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三年级英语(下册)作业设计单位:滨海县第二实验小学姓名:徐冬霞 孟礼红三年级英语(下册)作业设计Unit1 In class(一)一、 能工巧匠 (补全句子,注意大小写。)1. the door .2. Close window .3. -Come in ,please . - sorry .4. morning , class .二、 火眼金睛 (找出与情景相符的句子。) ( )1.上课你迟到了,你会对老师说: A .Come in ,please . B. Im sorry . ( )2.教室里很热,老师会对同学们说:A. Open the window . B . Close the window .(设计意图:考察学生对于新学句子、四会单词的理解运用。)(二)一、 大家来找茬 (找出不同类的单词。)( ) 1. A open B book C close( ) 2. A up B down C stand ( ) 3. A orange B blackboard C black( ) 4. A T-shirt B egg C skirt二、 口语展示台 (将下列句子排成一段通顺的对话,将序号填入下面横线上,并读一读。)A. Stand up ,please .B. Good morning ,class .C. Class begins .D. Sit down ,please .E. Good moring ,Mr Li . (设计意图:考察学生对于已学单词的理解,归类。能熟练地区分动词、名词、颜色、食物、衣服类单次。目的是让学生更好得掌握记忆单词的途径。学生能够熟练运用课堂日常用语。)(三)一、大家来找茬(判断每组单词画线部分的读音是否相同T or F) ( ) 1. book rubber ( ) 2. ball hot dog ( ) 3. birthday black ( ) 4.big parrot 三、 火眼金睛 (找出与情景相符的句子。)( ) 1. 当你上课注意力不集中时,老师会对你说: A. Sit down . B . Look at the blackboard ,please .( ) 2. 你想让同学站起来,你应该说: A. Stand up . B. Sit down ,please .(设计意图:能够正确掌握字母b的读音,灵活运用所学句型。)Unit 2 In the library(一)一、能工巧匠 (补全句子,注意大小写。)1. an egg .2. Dont in class .3. Drink some .二、大手牵小手 (选择正确的答句。)( ) 1. Dont shout . A . How nice !( ) 2. Would you like a sweet ? B . Im sorry .( ) 3. Look at my cap . C. Yes , please . (设计意图:熟练运用本单元的四会单词,掌握运用祈使句、否定祈使句及复习上学期所学的Would you like句型)(二)一、百里挑一 (选择填空。)( ) 1. A: Dont sleep in class . B: A . Im sorry . B . Thank you .( ) 2. A: What this ? B: A. Its red . B . Its a ball .( ) 3. Dont . I want to sleep . A . shout B . eat ( ) 4. Its orange . A . a B. an ( ) 5. talk in class . A. dont B. Dont ( ) 6. A: Would you like an ice cream ? B: A. Thank you . B. No, thank you .(设计意图:利用选择题考察学生对否定祈使句的回答及在具体情境中的运用。复习巩固特殊疑问句的回答和不定冠词的运用。)(三)一、口语展示台 (选择正确答案,完成对话,并读一读。)Bobby: Hello ,Sam !Sam: Bobby: Oh, sorry . Whats this ?Sam: Bobby: Is this your pie ?Sam: No . Would you like an egg ?Bobby: .A . Yes ,please . B . Shh, dont shout .C . Its a pie .D . Its for Anna .(设计意图:考察学生对于所学句型的理解及运用。并要求学大声读出,有效地复习巩固,并对口语进行训练。)Unit 3 Is this your pencil?(一)一、能工巧匠(补全句子,注意大小写。)1. A: is the pencil ? B: Its over there .2. A: that your pen ? B: No, it .3. A: Is this my rubber ? B: , it is .4. Would you like egg ?5. A: This is you ,Bobby . B: Thank you .(设计意图:检测学生对于四会单词where的掌握和运用,以及一般疑问句的肯定和否定回答。)(二)一、火眼金睛 (找出不同类的单词。)( ) 1. A. pencil B. where C. pen ( ) 2. A. shout B. sleep C. dont( ) 3. A. is B. this C. that ( ) 4. A. you B. your C. my 二、百里挑一 (选出与情景相符的句子。)( ) 1.你想告诉大家,那不是你的尺子,你可以说:A. That isnt my rubber . B. That isnt my ruler . ( ) 2. 你想知道这钢笔是不是Sam的,你可以说:A. Is that my pen ,Sam ?B. Is this your pen , Sam ?(设计意图:考察学生对这些单词的理解和归类,让学生掌握记忆单词的方法。复习巩固一般疑问句和陈述句。)(三)口语展示台(将下列句子整理成一段通顺的对话,并读一读。)( ) Yes , it is . Thats my pencil .( ) Is that your pencil ?( ) This isnt my pencil .( ) Is this your pencil ?( ) Thank you .( ) No , it isnt .(设计意图:让学生能够在具体的语境中熟练运用一般疑问句及其答语。)Unit 4 Wheres the bird?(一)一、大手牵小手(从B栏找出A栏的答句。) A B( ) 1. Wheres the bird ? A . Hes here .( ) 2. What is it ? B .Yes ,it is .( ) 3. Wheres Jim ? C. Yes ,it is .( ) 4. Please close the door . D. Its in the tree .( ) 5. Dont shout here . E . Sorry ,Mr Li .( ) 6. Is this your box ? F. Its a book .二、百里挑一 (选出与情景相符的句子。)( )1.你找不到你的椅子,可以说:A. This isnt my chair .B. Wheres my chair .( )2.你发现你的钢笔在书桌里,可以说:A. Its on the desk .B. Its in the desk .(设计意图:考察学生对于所学句型的理解及回答。以及在具体语境中的灵活运用。)(二)一、大家来找茬(判断每组单词画线部分的读音是否相同T or F)( )1. desk bird ( )2. stand sleep( )3. ruler birthday ( )4. cap up 二、百里挑一(选词填空。)1. My book (is , am ) on the desk .2. The bird is (in , on ) the tree .3. (Look , Look at ) my shirt .Its nice .4. Is (you , your ) pen in the book ?(三)快乐阅读(判断正误 T or F)Liu Tao : Whats this ?Mike : Its a schoolbag .Liu Tao : Is this your schoolbag ?Mike : No, it isnt . My schoolbag is blue .Liu Tao : Wheres your schoolbag ?Mike : Guess .Liu Tao : Is it under your desk ?Mike : Yes ,it is .( )1. Liu Taos schoolbag is blue .( )2. This is Liu Taos schoolbag .( )3. Mikes schoolbag is under Mikes desk . (设计意图:设计两位同学的日常对话,考察学生对于语篇的理解,在语篇中捕捉信息的能力。)Project 1一、百里挑一 (选择)( )1. Listen me ,please . A. at B. to C. in( )2. Please dont my milk . A. eat B. shout C. drink( )3. That isnt robot. A. I B. my C. me 二、快乐阅读(将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话,并读一读。)( ) Is he in the library ?( ) Hes in the classroom .( ) Wheres Wang Bing ?( ) Let me see . Yes , it is .( ) No. He isnt in the classroom .Unit5 How old are you?(一)一听录音,给下列数字排序。 4 7 5 8( )( )( )( ) 2 910 6( )( )( )( )二找朋友。( )1.How old are you?( )2.How lovely!( )3.This is for you.( )4.Im nine.A.我九岁了。B.这是给你的。C.你多大了?D.多么可爱啊!【设计意图:巩固所学数字,句子,听懂会读并能对号入座。】(二)一连线,使左右两边的数字相加等于10。oneB.lsixfiveB.C.eightthreellseventwollfivefourlF.nine二给下列句子排序。 ( )Make a wish.( )Happy Birthday to you!( )Its time for the cake.( )How old are you?( )I want a toy car.(三)一选出你所听到的单词。( )1.A.howBnowC.new( )2.A.nineBfiveC.right( )3.A.wishBwindowC.want( )4.A.cakeBmakeC.old( )5.A.forBfiveC.time二写出下列数字的左邻右舍。1three2six3nine4five【设计意图:既复习了单词,同时训练学生的听力,书写能力。】Unit6 What time is it?(一)一 选出不同类的单词( )1. A. time B. desk C. chair( )2. A. lunch B. breakfast C. birthday( )3. A. bed B. open C. door( )4. A. twelve B. pencil C. eleven二根据所给情境选择合适的句子( )1.你想知道几点了,该怎么说:A. How old are you? B. What time is it? C. Wheres the clock?( )2.你想告诉同学们是上课的时候了,你会说:A. Hurry up. B.Its time for bed. C. Its time for class.( )3.你去叫弟弟起床时,你会说:A. Hurry up. B. Stand up. C. Wake up.( )4. 你告诉别人你11岁了,你会说:A. Im eleven. B. Its eleven oclock. C.Im eleven oclock.【设计意图:这部分考题是学生最为喜爱的题目之一,让学生结合生活实际回答真正做到学以致用。】(二)一英汉互译1. 几点 2.七点 3. 睡觉的时候了 4. 8岁 5. over there 6. wake up 二写出下列组合的完整形式或缩写形式 1. dont 2. its 3. that is 4. who is 5. Im 6. wheres 【设计意图:这部分是考查学生对课文中出现的重点短语和单词的运用。】(三)一把下列单词进行分类dinner eleven schoolbag two pencil breakfast ten ruler lunch1. 2. 3. 二根据上下文情景完成对话 A: What is it? B: Its (八点整) A: Oh,its for B: Hurry up.A: Lets go.【设计意图:本部分考查书写本单元的部分常见常用和学生记忆容易混淆的单词,是这个单元的重点。】Unit7 On the farm(一)一 单项选择( )1. Nice meet you. A. for B. to C. in( )2. Welcome my farm. A. for B. to C. in( )3. What those?A. is B. am C. are( )4. those apples?A. Is B.Are C. are二判断下列单词中画线部分读音是否一致,用T/F表示。( )farm welcome ( )six sorry( )ten time ( )door desk【设计意图:检查学生对所学单词的语音知识掌握程度。】(二)一从II栏中选出I栏相对应的答句 I II( )1. Is that a bird? A. Im sorry.( )2. Dont shout. B. No, it isnt.( )3. Is my ruler in your bag? C. Its blue.( )4. What are these? D. Yes, it is.( )5. What colour is the box? E. Theyre boxes.【设计意图:考查学生在理解句意的基础上,能做出正确回答。旨在让学生熟练掌握交际用语的运用能力。】二 把下列词组补充完整并翻译成中文1. an( ) 2. ( )pears 3. these( ) 4. ( )the farm ( 设计意图: 检查学生灵活搭配词组,灵活运用基础知识的能力)(三)一根据首字母填空1.A:Welcom to my f , Mike. B:Thank y , John.2.A:What a those?B:Theyre p .二英汉互译1. 这个橘子 2. 这些梨 3. on the farm 4. look at 6. 在椅子上 6. 他们是 【设计意图:本部分考查学生对四会单词的书写。】Unit8 Were twins(一)一选出不同类的单词( )1.A. boy B. baby C. open( )2.A. aunt B. desk C. chair( )3.A. man B. woman C. apple( )4.A. he B. she C. my二根据所给情景选择合适的句子( )1. 你想知道远处的那个女孩是谁,你会怎么说:A. Whos the woman? B. Whos that girl? C. Whos the girl?( )2. 你告诉别人他是你的叔叔,你会说:A. Shes my uncle. B. Hes my cousin. C. Hes my uncle.( )3. 你告诉别人,你们是双胞胎,你会说:A. Were twins. B. Were brothers. C. Were sisters.( )4. 你想问她是谁,你会说:A.Whos she? B. Whos the woman? C. Whos he?【设计意图:这部分题目是让学生结合生活实际回答真正做到学以致用。】(二)一听录音,选出你所听到的内容。( )1.A. uncle B. aunt C. father( )2.A. man B. boy C. woman( )3.A. bird B.duck C. chicken( )4.A. he B. she C. my二听录音,根据所听内容,选择合适的应答。( )1.A. Yes, it is. B. No, theyre apples ( )2.A. Hes my cousin. B. Shes my aunt.( )3.A. Im ten B. Its ten.( )4.A. Theyre pears B. Its a pear. (三)一将下列句子排列成一段完整的对话,把序号填在括号里。( )Nice to meet you, Nacy.( )Is that woman your mother?( )Good afternoon, Yang Ling.( )No, she isnt.( )This is my friend, Nancy.( )Look at the picture. This is my family.( )Shes my aunt.( )Good afternoon.( )Whos she?( )Nice to meet you, too.【设计意图:这一项主要是考核学生的综合性的能力和对对话的理解以及认知能力。】二 听录音,根据所听内容,将对话补充完整。1. A: Whos the ? B: my 2. A: this your B: Yes, 3. A: the ? B: Mikes .Project2 A magic clock(一)一、请选择适当的词填空。1. The boy _ (are / is) Liu Xiang.2. Look _ ( at / on) the boy.3. Is _ (he / she) Sams daughter?4. _ (Is / Are) they tall? Yes, they _ (arent / are).5. Jack and Lily _ (is / are) brother and sister.6. Look at _ (I / my) family tree.二读一读,选择正确的答案。( )1. that your crayon? Yes, .A. Is, it is. B, Is isnt. C. Are, they are.( )2.This rubber is for you. .A. Yes. B OK. C. Thank you.( )3.Is that parrot? No, isntA. you, it B your, he C. your, it( )4. is this? A. What B Whats C. what( )5.Where s my schoolbag? A. Thats my schoolbag. B Its my schoolbag. C. Its over there.【设计意图:这部分是学生要学习的重点句型,主要考查学生对单词和句子的认知能力。】(二)一、根据所听内容顺序在括号内写上相应的数字,将句子排序。( ) Is this your cap? ( ) Look, your cap is over there. ( ) Wheres my cap? ( ) No, it isnt. ( ) Dont shout. 二、阅读对话,选择正确答案。Liu Tao : Hi, Su Hai. Is this your crayon?Yang Ling: No. This crayon is green. Its Yang Lings. M y crayon is red.Liu Tao : Yang Ling, is this your crayon?Yang Ling: Yes, it is. Thank you. Whats this?Liu Tao : Its a pen. Its my birthday present.(生日礼物) .Yang Ling: How nice! Is the new pencil case your present, too?Liu Tao : No, it isnt. Its Su Yangs.( ) 1. This is crayon. A. Liu Taos B. Su HaisC. Yang Lings ( ) 2. The pencil case is . A. Su Yangs B. Liu Taos C. Yang Lings( ) 3. Liu Taos crayon is . A. greenB. red C. blue( ) 4. Yang Lings crayon is . A. green B. red C. blue( ) 5. Liu Taos present isa . A. crayonB. pencil case C. pen【设计意图:学生学习语言,不能只停留在“理解”的层面上,更重要的是“运用”。通过这个练习,让学生学用结合,进一步领会所学语言的意义和用法,充分显示了课堂向课外的延伸。】


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