so that, if it is encountered, one can ward it off naturally. To accomplish this, a small weak or dead strain of the disease is actually injected into the patient in a controlled environment, so that his bodys immune system can learn to fight the invader properly. Information on how to penetrate the diseases defenses is transmitted to all elements of the patients immune system in a process that occurs natural- ly, in which genetic information is passed from cell to cell. This makes sure that, should the patient later come into contact with the real problem, his body is well equipped and trained to deal with it, having already done so before.There are dangers inherent in the process, however. On occasion, even the weakened version of the disease contained in the vaccine proves too much for the body to handle, resulting in the immune system succumbing, and, therefore, the patients death. Such is the case of the smallpox vaccine, designed to eradicate the smallpox epidemic that nearly wiped out the entire Native American popula- tion and killed massive numbers of settlers. Approximately 1 in 10,000 people who receives the vac- cine contract the smallpox disease from the vaccine itself and dies from it. Thus, if the entire popula- tion of the United States were to receive the Smallpox Vaccine today, 30000 Americans would be left dead.Fortunately, the smallpox virus was considered eradicated in the early 1970s, ending the manda- tory vaccination of all babies in America. In the event of a reintroduction of the disease, however, mandatory vaccinations may resume, resulting in more unexpected deaths from vaccination. The process, which is truly a mixed blessing, may indeed hide some hidden curses.1.The best title for the text may be( )2.What does the example of the Smallpox Vaccine illustrate?3.The phrase “ward it off naturally” (Paragraph 2) most probably means( )4.Which of the following is true according to the text?5.The purpose of the author in writing this passage is( )问题1选项A.“Vaccinations: A Blessing or A Curse”B.“ Principles of Vaccinations”C.“Vaccines: Methods and Implications”D.“A Miracle Cure under Attack”问题2选项A.The possible negative outcome of administering vaccines.B.The practical use of a vaccine to control an epidemic disease.C.The effectiveness of vaccines in eradicating certain disease.D.The method by which vaccines are employed against the disease.问题3选项A.dispose of it naturallyB.fight it off with easeC.see to it reluctantlyD.split up properly问题4选项A.Saving the majority would necessarily justify the death of the minority.B.The immune system can be trained to fight weaker versions of a disease.C.Mandatory vaccinations are indispensable to the survival of the populace.D.The process of vaccination remains a mystery to be further resolved.问题5选项A.to comment and criticizeB.to demonstrate and argueC.to interest and entertainD.to explain and inform【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.主旨题。C选项“接种:方法和含义”概括全文大意。其他选项不够全面。2.细节题。文章中天花的举例是在第三段中出现的,第三、四段主要阐述使用疫苗可能带来的负面效果,而A选项“管理疫苗可能带来的负面后果”与文章相符。3.细节题。第二段讲述的是如果接种疫苗,身体可以自然对抗这种疾病,选项B(很轻松地与之对抗)正确。4.推理题。选项B(免疫系统能够被训练来抵抗较弱的疾病变体)符合原文中心思想。5.主旨题。本文是科普性文章。所以D项(为了解释和告知信息)正确。10.写作题Directions: “The purpose of education should be to create an academic environment that is separate from the outside world. This kind of environment is ideal because it allows students to focus on important ideas without being held back bypractical concerns. ”Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Write an essay of no less than 200 words to explain your opinions on this issue.【答案】The Purpose of Education


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