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2013年版新课标英语八年级上册UNIT1单元练习题一 中英互译。(10分)1.someone important _ 2. I wonder _3. of course _ 4.have a fun time _5.the top of the hill _ 6.好久不见!_7.大多数时间_ 8.特别的东西_9.一碗饭_ 10.在过去_二 单项选择题(每个1分,共40分)( )1._didi you go on vacation ? A . When B. What C Where ( )2.We _ to summer camp last month . A. go B . went C. goes ( )3.I went to GuiZhou _my family . A.with B. to C. for ( )4._ Helen finish her homework last night ? A. Does B. Did C. Was ( )5.We took _photos there . A. a quite few B. quite few C. quite a few ( )6.Rick and I _at home yesterday . A. are B.was C.were ( )7.I was _with my friends last month . A. on vacation B. in vacation C. for vacation ( )8.my father often _bike to t the shop every Sunday . A.rides B. rided C.ride ( ) 9.We sometimes _ football in that park on weekend. A. plays B. played C.play( )10.do you want to _with me ? A.go to shopping B.go shopping C.goes shopping ( )11. you and Julie should finish this work _. A.yourself B. yourselves C.myself ( )12.Everything _ really good ! A. tases B.taste C.tastes to ( )13.Did she buy anything _her friend ? A. to B. for C. in ( )14.Did Helen _your vacation ? A. liked B. likes C. like ( )15.Did you finish your hometwork ? A. No , I did . B. Yes , I do . C. No, I did not .( )16.We decide _to the beach near our hotel . A. go B. to go C. to ( ) 17.I arrived _the city on time . A. in B. at C. on ( )18.It was so _! A.excited B.exciting C. excite ( )19._the old buildings are still very beautiful ! A.Much of B. Many of C. Many to ( )20.I really enjoy _ around the town ! A. to walk B. walk C.walking ( )21._ a nice day it is ! A How B. What C.What to ( )22. _delicious the food is ! A. How B. What C. What a ( )23.There are _people in the supermarket . A. too much B. too many C. much too ( )24.We didnt go to the movies _the bad weather . A. because B.because of C. because for ( )25.It started _soon ! A.raining B.to rain C.rain ( )26.There is only _water in the bottle . A. a few B .quite a few C. a little ( )27.The weather was hoe and wet _Monday . A. on B in C. to ( )28.We forgot _bring our umbrellas ! A. bringing B.to bring C.bring ( )29.Dont talk ! I have _important to tell you . A.something B.anything C.nothing ( )30.The old man is ill and he doesnt feel like _. A.to eat something B. to eat anything C.eaiting anything ( )31.Last week , I didnt go to the book store , Tom didnt go there , _. A.too B.also C.either( )32.Youd better not read todays newspaperbecause there is _in it . A.something interesting B.anything new C.nothing special( )33. I dont understand the story though there are _new words in it . A. few B. little C. a few ( )_34._is waiting for you at the gate . he wants to say thanks to you . A.somebody B.Nobody C.anybody ( )35._went hiking last weekend because of the bad weather . A. No one B.someone C.Everyone ( )36.Would you like _to drink ? A.something B.anything C.nothing ( )37.-A latest Yangzhou Daily , please !- -Only one copy left. Would you like to have _,sir ? A.one B . it C.this ( )38.-Can you speak English ? -Yes , but only _. A.much . B. a little C. a lot of ( )39. Theres _with your watch , Time is not right . A.anything wrong B. nothing wrong C.something wroing ( )40.My father has two brothers , One is a worker , _is a driver . A. another B.the other C.others 三 用括号内给出的动词的适当形式填空。(5分)1. I _( have ) a good time with my family in that city last year.2. _Helen often _(go )shopping on Sundays ? 3. Tony _( not finish ) his homework on time yesterday .4. _your parents _( buy ) you a gift for your last birthday ?5. my father often _( ride ) his bike to work .四 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。( 5分) 1. She has _( 很多 ) money , but she usually doesnt buy things 2.I went to Guizhou _( 和。一起 ) my family . 3. I just _ (呆)at home most of the time to read and relax . 4. We finally decide to _( 乘搭 ) the train . 5. The food _( 品尝起来 ) good !五 情景对话(5分)(一) A: Hello, Jim! Are you _1_ well? B: No, not really. A: Whats the matter? B: Nothing_2_.I just have a _3_ cough. A: Im sorry to hear that. Have you _4_ any pills? B: Yes, I have. But now I _5_ cough. I _6_ I would go to see a _7_ today but I am quite _8_ . I havent finished my report. A: This afternoon Ill be _9_ . You may go to see a doctor and Ill write the report _10_. B: Thank you. A: Thats OK . I hope that youll feel better soon. 1_ 2 _ 3 _4 _5 _6_7_8 _ 9_1-_六 五。改错题( 5分)七 完形填空。(10分)A birthday party Mrs. Green s birthday was on April 11, She celebrated it every year and had a little birthday party with her friends . This year they _1_ to a new city . Mrs. Green wanted to hold a big party for her birthday . She wanted to invite some _2_friends .She was beginning to write the invitation when Mr . Green saw that she was _3_”Party : 6:30to 8:30”, “That s not very nice . “ he said . “You are _4_our guests that they must go home at 8:30.”So Mrs Green _5_over and just wrote “Party :6:30pm.” That day a lot of guests came to the party , and they took some presents to Mrs .Green .The party was very excited . They sang and danced . and they drank and laughed . They all had a good time . They _6_go home at 8:30. In fact , they were still there at midnight when a policeman _7_,He said ,”You must stop making noise , because someone has_8_.”. So everybody had to go home . Mrs . Green was _9_. She asked Mr. Green ,”Who complained about the noise ? “ I did , “ Mr. Green answered in a _10_voice . ( )1. A. moved B. came C.went D. arrived ( )2. A.old B. strange C. new D.good ( )3.A.reading B.writing C.saying D.telling ( )4.A.saying B.telling C.talking D.speaking ( )5.A.went B.thought C.turn D.take ( )6.A.didnt B.wasnt C.doesnt D.isnt ( )7.A.reached B.arrived C.got D.arrived in ( )8A. .complained B.said C.answered D.asked ( )9.A.happy B.surprised C.afraid D.excited ( )10.A.excited B.sad C.tired D.angry 八 阅读理解( 10分) Exercise is wise All of us may hear many times that exercise is good for us . Experts say that people should have 60 minutes or more of moderate physical exercise each day . Here re some of the reasons: *Exercise can help us look better . It is one of the most important parts of keeping our body at a healthy weight . *exercise helps us get less chance of having diseases , Studies show that exercise , like jumping ,running and swimming can impove our immunity . *Exercise is also good for our mind . It can help use to sleep better . It can also put us in a good mood . If youre having exercise new , try to keep it up . If you didnt like exercise before , t ry to start from now on . *Spend more time playing sports and less time watching sports .Every weekend there are dozens of football and basketball games on television. Its OK to watch one or two , but dont forget to go outside and play , maybe throw a football around or schoot some baskets . Thats the way to stay healthy and become a bteer athlete. Dont be one of those video-games kids who think that Backyard Baseball and Madden NFL football are actual sports .* If you join some sports clubs , you can make new friends and feel the team sport. Please Remember to come on and have fun .( )1. What does the underlined word mean ? A.Few B. Little C. Many D. Several ( )2.Why is exercise good for our mind ? A.It can make us happy and relaxec B. It can help us to sleep less . C.It can help us to memorize some things . D. It can make us want to sleep .( )3.What are the Backyard Baseball and Madden NFL football ? A. The actual sports B. Computer games C.The films D.The courses ( )4.Which of the following is NOT true ? A. Exercise can help us keep healthy .B. Exercise helps us get more chance of having diseases C. Exercise can help us to sleep better .D. Spend more time playing sports and less time watching sports ( )5.Whats the main idea of the passage ? A.It s about why we exercise . B.Its about how to exercise . C. It is about how to join the clubs D.Both A and B. Body color (保护色) Do you know why different animals or pests have their special colors ? Colors in them seem to be used mainly to pretect themselves . Some birds like eating locusts , but birds cannt easily catch them . Why ? It is because locusts change their colors together with the change of the colors of crops . When crops are green , locusts look green . But as the harvest time comes , locusts change to the same brown color as crops have . Some other pests with different colors from plants are easily found and eaten by others . So they have to hide themselves fro lives and appear only at night . If you study the animal life , youll find the main use of coloring is to protect themselves . Bears , loins , and other animals move quietly through forests . They cannt be easily seen by hunters . This is because they have the colors much like the trees . They can often hide in the trees and catch some other little animals .Have you ever noticed and even strangers act ? A kinf of fish in the sea can send out a kind of very black liquid when it faces danger . While the liquid spreads over , its enemies cannot find it .And it immediately swims away. So it has lived up to new though it is not strong at all .( )1. From the passage we learn that locusts _. A.are small animals B.are easily found by birds C.are dangerous to their ememies D.change their colors to protect themselves ( )2.How can pests with different colors from plants keep our of danger ? A.They run away quickly . B. They have the colors much like their ememies C.They hide themselves by day and appear at night . D.They have to moce quietly .( )3.Why can;t the hunters see the bears , lions ? Because _A. they have the colors much like the tress .B. they moce quietly C. they like brown and gray colors D. they live in forests ( )4.Why can the kind of fish live up to now ? A.Because it is very strong B.Because the liquid it sends out can help it escape from its ememies. C.Because the liquid it sents out can kill its enemies . D.Because it swims faster than any other fish .( )5.Which is the best title for this passage ?A. The Change of Color for Animals and Fests B. Colors of Different Animals and Fests C. The Main Use of Colors for Animals and pests D. Some Animals and Pests 九 书面表达(10分)请根据下列所给的信息提示, 以 “ How to keep healthy” 为题写一篇70个词左右的短文.提示: 1. No sports, no life.生命在于运动. 2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一个苹果,医生远离我 3. famous proverb 名言_


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