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外研英语外研英语(yn y)七年级下七年级下ModuleUnit教教学学第一页,共44页。The National Stadium(中国(中国(zhn u))国家体育场国家体育场第1页/共44页第二页,共44页。学习目标学习目标:1.掌握新单词和短语。掌握新单词和短语。2.能听懂和运用关于指路能听懂和运用关于指路与问路的英语关系。与问路的英语关系。3.能读懂对话能读懂对话(duhu),理解对话理解对话(duhu)。 第2页/共44页第三页,共44页。Words and expressionsstreetn. 银行银行(ynhng)n. 博物馆博物馆prep. 沿着沿着prep. 越过越过v. 穿过穿过prep. 在在的对面的对面n. 游客游客v. 原谅;谅解原谅;谅解劳驾,对不起劳驾,对不起n. 街道街道第3页/共44页第四页,共44页。turnthirdguidebookbookshoprightWhy not?couldundergroundtakev. 换方向换方向mum. 第三第三n. 导游手册导游手册n. 书店书店adj. 右边的右边的, 正确的正确的 n. 右边右边为什么不为什么不?aux.可以;可以; 能能n.地铁地铁v. 搭乘;乘坐;固定使用搭乘;乘坐;固定使用(shyng); 把(某人)带往;使(某人)到把(某人)带往;使(某人)到 Words and expressions第4页/共44页第五页,共44页。between, behind, in front of , next to, on the right/left, opposite第5页/共44页第六页,共44页。betweenoppositeon the corner of next to 第6页/共44页第七页,共44页。school gate第7页/共44页第八页,共44页。 between in behind in front of beside There are five buildings_ the school. The office building is _the playground and the lab. The garden is _ _the office building. The Library is _ the office building. We can see that the lab is _ the office building . in betweenin front ofbehindbeside第8页/共44页第九页,共44页。第9页/共44页第十页,共44页。Practice1.The bank is the bookshop the supermaket. 2. The bank is the cinema.4. The restaurant is the cinema.5. Where is the supermarket ? Its . Its . betweenandoppositenext tonext to the bankopposite the hospitalIts on the corner of the old street.第10页/共44页第十一页,共44页。Practice1.The bookshop is the library the bank.3. The bank is the cinema.4. The restaurant is the cinema.5. Where is the supermarket ? Its . Its . betweenbetweenandandopposite opposite next tonext tonext to the banknext to the bankopposite the hospitalopposite the hospitalIts Its on the corner of the old street.on the corner of the old street.第11页/共44页第十二页,共44页。 Go straight ahead.Go along the road. Turn right / left. It is on the right / left.leftrightShowing the wayShowing the way Walk/Go across the road.Cross the road.第12页/共44页第十三页,共44页。go across the roadcross the roadgo along the street第13页/共44页第十四页,共44页。1. 用英语用英语(yn y)问路的常用句型有:问路的常用句型有: Could you tell me how to get to.? How could/can I get to .? Is there a-near here? Where is? Could/Can you tell me the way to .? 第14页/共44页第十五页,共44页。The ways to answer.(指路(指路(zh l)的常用句的常用句型型):1. Its next to/beside/opposite/2. Its betweenand.3. Its on the(your) right/left.4. Go along/ across5. Go straight ahead.6. Turn left at the +序数词序数词+streetinto第15页/共44页第十六页,共44页。第16页/共44页第十七页,共44页。market Swimming pool A: the market?B: the street and its the swimming pool. Go acrossoppositeExcuse me ,How could I get toGo acrossstreet第17页/共44页第十八页,共44页。 Changan Jie go alongbankbookshopturn leftCan you tell me the way to the bank?Excuse me ,A:Go along Changan Jie and then turn left.Its on the right.B:第18页/共44页第十九页,共44页。Bank Changan Jie Hotel go alongWenjin Jie- Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the bank?- Go along Changan Jie and then turn left at the second crossing. Its on the right.第19页/共44页第二十页,共44页。A:Could you tell me how to get to.? How could/can I get to .? Is there a-near here? Could/Can you tell me the way to .? B: Bus stopRestaurant SchoolSupermarketParkStoreBookstoreToiletHospitalFactoryZooMuseumA AZhongshang Road Changping RoadTaishan streetHuanghe street第20页/共44页第二十一页,共44页。Lets have a school trip to Beijing together.What places are they? Where are they?第21页/共44页第二十二页,共44页。 Tian anmen Square 天安门广场天安门广场第22页/共44页第二十三页,共44页。Wangfujing Dajie王府井大街王府井大街第23页/共44页第二十四页,共44页。Wangfujing Dajie第24页/共44页第二十五页,共44页。The National Stadium(中国(中国(zhn u))国)国家体育场家体育场第25页/共44页第二十六页,共44页。the Olympic Sports Centre奥林匹克体育中心奥林匹克体育中心第26页/共44页第二十七页,共44页。bookshop第27页/共44页第二十八页,共44页。an underground station 一个地铁一个地铁(dti)车站车站an underground= a subway 第28页/共44页第二十九页,共44页。1Listening and vocabularybabcd3214cadNow listen and number the places as you hear them.第29页/共44页第三十页,共44页。along across cross oppositeTheres a station opposite our school gate.第30页/共44页第三十一页,共44页。3.Read the conversation again and complete the tableAsk Answer 1.Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie? 1. Go across Dong Changan Jie, go along the street and turn left at the third street on the left. There you are.2. Is there a bookshop near here?2.Yes, there is a big bookshop over there.3.How can I get there?3.Just along Xi Changan Jie, on the right, opposite the bank.4.Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?4.Sure! Go along the street and youll see an underground station. Take the Underground to the Olympic Sports Centre, or you can take a bus or a taxi.第31页/共44页第三十二页,共44页。station?could excuse policeman street tourist undergroundExcusestreettouristpolicemanCouldunderground第32页/共44页第三十三页,共44页。Language points这是一句典型这是一句典型(dinxng)的问路用语。类似的表达:的问路用语。类似的表达: How can I get / go to? Can you show me the way to? Where is? Is there near here?等等。等等。 上句可写为:上句可写为:How can I get to Wangfujing Dajie?Can you show me the way to Wangfujing Dajie?第33页/共44页第三十四页,共44页。1) go across 穿过穿过, go/ walk along 沿着沿着(yn zhe)走走 go straight ahead 径直向前走径直向前走指路指路(zh l)时还有时还有go down, go up,go past (经过(经过)go down 指下坡或者往南走指下坡或者往南走(上北下南上北下南) go up 指上坡或者北上指上坡或者北上; go along 沿着沿着.走走. 或返指沿着或返指沿着.走走 指引方向用语:指引方向用语:第34页/共44页第三十五页,共44页。left 左边左边(zu bian),它的反义词是,它的反义词是 right 右边右边 on the left / right 在左在左/右边右边 on my left / right 在我的左在我的左/ 右边右边 on the left / right of 在在的左的左/右边右边例如例如(lr):Turn left into Changan Jie and turn right into Chang Jie.第35页/共44页第三十六页,共44页。例如:例如: 1) Go down this street, turn right at the third crossing. 沿着沿着(yn zhe)这条街走在第三个十字路口右转。这条街走在第三个十字路口右转。2) Take the first turning on the left. 是在第一个转弯处左转是在第一个转弯处左转(zu zhun) 第36页/共44页第三十七页,共44页。Is there near here? 在这儿在这儿(zhr)附近有附近有吗?吗?4. How can I get there? 我怎样我怎样(znyng)能到那里?能到那里?5. Why not ask the policeman over there? 为什么不去问一下那边的那位警察呢?为什么不去问一下那边的那位警察呢?Why not ? 为什么不为什么不呢?呢?表示提建议表示提建议. why not 后面要跟动词原型后面要跟动词原型. 例如:例如: Why not have a picnic this afternoon?(= Why dont you ask the policeman over there?)第37页/共44页第三十八页,共44页。一、翻译一、翻译(fny)下列词下列词组组1、到达、到达(dod)2、在左边、在左边(zu bian)3、在、在的前面的前面4、在这附近、在这附近5、去、去的路的路6、在那里、在那里7、向左转、向左转8、乘地铁、乘地铁get toon the leftin front ofnear herethe way toover thereturn lefttake the underground第38页/共44页第三十九页,共44页。二、二、 单项选择单项选择(xunz)1. Could you tell me how to _ the National Stadium?A. go B. get C. be D. get to2. Go _the street, you will see a shop.A. to B. cross C. on D. across3. Mary is sitting next _me. We are good friends.A. on B. of C. to D. in4. Its down the street _ the left?A. on B. in C. to D. from5. The post office is across _ the park.A.to B. from C. on D. nearDDCAB第39页/共44页第四十页,共44页。school and the park.A. on B. across C. to D. between10. Let Jane _ the art club. She likes drawing very much.A. joins B. joining C. join D. to joinDACDC第40页/共44页第四十一页,共44页。to getWalkingdontwatches第41页/共44页第四十二页,共44页。bank4. They like football. We like football.(合并为一句合并为一句)They like football _ we like football,_.5. There will be a concert at the weekend. (改为否定句改为否定句)How canis good atopposite andwont betoo第42页/共44页第四十三页,共44页。Thank you!Thank you!第43页/共44页第四十四页,共44页。


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