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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她北京交通大学22春“公共课”大学英语1在线作业一含答案参考一.综合考核(共30题)1.When are they _ in their plan?A.handB.handedC.to handD.give参考答案:C2.“Im sorry to have kept you waiting.” “Oh, not at all. I _ here only a few minutes.”A.have beenB.had beenC.wasD.will参考答案:A3.If you study hard, you _ the examination.A.has passedB.are passingC.have passedD.will pass参考答案:D4.On the ground _ a dead snake.A.did lieB.did layC.laidD.lay参考答案:D5.Mark often attempts to escape _ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.A.having been finedB.to have been finedC.to be finedD.being fined参考答案:D6.Seeing the police coming, away _ .A.the thieves ranB.had the thieves runC.ran the thievesD.did the thieves run参考答案:C7.It was _ the instruments were handled.A.with great careB.greatly careC.with great care thatD.carefully参考答案:C8.That factory _ nearly 50 years ago.A.has been builtB.had builtC.was builtD.has built参考答案:C9.The problem of housing _ lead to the problem of social instability.A.itselfB.mustC.didD.never参考答案:C10.If I had remembered _ the door, the things would not have been stolen.A.to lockB.lockingC.to have lockedD.having locked参考答案:A11.Helen had to shout _ above the sound of the musicA.making herself hearB.to make herself hearC.making herself heardD.to make herself heard参考答案:D12.We all believe that computer _ smaller and smaller in the coming years.A.can be becomeB.will be gotC.will be changedD.can turn参考答案:D13.You should have thanked her before you left.I meant_, but when I was leaving I couldnt find her anywhere.A.to doB.toC.doingD.doing so参考答案:B14.It was the officer _ informed the village of the danger.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.whether参考答案:B15.You arent using this typewriter, _ ?A.are youB.do youC.will youD.have you参考答案:A16.People appreciate _ with him because he has a good sense of humor.A.to workB.to have workedC.workingD.have working参考答案:C17.Your shirt needs _. Youd better have it done today.A.ironB.to ironC.ironingD.being ironed参考答案:C18.You should go to the grand opening ceremony, _ ?A.arent youB.shouldnt youC.wouldnt youD.dont you参考答案:B19.I remember _ him _ the bike needed _.A.hearing . saying . to repairB.to hear . say . to repairC.hearing . say . repairingD.to hear . saying . to be repaired参考答案:C20._ in simple English, the book is easy to understand.A.WritingB.WrittenC.To writeD.Being written参考答案:B21.John does a lot of housework every evening, but now he _ his schoolmates with their lessons.A.helpB.is helpingC.helpsD.has helped参考答案:B22.If you refuse to go to the party, _.A.so would sheB.so does sheC.so will sheD.neither will she参考答案:C23.Robert is said to _ abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in.A.to have studiedB.to studyC.to be studyingD.to have been studying参考答案:A24.My classmate _ a lot of good deeds for others.A.has been doneB.didC.was doingD.had done参考答案:B25.In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they _.A.have survivedB.are to surviveC.would survivedD.will survive参考答案:B26.The little girl must have lain there for a long time, _ ?A.mustnt sheB.hasnt sheC.wasnt sheD.didnt she参考答案:B27.Her application for the position _ by the boss.A.was refusedB.was refusingC.refusedD.is refusing参考答案:A28.We can go when the ground _.A.is dryingB.has driedC.driedD.dry参考答案:B29.The bank is reported in the local newspaper _ in broad daylight yesterday.A.robbedB.to have been robbedC.being robbedD.having been robbed参考答案:B30.By the end of 2020 China _ much stronger and richer.A.will becomeB.would becomeC.is becomingD.will have become参考答案:D


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