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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-工商管理硕士(MBA)-考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题Tens of thousands of 18 year olds will graduate this year and be handed meaningless diplomas .These diplomas wont look any different from awarded their luckier classmates Their validity will be questioned only when their employers discover the these graduates are semiliterate(半文盲).Eventually a fortunate few will find their way into educational repair adult literacy Programs, such as the one where I teach grammar and writing .There, high school graduates and high school dropouts pursuing graduate equivalency certificates will learn the skills they should have learned in school. They will discover they have been cheated by our educational system.I will never forget a teacher senior when be had her for English .“He site in the back of the room talking to his friends “.she told me ,” Why dont you move him to the front row?I urged believing the embarrassment would get him to settle down, Mrs. Stifter said , “I dont move seniors. I think (使不及格) them.” Our sons academic life flashed before my eyes. No teacher had ever threatened him. By the time I got home I was feeling pretty good this .It was a radical approach for these times , but well. Why not ? Shes going to flunk you “ I told my son.I did not discuss it any further. Suddenly English became a priority (头等重要) in his life. He finished out the semester with an A.I know one example doesnt make a case, but at night I see a parade of students who are angry for having been passed along until they could no longer even pretend to keep up. Of average intelligence or better, they eventually quit school, concluding they were too dumb to finish.” I should have been held back,” is a comment I hear frequently. Even sadder are those students who are high-school graduates who say to me after a few weeks of class. ”I dont know how I ever got a high-school diploma.”Passing students who have not mastered the work cheats them and the employers who expect graduates to have basic skills. We excuse this dishonest behavior by saying kids cant learn if they come from terrible environments. No one seems to stop to think that most kids dont put school first on their list unless they perceive something is at risk. Theyd rather be sailing.Many students I see at night have decided to make education a priority. They are motivated by the desire for a better job or the need to hang on to the one theyve got. They have a healthy fear of failure.People of all ages can rise above their problems, but they need to have a reason to do so. Yong people generally dont have the maturity to value education in the same way my adult students value it. But fear of failure can motivate both.1.What is the subject of this essay?2.How did Mrs. Sifter get the attention of one of the authors children?3.The author believes that most effective way for a teacher is to( ).4.From the passage we can draw the conclusion that the authors attitude toward flunking is( ).5.Judging from the content ,this passage is probably written for( ).问题1选项A.view point on learningB.a qualified teacherC.the importance of examinationD.the generation gap问题2选项A.flunking himB.moving his seatC.blaming himD.playing card with him问题3选项A.purify the teaching environments .B.set up cooperation between teachers and parents.C.hold back student.D.motivate student.问题4选项A.negativeB.positiveC.biasedD.indifferent问题5选项A.administratorsB.studentsC.teachersD.parents【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.本题主要考查的是大纲规定的第一个阅读考点:理解主旨要义根据题干信息纵观全文。文章开篇描述了目前令人堪忧的高中教育状况。紧接着作者分别以自己的孩子和夜校补习班学生为例阐述了危机感可以激发学习主动性。由此可见,本文的主题与学习有关,且阐释了危机感激发孩子的学习主动性和积极性这一见解。据此判断,A选项“关于学习的见解”为正确答案。2.本题主要考查的是大纲规定的第二个阅读考点:理解文中的具体信息根据题干信息Ms. Stifter可定位在三、四段。三段1句提到:史蒂夫特老师通过亮出失败这张王牌来引起作者的孩子的注意力。而“亮出失败这张王牌”的具体所指就是四段5句提到史蒂夫特老师的回答:“ I dont move seniors. I flunk then.”由此推断,史蒂夫特老师引起作者孩子注意力的方法就是让他考试不及格,因此,A选项为正确答案。3.本题主要考查的是大纲规定的第六个阅读考点:理解作者的意图、观点或态度本题要求判断作者的观点,因此需纵览全文。文章开门见山地指出当前的教育状况学生的毕业证与实际能力不匹配,他们毕业后有了危机感才进行学习;针对这一现状,接下来作者以自己的孩子和夜校学生为例说明危机感可激发学习动力;最后一段作者提出:无论是Young people(年轻人)还是adult students(成年学生),危机感对他们都能够起到 motivate(激励)作用。由此可见,在作者看来,作为教师,最有效的教学方法应该是通过危机感来 motivate students(激励学生),故D选项。4.本题主要考查的是大纲规定的第六个阅读考点:理解作者的意图、观点或态度根据题干信息 flunking定位在四段5句。紧接着该句作者结合自己儿子的经历谈及对此的感受,其中四段8句提到作者认为 flunking(让学生不及格)的做法非常好( pretty good);9句则以反问句“虽然这种方法在这个年代有些激进,但为什么不试试呢?”的形式表明自己对于让学生不及格的态度是 positive(肯定的),因此B选项正确。5.本题主要考查的是大纲规定的第五个阅读考点:进行一定的判断和推理根据题意纵观全文。作者通过描述自己儿子和补习班学生之前对待学业的不同态度反映出老师在教学方法上的差异。前者的英语老师通过 flunking(让学生不及格)的方法调动了学生的学习积极性,而后者由于其之前的老师不负责而使其未能完成学业或学无所成。全文着重阐述了如何有效地调动学生的学习积极性,强调了教师的责任及其重要性。综上所述,C选项 teachers作为本文的写作对象最为贴切,因此正确。2.单选题The pianist played beautifully, showing a real( )for the music 问题1选项A.feelingB.understandingC.appreciationD.sense【答案】C3.单选题有三对夫妇:J和K、L和M、N和O在饭店聚餐。K、M、O是女士,其他三位是先生。每个人只点以下五个菜中的一个:猪排、烤牛肉、剑鱼、方头鱼、小牛肉。每个人点菜都要符合以下条件:(1)夫妇双方不点相同的菜;(2)三位先生所点的菜各不相同;(3) M点的菜是剑鱼;(4) J和N不点鱼类的菜;(5) 0点的菜是烤牛肉。以下哪项必然真?如果六个人都不点猪排,以下哪项必然真?问题1选项A.有一位先生点猪排或小牛肉B.有一位先生点剑鱼或小牛肉C.有两位女士点方头鱼。D.没有先生点鱼类的菜。E.只有一位女士点鱼类的菜。问题2选项A.J点小牛肉。B.K点方头鱼。C.L点方头鱼。D.有一位先生点剑鱼。E.有一位女士点方头鱼。【答案】第1题:A第2题:C4.单选题有三户人家,每家有一孩子,他们的名字是:小梅(女)、小媚(女)、小明(男);孩子的爸爸是老王、老张和老陈;妈妈是刘蓉、李玲和方丽。对于这三家人,已知:(1)老王家和李玲家的孩子都参加了少女舞蹈队;(2)老张的女儿不是小媚;(3)老陈和方丽不是一家人。根据以上条件,可以确定以下哪项是正确的?()问题1选项A.老王、刘蓉和小梅是一家B.老张、李玲和小媚是一家C.老王、方丽和小媚是一家D.老陈、方丽和小明是一家E.老陈、刘蓉和小梅是一家。【答案】C【解析】由(1)可知,老王和李玲不是一家,且两家的孩子都是女的,由(2)可知,老张的女儿是小梅,且老张和李玲是一家,排除A、B两项;由(3)可排除D项。故答案选C。5.单选题Wholesale prices in July rose more sharply than expected and at a faster rate than consumer prices,(1)hat businesses were still protecting consumers(2) the full brunt (冲 击) of higher energy costs.The Producer Price Index(3) measures what producers receive for goods and services,(4) 1 percent in July. The Labor Department reported yesterday. Double(5) economists had been expecting and a sharp turnaround from flat prices in June. Excluding(6) and energy. the core index of producer prices rose 0.4 percent,(7) than the 0.1 percent that economists had(8) . Much of that increase was a result of an(9) increase in car and truck prices.On Tuesday, the Labor Department said the(10) that consumers paid for goods and services in July were(11) 0.5 percent over all, and up 0.1 percent, excluding food and energy.(12) the overall rise in both consumer and producer prices(13) caused by energy costs, which increased 4.4 percent n the month. (Wholesale food prices(14) 0.3 percent in July.(15) July 2004, Wholesale prices were up 4.6 percent, the core rate(16) 2.8 percent, its fastest pace since 1995.Typically, increases in the Producer Price Index indicate similar changes in the consumer index(17) businesses recoup (补偿) higher costs from customers.(18) for much of this expansion, which started(19) the end of 2001, that has not been the(20) . In fact, many businesses like automakers have been aggressively discounting their products.问题1选项A.indicateB.to indicateC.indicatingD.indicated问题2选项A.ofB.toC.byD.from问题3选项A.thatB.whichC.itD.this问题4选项A.riseB.risesC.roseD.raised问题5选项A.thatB.whatC.whichD.this问题6选项A.foodB.grainC.cropD.diet问题7选项A.lessB.lowerC.higherD.more问题8选项A.saidB.reportedC.calculatedD.forecast问题9选项A.expectableB.unexpectedC.expectationD.expecting问题10选项A.pricesB.costsC.chargesD.values问题11选项A.downB.fromC.toD.up问题12选项A.MuchB.MostC.Most ofD.Much of问题13选项A.wasB.wereC.isD.are问题14选项A.fallB.fellC.fallsD.has fallen问题15选项A.Comparing withB.In comparisonC.Compared withD.Compare to问题16选项A.droppedB.declinedC.liftedD.climbed问题17选项A.asB.soC.whileD.when问题18选项A.AndB.ButC.YetD.Still问题19选项A.atB.byC.inD.to问题20选项A.conditionB.situationC.matterD.case【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:C第5题:B第6题:A第7题:C第8题:D第9题:B第10题:A第11题:D第12题:C第13题:A第14题:B第15题:C第16题:D第17题:A第18题:B第19题:A第20题:D【解析】1. 逻辑关系题。本题主要考查非谓语动词的用法。选项中的动词 indicate意为“表明,说明”,代入文中,本句意思是:“七月份批发价格大幅上涨这表明各个行业仍然在保护消费者”。显而易见, indicate的主语是前面整个句子的内容,相当于非限定性定语从句 which indicates。因此空格处应该填入表示主动关系的现在分词 indicating。综上所述,C选项indicating符合逻辑,故为正确答案。2. 介词搭配题。本题考查介词的搭配,需联系上文进行判断。空格处于that引导的宾语从句中,该从句意为:“保护消费者 能源成本提高而带来的全面冲击”。而D选项from与原文中的动词protect构成词组protect.from.(保护免受),能够表达“保护消费者免受冲击”之意,符合句意,故D选项为正确答案。3. 逻辑关系题。本题重点考查定语从句关系词的用法。空格所在句处于两个逗号之间,空格前为 The Producer Price Index(生产价格指数),而空格后为动词 measures(衡量),what引导的从句作measures的宾语,由此可知,空格所在句缺主语,而 The Producer Price Index与动词 measures存在逻辑上的主谓关系,因而空格处应填入定语从句的关系词,其代替先行词 The Producer Price Index作从句的主语。且由于先行词与定语从句之间有逗号隔开,则这个关系词必须能够用来引导非限定性定语从句。B选项which可以用于引导非限制性定语从句,符合题意,故为正确答案。4. 语法知识及词义辨析题。本题主要考查两个要点:动词时态和近义词辨析。根据所给四个备选项的提示,空格处需填入一动词,表示“增长,增加”之意,再根据句中“ reported yesterday”可以确定此处的动词应该用一般过去式。C选项rose是不及物动词rise的一般过去式,意为“(数量)增加,增长”。将其代入文中,符合句意,故C选项是正确答案。5. 语法知识题。本题主要考查的是名词性从句和倍数表达法。此处 double为前置限定词,后接名词表示倍数。例如: My fathers income is double what it was many years ago.(我父亲现在的工资是多年前的两倍。)四个备选项中,B选项what引导名词性从句表示“的数量或数目”,可以与 double搭配,代入文中意为“比经济学家预计的翻了一番”,符合句意,故B选项为正确答案。6. 词义辨析题。本题属于原词再现,同时考查近义词的辨析。本句的意思是:“除 和能源之外,生产价格核心指数上升了0.4%”。根据原词再现,从第三段末的 “excluding food and energy” 可知,A选项food(食品)为正确答案。7. 词义辨析题。本题考查形容词比较级的词义辨析。空格前提到:“生产价格核心指数上升了0.4%“,空格后指出“ than the 0. 1 percent”。由“than”可知,这里是将0.4%与0.1%作比较,而就上升程度而言,0.4%显然高于0.1%。C选项 higher是形容词high的比较级形式,意为“较高的”,主要用于形容数量、程度或水平较高。因此,C选项符合题意,为正确答案。8. 上下文语义及词义辨析题。本题属于动词的辨析,需要联系上下文语境进行判断和选择。根据前一句提到的信息可知,生产价格指数上涨的幅度比经济学家预计的翻了一番。而本句提到:“生产价格核心指数上升了0.4%,高于经济学家 的0.1%”。按逻辑推断,空格中所需的动词应该与前文提到的 expecting(预计,预期)意思相近。D选项 forecast意为“预测,预报”,符合条件,故为正确答案。9. 词义辨析题。本题主要考查同根词的辨析。本句想表达的是:“轿车和卡车价格 上涨是导致生产价格指数上涨的重要因素”。根据上文可知,生产价格指数的上涨高于经济学家的预计。由此可以推断,引起生产价格指数上涨的原因应该是始料未及的。B选项 unexpected意为”意料之外的,意外的”,与语义相符,故为正确答案。10. 词义辨析题。本题主要考查动宾搭配及名词的辨析。分析句子成分可知,that引导的定语从句修饰空格处所需填入的先行词。再结合句意,可知此部分想表达:“消费者为商品和服务所支付的 ”。因此,空格中所需的词作动词paid(支付)的宾语。A选项 prices意为“价钱,价格”,可以和paid搭配,符合句意,因此为正确选项。11. 上下文语义及词义辨析题。本题主要考查介词的辨析,需借助上下文语义推断。从本句后半部分可知,消费者为商品和服务所支付的价格,如果除去食品和能源两项,则增长了0.1%。由此推断,上句提到的总体趋势也应该是上升的。D选项up意为“向上,上升”,与下文的“up 0.1 percent”相呼应,故正确。12. 词义辨析题。本题主要考查词语的搭配及词义的辨析。空格所在句意为:“ 居民消费价格和生产价格全面上涨 由能源价格的上升引起的”,而本句后半部分 which引导的定语从句意为“而能源价格在这一个月里增长了4.4%”,此定语从句是对前文“能源价格”的进一步说明,说明能源价格上升幅度大,由此引起价格的全面上涨。再结合选项,这里要表达,“大多数的”全面上涨主要是由能源成本的上升引起的。C选项 Most of意为“大部分,大多数”,可与之后的名词短语 the overall rise连用,符合上下文语境,所以正确。13. 语法知识题。本题考查主谓一致和动词时态,需联系上文进行判断。从上文可知,本句所陈述的内容发生在七月份,是过去的情况,因此这里应该使用过去时态。另外,本句的主语是 the overall rise(全面上涨),属于不可数名词,所以谓语动词应该采用第三人称单数形式。综上所述,A选项was符合题意,是正确答案。14. 语法知识题。本题主要考查的是不同时态的用法,需要通过上下文语境进行判断。本题的四个选项均为动词fall(下降,降落)的不同形式。根据此句中的时间状语 in July(七月份)可以确定本句时态应该为一般过去时。B选项fell是动词fall的一般过去式,符合题意,所以正确。15. 词义辨析题。本题属于动词派生短语的辨析。根据选项提示,此处要表达的是“相比于2004年7月,批发价格上涨了4.6%”。而四个选项中,C选项 Compared with意思是“与相比”,符合题意,故正确。16. 逻辑关系及词义辨析题。本题属于动词的辨析,同时需要联系上下文语境进行判断。由本句前半句可知,与2004年7月相比,批发价格上涨了4.6%。句子最后提到:“这是自1995年以来最快的增长速度”,再结合上文中提到的核心指数的相关信息可推知,此处所表达的 the core rate(核心增长率)应该是上升的。D选项 climbed意为“上升;爬升”,符合原文逻辑,因此为正确答案。17. 逻辑关系及词义辨析题。本题属于从句引导词的辨析,同时考查上下文的逻辑关系。本句前半部分的意思是:“通常情况下,生产价格指数的增长预示着消费者物价指数也会发生类似的变化”。后半句意为:“ 企业最终会把增加的成本转移给消费者”。根据逻辑推理,前后两句应该是果因关系,因为如果生产价格指数增长,那就意味着企业成本的提高,而企业则会把增加的成本以更高的消费价格形式转嫁给消费者,让消费者进行补偿,结果就会导致消费者物价指数的上升。由此可见,前半句是结果,后半句是原因。A选项as意为“因为,由于”,引导原因状语从句,符合题意,是正确答案。18. 逻辑关系题。本题主要考查上下文的逻辑关系。根据本句的主干部分 that has not been the和最后一题的选项提示判断,本句的意思是说“这次物价上涨的情况不同”。可见,本句与上文为转折关系。B选项But(然而,但是)是并列连词,常用于表示转折,符合题意,故正确。19. 固定搭配题。本题考查介词与名词短语的搭配。空格所在从句的谓语动词 started使用了一般过去式,由此可知,本句的时间状语应该为过去的某个时间。A选项at与句中的 the end of,构成词组 at the end of,意为“在末/底”,可以用于表示过去的某个时间。代入文中,表示“在2001年底”,逻辑通顺,符合题意,故A选项正确。20. 词义辨析题。本题考查近义词的辨析。所给出的四个备选项均为近义词,结合这四个备选项,本句想表达的是:“然而,在2001年底爆发的这次物价上涨, 却并非如此”。D选项case意为“情况;案例”,用于表示某个事件或某种状况具体的、典型的事例。用于此处,表明2001年底的这次物价上涨与上句所表述的通常情况不同,符合原文逻辑。因此,D选项为正确答案。6.单选题提起极地冰,很多人眼前总是浮现出一幅洁白无瑕、晶莹剔透的景观。然而在北纬71度、西经168度附近的北冰洋海域,“雪龙”号首次驶入一片“脏”冰区,只见一块块淡蓝色的浮冰中间夹杂了许多脏兮兮的黄色冰块,这种黄色冰块,既出现在当年的新生冰块上,也出现在多年冰块上。对于“人类造成的污染已经殃及极地浮冰”的说法,有专家解释说这只是生活在极地冰中的一种特有生物:黄褐色的冰藻。如果以下哪项为真,能够反驳专家上述观点?问题1选项A.在新生冰块上形成冰藻需要多年。B.北极冰中有冰藻生长并不是普遍现象。C.近年来人类踏上北极冰的次数逐年增加。D.北冰洋周围的陆地常有沙尘天气。E.在北冰洋海域还生活着其他特殊的生物。【答案】A7.单选题My brother likes eating very much but he isnt very( )about the food he eats.问题1选项A.specialB.peculiarC.particularD.unusual【答案】C8.写作题Suppose you are invited by Professor Williams to give a presentation about Chinese culture to a group of international students. Write a reply to1)Accept the invitation, and2)Introduce the key points of your presentation.You should write neatly on the ANWSER SHEET.Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming ”instead.Do not write the address .【答案】Dear Professor Williams,I feel really honored to be invited by you to give a presentation to foreign students, and I think I can accomplish this task very well.In order to introduce Chinese culture to international students clearly, I intend to focus on two points in my presentation. On the one hand, I will attach my importance to Chinese history, for China is an ancient country with a long history of five thousand years. On the other hand, I would like to share Chinese customs, such as pay a New Year Call, eating dumplings on Lantern Festival, and so on.Thank you again for your invitation. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely yours,9.单选题小平忘记了今天是星期几,于是他去问 O、P、Q三人。O回答“我也忘记今天是星期几了,但你可以去问 P、Q两人。“P回答:“昨天是我说谎的日子。”Q的回答和 P一样。已知:O从来不说谎。P在星期一、星期二、星期三这三天说谎,其余时间都讲真话。Q在星期四、星期五、星期六这三天说谎,其余时间都讲真话。根据以上条件,今天是星期几?问题1选项A.星期一。B.星期二。C.星期四。D.星期五E.星期日。【答案】C【解析】C,若p说谎话是在周一周三,说真话在周四,Q说假话在周四周六,真话在周日,若要同时成立,重叠部分为周四。10.单选题While fossil fuels- coal, oil, gas- still generate roughly 85 percent of the worlds energy supply, its clearer than ever that the future belongs to renewable sources such as wind and solar. The move to renewables is picking up momentum around the world: They now account for more than half of new power sources going on line.Some growth stems from a commitment by governments and farsighted Business to fund cleaner energy sources. But increasingly the stories about the plummeting prices of renewables, especially wind and solar. The cost of solar panels has dropped by 80 percent and the cost of wind turbines by close to one-third in the past eight years.In many parts of the world renewable energy is already a principal energy source. In Scotland, for example, wind turbines provide enough electricity to power 95 percent of homes. While the rest of the world takes the lead, notably China and Europe, the United States is also seeing a remarkable shift. In March, for the first time, wind and solar power accounted for more than 10 percent of the power generated in the US, reported the US Energy Information Administration.President Trump has underlined fossil fuels especially coalas the path to economic growth. In a recent speech in Iowa, he dismissed wind power as an unreliable energy source. But that message did not play well with many in Iowa, where wind turbines dot the fields and provide 36 percent of the states electricity generation and where tech giants like Microsoft are being attracted by the availability of clean energy to power their data centers.The question “what happens when the wind doesnt blow or the sun doesnt shine? has provided a quick put-down for skeptics. But a boost in the storage-capacity of batteries is making their ability to keep power flowing around the clock more likely.The advance is driven in part by vehicle manufacturers, who are placing big bets on battery-powered electric vehicles. Although electric cars are still a rarity on roads now, this massive investment could change the picture rapidly in coming years.While theres a long way to go, the trend lines for renewables are spiking. The pace of change in energy sources appears to be speeding up perhaps: just in time to have a meaningful effect in slowing climate change. What Washington does-or doesnt do- to promote alternative energy may mean less and less a time of a global shift in thought.1.The word plummeting(Line 3,Para.2) is closest in meaning to( ).2.According to Paragraph 3, the use of renewable energy in America( ).3.It can be learned that in Iowa,( ).4.Which of the following is true about clean energy according to Paragraphs 5&6?5.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that renewable energy( ).问题1选项A.stabilizingB.changingC.fallingD.rising问题2选项A.is progressing notablyB.is as extensive as in EuropeC.faces many challengesD.has proved to be impractical问题3选项A.wind is a widely used energy sourceB.wind energy has replaced fossil fuelsC.tech giants are investing in clean energyD.there is a shortage of clean energy supply问题4选项A.Its application has boosted battery storage.B.It is commonly used in car manufacturing.C.Its continuous supply is becoming a reality.D.Its sustainable exploitation will remain difficult.问题5选项A.will bring the US closer to other countriesB.will accelerate global environmental changeC.is not really encouraged by the US governmentD.is not competitive enough with regard to its cost【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:A第4题:C第5题:C【解析】1.词义题。第二段第二句提到关键词,下文中第三句解释到“The cost of solar panels has dropped by 80 percent and the cost of wind turbines by close to one-third in the past eight years”,在过去的八年里,太阳能电池板的成本下降了80%,风力涡轮机的成本下降了近三分之一,可知the plummeting prices of renewables是说再生能源价格大幅下降。因此C选项“下降”符合题意。A选项“稳定”,B选项“改变”,D选项“上升”均不符合语义。2.事实细节题。由关键词the use of renewable energy in America定位到文章第三段第三句“While the rest of the world takes the lead, notably China and Europe, the United States is also seeing a remarkable shift”,其他国家已处于领先地位,美国也发生着显著变化。这说的是美国使用可再生能源的轻。后面第四句直接引用数据说明变化情况。因此A 选项“正取得显著进展”符合题意。3.事实细节题。由关键词in Iowa定位到文章第四段第二、三句,第三句说到“But that message did not play well with many in Iowa, where wind turbines dot the fields power their data centers”,讲述了风能在爱荷华州的大力发展,因此A选项“风能是一种被广泛使用的能源”符合题意。4.判断推理题。第五段第二句说到电池存储容量的提高,使持续供电逐渐成为可能,即“清洁能源的持续供应即将成为现实”。与C选项相符合;第六段第二句说到电动汽车如今还是很少出现在道路上,可知清洁能源还未在汽车制造业普遍使用,因此B选项与原文相反;第五段第二句说到“keep power flowing around the clock more likely”,让电池昼夜持续供电越来越成为可能,这一点与D选项表述的“difficult”相反;第六段第一句说到电池存储容量的提高部分源于汽车制造商们的推动,并不是A选项说的“清洁能源的应用”。因此C选项符合题意。5.判断推理题。A选项在最后一段未提及;B选项对应第二句“能源的变化速度能对减缓其后变化产生积极影响”,但并不是“加速气候变化”,排除B选项;C选项对应第三句,句中用两个破折号表示强调,暗示美国政府有可能在这方面不作为,因此C选项是合理推断。D选项也属于未提及内容。因此C选项正确。


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